BnS Nude mods (11 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Jun 23, 2012
yes gon nude file with long name doesen't work with 1.44 only jin nude gon underwear work with 1.44 if u try to use gon nude with 1.44 there will be a error message.

Also I can not find 1.49 either...

Ангел Мечты

Content Creator
Jun 21, 2012
yes gon nude file with long name doesen't work with 1.44 only jin nude gon underwear work with 1.44 if u try to use gon nude with 1.44 there will be a error message.

Also I can not find 1.49 either...

long names for Gon *.dds for 2.53 umod

nude Gon good work


Casual Client
Jun 28, 2012
nude mod kun (only for atomix) uMod_alpha_v2_r49
first u need this tool: Atomix BNS, Atomix TR, Aion Atomix, AtomixRO & AtomixECO Forum
and use cod: 00001_KunN - 00003445 (in clothing changer)

ScreenShot00000.jpg ScreenShot00001.jpg View attachment kun.rar


Potential Patron
May 12, 2012
to whoever made Gon nude mod, i installed this custom models for atomix and i get error with alots of ??????????? i cant eaven use 1.44 coz i have this error everytime i select global hack, waht to do ?


Potential Patron
Oct 18, 2012
이제 더이상 한국정식서버에서 실행되는 패치는 없는거?
google translate
Are there any patches that are no longer running on the server formal Korea now?


이상하게도 한국서버에서 실행이 안되는군요.... 공식 홈페이지 로그인을 해서 실행도 해보고
클라이언트 실행만으로 로그인을 해봤습니다. 그런데도 적용이 안됩니다...
umod 작동방법은 직접 해보기도 하고 영상을 봐서 해보기도 했습니다;;;

Strangely Korea, running on the server, I never would have ....
Also try and run the official website login
Client running alone we did
Yet not apply ...
umod how it works and also try directly was also trying to see images;

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