Comic book Zako (6 Viewers)


Swell Supporter
Nov 24, 2021
I found this comic out in the wild. Honestly runs with the sort of zako tastes I like.

I don't think I've seen this before, but I feel like I recognize the art style. I can't recall the artist, nor am I sure if the artist is the creator/author of the comic. All this could be commission. Can't seem to find any artist signature or something so I'm having difficulties verifying the creators. I'm not even entirely sure if this is the complete comic.

Can someone find and direct me to the creator(s)?
I really want to see more of this stuff.

Edit: I think the images uploaded in the wrong order, though it's just eight pages and I've named the .pngs according to what I think is the appropriate order.
Looks like tiger2draw, if I had to guess. Same guy behind the Disasterotica blog. Some of his commissions are floating out and about on the web, but they don't seem to be compiled all in one place so that's about as much help as I can offer.


Swell Supporter
Feb 28, 2019
Looks like tiger2draw, if I had to guess. Same guy behind the Disasterotica blog. Some of his commissions are floating out and about on the web, but they don't seem to be compiled all in one place so that's about as much help as I can offer.
Did some digging around and I found this!
Seems to be the comic in its entirety! Even has a unique cover art and everything! Also, it mentions an "AstroKill" as one of the creators. I wonder if I can find them somehow.

Also I knew I recognized that art. Same dude who illustrated the Tales of the OId Mansion comics.

Surprised that it's the first time I've seen it, though maybe I missed out on a previous post about it.


Master of this Domain
Jul 27, 2012
It's a continuing series that Astrokill has commissioned from Tiger2Drawn. He posts regular updates to it on Deadly Desires. For eample, from this morning.

Terrorist Elimination pg19-lores.jpeg


Club Regular
May 8, 2022
Seems to be the comic in its entirety! Even has a unique cover art and everything! Also, it mentions an "AstroKill" as one of the creators. I wonder if I can find them somehow.
It's pretty much one of those "terrorist/sentry/black widow" snuff videos you can find at in comic form. Very nice.

Similarly, I found a doujin about the delicious shaman zakos from God Mazinger getting slaughtered left and right:
[randy] God Mazinger Gaiden Busu no Shaman (Kari) (God Mazinger) - 3Hentai
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Avid Affiliate
Oct 5, 2022
figured i should post some of the other female scientists that appeared in those chapters. unfortunately none of them have any lines and they're mostly just in the background without much detail. hopefully, since this was only one branch of their organization, there might be more zako with this outfit in the future.
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Club Regular
Aug 10, 2014
figured i should post some of the other female scientists that appeared in those chapters. unfortunately none of them have any lines and they're mostly just in the background without much detail. hopefully, since this was only one branch of their organization, there might be more zako with this outfit in the future.
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Makes you want to tickle their side boobs even after death! A wasted design.


Club Regular
May 8, 2022
Two lesbian assassins try to seduce the protagonist and his friend but are easily thwarted and executed during sex. Apparently, only the long-haired woman is seen being stabbed in the forehead before both fall offscreen, but the two gorgeous nude corpses are sent to their boss and prominently shown to the reader afterwards.
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It seems to be a very rare and obscure manga with nearly no info available online, and it doesn't help how there's a Formula 1 manga series with the same title. I found those scans on this very useful Twitter profile, but I missed downloading some pages from tweets that the user deleted for some reason (the guy also makes viewing/searching groups of his posts difficult by never using threads).


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Club Regular
May 8, 2022
The Bike Soldier/バイク戦士(ソルジャー), volume unknown
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I saw this scene a long time ago on a ryona imageboard but had no idea what series it was and only learned it by coincidence now that @tekijyoyarare posted it on their Twitter. A henchwoman poses as a nude damsel tied to a tree to set an ambush and shoots the protagonist in the back, but he's wearing a bullet-proof vest and nonchalantly kills her in turn.
The series is very obscure and has no Manga Updates page. I only managed to find the cover in an auction site.

Samurai Legend/Yagyuu Hichou, chapter 2
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This one has a full English scanlation online. A very muscular and square-jawed henchwoman shows her tits to the protagonist and rushes him down only to get stabbed in the chest. She strangles him to her last breath but fails to kill him and collapses dead on the ground.

Shin Wild 7
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Volume 1 features a group of nude female assassins who attack the protagonist in a hot spring and they kill some bystanders while they're at it. He detonates a granade underwater that creates a whirlpool that sucks the villainesses in, killing most of them. The one babe that was sitting over a rock is then shoved underwater and trapped to drown, while the protagonist coldly gathers weapons from one of the naked corpses.
ÉVâÅâCâïâhéV 02-002.jpg
Volume 2 has this illustration of the protagonist stomping some dead henchwoman in a gunfight.
DL-ZIP,COM (162).jpg DL-ZIP,COM (163).jpg DL-ZIP,COM (164).jpg
Volume 5 involves a battle against amazons in the jungle.

Download links for the Shin Wild 7 volumes:
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Club Regular
May 8, 2022
Sorcerer Hunters/Bakuretsu Hunters, chapters 21-23
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A henchwoman named Moss Green fights the heroes while nude with giant earth spikes but is easily killed offscreen by the two scantily dressed fighters with string powers. She only has a single frame cameo in the anime adaptation's opening.


Club Regular
May 8, 2022
I've posted about this before: an unnamed busty dominatrix villainess from a manga called Poison Cat that never got published in volume form. There finally are scans of at least her full scene now but turns out there weren't many missing panels of her in the collage I got long ago. All she does is look pretty for a few pages before the protagonist makes a pile of frozen fish crates crumble on top of her and her comrades, leaving her mortally impaled all over her body with her breast exposed and moaning that it's lame to be killed by saury fish.
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Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Hilarious scene from The Flash Volume 2, #18...
A businessman has hired Chunk (a former villain with black hole powers) to make tons of garbage disappear from his property, and is angry with him when he forgot the appointment. When Wally West's mom tells him to mind his manners, his goons - a man and a woman - try to throw her out, only for Chunk to use his powers and transport them to the waste dimension. After Wally's mom reminds him, Chunk brings them back, but the toxic waste has burned their clothes off and they are in a panic, promising to be good, and running away naked. Must say she has a nice toned body!

Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 23-44-59 The Flash (1987) Issue #18 - Read The Flash (1987) Issue #18...png
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Club Regular
Aug 10, 2011
Qwaser of Stigmata manga volume 3 chapter 9 and anime episode 8. Nameless thugs defend their turf. Then, they get defeated and their boss gets kidnapped.


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