First off, the mod seems to only be working reliably at the NA/EU and GamezBD servers because all others changed their AntiCheat software in a way that makes it double down on any modified files. So if you are from a different server than those, this might already be the cause.
Before making another attempt at installing the mod you should vanilla your game. Use the "restore backup" option in meta injector and if you made a backup of the unmodded pad00000.meta file, simply delete the one that's currently there and replace it with the original. (if not, delete it and run the launcher to let it download a new one. might take several minutes because the launcher will do a complete integrity check.)
During the installation process in meta injector make sure you select the "keep file and folder structures" option instead of "let the program decide" (resorples installer's message to do it the other way round is not up to date anymore). Once you're done installing use the "prevent file-recheck" option in the injector (I'm not 100% sure it still does something, but I do it after every installation and haven't run into your issue yet so... :D)
The warning in the header is not necessarily a sign of you doing something wrong, it's just another symptom of the outdated-but-still-kinda-working state of the mod and modding tools and can be disregarded :)
Many Thanks for all Patax2.
I live in Europe.
Yes . After every attemp I have tried, I have cleaned the game, by restoring back up, and even runnimg the game to check it was working perfectly to play. And it was all the times. Then I restarted all this process to get the mod into the game four times.
As you said, during installation process in meta injector the mod presents the two options: "keep file and folder structures" and "let the program decide", but I can't choose between them, because the first one is in red and the second in green and preceded by an arrow. And it seems to me that I can't choose between them, because the interface said: "Press any key to continue", and when I press "up arrow", to change my choice, the program run, and I suppose it's doing by the second option: "let the program decide". It is just a speculation.
Don't know if the interface of everybody shows the same colours: red (keep file and folder structure) green (let the program decide) and if the arrow it's behind this second options.
Many thanks again. I would like so much to have this mod working on.
EDIT 1- okey. I was wrong. After this menu, you can chooose between the two options, in the first interface menu of Meta Injector. So I am keeping file and folder structure. I-mo gonna try again, and i'll tell you.
I suppose now I got everyting okey. Which steps, one by one, should make now?
- Move all exe mod files from paz game folder to another place?
- Move all folders created by the mod from paz game folder to another place?
-Anything else?
I suppose i'm very near of it, but i don't know how much.
Many thanks
EDIT 2: I have tried for the fifth time. Just all the steps as I described in my post, and following Patax2 suggerences and it doesn't work for me. The game goes to black, crashes and closes. Don' know what to do. Any idea?