Dead or Alive series (5 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Is anyone bummed that they seem to be reusing most of DOA5's animations?
I guess I've been playing/experiencing fighting games for so long that I just expect this to happen all the time. I guess it's a history thing for these 3D series to just keep their old animations, maybe add a few others here and there, touch up some REALLY outdated ones and just work on other aspects of the game instead. Then I look back at things like KO animations for example... Times Tekken had new KO animations: Tekken 1 (the start, basic knock down KO) -> Tekken 3 (standing KO collapse) -> Tekken Tag 1 -> (the legendary 'muhbackpain.jpg' KO animation) -> Tekken 4 (face down stomach pain KO) -> Tekken 6 (where we are currently, added 3 new standing KO animations, so we have 4 altogether [standard (from Tekken 3), Upper, Mid & Lower).

Soulcalibur? SoulEdge (the start, a pretty janky looking collapse animation if the attack didn't launch naturally) -> Calibur1 (a whole slew of new KO animations depending on where and how the incoming attack hit, plus 2 KO animations for losers already downed on the floor, most of the cast, namely the females, have specific 'downed' poses unique to them) -> Calibur2 (actually took away the variety in the standing KO animations that were dependent on the area the last attack hit (simply using the normal stun-collapse animation instead), changed the 'standard' collapse KO animation to be less 'dramatic' as the loser collapses) -> Calibur6 (actually went back to the Calibur1 animations that haven't been used in 20 years, so in comparison to Calibur5, there's actually more ways a character can be shown losing)

DOA? DOA1 (the start, basic knock down KO) -> DOA1++ (added stun animations from specific attacks) -> DOA2 -> (fainting KO animations; the girls having unique 'downed' poses compared to the guys that were indeed more 'feminine', added wall crumple KO animations) -> DOA4 (completely removed all the standard, non-wall 'downed' KO animations for new 'writhing in pain' downed/KO animations [the loser would eventually pass out completely but the post-KO timer almost NEVER showed this part of the animation], added specific KO animations for an already downed opponent) -> DOA6 (no new KO animations but new stuns thanks to the Fatal Blow mechanic)

Again, I guess for me I'm not necessarily bummed about there not being a bunch of new animations every single new game, because that's never been the case except for very specific times (I'm actually more bummed when things like KO animations are too quick and I can't enjoy them the way I want to... or worse, they're almost skipped completely [Yeah, I'm looking at YOU Tekken Tag 2...]) I mean.. I get it, making new hurt/KO animations is a lengthy process in a 'business' perspective. If it were up to me, like, every little attack would put the girl hit into a super-lengthy, exaggerated stun that just keeps letting them become a victim of punishment until their knocked out, and each hit would cause a slew of unique pained animations for them to suffer through... and I'd SURELY add in more writhing/actual KO poses while they're knocked to the ground, but I can see that taking forever from a development standpoint. That, plus the fact that as much as it's reputation precedes the series, DOA is still a fighting game "first" and it need to be logically playable for both sides. It's not a "complete" ryona simulator, so there's gotta be some sort of limit to the animations seen that aren't tied to a couple new throws and whatever new danger hazards they add in per game... I suppose.

In official-game means, I guess it 'is what it is', although, it would be fun to hear what new animations ryona fans like us would try to add into something like DOA... In fact that reminds me of the recent thing I've been noticing for the PC version of DOA5 where modders have been actually editing the game's animation script and coming up with their own in-game poses for the characters (almost usually for unique ryona purposes). I'll admit that THAT has been a source of some new goodness for me lately and I wish I knew how the script works... for example, the stuff you see in these two links.

Ryona by DOA5lrScreenShots on DeviantArt
yoyororo4455's DeviantArt gallery

Ryona Tina Design Award Unconscious 021.jpg
Ryona Christie DOA3 Humiliated 047.jpg
Ayane Kasumi Unconscious 026.jpg
Kasumi Ayane KO 006.jpg
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Casual Client
Mar 7, 2014
In official-game means, I guess it 'is what it is', although, it would be fun to hear what new animations ryona fans like us would try to add into something like DOA... In fact that reminds me of the recent thing I've been noticing for the PC version of DOA5 where modders have been actually editing the game's animation script and coming up with their own in-game poses for the characters (almost usually for unique ryona purposes). I'll admit that THAT has been a source of some new goodness for me lately and I wish I knew how the script works... for example, the stuff you see in these two links.

Ryona by DOA5lrScreenShots on DeviantArt
yoyororo4455's DeviantArt gallery

Nah, that's just artists hacking the models and stages out of the game, and then manually posing the characters in Unreal Engine, or maybe a 3d modeling program like Blender or Maya.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Nah, that's just artists hacking the models and stages out of the game, and then manually posing the characters in Unreal Engine, or maybe a 3d modeling program like Blender or Maya.

That, I'm aware of, and I thought of the same, too, at first... but actually, the DA user DOA5lrScreenShots confirmed it's actually a Japanese created script mod that allows you to pose the characters in-game on the PC version this way. He/she says so in the comment section here (including link to said script for download): Ryona Ayane Kasumi Unconscious 001 (33 Pics)

For what I'm aware of, the Japanese ryona fans had this sort of thing for a while now... It's how this user (Ryona ScreenShot by jun2017 on DeviantArt) wound up making pictures like this and videos like this exist for example... All within the game; with script overrides and modding.

Where does the last image come from? I ve never seen it on DA.
...ah, I asked DOA5lrScreenshots (who is into ragdoll styled ryona, something I'm also into) to do a picture set for me based on this pose script and this is a W.I.P for him for one of his next ryona picture sets. I slipped that picture in the last post just for fun. I'll share the rest of the unfinished picture gallery here (as well as a couple other sample pictures from said set.)
Kasumi Ayane KO 002.jpg
Kasumi Ayane KO 011.jpg
Kasumi Ayane KO 014.jpg
Kasumi Ayane KO 017.jpg
Kasumi Ayane KO 025.jpg
Kasumi Ayane KO 026.jpg



Ryonani Teamster
Dec 13, 2009
That's really impressive that they found out how to use the posing/animation programs in the actual game itself! I really miss making ryona images with the 3DS/Xnalara. Just too busy. Great work DeNice!


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
That's really impressive that they found out how to use the posing/animation programs in the actual game itself! I really miss making ryona images with the 3DS/Xnalara. Just too busy. Great work DeNice!

Nah, don't thank me. Outside of just asking for one request here from one of these lovely DArtists, I'm just the messenger in all of this. Thank the various modders and content creators for going the extra mile into turning DOA5 into (in my own words) their own personal 'ryona' game. Speaking of said request, though, looks like my crazy personal order came through...

Ryona Ayane Kasumi Intimate KO 001 (100 Pics)

This is the finished version of the Kasumi/Ayane double ryona ragdoll pictures from my above post, just finished today by DOA5lrScreenShots. Hope you guys don't mind me double sharing, lol.


kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
I regularly check the source of those scripts every week or two. Sometimes they post posing script for some older games as well as newer ones. It's all Cheat Engine so if you know how to use that then I recommend checking it out. I'm not going to post a link here though, just google なかよしコード and it should come up as the first hit. Blog posts are a mix of JP and English so if you're sharp enough you should figure out where to download stuff and what the hotkeys are.

Unfortunately since newer games get patched, these codes will often stop working until they get updated. There was one for Tekken 7 that I messed around with a while ago but it doesn't work anymore. In addition to posing it used to let you view all the animations for each character as well. I hope it gets updated someday.

But don't underestimate the DoA5 modding community either! I do believe someone figured out a way to edit the actual animations in the game. You can see some of it being done in this thread with Motion Data Tool and Blender. Unfortunately I don't have the PC version of the game so I don't know the particulars of how any of the stuff works, but it seems possible. I believe I've seen people hack animations from DoAX3 into the game as well. There's a lot to look into.


Club Regular
Jul 16, 2018
I just hope that since this is pre-alpha, they have not reworked the old animations yet.
But I am kinda excited for the clothes destruction and fighter damage.

Something like this:


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Well, I suppose like the Soulcalibur thread I'll take the honors of providing the new character/feature trailers as they're provided, although unlike the Soulcalibur thread I'll be updating both male and female trailers ASAP when they come out instead of waiting for just females, basically to help others get a grip on the identity DOA6 is trying to change into. Game was announced with Kasumi, Hayate, Hayabusa, Helena, Jann Lee and Zack. Now we have two additions, one of them 6's first brand new addition to the series...

Dead or Alive 6 Gameplay: Diego vs. Rig - IGN Video <- Includes gameplay of the rest of the current cast as well.

Rig should be familiar, as he was a main focus newcomer in DOA5 who is obviously gonna be tied heavily in 6's plot, but the new guy's name is Diego, whom is straight up a lone wolf underground street brawler with an unrefined style that consists of raw body tackles, face smashing curb stomps, and rugged blows. Basically, he's the DOA version of Miguel Caballero Rojo from Tekken; no finesse, just a street fighting beatdown until he wins his matches; in fact, Diego dresses in a similar manner as Miguel's TTT2 main outfit.

For me.... I guess he's kinda OK without taking into account he's obviously blatantly created to fit into DOA6's more "cool, mature and gritty" direction. While it's not my personal taste, for those of you who like your ryona to very straightforward and 'underground'-like, I think he'll be a good assailant to use on the girls with his moveset. As usual, I'll be on the look out for more information about this game and report here for you guys.
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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
So during EVO Saturday Tecmo decided to tease the next two characters joining DOA6, whom most likely will be revealed at Gamescon in late August, Hitomi and Leifang, providing a teaser picture...

Hitomi's default outfit is her gi, while Leifang is no longer wearing her signature Chinese dresses and seems to be wearing a reserved martial arts outfit instead. As a Leifang and Hitomi main, I just hope they keep their styling casual outfits or at least get their denim back.


  • 05_doa-tease01.jpg
    25.7 KB · Views: 206


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 26, 2010
The stage looks really cool and i m fine with leifang new looks. Hitomi is meh but you can see that they improved their feet models.

but ffs WHY REUSING THE SAME SOUND???? I mean come on, Xiaoyu got a sweet new scream for tekken 7, can't they do the same here?

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Too smol. At least her super is different from all the other copy paste ones.

Seriously why did they get so lazy with those. I saw Tina, Mila and Bass do theirs and they're all the same reused face punch closeup. And so many others have the same reused gut attack. Where is the variety?


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
Damn, both Christie and Lisa are back! Can't wait for this, and can't wait to beat the hell up of those two ladies!

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