[DOA5LR] H-LOD Nude Mod (curvy body) - COMPLETE EDITION (2 Viewers)


Swell Supporter
Dec 13, 2012
Not sure if it's posted here, but I put it in the 'a few modding tools' thread by NiteGuardian over at lovers lab, and it's been there for a while in Verhoven's 'lnk reshuffle made simple for dummies like me' thread there too. The most recent version that i shamelessly re-posted is on the last page of that currently.

Edit: still can't get a link to copy/paste correctly grrrrrr. .. I'll put links here later on my pc.
Also, after posting the tutorials over there in the aforementioned 'a few modding tools' thread there was some discussion with greater experts than I (NiteGuardian and DOA5LSR to be precise) that suggests Archive Tool which is perhaps even easier to use is just as good in every respect and also allows swapping of dlc outfits, so gives you yet more slots to play with.
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Swell Supporter
Dec 13, 2012


Swell Supporter
May 27, 2012
I really appreciate the links, especially the one to the tutorial which will help. I wasn't really familiar with lnk reshuffle, but I have read too that Archive Tool was easier to use.

I will check out both tools, and see which works better for me. Thanks again siframe !


Content Creator
Apr 19, 2015
tekmarvl tekmarvl
I think the good siframe has alrady solved your doubts :grin:. Sorry for my absence here btw.

siframe siframe
I think it would be an excellent idea if you post your optimized-well written-private tutorial to use lnk reshuffle :grin:.
It's easy to understand and it would be really helpful to answer any further questions. Apparently there's nothing like that here.


Potential Patron
Feb 9, 2016
I dont know what I am doing wrong, but I am not able to make it work. I have v1.04 of DOA. Is it because of that? I put the DLC Folder in DOA's DLC Folder but its not working.


Swell Supporter
Dec 13, 2012
Have you installed a game crack and edited the ini file appropriately? The dlc is really only guaranteed for early game versions anyway, the best method of installing this into later game builds is definitely with lnk reshuffle or Archive Tool.


Potential Patron
Feb 9, 2016
Now its working, I forgot to edit the 3dmgame ini. But another question, sometimes the controls doesnt work, she is blocking all the time. Is this a crack problem?


Swell Supporter
Dec 13, 2012
That I've not experienced I'm afraid, so I can't really help you there. Try launching from steam without the crack components in your folder maybe, and any other mods like the camera unlock. Or just make sure your controller is working with other games!


Potential Patron
Feb 25, 2016
Im soory but Im new to this forum and have couple of questions...
Where can I download lnk reshuffle?
If I decide to use DLC FILE hw do I use it? Do I just replace the files within the game?


Swell Supporter
Dec 13, 2012
Lnk reshuffle and archive tool are both available at Lovers Lab, in the new DOA5LR subforum in the adult section. Sorry, my phone won't paste links across between one site and the other at the moment, or I'd just link you, but the two threads you're looking for (which both include tutorials) are: NiteGuardian's 'a few modding tools' and Verhoven's 'lnk reshuffle made simple for dummies like me'. The latter thread has up to date versions posted in the last page or so.

As for dlc mods it isn't quite as straightforward as you describe, you need some components from cracked versions of the game, and you'll have to make some simple edits to an ini file. All the stuff you need for that is in the tools thread too though.


Potential Patron
Feb 25, 2016
That link and others I've found take to the same site, RGhost and none of the Ink Reshuffle files are available.
Please help!:frown:


Swell Supporter
Dec 13, 2012
Both those threads have the files as attachments, they're not external links. Are you registered at the Lab? That's the only issue I could imagine. Seems Verhoven's thread hasn't moved to the new subforum yet, but I'm just about to give him a nudge to get it moved over... in the meantime, here's the file, from the thread I described.


2.4 MB · Views: 430


Swell Supporter
Dec 13, 2012
Haha ishida to the rescue! Dunno why my phone won't paste links on this site, but now I've got lnk on my phone in order to move it here... thought Verhoven had kept his thread updated too, so good job getting the proper link pasted here.


Swell Supporter
Dec 13, 2012
The instructions on the page said just the dinput8.dll. I haven't personally tried this version so I can't say from experience, but that's what it said on freestepdodge.


Potential Patron
Mar 7, 2016
BattleJesus, these look amazing! If possible, could you share how you adjusted the clothes? Or link any tutorials if they exist. I'd really appreciate it!

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