Black Desert Online Resorepless Nude Mod (2 Viewers)


Casual Client
Apr 10, 2021
Yes, i'd already applied it. But it's actually small parts of npc :P
Indeed, it's not all of them. :( (balenos, driegan, elves + that dark knight from the Odylita quest - ?Atoraxia? and mediah I think). Someone else uploaded some extra NPC mods in these threads, but you'll have to do some digging to find the post where he uploaded it (can't remember the name or the thread, sorry).

From what I understand, NPCs dont have bodies, so you either have to change their pac to give them another NPC's body and shape/textures, or add a new body to their file.
I guess you could copy the pac of an NPC with naked body and apply it to the others if you know their filenames, but then they would all look the same... For instance, nhw_adult_guard_0011 is ROMARY in Calpheon stables and nhw_adult_rich_0009 is princess JARETTE.


Casual Client
Apr 10, 2021
does anyone have a gamecommondata file that can reduce the scales to 0.5 or lower? Thanks
Some are 0.5, some are 0.7 because 0.5 became quite small for some bodyparts (making stick figures).
You can open all files and use notepad +++ to change the lines you want for all opened documents to go faster. Not all characters will have the same numbers so you can't change all of them at once. There are a couple of posts telling you which folder corresponds to which class.
To minimize risks of errors, I select the index # and the whole Min series (ex: Index="130" Min="0.90 0.88 0.88") then click "replace all in all opened documents" with the Min numbers you want, to work in batch.
Some classes folder # are also present in "newcustomdata" folder. I think you have to modify the files in that folder for them to take effect in game.

Hope this helps :) have fun in your modding adventures :)
P.S. my "attach file" doesnt seem to want to stick to the post :( you'll have to follow these instructions to do it manually for now I'm afraid :(
P.P.S. Today it seems happy, I'm trying to upload the sliders again.


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Casual Client
Apr 25, 2012
Try the partcutGEN tool from undercovertpervert and add pgw_10_?b_0020.pac to your list in partcutdesc_exclusions.txt that will be generated by the tool. It should tell the game to only NOT cut ub and lb for that outfit for guardian (if you have an edited version of the armor that shows skin in the ub and lb part of your guardian).
That tool saved me a lot of grey hair pulling trying to mess with the partcut files.
If you want to go the manual partcut editing route, make sure the lines where you apply the commands to cut or not cut actually pertain to the foot part of the armor (see the /cut relation at the bottom of the partcutdesc.html file to see what it's programmed to cut or not cut). For instance, if you're modifying a line that's in the "ub cuts" part, it will have no effect on the foot parts of the armor.
Sometimes, some cuts are defined in strange, unintuitive parts though. Like hands or sho that would control cuts on foot or breasts for instance. That relationship will still be true when using the partcutGen tool, so you'll have to experiment with other parts if you find that you have holes in ub despite telling it to not cut ub for example.

hope this helps, have fun in your modding edventures =)

P.S. If all fails, it means that the clipping can only be fixed with a mesh edit (modifying the pac file).
There is a thread explaining the troubleshooting steps to fixing holes and clipping to see if partcut will be able to solve it or not. Basically, start by using a vanilla partcut file (delete your modified one) and see if the issue is fixed. If it is, then it means that partcut can save you. Otherwise, you'll have to find other workarounds like editing the mesh or the _ao file of an underwear you wear regularly to erase that part of the clipping foot.

I have an old partcut file, so the last time I tried using a partcutGen my game practically exploded over all the missing holes and such! lol

I'll try again though and maybe this time I'll try and combine my old with my new and see if that works. Thanks for the suggestion!


Casual Client
Apr 10, 2021
I have an old partcut file, so the last time I tried using a partcutGen my game practically exploded over all the missing holes and such! lol

I'll try again though and maybe this time I'll try and combine my old with my new and see if that works. Thanks for the suggestion!
read the help on partcutgen. It uses something totally different (and easier) to create its own partcutdesc.html. Dont combine your old with the tool or it will just override the tool's own partcut.
The first time you run it, it will create a partcutexclusion.txt file that you can edit to add the armors you dont want to cut (to show skin instead of holes). The syntax is standard so easy to use with wildcard possibilities. (? for a single character, # for a single digit, * for a ny string of character, etc.) It will change your life and you'll wonder how you managed to mod without if before :p

Here is mine to give you some ideas or to get you started. I dont have all armors in it.


14.7 KB · Views: 118


Potential Patron
Mar 3, 2021
I've just spent the last 2 hours trying to get the 3D genitals for the "new" classes from Nova to whatever the latest release is (I haven't played nor modded the game with this since 2020)

Can anyone get me up to speed on how to do all of this again? I've tried Suzu's MetaInjector method with the model packs but it just ends up crashing my game every time after I join a server, so only Resorepless works, but then I don't get all the outfits and updated models...


Casual Client
Apr 10, 2021
I've just spent the last 2 hours trying to get the 3D genitals for the "new" classes from Nova to whatever the latest release is (I haven't played nor modded the game with this since 2020)

Can anyone get me up to speed on how to do all of this again? I've tried Suzu's MetaInjector method with the model packs but it just ends up crashing my game every time after I join a server, so only Resorepless works, but then I don't get all the outfits and updated models...
if it crashes on server choice, it could be your gamecommondata folder that needs to be updated. (there are some available a few posts or pages back)
Resorepless can still be used as base, but to get the rest of the mods, you'll need to add SUZU's files to the files_to_patch\character\ folders before running meta injector.
I dont think you need to bother with the 3D options in resorepless as SUZU's new bodies will overwrite those programmed in resorepless (files outside of .resorepless folder will overwrite those in that folder, created by resorepless).
The rest should be like you remember :)
Have fun in your modding adventures =)


Potential Patron
Jul 4, 2017
may I have a link to the BDO nsfw discord? I left it last year when I quit BDO. I tried finding a link but I’m unable to find one (unless I’m looking in the wrong spot) and I’d like to rejoin so I can get some of the modded outfits I remember seeing on one of the channels.


Casual Client
Mar 14, 2016
Doesn't seem to work .

Downloaded Suzu's "files_to_patch" folder , copy-pasted it in the paz folder , downloaded BDOtoolkit and Meta Injector , copy-pasted Meta Injector in the same directory as the PAD00000 file just like it asked , ran BDOToolkit as admin , ran Meta Injector as admin , patch files....and......0 files patched . Might be cause I'm on the "Gamez" private server , might be cause I just made some mistake without noticing but that's about it .

( .net framework is up to date in case anyone might wonder )

Tried posting a similar message in Suzu's mods thread as well for better chances at getting some reply .


Casual Client
Apr 10, 2021
Doesn't seem to work .

Downloaded Suzu's "files_to_patch" folder , copy-pasted it in the paz folder , downloaded BDOtoolkit and Meta Injector , copy-pasted Meta Injector in the same directory as the PAD00000 file just like it asked , ran BDOToolkit as admin , ran Meta Injector as admin , patch files....and......0 files patched . Might be cause I'm on the "Gamez" private server , might be cause I just made some mistake without noticing but that's about it .

( .net framework is up to date in case anyone might wonder )

Tried posting a similar message in Suzu's mods thread as well for better chances at getting some reply .
a search for "GameZ" shows several posts saying it doesnt work on that private server :(


Potential Patron
Mar 10, 2016
Not sure if anyone else is having this issue but all of the characters except for Tamer & Witch have textures without any nudity on them. As is everyone appears nude, but they don't have nipple/vagina texture details. If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong and or how to fix this issue I'd be MUCH obliged


Potential Patron
Mar 23, 2016
im having a problem getting this to work, i follow the instructions and when i launch the game every time it thinks its a wrong version and tries to patch, of course every time it corrupts files and has to fix them, ive tried a dozen times now and cant find a solution


Casual Client
Jun 21, 2016
someone have partcutdesc working for all suzu "new nude bodies"?
i have a problem with Tamer cant render character in game.


Potential Patron
Mar 10, 2016
im having a problem getting this to work, i follow the instructions and when i launch the game every time it thinks its a wrong version and tries to patch, of course every time it corrupts files and has to fix them, ive tried a dozen times now and cant find a solution
Have you followed the instillation instructions on page one word for word. Had it install & function without many issues after following them, only issue I have is no characters have nudity textures except for Witch/Tamer/Shai


Potential Patron
Sep 1, 2021
I got the mod to work on day 1, but then came patch day and now It wants to fix the corrupted files. I did read over many posts about this and tried many things but still either mod is not working or game re-patches again. I let it patch, then make a copy of the new pad00000.meta. Then I extracted metainjector to the paz folder and ran it. Didnt look like it did anything. Ran the game - no mod. So then I extracted Toolkit-installer and Resorpless back into Paz folder and ran them again. Ran Meta-injector again. Launched game, but again it wants to re-patch.

After re-patch, now again I made a copy of the new pad00000.meta. I closed the game and I guess now I should extract the above 3 downloads back into the Paz folder ( I had deleted them last attempt), run all 3 again. But then remove the resulting pad00000.meta from Paz folder and put the clean copy back in? Launch the game and it shouldn't want to re-patch but then I guess I have to run meta-injector again. Exactly when and how to do this? Right click it in the Paz folder and "run as admin" before I hit "start game" or while game is running live? Please someone help. Obviously Im not good at computers.
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Casual Client
Apr 10, 2021
I got the mod to work on day 1, but then came patch day and now It wants to fix the corrupted files. I did read over many posts about this and tried many things but still either mod is not working or game re-patches again. I let it patch, then make a copy of the new pad00000.meta. Then I extracted metainjector to the paz folder and ran it. Didnt look like it did anything. Ran the game - no mod. So then I extracted Toolkit-installer and Resorpless back into Paz folder and ran them again. Ran Meta-injector again. Launched game, but again it wants to re-patch.

After re-patch, now again I made a copy of the new pad00000.meta. I closed the game and I guess now I should extract the above 3 downloads back into the Paz folder ( I had deleted them last attempt), run all 3 again. But then remove the resulting pad00000.meta from Paz folder and put the clean copy back in? Launch the game and it shouldn't want to re-patch but then I guess I have to run meta-injector again. Exactly when and how to do this? Right click it in the Paz folder and "run as admin" before I hit "start game" or while game is running live? Please someone help. Obviously Im not good at computers.
Get familiar with patch day re-applying mod because it will be happening every week.
People will be reluctant to answer because there are indeed countless posts about patch day "mod not working anymore" issues.

You didnt say which server you play on but since you didnt mention the bypass tool, I'll assume you play on EU/NA.
On EU/NA servers, you dont need to delete anything from your paz folder. You install everything once, and leave them there.

On patch day, you can either run meta injector and chose 3. restore backup to restore a GREEN backup (= latest pad000), or just let the thing update by itself, it will replace your modded pad00 with the new one for that update.

Once it's done patching, run the game without mods to let it finish the patching process (otherwise you'll run into the issue you and everyone else posting is having: "game re-patching itself and getting rid of the mod").

Once it's done with the whole patching process, THEN you can run meta injector to re-apply your mods (dont even have to close the launcher).
It will be green, letting you know that the pad000 is "clean" (un-modded) when you run it. This will replace the pad000 with your modded one (created automatically by meta injector) and once it's done, you can click "play" and start the game.

Make sure to run meta injector as administrator if you run into issues during the patching process. The tool is pretty well designed and should tell you what's going on if there is something wrong. Make sure to read the error messages.

And that's it! do that every week after patch day and you'll get the hang of it.

Have fun in your modding adventures :)

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