Blitz Angel Spica, a mahou shoujo beatemup game. Good or not? Need Advice badly T__T (11 Viewers)


Avid Affiliate
Jul 8, 2013
As I seen in your Princess Edge, your zako and boss are good because their fight differently and you can't use the same tactic for everyone. So no hentai ryona game can be good in my opinions, if you make a fighting part interesting enough. Like....

-An enemies can grab the heroine, then knee her in the belly or bearhug etc.
-An enemies can combo, perform a special moves. Or can guard, dodge with backflip or counter the heroine's attack.
Watchmen: The End Is Nigh Part 2 - Blonde Dominatrix in action 2 - YouTube

-Maybe an enemies can even team-up?
-If the heroine/enemy dies from a certain attack, maybe a finisher move will be shown. Like a wrestler girl will back breaker the heroine after she reduced the heroine's health to 0 with grab.

Of course, a damage animations are very important. And you must focus on ryona...
Thanks for the suggestion!
- combos, grab, guard, counter, or dodge are already implemented in Princess' Edge so you can expect them in the new game :D
- Team up should be easy to implement to, the Princess' Edge AI is already prepared for stuff like that
- Not sure about special finisher though since it doesn't seems to effect the gameplay much .. it's tough for 1 person team to make a game so I have to cut stuff as much as possible, sorry T__T

Nice video, it has some cool moves too! But AI in a beatemup can't be that aggresive/smart .. people will ragequit T__T. Good job on 6k view though! I'm so jealous!!

oh, and can you describe more what do you mean by focus on ryona?
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Potential Patron
Nov 16, 2012
Less adult content,made more ryona content um I mean focus on ryona(:3),dunt forget the zako particiated:),cb&bp if you dunt mind aswell:P.:)dood


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
...oh, and can you describe more what do you mean by focus on ryona?
Since you are making a ryona game with no hentai, you need to add quite variety of moves to torture the heroine/enemies. A special moves/grab should focus on a fetish of ryona, such as....

Belly Punch/Beating fetish.
-Typical grab and punch/knee to the belly.
-A hard hit to the belly that stun/double over the character.
Example: A China Girl has a special move(or counter move) that let she kicks in the heroine's belly to stun her. While the heroine is holding her belly, the China Girl follows with another kick to the heroine's face.
-One enemy hold the heroine's arms from behind, then another enemy come in to rapidly punch her in the belly.

Wrestling Fetish
-Grab and bearhug/pile driver/power bomb.
-An enemy can grab the heroine from behind, then she performs Sleeper Hold or Suplex.
-An enemy counters the heroine's punch, then she uses armlock on it.

Attack at breasts or crotch can also work.
I agree that you need to make AI more easy than hard to prevent ragequit too.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
don't worry, I won't forget the zako ^^ but what is cb&bp @_@?

Is it okay to use that on a normal game?
cb = CuntBust or attack at crotch.
bp = Belly Punch or Breast Punch. I don't sure.

Those moves are a bit sexual, though ryona. I think it's up to you.


Potential Patron
Nov 16, 2012
Unique funny reaction impact on zako foe might be cool too:),like losin her clothes when get kod,get her body completed burned like morigan on vsavior games when she get laser/beam/fire ball:),also victim get her beuty hair cut off like on wolrdheroes game gameover animated:3,love to seein cooky zako who think she was the beuty ever finally bald lolAnyway bp can be~buttopunt/butt poke/kancho aswell:)Dood:)


Avid Affiliate
Jul 8, 2013
that's pretty creative but being a 1 person team I don't think I have the capability to make those additional animation, sorry T__T .. making the basic gameplay alone is hard already.


Yes indeed. The one thing a one-man team can do, if he or she is good in drawing, without making many concessions, is making a vn or something like that.


Avid Affiliate
Jul 8, 2013
Yes indeed. The one thing a one-man team can do, if he or she is good in drawing, without making many concessions, is making a vn or something like that.
but drawing all those visual novel CGs is so hard x__X ... .

and thanks for all the suggestion everyone, I think I have enough materials to work with :D (I don't mind with more suggestion though ^^;)


Potential Patron
Mar 7, 2010
I see that this is mainly a Mahou Shoujo game, I would love to see her fight more physically. Maybe make a magic gauge for her ranged and powerful magic attacks?
As for the creatures I think maybe more of Monster Girls would be close to the theme (I just read Okayado's works and official manga). Adding a lot of enemies would increase the appeal for sure, but that would mean a lot more work for you right? You might want to look after your health properly as well. If you can't sleep as well, you can always read up and check on 'Polyphasic Sleep'? Some well timed powernaps through the day usually helps.
Lets see now, other suggestions...If it is too much, maybe you can put the themes uniforms like Maids, Nurse, Ninja, Policewoman, in a seperate game or sequel? Since you already made some sprites already in the monster area, you can focus more on that?
As for the Ryona or hentai content? It is quite a balance. What do you feel like doing more? I see you already have some sexual ideas, so go ahead with what you want to do~
The best games are the one an artist or a developer is most passionate about, not the one that tries to be slave to what the community says. That is what I learnt from Indie game developers.
If you want to chat or bounce some ideas, I would love to assist you with the best I can and available. Please message me and I will try to go back to you almost right away.
All there were merely suggestions, you can just go ahead and do what's best. Thank you for introducing your games to our site!

P.S. I think there is probably a general appeal for female enemies. Maybe focus more on that? Its quite a trend with quite some circles and media.
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Avid Affiliate
Jul 8, 2013
I see that this is mainly a Mahou Shoujo game, I would love to see her fight more physically. Maybe make a magic gauge for her ranged and powerful magic attacks?
As for the creatures I think maybe more of Monster Girls would be close to the theme (I just read Okayado's works and official manga). Adding a lot of enemies would increase the appeal for sure, but that would mean a lot more work for you right? You might want to look after your health properly as well. If you can't sleep as well, you can always read up and check on 'Polyphasic Sleep'? Some well timed powernaps through the day usually helps.
Lets see now, other suggestions...If it is too much, maybe you can put the themes uniforms like Maids, Nurse, Ninja, Policewoman, in a seperate game or sequel? Since you already made some sprites already in the monster area, you can focus more on that?
As for the Ryona or hentai content? It is quite a balance. What do you feel like doing more? I see you already have some sexual ideas, so go ahead with what you want to do~
The best games are the one an artist or a developer is most passionate about, not the one that tries to be slave to what the community says. That is what I learnt from Indie game developers.
If you want to chat or bounce some ideas, I would love to assist you with the best I can and available. Please message me and I will try to go back to you almost right away.
All there were merely suggestions, you can just go ahead and do what's best. Thank you for introducing your games to our site!

P.S. I think there is probably a general appeal for female enemies. Maybe focus more on that? Its quite a trend with quite some circles and media.
Don't worry, she will fight more physically because drawing magic's special effects are hard ^^; (they're still exist though, you can't have mahou shoujo without any magic).

You're probably right about good game comes with passion, I guess I'm going back to mahou shoujo theme .. (and yeah, I change my mind a lot I know, sorry about that everyone!! >.< ... don't worry about all of your previous suggestions though, they're still works with mahou shoujo theme ^^;)

And don't worry about me can't sleep well, I sleep too well most of the time XD. Thanks for the suggestion though, it will still come in handy in rare occassion where I can't sleep.

Originally there is no ninja in the game, but NNin and Olala love zako too much that I decide to include them so don't worry about that :D !

Nurse is already planned as one of the enemy boss so you're also good with that :D!

The android assistant is a maid (similar to Madoka in Beat Angel Escalayer)... but not sure if she's going to battle or not .. really depends on how the development goes, gotta wait and see I guess.

no policewoman though ... but there is this one enemy boss wearing military outfit ..

Thanks for the monster girl idea, it sure is interesting, I'll give it a try :D !

yeah, seems in general female enemies is more interesting for most people, zako demands seems high in this forum ^^! What about futanari? are they good too?
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Potential Patron
Nov 16, 2012
Futari?(‾o‾")ummm,personal dunt liked:P,but dunt really care what's inside an vgames,am play all kind of vgames,aslong it was called--- v i d e o g a m e s---:)dood
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I'm no huge supporter of the Futa scene. Have seen enough of that in CoC with their horsedicks. Nope. But I could survive it. It's not like I haven't seen more disturbing things.

And yes. Zako demands always are high, even outside of the ryona fetish. Nobody says no to beating up cannon fodder. It's the reason why people play hack-and-slash games, after all.


Avid Affiliate
Jul 8, 2013
Thanks for the input you both :D

I guess I'll put futa in low priority list for now, and monster girl/female enemies on higher priority list


Avid Affiliate
Jul 8, 2013
I finally make some progress, 3 bosses. No sex scene yet though ... hopefully in the next alpha demo. Here is download link

1st post is also updated with a link.
I said a few post ago that there will be no hentai in the game .. well, forget that, there will be hentai in the game! In case you're curious why the update take forever .. well, it's the usual stuff .. money is in the red, got to do lots of freelance stuff.

Let me know what you think!

z: magic
x: normal attack
c: jump
d: dash

up+d: switch plane upward
down+d: switch plane downward

close + x: throw
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Long time no see, Erobotan.

The game see, good so far. Animation is well done :D
I like when the heroine is grabbed or retrained too.

And some bosses know how to dodge jump attack with changing lane is good.


Avid Affiliate
Jul 8, 2013
Long time no see, Erobotan.

The game see, good so far. Animation is well done :D
I like when the heroine is grabbed or retrained too.

And some bosses know how to dodge jump attack with changing lane is good.
Yeah, it's been a long time! Really glad to see your post again!

Thanks for the input! I'm currently working on the clothing damage sprite. Hopefully can give another update by the end of the month


Potential Patron
May 17, 2012
Do you think it'd be possible to have an option to toggle hentai content? Some folks prefer straight-up ryona, after all!

Enjoyed the bosses! The grab is really great, looking forward to more of those. The nurse seems to focus on avoiding and using ranged attacks, which is a nice change from most beat-em-up bosses. Though, when I tried to fight the Undine, the game keeps crashing on me. "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" whenever she uses her projectiles.


Avid Affiliate
Jul 8, 2013
Do you think it'd be possible to have an option to toggle hentai content? Some folks prefer straight-up ryona, after all!

Enjoyed the bosses! The grab is really great, looking forward to more of those. The nurse seems to focus on avoiding and using ranged attacks, which is a nice change from most beat-em-up bosses. Though, when I tried to fight the Undine, the game keeps crashing on me. "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" whenever she uses her projectiles.

I think it's possible to turn it off. How about clothing damage (you can see boobs)?

Undine has 2 projectiles, which one that make your game crashing? the one who travels on the ground or the one who is flying in curve?


Potential Patron
May 17, 2012
I believe it's the one that arcs in the air. Sometimes it crashes as soon as the boss meter appears (and Undine is off-screen), so I'm not sure if the second one is also causing it.

Only noticed after I beat the nurse boss. Other two are just fine.

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