So here their apparition from Cable issue 88 to 95, They don't appear in the Wolverine issue (at least not the one give by the site, I check both issue numbers and covers (their not the same).The dark sisterhood appear in a couple of Marvel comics.
Here's a list:
For some reason, I'm having difficulty finding the exact comics, even using
Some sexy buff centaur ladies, New 52 Wonder Woman, issue 25.
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A couple of years ago during the build up to The Last Jedi, there was a comic about Phasma between the time she was toss into the trash and her meeting back up with Hux. Long story short, Phasma find out that another officer knew her access code was use to take down the starkiller base defense and that officer had fled, Phasma took a pilot (TN-3465) to catch that officer, she succeed in taking that officer out and she silence the pilot for good measure. i have to feel sorry for her as she was just following order.
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Phasma was just so wasted by the directors given how her armor was unique and the fact she was played by the kick ass Brienne of Tarth (Gwen Christie). The new materials from Disney has been able explore the grey area the movies couldn't; there is no clearly good guy or bad guy. Examples from the 2 Battlefront books were great, in the Battlefront 2 Inferno squad book, Rebel extremist beat up a stormtrooper that was just patrolling the street, try to blow up a building with both imperial officers and their children inside all in the name of rebellion. In Battlefront Twilight Company, one of the stormtrooper was a young woman draws to the stormtrooper corps by the good pay and benefit, she would send her credit back home (showing that these stormtroopers are human too with a family) luckily for her, she would survive at the end of the story.Talking about Captain Phasma, the throwing-into-trash compactor bit was one of the most repulsive things I found about The Force Awakens.
Many people thought it was cool to reprise or pay homage to the original Star Wars. But I felt The Force Awakens was a cheap ripoff, and totally didn't pay homage to the spirit of the original.
Good and Evil was clearly delineated in the original. You knew who you were cheering for. The good guys escaped a terrible death being compacted like trash (by accident) and we all cheered for that.
In The Force Awakens, we're supposed to cheer as the 'good guys' coldly throw a prisoner of war into a trash compactor, hoping that she will die a terrible death. That is not cool.
It was one of the zillion things I felt were wrong about The Force Awakens, and made me feel that the New Republic was just as bad as the Empire they were trying to overthrow. It reminds me of today's polarized politics, where extreme right and extreme left vie for supremacy.
Of course, if you read some of the Star Wars comics, you'd notice little snippets here and there as well. I remember a mention in one comic about Stormtrooper POWs dying terrible deaths on the Moon of Endor after they were defeated. They were eaten alive by the Ewoks if I am not mistaken.
Talking about Captain Phasma, the throwing-into-trash compactor bit was one of the most repulsive things I found about The Force Awakens.
Many people thought it was cool to reprise or pay homage to the original Star Wars. But I felt The Force Awakens was a cheap ripoff, and totally didn't pay homage to the spirit of the original.
Good and Evil was clearly delineated in the original. You knew who you were cheering for. The good guys escaped a terrible death being compacted like trash (by accident) and we all cheered for that.
In The Force Awakens, we're supposed to cheer as the 'good guys' coldly throw a prisoner of war into a trash compactor, hoping that she will die a terrible death. That is not cool.
It was one of the zillion things I felt were wrong about The Force Awakens, and made me feel that the New Republic was just as bad as the Empire they were trying to overthrow. It reminds me of today's polarized politics, where extreme right and extreme left vie for supremacy.
Of course, if you read some of the Star Wars comics, you'd notice little snippets here and there as well. I remember a mention in one comic about Stormtrooper POWs dying terrible deaths on the Moon of Endor after they were defeated. They were eaten alive by the Ewoks if I am not mistaken.
I can see what First Order was doing, taking the idea of the clone trooper program (training soldier when they are in their youth) and incorporated into what used to be the imperial trooper program (getting their soldiers from all over the world rather than clone them from 1 template) Sure they are supposed to be brainwashed and be obedience but Finn did defect after seeing First Order executing unarmed civilians and captured POW proving that the brain washing condition isn't always working. In doing so, I guess they (Disney) wanted show these soldiers are human with feeling too. In one of the deleted scene, Finn was able to seed some doubt into the stormtroopers by confronting Phasma and exposed her for a selfish individual that she was. Jannah,one of the new character was another former stormtrooper defected to Resistance so I guess they want us to feel for them as individual but not quite the same way they were able to get fans to root for clones because the clones did have personalities.Let's also not forget that in the Force Awakens, Finn explains that the First Order troopers and officers are basically brainwashed child slaves that are raised to be obedient to the organization and wiped of any memory of their past.
How are we supposed to cheer their deaths if that's the case? I just felt bad the whole time. I'm all for blurring lines between good and evil, and Star Wars playing on that idea could be interesting. But, the way the Force Awakens handles that idea is not well. If you tell us THAT info about the First Order, than JJ should have directed a bit better for that emotional tug-o-war to play out, or at least be more obvious.
The thing about the clones, is that they WERE the good guys. thus for 3 years both clones and Jedi thought of the clones as good guys, unfortunately the clones were secretly programmed from birth with secret contingency orders and one was to kill all Jedi if the Chancellor saw them as traitors. thus you feel sympathy for the clones as they were forced to do it, and any the Jedi kill is in self defense. during this time we also got some cool stories of clones dealing with Order 66 in different ways. some didn't like the Jedi and happily did it, usually cause their Jedi Geenral was probably not a good commander. Some out right disobeyed the order and actually helped Jedi escape and even fought their own attacking brothers. and in one case a Clone Commando named Darmin formed a romance with a female Jedi and they had a kid. but she died protecting a wounded clone during Order 66. Darmin's son was then raised on Mandalore by their trainer and "father" figure. Darmin continued to serve the Empire as a Commando but still had love for his dead wife. He stayed because he figured f he defected and tried to escape then the Empire could be led to his son.I can see what First Order was doing, taking the idea of the clone trooper program (training soldier when they are in their youth) and incorporated into what used to be the imperial trooper program (getting their soldiers from all over the world rather than clone them from 1 template) Sure they are supposed to be brainwashed and be obedience but Finn did defect after seeing First Order executing unarmed civilians and captured POW proving that the brain washing condition isn't always working. In doing so, I guess they (Disney) wanted show these soldiers are human with feeling too. In one of the deleted scene, Finn was able to seed some doubt into the stormtroopers by confronting Phasma and exposed her for a selfish individual that she was. Jannah,one of the new character was another former stormtrooper defected to Resistance so I guess they want us to feel for them as individual but not quite the same way they were able to get fans to root for clones because the clones did have personalities.
by giving them painted armor also let fans see them for more than just a canon fodder. I remember in the Kanan comic, a clone commander name Grey regret following through with order 66 and question the reason behind it, in the end he redeems himself by damaging a transport ship to give time for Jedi Padawan Kanan destroy it with him and other clones (some did not have any regret over the order 66).t
The thing about the clones, is that they WERE the good guys. thus for 3 years both clones and Jedi thought of the clones as good guys, unfortunately the clones were secretly programmed from birth with secret contingency orders and one was to kill all Jedi if the Chancellor saw them as traitors. thus you feel sympathy for the clones as they were forced to do it, and any the Jedi kill is in self defense. during this time we also got some cool stories of clones dealing with Order 66 in different ways. some didn't like the Jedi and happily did it, usually cause their Jedi Geenral was probably not a good commander. Some out right disobeyed the order and actually helped Jedi escape and even fought their own attacking brothers. and in one case a Clone Commando named Darmin formed a romance with a female Jedi and they had a kid. but she died protecting a wounded clone during Order 66. Darmin's son was then raised on Mandalore by their trainer and "father" figure. Darmin continued to serve the Empire as a Commando but still had love for his dead wife. He stayed because he figured f he defected and tried to escape then the Empire could be led to his son.
I think a lot have to do would be the Kathleen Kennedy the Lucasfilm boss. While she was an experienced producer, she doesnt know star wars.All I can say about the last few SW flicks is that JJ Abrams is an asshole for ruining SW with his rabid leftism and fem power bullshit.
I think a lot have to do would be the Kathleen Kennedy the Lucasfilm boss. While she was an experienced producer, she doesnt know star wars.