[DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (08/07/16 - Transformer 0.3.1 & Valentine Breakable) (7 Viewers)


Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
Since my old Xmas In July pack gift-wrap set appears to be quite popular, I took some time today to modernize Nyotengu and Helena's gift wrap set.

Removed the redundant body underneath (I didn't know a better way back then lol) and plugged all the holes in the body so there should be no visible gap. Please let me know if you see something wrong with them. I will try to fix them up.

I have also reassigned "physics" around the lifted ribbons so they move in a more synchronous manner with their breasts :bush:
Nyo_HelenaXmasInJuly_V3 (1).jpg Nyo_HelenaXmasInJuly_V3 (2).jpg Nyo_HelenaXmasInJuly_V3 (3).jpg Nyo_HelenaXmasInJuly_V3 (4).jpg Nyo_HelenaXmasInJuly_V3 (5).jpg Nyo_HelenaXmasInJuly_V3 (6).jpg

Updated TMCs with new preview icons can be found here

Now they should make better transformation source :)


Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
I think it could use a bit tweaking, but at this point I think the tool is working well enough and further attempt to tweak it for minor improvement in quality is probably not warranted, lol. After about a week of improvements I think I am pretty happy with how this turned out. I think the time has come for me to try and finish Witcher 3 after this little detour, lol!

Please let me know if there are issues with the tool/transformation and I will see if I can address them. Any, be it positive or negative, feedback is welcome.


I think the regular smoothing mode is pretty decent now (still have to play with various levels to get rid of some clippings, though) and the adaptive mode caters to those that like the true-to-form transformation. High level of smoothness on adaptive mode is kind of like the middle of the road approach and can sometimes rid of a few clipping issues. I am very happy with the performance of the tool. It enables users to try different levels of smoothness with high efficiency.

I've spent a bit more time on the tool to try to make it a little bit better, but I am not sure if I succeeded, lol.

Today I bring a small update to the tool to try to solve a (quite minor, IMO) problem -

Change Log
- Added a new functionality to approximate some accessory positions so they appear less detached.
- General code refactoring
- Tool window is now minimizable

Some times accessories can appear out of place after transformation, so I decided to do something about it with a very small degree of success.

As such I added a new control

If checked, the tool will attempt to move accessories closer to the character you are transforming to. It is not 100% perfect, but at least it's an improvement compared to previous versions.

A few examples

Before VS After
accessoryPositonApproximationTest (1).jpg accessoryPositonApproximationTest (2).jpg
In the above case, the positioning is a better approximation, but it is still a little off. At least it looks better than the "before" positions

accessoryPositonApproximationTest (5).jpg accessoryPositonApproximationTest (6).jpg accessoryPositonApproximationTest (7).jpg
In this case, the approximation is spot on. The hat no longer floats in mid air!

I made it so that it is toggeable, so if things look whacky or deformed, try again with it turned off. It's a quick experiment I implemented yesterday, and it looks like there is a bit more fine tuning required. However, in the process of doing this, I found that most of the hat and accessories already are in their correct positions after transformation without doing any of this extra work (lol). At least it still somewhat works in a few cases I tested, so I guess all was not wasted

However, if hat and stuff really get in the way of enjoyment, you can always just delete them using the polygon tool.

Per Lola's suggestion, I added back the minimize and maximize buttons. If you choose to maximize it, it's not going to look pretty - for now.. lol

Updated tool can be found here [DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (02/21/16 - transformer 0.2.2 &converter 0.4.0a)) | Page 4 | Undertow


Casual Client
Apr 28, 2015
Thanks for all your hard work Timmy. The tool seems pretty damn accomplished to me. As an "average end user", I can't find any fault with it at all. You've done an absolutely stellar job.

Have fun with the Witcher...I think it's fair to say that you've earned a break!


Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
Soo I noobed up again and sent out a debug build of 0.2.3a instead of the release build, lol. Sorry for the unnecessary extra spam of debug messages I put into debug mode. Please download the release version from the original tool post.

I've updated the link to indicate that it is the release build DOA5LRCharacterTransformerTool_V_0_2_3a_release.zip

Updated tool can be found here [DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (02/22/16 - transformer 0.2.3 &converter 0.4.0a)) | Page 4 | Undertow

Sorry for the massive debug message spam that you guys have to put up with in the wrong build
Release build is also slightly faster.


Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
So I figured out one of the last issues with the transformer which is, once again, in regards to transformation from pretty much anyone to Marie, lol. This time, however, it appears that the fix benefits other characters as well to some degree.

This is update brings some slight quality improvement to the adaptive mode.

Change Log
- Further enhanced adaptive smoothness mode to correct some odd normal vectors around chest area (especially apparent on large girls such as Helena/Lisa to Marie transformation)
- Slightly tweaked the adaptive smoothness mode to increase the performance by a little bit
- Added new start-up message to advise users to use either the built-in bone/collision transfer or a third party tool.

The focus of this update is to get rid of anomalies on the chest area after transformation using adaptive mode.
For example -

Without the enhancement, old logic would make parts around chest somewhat dark and unnatural looking. Very different from her natural lighting. This update aims to address this issue. The challenge is to figure out where the breasts start and end, lol, and i was able to leverage a certain geographic feature of the breasts, since they kind of stick out :bush:, to pin point their location dynamically on the fly - no hard coded coordinates required

When I was drafting the update, I thought about just putting the "recompute normal vectors" functionality into this transformer as well, but I figured that if you guys want the perfect (or rather, better) normal vectors on the transformed models, you could always just use my converter for this purpose. No sense in spending time on redundant feature and reinventing the wheel, so to speak. With this recompute normal vector functionality, the normal vectors are recalculated based on the information of the model in real time and all the triangles have their ends smoothed just like what a regular editor such as 3ds Max would do. The result is a very smooth looking model. However, this also exposes issues in the model if fake normal vectors are used to mask certain rough edges - recomputing normal vectors in this case would expose these problem areas.

I will take a little time here to review how to use my converter for pretty much the same purpose here. My converter and related tutorials can be found here [DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (Updated 02/24/16 - Transformer v0.2.4 & Converter v0.4.0a & updated giftwrap set for Nyo&Helena) - Page 5 - Adult Gaming

So if the model ends up having weird normal vectors like the shots from V0.2.3a pictured above, my other tool can deal with this issue very easily.
Drop the TMC you wish to modify onto the tool.

Make sure you have these settings selected and uncheck everything else and hit transform For more on what the seam smoothing value does, please refer to my tutorial here [DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (Updated 02/24/16 - Transformer v0.2.4 & Converter v0.4.0a & updated giftwrap set for Nyo&Helena) - Page 8 - Adult Gaming

The model should now be repaired!

Comparison shots

Some in-game shots

0_2_4_tests (1).jpg 0_2_4_tests (2).jpg 0_2_4_tests (3).jpg

The new normal vector correction on adaptive mode appears to work fine on non-Marie target transformation as well. These are done @SF100 adaptive.
0_2_4_tests (4).jpg 0_2_4_tests (5).jpg 0_2_4_tests (6).jpg

I've also included a bit more information on the bone stuff in the start-up messages.

I have also included some test versions of Timmy LOD reference models I quickly put together for you guys to play with. Just drop them into the "UserDefined" folder and you can transform between the regular ref models and these LOD models. For instance, Ayane can be transformed to her bigger self - UD_Ayane_LOD:
0_2_4_tests (9).jpg 0_2_4_tests (7).jpg 0_2_4_tests (8).jpg

I hope she is visibly bigger, lol!

Updated tool & sample ref files can be found here [DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (02/23/16 - transformer 0.2.3a &converter 0.4.0a)) | Page 4 | Undertow


Casual Client
Apr 28, 2015
Once again, stunning work mate. Have you actually managed to play on the Witcher at all?? :P

For what it's worth, I very much appreciate all of the attention Marie is getting with your updates... ;)

And also, I'd just like to say that I think it's awesome how you explain the technicalities of your programming etc. In a way that the inexperienced people like me can understand it in real world context. It's nice to be able to understand what's happening, even if the technical details are beyond me :)


Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
Once again, stunning work mate. Have you actually managed to play on the Witcher at all?? :P

For what it's worth, I very much appreciate all of the attention Marie is getting with your updates... ;)

And also, I'd just like to say that I think it's awesome how you explain the technicalities of your programming etc. In a way that the inexperienced people like me can understand it in real world context. It's nice to be able to understand what's happening, even if the technical details are beyond me :)

Thanks for the continued vote of confidence Riizch! I hope I can get some quality game time in today, lol!

As an end user myself, nothing irks me more than seeing a very short update list without going into details on what's actually been changed, so I try to give as many details as possible without making them overly complex and hard to understand. I think this way the users will be armed with enough knowledge to know what's being done under the hood and more likely to choose the optimal settings.


Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
I fear this has become a pattern lol. A few hours after releasing an update, today I tried it again to make sure all is well and ... I found a bug already.

Sorry for such frequent update spams, but this one is necessary to uphold my title as buttcrack meister

I only focused on the front side yesterday and had completely forgotten to check the backside, and today I did - I was horrified by what I saw!

Change Log
- Corrected an issue where the top of the butt crack would have their normal vectors overly smoothed in adaptive mode.

Hopefully there will be no more game breaking issues like this. Please let me know if you run into any issues and I will try my best to address them.

Updated tool & sample ref files can be found here [DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (02/23/16 - transformer 0.2.3a &converter 0.4.0a)) | Page 4 | Undertow


Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
While taking care of problems surrounding Marie, I had completely forgotten to test the other end of the spectrum. I bring yet another bug fix update to bring the version to 0.2.4b.

Change Log
- Corrected some abnormal normal vectors around reference Honoka model. Transformations to and from Honoka should yeild better results now.

Recently I received reports of strange shadows under Honoka's boobs and I was able to verify that it was indeed messed up. After fixing up her normal vectors, all is well again.

This model closely resembles the one Saaf and I released a while back which should please Honoka fans.

Updated tool & sample ref files can be found here [DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (02/23/16 - transformer 0.2.3a &converter 0.4.0a)) | Page 4 | Undertow


Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
Thanks to Pringles89 (on LoversLab) report about strange normal vectors in the mid section in the transformation result from Lisa to Honoka (and similar models). I decided to dig a little deeper into this and found that there may be an issue with the normal vectors on the model itself.

As such I've decided to clean up the model a bit more in hopes to combat this situation.

- Corrected incorrect normal vectors around mid section after transforming to Honoka with a very high SF value.

So I started out examining the Lisa model in question and found that there's a bit of an oddity in the mid section. This is very normal as those are "unreferenced vertices" found in earlier nude models by Harry and I suspect that they can some times screw up transformation results at high SF level.

The strange object inside is not visible normally but the tool can see them which could potentially lead to strange transformation outcome when a very high number of samples (high Smoothness value) is taken per vertex to smooth out the model.

I've also noticed a bit of a gap in between the breasts which (thankfully) is not related to my transformation algorithm. Somehow the tool appears to be able to repair some of these gaps as a side bonus
(the last picture is to Marie with adaptive which has no gap)

This strange midsection issue has been corrected for transformation between anyone to Honoka at very high level of smoothness, but it still seems to persist on the LOD custom reference models.

As such, I would recommend using a more moderate SF level on the LOD custom reference models as higher smoothness level is more likely to attract "noise" which would usually lead to degradation of the final transformation outcome, or adaptive mode, which should result in no mid section anomalies.

The tool has been updated to 0.2.4c with the corrected Honoka model.

Updated tool can be found here [DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (02/23/16 - transformer 0.2.3a &converter 0.4.0a)) | Page 4 | Undertow


Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
This strange mid section problem is interesting. I've tried to go from the same Lisa Shackle model to all other girls @SF100 without any mid section weirdness, but it seems like the moment I use my LOD model (which is based on Honoka), the midsection loses its correct normal values at high SF level.

At least the tool is functional for all characters and for LODs within reasonably high SF.

Another way to fix it is to resort to my converter tool again. Since I isolated the issue to broken normal vectors, my converter is well suited to this task!

If you absolutely love very high SF and are bothered by this weird midsection whackiness, you can drop the transformed TMC onto my converter tool. This is the perfect chance to shamelessly advertise my other tool :D

Make sure you have the same selection as pictured below (but change the neck fixing target to the character you transformed to)
Be very certain to uncheck "Copy Vertex Positions" "Copy Normal Vectors" "Copy Texture Coord" and check all of the options as shown. Also, be certain to select the TMC object group that you need normal vectors repaired. In this case, it's the body group. The Seam Smoothing value usually works fine with the value I set it at, but you can play with it and see what you like, , or lower it a bit if you still see seams afterward.

Hit "IMPORT" and the normals should now be repaired.

Verify the result -
As shown in the picture above, the recompute normal "fixed" the broken normals that I "masked" under Honoka's boobs, so there is a little bit weird shadowing going on, but I think it's not a major game breaking issue as most models, even official ones, have weird normal vectors in the underboob area.
Butt crack is perfectly preserved even after seam smoothing (butt cracks are especially challenging in seam smoothing as they are made up of many many overlapping vertices which constitute as a "seam"), but finger nails can be a tiny bit off. Nothing major though.

There you have it! Another magic use of my converter tool
Even when you don't need to be editing any any vertices in TMCs, the "TMC Post Processing" functionality can come in handy.
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Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
I have received a few reports from DigitalCookie about my converter 0.4.0a pumping out starfishes after the latest update. I've decided to spend a little time on looking at why it is happening, and finally found the root cause.

Today I bring you an update that I think solves all of the conversion problem caused by the tool in previous versions.

Change log
- Corrected most of the conversion issues in regards to indexing problem for unreferenced vertices. The tool now looks at the actual vertex buffer in the TMC instead of the reported vertices based on the object information, which could be zero'd out if objects are removed using popular TMC modding tools.

The issue with these star fish symptoms is basically caused by a few things. Before the overhaul, the converter relies on accurate reports of TMC Object information such as the number of vertices this object group has, where it starts and ends and so on and so forth, which is why it works reliably well for most official models.

The issue with most of the custom models is that, using tools such as Polygon Tool, the deletion of an object could mark the number of vertices as zero or it could simply remove some of the extra vertices from being referenced in the index buffer (such as Harry's method of creating the very first set of nude meshes, which is the result of tremendous manual labor since there was no freedom of simply deleting vertices back in the days). All of these issues could mislead my converter into reading things that it should not be reading.

As such, I've decided to re-write my parsing code to taken into account such problems and the result is a problem-free conversion (I hope!) for most models now.

A few examples of what I broke and fixed.

The tool used to have issues with most high polygon models since the object info reports incorrect number of vertices (for instance, body group still reports ~6k when there are actually over 20k). This has been fixed.

Saaf's custom Irene model gave my tool a hard time too. Now it has been fixed!

I even broke my own nude mesh, lol.

Lastly, my own nude mesh was not the only thing I broke, but all is well now


The converter now offers a suite of features such as automatic normal vector management, UV editing. It also offers post processing functionalities such as repairing broken normal vectors by completely recomputing them from scratch, repairing seams and fixing neck vertices. It is now a one-stop convenient mesh editing tool.

Updated tool can be found here


Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
Immediately after I released an update to my converter, I received feedback on some issues with Seam Smoothing functionality (that probably only a handful of people are using, lol).

Just when I was feeling pretty good about my last update to the converter bug, I had to head back to bug fixing mode again. This time, I think, that the last of the problem is now fixed. (I hope!)

Change log
- Corrected the seam smoothing functionality where finger nail normals would be corrupted with a low value for the radin dropdown box.

So, seam smoothing is an interesting problem. A lot of what can be considered "seams" on a model are not really seams. For instance, for the sake of my title, butt crack is a perfect example. Butt cracks are made up of many many overlapping vertices, but they are not technically a seam as it should be a somewhat visible division between the left and right butt cheeks. Another issue is that a lot of double sided objects have overlapping vertices as well, but they are not really seams either as the other side of the vertices point in a completely different way.

To combat this situation, a bit of simple vector math is needed to prevent smoothing the wrong seams.

First of all, I'd like to go over the new controls in a bit more details

The new group "TMC Post Processing" controls can be used without loading any OBJ files. However, if using the controls without OBJ file, please be very certain to uncheck "Copy Vertex Positions," "Copy Normal Vectors" and "Copy Texture Coord" boxes as the tool would throw an error if no OBJ file has been loaded and IMPORT button is hit.

First, the "Recompute Normal Vector" functionality -
This can be used to repair broken normal vectors that sometimes can result from editing software not keeping the correct normals, or can be from my transformer tool that messes up mid section normal. It can be caused by a number of things. It used to be that if the normal is broken, you have to kind of start over. Now it is no longer the case!

With this functionality, normal vectors can be recalculated from scratch to the faithful official version as shown below

Why are there seams you ask? They are there because of the way the model is made up. It consists of a few separate pieces that come together to make one model, which is why the joining sides create visible seams, which brings me to the next functionality

"Seam Smoothing for Overlapping Veritices With an Angle Less than <selection> Radian" functionality is designed especially to combat this situation.

To remove the seams, be sure you select the correct group under "TMC Mesh Group" drop down box.

In this example I set the value at 0.650 and hit "IMPORT"

Now the ugly seam is gone! Just like that


One of the existing issues with seam smoothing is that, when lowering the value to something like 0.600 to get rid of most of the seams on the body, it can inadvertently affect areas such as finger nails which are considered "Two sided" (there's another small piece on the back side that is almost impossible to spot). This issue has been addressed.

I'd like to go over the effect of the seam smoothing value with a few examples - butt cracks are the best examples


There is a little bit of a seam on her hand with 0.800

Lower it a bit to 0.650 to get rid of the seam

I think effect is more prominently seen on one of the most important areas on the body :bush:

With the new update, lowering the value does not affect the butt crack "sharpness" all that much unless the value is lowered quite dramatically to something like 0.100.

Marie's DLC001 is one of the perfect examples of how double sided objects could really mess up my old algorithm

Updated tool can be found here [DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (02/28/16 - transformer 0.2.4c &converter 0.4.2) | Page 2 | Undertow
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Club Regular
Apr 25, 2015
Thanks for the steady updates timmy. Your dedication and commitment is amazing.

on a side note. I get a little excited every time I see you write :bush: because I keep thinking "this is it! this is timmy's glorious bushy pubes mod, the time has come!" but that is never the case. :oops:


Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
Thanks for the steady updates timmy. Your dedication and commitment is amazing.

on a side note. I get a little excited every time I see you write :bush: because I keep thinking "this is it! this is timmy's glorious bushy pubes mod, the time has come!" but that is never the case. :oops:

Lol. I have been too busy fixing bugs in my tools I got a little sick of DoA. I think I will start cleaning up mods and releasing them again soonish.



Content Creator
Nov 14, 2012
Today I bring you another major update to my converter tool in hopes to make the functionalities more complete. I worked with Harry to gather requirements for his new Pose Fix tool http://www.loverslab.com/index.php?act=findpost&pid=1489198, and this update is partly done to support his new tool since the blender normal vector support for OBJ is a bit shaky.

Change log
- Fixed transformed object import issues where they would not be in their correct positions
- Added support to export and import the entire TMC as one object

The UI has been rearranged again into logical groups

You will find that the TMC<->OBJ related controls are grouped together now as these are used when an OBJ file has been loaded. The controls can be used to copy from TMC to OBJ or OBJ to TMC.

The new feature is the ability to export the entire TMC as one object (which has been implemented by Harry in his new OBJ tool as well)

This is particularly useful for editing complex TMCs such as Hitomi COS005

After exporting the TMC to OBJ, the OBJ can be loaded in your editing software of choice

The UV export functionality works for the new "Export as a single OBJ" functinoality as well, although not all groups have the same number of UVs, so most likely the UV export will default to UV1 if you are exporting, say, sweat for objects that lack such UV group. For a bit more control, please try exporting as separate OBJ to edit specific UV groups. Check "Copy Texture Coordinates" while selecting the correct group allows you to import changes to UV back into TMC.

Here I have made a small change to one of the balls on her hat, and export the OBJ

Follow the steps below to import the OBJ into TMC

The tool should automatically detect that you are importing OBJ for the entire TMC and select the correct "All Groups(Single OBJ)" option for you in the TMC Mesh Group drop down list.

Once import is complete, the change is reflected in the model

This update also brings a bug fix to the edit of transformed objects. For instance, the bell on Nyotengu's XmasInJuly had issues with the old version
Ah yes, that's what I wanted to do with her bell when I updated the outfit, but I gave up after running into issues. Now I think I should complete it the way I wanted :bush:

The tool can also be used with Blender, but the following import/export settings must be used. Keep vertex order, in particular, is important. I can't seem to figure out a way to keep vertex normals during OBJ import into Blender, but my Blender skillz are very lacking


One of the issues with Blender is that once exported/imported, the normal vectors seem messed up

Worry not! The built-in TMC Post Processing controls can help fix these issues! This group can now be used for "All Group(Single OBJ)" as well which lets the tool perform any of the selected TMC Post Processing controls on the entire TMC. *This group of controls can be used without loading any OBJ files. They can be used individually and independent of any OBJ functionalities to fix normal vector related issues in TMCs.
Now the normal vectors are completely repaired.

Alternatively, you can choose to just use "smooth seam" with (or maybe without if you have no issue with neck seam) neck repair.

Or, simply import vertex positions only and leave all others unchecked - this works fine if you are not making any drastic changes to the shape of your model as all the normal vectors in TMC are kept as is. If you are making big breasted models or preggo mods, for instance, you will want to correct the normal vectors using one of the above methods.

Let's check it out in game - this is the result of recompute normal vectors, seam smoothing and neck vertices correction:
2016-03-05 20-10-40.jpg 2016-03-05 20-10-58.jpg
No neck seam and butt crack is perfectly preserved.

There you have it! Yet another update to my converter tool that probably only a small handful of people are still using, lol

Note: If you are making big breasted models or preggo mods, for instance, you will want to correct the normal vectors using one of the above methods when editing in Blender, or just use "copy normal vectors" when editing in 3ds max without the need to use any of the post processing normal repair methods since it can import normal vectors from OBJ and update normal vectors in real time as the model is being edited and export all the changes to OBJ.

Please note that any changes to mesh shape requires normal vector recomputation otherwise the lighting is incorrect. One can usually get by without updating normal vectors and the incorrect normals can be hard to detect, but mods such as preggo and HLOD require normal vectors to be updated.

Update 03/14/16
If you know that your model has the correct neck vertices, there is no need to use "Automatically Correct Neck Vertices for.." post processing functionality anymore. Just use recompute normal vectors and seam smoothing if you want to update normal vectors. If there's still neck seam, you can use "Automatically Correct Neck Vertices for.." post processing functionality to attempt to repair it.

However, when importing OBJ from Blender, I believe you still need to use all three post processing functionalities since it does not seem to be able to import normal vectors from OBJ files.
For more information, please see [DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (03/12/16 - converter 0.4.4 & transformer 0.2.4c) | Page 9 | Undertow

If you don't need to edit the models via OBJ, these post processing functionalities can still be used after you do your thing with Mr. Doutoku's polygon tool suite with the TMC, and then load up the TMC in my converter to fix up the normal vectors that can be a bit of a pain to do in Blender (based on my very limited experience). You can also get rid of those ugly seams that can result from editing models in Blender without having to delete duplicate vertices which helps to preserve a great looking butt crack with relative ease.

Updated tool can be found here [DOA5LR] Timmy's Private Stash, Tips & Tools (02/28/16 - transformer 0.2.4c &converter 0.4.2) | Page 2 | Undertow
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