Comic book Zako (4 Viewers)


Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
Fantastic example from the latest Star Wars #26 comic.

A very bossy Imperial ISB major makes her debut. Not sure how rank is supposed to work since Jerjerrod is a Moff therefore he must outrank her significantly.
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An enlisted Imperial and her husband are actually secretly feeding information to the Crimson Dawn and potentially the Rebellion.
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They decide to make a run for it by commandeering the visiting ISB major's ship. As a result the heroine stealthily kills the woman officer via a neck snap of all things. Genuinely wasn't expecting this brutal end to a female villain given the general somewhat lighthearted and flippant tone of the story. In days gone by this named Imperial would have been a recurring or story arc antagonist. Not so in the new canon! Women in the Imperial forces get bumped off as dispassionately as the men! Great to see.

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Hopefully we get a uniform stealing scene as the story develops.
The new issue is out. Here's a preview

Has anyone read it? Are there any more scenes (like carrying her body?) or is what you see in the preview all you see of her.


Club Regular
May 8, 2022
Mato Seihei no Slave, chapter 91
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One of the heroines gets attacked by nude assassins while bathing. They don't last a single page.

Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja - Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sara ni Tsuyoku naru Tame ni Tensei Shimashita
Typical isekai with a boring overpowered protagonist who kills everyone without a fight.
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Ch35-36: Demoness fails to brainwash the heroes, and is stealth-killed in a tiny collage panel of her team's extermination afterwards. Apparently they didn't even bother including her in the anime adaptation.
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Ch45-46: Demoness with a whip gets executed on the spot.
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Ch48-49: Busty mage gets killed offscreen after some considerable build up. Two other zakos in her group don't even make an actual appearance. No really, that's all there is to the scene.

Bullet x Fang/バレット×ファング, Ch11-13
imagem_2022-09-28_230531663.png imagem_2022-09-28_230543027.png It's such wasted potential for her to be snuffed without a fight. So beautiful in death... imagem_2022-09-28_230607966.png Love how she puts her hand over the corpse's breast and explains: 'The 'Jueyuan' are strong, and these gaudy garments are a warning that means 'touch me and you will die'.' The illustrator sure can draw delicious looking breasts on the girls. Her large tits resting to either side of her corpse in those pages are just sublime. 18_615f0ecd3ff80.jpg
Story about a a boy named Atsushi Tsukimori and an older sniper girl named Chizuru Ayao. Not sure if they're siblings, but she's obviously a shotacon for him. They're trapped in a world of hostile monster girls who use magic bullets to transform into beasts.
An unnamed "Jueyuan" (獲猿), a beautiful Monkey King-themed girl, is briefly introduced as an apparently powerful enemy just to get sniped by the female protagonist and her succubus companion without a fight. They casually come over and talk about her corpse like she's just some animal they killed for sport, with the loli succubus mentioning the jueyuan wore an outfit that exposed her breasts, well defined abs and panties to intimidate enemies while touching her dead breast to loot the items she's keeping under her outfit. There's several nice views of her corpse:

Before and after.

She's still warm...

Four angles of her large bust while the protagonists inspect her corpse. The focus on her breasts while hiding her face, on top of the protagonists' indifference towards killing her, truly reduce her from a proud female warrior to a hunk of sexy meat.
On chapter 13 the sniper contemplates how the monkey-girl was her first kill, but there's just one more panel of her corpse. I wanted more....

Chizuru acquires the jueyuan's tree climbing abilities via the bullet-shaped artifact she was holding, confirming the monkey-girl could've been a major threat by the other 3 bullets she had taken from killing unseen monster girls on the way. After Chizuru's done training, we get the final view of the nameless jueyuan's corpse, open eyes in agony and still clutching her staff.

Really... they give the monkey-girl a pathetic death without even seeing what she transforms into, molest her while looting her corpse (while specifically noting the female warriors in her race wear skimpy outfits to prove they're untouchable), steal her abilities and when Chizuru comes back to reflect on how she just killed a person it isn't to pay respects or bury her, no. Since the demi-human was a threat to the absent Atsushi, she's glad to have killed her while he wasn't looking and just plays with her blood for a bit before leaving her to rot there. The poor chocolate monkey is thoroughly humiliated in death. On top of that, this is after they spared the first girl they fought and they actually revive the next dangerous monster girl they kill. The busty monkey was only killed with such prejudice because the sniper girl is that murderous when her companion isn't around.

Love her death stare with rolled-up eyes and tongue sticking out. All in all one of the most erotic zakos I've found about lately.
The manga's second volume just released but there's no translations or torrents for the raws. The chapters also seem to have a very slow release schedule.
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Club Regular
May 8, 2022
Origin, Ch1-2
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Sci-fi story about androids who hide in society and harvest human bodies to survive. It wastes no time in deploying a small-time snuff bait villainess: the protagonist quickly kills an evil robo-woman named "Da" in the first chapter and puts her mutilated nude body on an operation table to take her components for himself.

Like with the monkey-girl on the previous post, there's as much sexually-charged panels of Da dead as there were of her alive.
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She hangs on Origin's wall like a trophy by the time of chapter 58, until a couple chapters later when Origin rebuilds her into a simple "armory" for supporting him. And then she just dies horribly again and for good on the next fight, torn into a million pieces. A small fry both as a bad and a good girl...

Belladonna: Fire & Fury
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Gory story about a bitchy female viking. Her followers are possessed into comitting suicide on chapter 8 and later even she gets an humiliating death from getting stabbed between the eyes, but unfortunately nobody scanned the final issue where she revives to fight the trio of anti-villainesses. Particularly nice is how each issue has an official version where all the women are nude in every single panel, turning it into that much more of a guro comic.

Caterpillar ch69-70
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I remember somebody mentioned the stickbug girl from this manga before. This one is the spiny beetle girl, a cute nude assassin with spike powers. The parody of Shotaro Ishinomori easily knocks her down with a energy punch close to her face, causing her to pee herself. She later tries helping him fight the parody of Osamu Tezuka but is promptly stabbed and passes out. She seems to be still alive when the characters escape, but isn't seen again.

Tenraku Akuma! Demon’s Core, Vol. 2
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Busty dark skinned zako in a playboy bunny costume is introduced and killed in under 10 pages.

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A short story published in issue 4 of パーティ追放された俺が裏切った仲間に復讐するアンソロジーコミック, a series of stories by multiple authors about characters taking revenge on traitorous teammates. There seems to be quite a lot of relevant guro scenes on each issue. I found about it from this Twitter post with an Imgur link.
The protagonist is betrayed by his teammates for being a half-demon hybrid but then they're attacked by a large demon who turns the females in the group into very lustful succubi. After the protagonist wakes up and kills the demon, he executes both defenseless succubi in cold blood out of revenge and under the excuse that he's obligated to kill monsters as an adventurer.

Great view of the dead bandit afterwards, though the nun is left offscreen.
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Club Regular
Aug 10, 2014
Really... they give the monkey-girl a pathetic death without even seeing what she transforms into, molest her while looting her corpse (while specifically noting the female warriors in her race wear skimpy outfits to prove they're untouchable), steal her abilities and when Chizuru comes back to reflect on how she just killed a person it isn't to pay respects or bury her, no. Since the demi-human was a threat to the absent Atsushi, she's glad to have killed her while he wasn't looking and just plays with her blood for a bit before leaving her to rot there. The poor chocolate monkey is thoroughly humiliated in death. On top of that, this is after they spared the first girl they fought and they actually revive the next dangerous monster girl they kill. The busty monkey was only killed with such prejudice because the sniper girl is that murderous when her companion isn't around.
She’s hot! Really wasted this character design if they aren’t playing with her more. She’s dying without dignity, at least recognize how beautiful she was.
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Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
My take on the "Escape the Death Star" Star Wars comic a few posts back. This is what would have happened if I was in charge of that comic


Club Regular
May 8, 2022
She’s hot! Really wasted this character design if they aren’t playing with her more. She’s dying without dignity, at least recognize how beautiful she was.
Yeah, it's really disappointing how such a pretty character like that just gets taken down without a fight. While she's assumed to be a bloodthirsty enemy who had killed three other monster girls offscreen, It's almost funny how every element in the incident makes her death look pointless and the heroine more evil than her.

偽・聖剣物語 幼なじみの聖女を売ったら道連れにされた, ch17-18
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Dark-skinned demoness with floating hands and a flame bra barely covering her boobs barely appears at all, as she is exorcised and slashed to death without a fight, between pages. Tsk, tsk...

NEON VAMPIRE, one shot
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An one-shot story published by Shonen Jump. A vampire villainess is introduced and killed in the span of one chapter. She begs for her life after being bissected but the protagonist stabs her in the head just barely offscreen.

The Scumbag #1
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Unnamed evil female assassin fights a spy for a secret formula, and they end up shooting each other in the head while the hobo protagonist gets the syringe in the confusion.
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Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Really... they give the monkey-girl a pathetic death without even seeing what she transforms into, molest her while looting her corpse (while specifically noting the female warriors in her race wear skimpy outfits to prove they're untouchable), steal her abilities and when Chizuru comes back to reflect on how she just killed a person it isn't to pay respects or bury her, no. Since the demi-human was a threat to the absent Atsushi, she's glad to have killed her while he wasn't looking and just plays with her blood for a bit before leaving her to rot there. The poor chocolate monkey is thoroughly humiliated in death. On top of that, this is after they spared the first girl they fought and they actually revive the next dangerous monster girl they kill. The busty monkey was only killed with such prejudice because the sniper girl is that murderous when her companion isn't around.
Just makes me even more sure that most japanese manga/anime is actually about the villains, because honestly, often these protagonists make the supposed enemies pale in comparison in the evilness the heroes do, but Japan has this weird (often nonexistent) morality where it is apparently OK to shout "I will never forgive you!" and kill someone over the most trivial matter and everyone will accept it saying "yeah it was a matter of honor".
Man that sexy busty monkey lady, what a waste, she never even got a word!
So you say there are only monster girls they fight, any others of note?

Gory story about a bitchy female viking. Her followers are possessed into comitting suicide on chapter 8 and later even she gets an humiliating death from getting stabbed between the eyes, but unfortunately nobody scanned the final issue where she revives to fight the trio of anti-villainesses. Particularly nice is how each issue has an official version where all the women are nude in every single panel, turning it into that much more of a guro comic.

There is a whole other series like Belladonna, btw - forgot the name, it is about some amazons and equally badly written. That too has alternate pages where everyone is naked.
Btw, in another Belladonna series, she fights some evil witch who has cynocephali soldiers - dog-headed men and women who eat humans. Many of them are female, topless, and get brutally killed by the vikings. Two of the shield maidens actually (somehow, off-screen) skin the dog heads of dead cynocephali and infiltrate them.... somehow nobody notices their heads cannot emote, I guess? :D
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Club Regular
Jan 20, 2018
Came across some old Marvel trading cards. I find it interesting that the card company was able to print and sell cards like these.


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Deleted member 468348

Swell Supporter
Jan 28, 2023
I always liked Riddler's molls Query and Echo and wish that they'd appear more often. They kind of are like what Harley Quinn would be if she never got any character development and just remained this perky minion who existed solely to look sexy and get beat up. I especially like their appearance in Detective Comics Annual #8 because they feature quite heavily instead of just getting dispatched in one page as usual, and their fight scenes are really well drawn, with Batman eschewing his usual faux-chivalry and utterly brutalizing the girls before tossing them into the sewer.


Later on in the story, the pair are ambushed by Batman, leaving Query lying on the side of the road, gloves and fishnets in tatters. This certainly isn't the Batman of 66 distraught over the death of Molly.


Their appearance in Birds of Prey #74 is more typical of the blink and you miss it nature of their appearances, where Black Canary and Huntress, who curiously enough is dressed in a Riddler bodysuit herself, infiltrate a meeting of henchmen. Query and Echo show up briefly and are knocked out just as quickly as they came in. At least someone got to kick ass wearing that costume for once though.


An interesting piece of merch I found while googling for pictures was this miniatures set that not only featured Query and Echo but also a third girl named Quelle who I believe only appeared in a single story and didn't get much in the way of action. Her look paints her more like a passive moll than a fighter though, and I can imagine that during the big brawl she'd just be standing meekly to the side, too frightened to get involved. That gun, of course, would only ever be able to hit other members of her gang on account of her poor aim, but I don't really like seeing henchgirls get shot and killed so maybe reserve the bullets for the male mooks.

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Deleted member 468348

Swell Supporter
Jan 28, 2023
While they never actually appeared in the comics and showed up a few times in the New Adventures of Batman animated series, Penguin's hapless trio of henchgirls Jay, Raven, and Lark were so close to perfection as a sexy zako squad that I can't believe the creators didn't have a bit of this fetish themselves. Their designs were never entirely consistent and I could never quite figure out who was who, but just made it even better since it implied that Penguin had a whole bullpen of expendable waitresses ready to go.


Their best appearance was in the episode "The Ultimate Thrill" where they are tasked with tracking down villainess of the week Roxy Rocket, making for a rare bad girl on bad girl fight, which is especially a treat here since Roxy gets to be far more vicious and underhanded than a heroine could be. The henchgirls try to sneak up on Roxy's hangar but are discovered almost immediately, allowing Roxy to get the jump and take them all out in short order. Of course, the best part of this scene is when two of the girls are shoved headfirst into a cockpit, helplessly kicking and screaming as the plane goes careening into a water tower. Their high-pitched wailing and frightful expressions really reinforce that these three are nothing more than simple waitresses that have no business scrapping with a seasoned fighter like Roxy.


They next show up in "Judgment Day" where they help Penguin fleece some other supervillains in a business deal. As Penguin is being chased by the titular Judge, he calls out for Raven and Lark to help only to find that they've been tied and gagged, hanging from the ceiling with looks of despair on their faces. Again this is a rare treat to be able to see zako in peril, and while it would have been nice to actually see them getting defeated and captured, the fact it all happens offscreen just reinforces that these poor girls are totally out of their depth and no threat at all to a serious villain.


Their most extensive appearance to date was in the "Mystery of the Batwoman" movie, where two of them take on Batwoman in fast-paced, high-kicking fight scene. Unlike in their previous appearances, the girls seem much more dangerous and skilled in both acrobatics and martial arts, using those long legs to good effect and really taking it to Batwoman, though I of course prefer to focus the shots they took rather than what they dish out, and Batwoman gives as good as she gets here. In true henchgirl fashion, they are defeated when Penguin fires a "bat-seeking missile" that our heroine dodges at the last minute, blasting the zako instead. While I do like that they got a lot more screen time here and the action is pretty fun, I still prefer them weak and frightened rather than the badasses they are here, and if the goal was to give Batwoman a more difficult fight, better just to increase the numbers of zako rather than making them stronger.

Source for screencaps - Reference Emporium
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Jan 19, 2023
While they never actually appeared in the comics and showed up a few times in the New Adventures of Batman animated series, Penguin's hapless trio of henchgirls Jay, Raven, and Lark were so close to perfection as a sexy zako squad that I can't believe the creators didn't have a bit of this fetish themselves. Their designs were never entirely consistent and I could never quite figure out who was who, but just made it even better since it implied that Penguin had a whole bullpen of expendable waitresses ready to go.


Their best appearance was in the episode "The Ultimate Thrill" where they are tasked with tracking down villainess of the week Roxy Rocket, making for a rare bad girl on bad girl fight, which is especially a treat here since Roxy gets to be far more vicious and underhanded than a heroine could be. The henchgirls try to sneak up on Roxy's hangar but are discovered almost immediately, allowing Roxy to get the jump and take them all out in short order. Of course, the best part of this scene is when two of the girls are shoved headfirst into a cockpit, helplessly kicking and screaming as the plane goes careening into a water tower. Their high-pitched wailing and frightful expressions really reinforce that these three are nothing more than simple waitresses that have no business scrapping with a seasoned fighter like Roxy.


They next show up in "Judgment Day" where they help Penguin fleece some other supervillains in a business deal. As Penguin is being chased by the titular Judge, he calls out for Raven and Lark to help only to find that they've been tied and gagged, hanging from the ceiling with looks of despair on their faces. Again this is a rare treat to be able to see zako in peril, and while it would have been nice to actually see them getting defeated and captured, the fact it all happens offscreen just reinforces that these poor girls are totally out of their depth and no threat at all to a serious villain.


Their most extensive appearance to date was in the "Mystery of the Batwoman" movie, where two of them take on Batwoman in fast-paced, high-kicking fight scene. Unlike in their previous appearances, the girls seem much more dangerous and skilled in both acrobatics and martial arts, using those long legs to good effect and really taking it to Batwoman, though I of course prefer to focus the shots they took rather than what they dish out, and Batwoman gives as good as she gets here. In true henchgirl fashion, they are defeated when Penguin fires a "bat-seeking missile" that our heroine dodges at the last minute, blasting the zako instead. While I do like that they got a lot more screen time here and the action is pretty fun, I still prefer them weak and frightened rather than the badasses they are here, and if the goal was to give Batwoman a more difficult fight, better just to increase the numbers of zako rather than making them stronger.
Probably the most well known henchwomen(outside of You-know-Who) in Batman. I kinda wish more zako groups got as much screen time as them, since 2 episodes + a small chunk of a movie is quite a lot for a squad of three zako. Makes me wonder how Penguin got them though, normal waitresses turned fighters? Or fighters turned waitresses?

Deleted member 468348

Swell Supporter
Jan 28, 2023
Probably the most well known henchwomen(outside of You-know-Who) in Batman. I kinda wish more zako groups got as much screen time as them, since 2 episodes + a small chunk of a movie is quite a lot for a squad of three zako. Makes me wonder how Penguin got them though, normal waitresses turned fighters? Or fighters turned waitresses?
I prefer to believe that they are just ordinary girls that got pressed into action because Penguin was too cheap to hire proper muscle, which would explain their ineptitude in their TAS appearances. Maybe they have training in dance or gymnastics rather than actual martial arts, especially given their slim body types and the types of sports girls usually do. Even in the movie, while they're able to flip and twirl around with ease, they don't manage to actually hurt Batwoman much with their strikes.


Master of this Domain
Dec 9, 2015
I prefer to believe that they are just ordinary girls that got pressed into action because Penguin was too cheap to hire proper muscle, which would explain their ineptitude in their TAS appearances. Maybe they have training in dance or gymnastics rather than actual martial arts, especially given their slim body types and the types of sports girls usually do. Even in the movie, while they're able to flip and twirl around with ease, they don't manage to actually hurt Batwoman much with their strikes.
I prefer to believe the other way around, it's gotham, the city of crime, I'm sure you can hire zako with a snap of your finger. But imagine you are a thug and you have to wear stupid waitress outfits and serve rich people in a shitty club, this is, imo, way funnier fate XD


Jan 19, 2023
Why not both? Between the 3 waitresses(at least 3, their may be more) they could come from all sorts of walks of life. Jay could be some thug who's been in Gotham for years, then Lark could be some girl from a nearby city who moved to Gotham for College and needed money. It's fun to think about.

Deleted member 468348

Swell Supporter
Jan 28, 2023
Another of my favorite villains in Batman is Poison Ivy, who usually uses brainwashed men or plant monsters, but who from time to time is flanked by sexy henchgirls. While it probably makes no sense from a story context for her to do this, from a visual standpoint it couldn't be more perfect especially because the classic Ivy leotard and tights already looks like something a zako would wear, and having her lead a girl gang is just loads of fun.


First up are these nameless gun molls from the backup story in Adventures in the DC Universe #3. As usual, Ivy's plan is quickly foiled and after destroying her plant serpent, Batman is able to effortlessly take out both girls before putting down the boss lady. Not terribly memorable or special, unlike the animated counterparts that they were no doubt based on...


Violet and Lily from "Eternal Youth" are, in my mind at least, conclusive proof that the creators of Batman TAS had a zako fetish or at least were actively trying to appeal to it, because really what more could you ask for? The costumes are on point, despite not matching Ivy's color palette they are just the right mix of sexy and generic to make for perfect zako uniforms, and the girls are none too intelligent, capable, or dangerous so you're spending the whole episode just anticipating their humiliating demise. And boy does it deliver there, while Batman was evidently not allowed to hit women in the early seasons of the show, this somehow makes their defeat even more undignified as both are ignominiously tied up with Violet in particular being utterly manhandled which had to have been worse than if Batman had simply put her down with a KO punch. And as a final humiliation, the camera pans up to them stuck in a tree, helplessly moaning and struggling while probably questioning their life choices. They also appeared in the video game, where Ivy now had an entire army of Lilys at her disposal, though once again Batman wasn't allowed to hit them and they had to be disabled with a spray.


More recently we have the Flower Children from the prelude to the Brave and the Bold episode "Mask of Matches Malone." For once Ivy has brought an entire army of henchgirls and seems to have Batman at her mercy, but as it turns out one of girls was actually the superheroine Black Orchid in disguise, and she proceeds to steamroll the whole lot of them before delivering a flying KO punch to Ivy herself. There were some good moments like when the zako piled onto Black Orchid only for her to send them all flying, or when they failed to hit her with their weapons and shot up their fellow zako instead, but overall they were definitely less memorable than Violet and Lily and we really needed to see a full episode with them.


Jan 19, 2023
Another of my favorite villains in Batman is Poison Ivy, who usually uses brainwashed men or plant monsters, but who from time to time is flanked by sexy henchgirls. While it probably makes no sense from a story context for her to do this, from a visual standpoint it couldn't be more perfect especially because the classic Ivy leotard and tights already looks like something a zako would wear, and having her lead a girl gang is just loads of fun.


First up are these nameless gun molls from the backup story in Adventures in the DC Universe #3. As usual, Ivy's plan is quickly foiled and destroying her plant serpent, Batman is able to effortlessly take out both girls before putting down the boss lady. Not terribly memorable or special, unlike the animated counterparts that they were no doubt based on...


Violet and Lily from "Eternal Youth" are, in my mind at least, conclusive proof that the creators of Batman TAS had a zako fetish or at least were actively trying to appeal to it, because really what more could you ask for? The costumes are on point, despite not matching Ivy's color palette they are just the right mix of sexy and generic to make for perfect zako uniforms, and the girls are none too intelligent, capable, or dangerous so you're spending the whole episode just anticipating their humiliating demise. And boy does it deliver there, while Batman was evidently not allowed to hit women in the early seasons of the show, this somehow makes their defeat even more undignified as both are ignominiously tied up with Violet in particular being utterly manhandled which had to have been worse than if Batman had simply put her down with a KO punch. And as a final humiliation, the camera pans up to them stuck in a tree, helplessly moaning and struggling while probably questioning their life choices. They also appeared in the video game, where Ivy now had an entire army of Lilys at her disposal, though once again Batman wasn't allowed to hit them and they had to be disabled with a spray.


More recently we have the Flower Children from the prelude to the Brave and the Bold episode "Mask of Matches Malone." For once Ivy has brought an entire army of henchgirls and seems to have Batman at her mercy, but as it turns out one of girls was actually the superheroine Black Orchid in disguise, and she proceeds to steamroll the whole lot of them before delivering a flying KO punch to Ivy herself. There were some good moments like when the zako piled onto Black Orchid only for her to send them all flying, or when they failed to hit her with their weapons and shot their fellow zako instead, but overall they were definitely less memorable than Violet and Lily and we really needed to see a full episode with them.
You do not want to know how much I would pay to see the Brave and the Bold Ivy henchgirls again. Many make the argument that Ivy can just hypnotize guys or make plant monsters, but Ivy having a personal army of henchgirls just fits so well in my opinion.

Also if haven't, check out Jetmass's Flower Children, he's made a ton of art based of the Ivy henchgirls!


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2014
You do not want to know how much I would pay to see the Brave and the Bold Ivy henchgirls again. Many make the argument that Ivy can just hypnotize guys or make plant monsters, but Ivy having a personal army of henchgirls just fits so well in my opinion.

Also if haven't, check out Jetmass's Flower Children, he's made a ton of art based of the Ivy henchgirls!
It’s jettmanas jettmanas

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