Fall of an Empire - A zako story (26 Viewers)


Swell Supporter
Nov 10, 2016
Excellent conclusion. I like the touch of the protag having a soft side. I think sparring one or two might have made the weight of the deaths a but heavier tho, also I personally could have used a few scenes of Serra's torture before her punishment. ;)


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
I was actually a fan of when the protagonist disposed of his enemies when they were in vulnerable positions. I like the straight up fights too, the fight with Zhenya being really great and her demise (straight up kung lao fatality!) being even better, but since I like the combat variety I also like the parts where he eliminates the zako who are sleeping and the ones that are bathing. It's not exactly honorable killing them while they're unarmed and either nude or close to it, but the Empire isn't honorable either and in a war you can't afford to play fair. There's something inciting about the complete vulnerability of girls who would probably usually be so confident with their weapons and armor.

So the empress has three daughters. 23, 20, and 18 years old respectively. Well I can certainly see where this is going and I love it. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Casual Client
Dec 12, 2010
I would love to see more tense, back-and-forth fights like the one with the boss girl. Maybe they could even land a few low blows on the hero before getting killed! I'm quite a fan of the more bloody and violent action. It's been lovely so far!


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 3 - 1

‘I'm hungry! I'm hungry! Give me some food immediately!’

There was a voice in my head. I turned my gaze to the short haired girl wearing a strange equipment on her head. She looked at me mischievously, “Can you hear it? Can you hear it?” I nodded, “Yeah, you said that you were hungry and wanted food.”

“Awesome!” The girl jumped cheerfully, raising high her arms, “I did it! I did it!” She looked like a child who had just received a new toy, her playfulness at the moment completely contrasted with the imagine of someone who coldly hanged all the prisoners of war a few days ago.

“So it is indeed a device that can help you send your thought to other people,” the woman standing beside me commented. As usual, there was a cigarette in the mouth of the commander of the rebel force.

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“So, have you found a way to utilize it to command your troops?” I asked. Cecilia shook her head, “Sadly, no. We don’t have a proper Operator, and we don’t know how to train one.”

“What are you talking about?” Farina protested. “I haven't just done it, have I?"

“He is in the same room with you. Can you send your thought to him if he is far away?”

“With more training I can increase the range.”

“The problem is not just the range, but also the accuracy. In a large area, there are a lot of people. Can you reliably send to the person you want? Try to imagine what will happen if you want to give orders to your soldiers but end up sending the message to the enemies.”

“That’s a fair point.” Farina conceded.

“What if,” the quiet girl leaning against the wall raised her voice for the first time, “we capture an Operator and force her to work for us?”


“Louise, it won’t work!” Cecilia said. “Everything happens in her head and we have no way to monitor what she is doing. She can leak our information to the enemy right in front of us while we are none the wiser.”

“So the Operator must be someone we can trust completely,” I mused, “someone with unquestionable loyalty.”

“Exactly,” Cecilia nodded. “That’s why I was quite surprised when I learnt that the Empire allowed that Serra girl to be one of their Operators.”

Farina didn’t bother to hide her disgust when she heard the name. I believed that she would have spit on the floor if this hadn’t been the commander’s room. “Filthy traitor! I wish I could have torture that bitch more. Hanging was too easy for her!”

Cecilia decided to change the topic, “So, how long will you stay with us, Agent?”

“Dunno,” I shrugged, “The Spokesman told me that for now he only needs me to help you defend against enemy infiltrators.”

“Right!” Cecilia nodded in agreement. “The Empire will try to take back this district. That’s why I am pushing my girls to fortify our defense.” She pondered, “I wonder what will be their next move?”

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Futaba Touko followed the receptionist through the corridor.

“The Viceroy is waiting for you inside.” The receptionist gestured at the door at the end of the hallway while giving her a friendly smile.

Touko eyed the office employee. She was a young attractive girl with an outfit that was cut boldly, emphasizing her great assets. She looked like a normal clerk you could see anywhere in this eighty-floor skyscraper serving as the heart of the Capital City, but Touko suspected whether there was more than meets the eye.


“Thank you!” Touko nodded and opened the door. The room was richly decorated with tapestries on two sides of the room and a gilt-edged carpet on the floor. The wall opposite to the entrance where Touko came through was made of glass, its transparency allowed the owner of this office to look down upon the city she ruled from the highest floor of the highest building in the province. That would no doubt make her feel powerful.

Touko see two women inside. The one who was sitting behind the beautiful wooden desk was no doubt Viceroy Zhou Min while the one in military uniform must be Colonel Kaga, commander of the regiment protecting the Capital City. Which meant, including Touko, there were four people in this room.

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“Welcome, Miss Futaba,” the woman behind the desk smiled graciously. “I am Zhou Min, Viceroy of the Island. I am very happy to see you.” She was middle aged, Touko knew that, as she had seen the Viceroy’s real age in the database. But this vain woman must have done everything she could to make her look much younger than she actually was.

‘She is very good at lying,’ Touko thought. Immediately, a voice appeared in her head, ‘Why do you think that she is lying?’ Touko smirked to the friend of hers that the Viceroy and the Colonel could neither see nor hear, ‘Because, no one is happy when the Secret Eyes are at her doorstep.’ Nevertheless, Touko smiled back at the Viceroy, “Your Excellency, the pleasure is mine.”

“And this is Colonel Kaga Youko, commanding officer of the 123rd Regiment garrisoning the Capital City,” the Viceroy introduced. While the Viceroy was the commander-in-chief of all Imperial forces in this province, Touko heard that she delegated all the military work to Kaga, which made the Colonel the de facto supreme commander. The woman in uniform nodded at her indifferently. Touko was a bit surprised, since that was not a typical reaction she usually got from someone who knew who she was. Letting none of her emotion show in her face, Touko formally greeted, “Colonel,” then walked toward the chair in front of the Viceroy’s desk and casually sat down.

“I believe that you have already been informed about the purpose of my visit.”

“I have,” Zhou Min nodded. “Though I am quite surprised that such a minor problem necessitated the attention of the Secret Eyes.”

“I don’t think that having two very angry Generals is a minor problem at all,” Touko sniggerred. “Unless Your Excellency is unaware of who Major Mobami Kirara and Captain Takano Miku were.”

“Of course I know that Major Mobami was General Mobami’s daughter and Captain Takano was General Takano’s younger sister.” The Viceroy’s voice wobbled with emotion.

“Then you should know that they are not very happy when they know about the fate of their daughter and sister.” Touko gazed at the Viceroy. “They left their kin in your care, expecting no harm would come to them, and you let that happen.”

She could see a subtle panic in the Zhou Min’s eyes. “But, how could I know something like that would happen? What could I do to prevent that?”

“Two patrol squads were brutally murdered long before the attack on Major Mobami Kirara’s base happened. Major Mobami had been requesting your aid for weeks. Am I wrong?” Touko drawled the last sentence.

“I … I …” The Viceroy whimpered. A glimpse of her real age showed through the heavy makeup.

Touko decided that she had made the woman squirm enough. “There is no point crying over spilled milk now. We need to focus on what we should do next.”

“Of course! Of course!” The Viceroy nodded furiously. “Kaga, explain our plan to Miss Futaba!”

The Colonel didn’t say anything immediately, she was just staring at Touko for a while then said, “I can’t believe that they let an Eggborn join the Secret Eyes.”

There was a dead silence in the room.

‘She dares to call you that?’ Her companion expressed her outrage directly in her head. ‘She totally did.’ Touko replied amusedly, laughing on the inside. How nostalgic! She used to hear that derogatory term a lot when she was small, but never again after she became an agent of the Secret Eyes. After all, most people realized that insulting a member of the Empress’ little band of psychopaths was never a good idea. She looked at the Colonel with awe. Behold! The Empire’s bravest officer, or the stupidest. Touko would bet more money on the latter though.

The Viceroy stared down Kaga, then gave Touko the best smile she could afford, “First, I can arrange for you to meet the two survivors of the first attack. You can get some useful information from them.”

“I already talked with one of them before I came here,” Touko replied. “A girl named Rika. Right before she was sent back to duty.”

“Does she know who you are?” Zhou Min asked curiously.

“Of course not! I told her that I was a journalist.” Touko laughed. “Now, I’m interested in the brain scan data of the victims. You did scan their brains, right?”

“Yes,” the Viceroy nodded. “We conducted the brain scan to every dead body from the first two attacks. For Major Mobami and Captain Takano as well as the rest of their HQ though, it’s impossible. Their remains are in enemy territory now.”

“So, what did we learn?”

“From the footage of what the victims saw in the last moment of their lives, we can say that the culprit is very good at killing, and quite sadistic as well,” Zhou Min replied. “He even managed to defeat Sergeant Haruka in single combat. Oh, in case you don’t know, Sergeant Haruka is …”

“I knew Haruka.” Touko cut her off. After all, catching that serial killer was her final test before she officially became one of the Secret Eyes. Ironically, that crazy woman met her end at this place and now she was tasked to go after the man who slew her.

“Colonel,” Touko turned to Kaga, “how do you plan to take back District 7 from the rebels?”

“I have sent a scout party, we need more intel before we could decide what to do next.” The Colonel told her with a mocking tone. “You should do the same, Miss. Send out your pets! You have one under your command, right? An experiment combat unit …”

“No worry,” Touko smirked, “my kittens were already there.”
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Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 3 - 2


“Come here, the fire will keep you warm!” Maki said.

Sarina nodded and scurried to her. The demure recruit sat down next to Maki, quivering because of the cold of the night. Maki had already knew how ridiculous the so called “limited-protection battle suits” were, but the outfit Sarina was wearing should take the prize. That piece of trash barely covered the front of Sarina’s crotch and she could easily expose her vagina whenever she moved.


“Not what you expected when you joined the army, right?” Maki asked sympathetically.

“When I was ten, I saw a military parade in my city. I thought that those girls were so cool, and ever since that day I have always been wanting to wear their battle suits and fight for the Empire.” Sarina responded, enviously looking at Maki’s armor.

Instead, she had to spend her first year in the army half naked. Maki sighed. When she herself was a recruit, everyone were equipped with the standard suits, so she never had to wear that mockery. How exactly does Sarina feel when she has to walk around all day scantily clad like that? She wondered.

Armor, or the lack of it, was not the only problem the young recruit had to face. She joined Maki’s squad right before they were assigned a tough mission. Under the direct order of Colonel Kaga, they had to infiltrate into enemy controlled territory and gather intel. After several days of observation, they had had a good grasp of the rebels’ number and position. They was also fortunate enough to capture one rebel yesterday when she was alone. The bitch was stubborn at first but Maki knew how to “persuade” her to talk. They buried her mutilated corpse carefully so that the other rebels couldn’t find any trace. The information gathered had been stored in the data disk Maki was carrying. Now they only had to come back and deliver the disk to their superior.

“Sergeant, I saw movement,” a voice emitted from Maki’s transceiver. That was from the sentry Maki assigned to guard outside the abandoned house where they were resting. The girl’s warning was immediately followed by a crackle of gun fire.

Enemies? Our location was compromised?

The girls immediately readied their weapons and spread out to guard the entrances to the building. Maki pressed herself against the wall beside a half opened window, plasma pistol in her right hand and sword in her left. She looked out, seeking a target, and she didn’t have to wait long.

“Three hostiles, closing from the west,” she said, observing the enemies. One of the rebels was a bit slow when moving between covers. Under the moon light, Maki could see that she was wearing black clothes, with a pistol in her hand and a side cap on her head. Her attire looked like a military uniform of some countries, Maki wondered where she got it from. She also had a well sculpted hairstyle, quite impressive for a rebel living in the forest. Maki blew half of her beautiful head off, making a bloody mess of her fancy hat and elaborate coiffure.


“Five hostiles, carrying rifles,” said Corporal Aki, who was at the opposite wall. She opened fire. “One down, four moving.”

Now Maki could hear crackles of gun fire from every direction. They were completely surrounded. The window next to her erupted in a hail of heavy gun fire, glass shattered everywhere as she dived for cover.

“Fire at will!” She shouted the command.

“I am pinned,” the sentry said through the transceiver, “more and more hostiles closing …” The communication ended abrubtly, and Maki expected the worst.

“Hanako is down!” One soldier cried a moment later, confirming what she had assumed. Their number was down to six now. Actually there were seven, but Maki doubted that Sarina, who was huddled in a corner and trembling, would help much. She wouldn’t blame the young recruit, this was her first battle after all.

The gunfight raged on. The rebels had seven more casualties, while they lost two. Maki realized that they were fighting a hopeless battle, as more and more rebels would come and sooner or later they would be overrun.

“Grenades!” A girl screamed, horrified. Maki’s heart skipped a beat when she saw not one, nor two, but a dozen of small bombs flying everywhere through the doors and windows. Her battle suit could stop shrapnel, so as long as she avoided getting hit in the head, she should be okay. Sarina, on the other hand, would be shredded to pieces. Maki darted toward the corner where she was cowering, knelt and covered the young girl’s body with hers, while using her hands to protect their heads.

The grenades exploded, wreaking havoc to everything inside the room. Maki felt like her eardrums were being torn apart. She stood up when she no longer heard anything, not sure whether because it was over or she had been deaf.

“Are you okay, Sarina?” She asked. “Yes, I’m fine,” replied the recruit, letting her know that her ears were still functioning. Maki looked around the room, but she barely saw anything since the entire room was now covered with dust.

“Sergeant!” Maki heard a voice from a silhouette in the left. Aki’s voice. “Are you …” The corporal’s sentence was interrupted by a gunshot, then she fell to the ground. Two other silhouettes appeared, and Maki doubted that they were her girls.

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Maki raised her right hand, and realized that her gun was gone. She wasn’t sure when she lost it, but there was no time to think about it. She still had her sword, so she charged. Two rebels were in sight. One long haired girl in black clothes, carrying a rifle, and one petite girl with a cute face, armed with a pistol. Judging that the one with the bigger gun was more dangerous, Maki chopped her head off with one swing of sword. When she turned to the other enemy, she found herself facing the cold barrel of a pistol. The other girl was pointing her gun at her forehead, about to pull the trigger.

“Die! Rebel scum!”

She heard Sarina’s shout, then the cute face of the rebel before her was contorted by a spasm of pain, as her stomach was vaporized, bloody offal spraying everywhere. Maki turned to Sarina after the rebel collapsed. The recruit was holding her plasma pistol. She must have picked it up and saved her life.

“Well done! Congratulation for your first kill!” Maki complimented.

“So … I am not useless anymore, right?” The young girl smiled innocently.

“Of course, you are not …”

Before Maki could finish her sentence, the smile had disappeared from Sarina’s face. The bloody tip of a blade stuck out from the recruit’s belly through her navel. She had been stabbed from behind. Sarina fell to the floor as the sword was pulled out by her attacker, a masked man in black.

“How dare you?”

Enraged, Maki charged at the man. He parried her slash then kicked her in the stomach. She dropped to the floor, gasping for air. Then more rebels rushed in, pointing their guns at her.

“Why did you attack without waiting for me?” The masked man yelled at a short haired rebel.

“I’m sorry,” the girl said apologetically, scratching her head. “I thought we could get them. We had the number.”

“The first time we met, you said that the kill-to-death ratio of you girls was one-to-eight, right?” The man grumbled. “So I doubt that number means much.”

While the short haired girl, who seemed to be the leader of this rebel group, was being admonished by the man, the other rebels proceeded to strip Maki’s suit off. They made her kneel on the floor, completely naked, her hands behind her head.

“Look at this shameless bitch! She isn’t wearing anything down there!” The rebels pointed and laughed at Sarina, who was clutching at her wounded stomach, twitching and groaning.

“Please … help … me … it … hurts …” The young recruit begged in tears. One of the rebels grinned, “Okay, let me put you out of your misery then,” thrusting the barrel of her rifle into Sarina’s exposed womanhood.

“No … wait … no …” Sarina whimpered her last words, before her life was extinguished by a burst of fire.

Maki’s heart ached when she saw the young recruit met her brutal end. But now was not the time to mourn Sarina’s death.

Why am I … trembling?

Maki had always been a proud soldier. She had lost count how many times she was in life threatening situations and she believed that she could face death with a smile. But it was very different now. So this is how Sarina feel everyday! When they stripped off her armor, they also stripped off her pride. Being naked in front of the enemies made her feel so weak, so vulnerable. She wondered what would happen to her, whether they would kill her immediately or torture her first.

“What will we do with this bitch?” A rebel asked. “Let’s hang her!” The leader waved her hand. “No! We’ll ask questions first!” The man cut her off.

That confirmed Maki’s fear. She wouldn’t be spared. Either they killed her now or they would kill her later after they got what they wanted. Which was fair though, after all, she did the same thing to her captive yesterday.

But still, I don’t want to die …

Suddenly, she heard a scream outside. Then she heard the sound of gun fire, then another scream.

“What the hell?” The rebel leader was astonished. She waved her hand, ordering her subordinates to go out to check.

“Don’t go!” The man yelled. “Tell your girls to get in here!”

The leader quickly gave out commands through her transceiver. However, there was no one coming in. Only scream, gun fire, and then, an absolute silence.

“What the fuck is going on?”

“There is a woman outside, maybe,” the man replied, “and she took out everyone outside.”

“What? There are at least six girls. How the hell are they defeated by one single enemy? And ‘maybe’? What do you mean by that?”

“The assailant’s body shape looks like one of a female human.” The man explained. “But the way she moves is, eh, weird. There is also something strange on her head. Like, some kinds of horns.”

“What the ...” The short haired girl frowned. “Are you telling me that a demon is attacking us?”

Maki had made up her mind, it was now or never. While the rebels were distracted by the mysterious attacker, she punched the rebel standing beside her in the crotch, and darted through the window. Maybe she would be gunned down, maybe she would be killed by the strange creature, but she would be dead anyway if she stayed here.

“Stop right there, bitch!”

Maki heard the rebels yelling at her from behind, and then the crackle of gun fire. Some bullets had glanced her sides, but she gritted her teeth and kept running.

Then she saw it.

That was a girl, no doubt about that. But her posture and movement gave Maki an impression of a beast prowling the night. Their eyes met briefly, then the beastwoman returned her gaze back to the house, ignoring her.

Was she an ally, or an enemy?

Maki didn’t know, and she didn’t care. The naked sergeant kept running, and vanished into the night.


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 3 - 3

I observed the strange enemy using my infrared vision. She was crouching on all four, moving around like an animal. She even had a tail. Was she a beast, or a human? And what the hell was those things on her head? She had retreated far enough away for us to reliably snipe her from here, but she hadn’t left, instead she was circling around the house, waiting for us to come out. She took out the girls outside using her speed under the guise of darkness, all of those advantages would be lost if she tried to attack a fortified position head on.

“Wait here!” I told Farina and darted through the door.

“Hey, wait!” The girl shouted, but she didn’t follow me. I also didn’t have time to explain to her, so I kept moving swiftly toward the strange beastwoman.

Could she see me? Judging from the way she moved from target to target a moment ago, it was obvious that her vision was not compromised in the dark. But there was no way to tell neither the mechanics behind it nor how well she was able to see. Did she have implanted optics like me, or did she have the eyes of a beast? A beast’s eyes have better night time vision than human’s simply because they were constructed in a way that allowed maximum light to enter into the eyes when necessary and their retinas were sensitive to low light levels. In other words, they were not as good as the infrared thermal optics I had.

She seemed to notice me when I was halfway there and changed her course to circle around me, while gradually decreasing the distance between us. Finally, I got close enough to see what she actually was.

“A catgirl?”


The enemy before me was bizarre. She was a scantily clad long haired young lady, who looked no difference from any other normal girl except for the cat ears on her head and a tail behind her butt.

“So you bring no gun with you?” The catgirl said after scanning me from head to toe.

“I doubt that I can dispatch you with one single shot, and if I miss, you will run away,” I replied.

“Of course I will,” she laughed, “someone who can see me in the dark and shoot at me is too scary. But forcing me to retreat is not good enough for you?”

“If I let you escape alive, you will come back and kill more people,” I shook my head. “I can’t allow that to happen.”

“You are right. But what will you do if I flee now? I can outrun you easily, there is no way you can catch up with me,” the girl grinned, told me with a teasing tone.

“You won’t. Because your main target is me, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she nodded, “killing rebel rabble is not my responsibility, normal troopers can deal with them just fine. My job is to deal with the bigger threats.”

“So, you are indeed with the Empire. Who are you, exactly?”

“A cute little kitten,” she said mischievously, putting her paws up to her cheek with palms facing outwards. “Meow meow!”

“A cute deadly kitten,” I chuckled, “there is still blood in your claws, you know?”

“So you agree that I am cute?” She giggled.


“Still want to kill me?”


“What a heartless man,” she laughed, “who are you then? What should I call you?”

“Someone called me the Lady Killer,” I smirked.

“What a fitting name!” She nodded, smiling.

“So, are we just standing here and chatting all night? Or shall we begin our dance of death?”

“We will. But not here, not now.”

“Oh, really?”

“There is a waterfall ten kilometers from here, to the east. Let’s meet there, one week from now, at midnight. Prepare every weapon, trap or trick and bring every friend you have, because I will do the same,” she explained with a cheerful voice, “then we will have our dance.”

“Why should I go to fight at a place you choose?” I sniggered.

“Because, at the moment, there are two other simultaneous attacks against the rebels, my dear lady killer,” the catgirl smiled, “carried out by my friends. We will do nothing next week, but we will presumed our hunt if you don’t show up. If that’s what you prefer, then go ahead.” Then she turned away, “You have one week, so take your time to consider the options.”

“Bye bye! See you again soon!” She waved her hand, then started sprinting. She was right, there was no way I could catch up with her speed.

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“Twenty one death, thirteen wounded, nine among them are now in critical condition, and five others missing,” Cecilia concluded. “This is a disaster!”

“Agreed,” the Agent nodded, “it is so disastrous that we almost forget about the eleven casualties in Farina’s ill timing attack.”

“Do you need to remind me of that every time?” The short haired girl flushed.

“Yes,” the Agent replied, “so that you will never do it again.”

Cecilia was horrified by the content in the report she was holding. Even without Farina’s blunder, there were totally thirty nine casualties in one single night, results of three simultaneous separate attacks. Years of guerrilla fighting had costed them a lot of lives, but they had never lost so many girls in such a small amount of time. They always avoided pitched battles, being elusive to the enemy. But now since they had taken territories, they couldn’t hide anymore. So the enemy struck, and they struck with their best.

“All of the victims had their throat ripped apart, their wounds suggested that the assailants used some kinds of claw-like weapons,” Cecilia said, “so I believe that the two other attackers are also catgirls, just like the one you met.”

“I think so as well,” the Agent replied, “but who the hell are they exactly?”

“They must belong to an experimental combat unit,” Cecilia declared her assumption. She explained, as the Agent gave her a puzzled look, “In short, they are genetically enhanced soldiers of the Empire, who have superhuman qualities. Several squads were deployed during the invasion five years ago, but they all left after we were defeated, and there was no experimental combat unit being used against our insurgency up until now. The Empire must think that they are needed more at the Front and normal soldiers are enough to deal with our ragtag bands of rebels. But it seems the enemy had begun to take us more seriously.”

“So those catgirls are probably genetically modified to have the combination strength of a human’s intelligence and a predator’s abilities.” The Agent mused.

“Who cares about who they are?” Farina broke in. “The question is, what are we going to do about them?”

“Kill them, of course,” the Agent said. Farina nodded with satisfaction. “But how?” Cecilia asked, “will you accept their challenge?”

“First, let’s consider what will happen if I don’t go.” The Agent pondered. “They will start attacking your girls, and there is nothing I can do if they assault three different place simultaneously again. If I try to intercept one, she will flee while the other two continues to wreak havoc.”

Cecilia nodded in agreement. Trying to defend against those enemies was a bad idea. How about a counter attack? What if she sent the Agent to go after Imperial soldiers, pressuring the beastwomen to fall back to protect their own girls? But she quickly brushed off the idea. The Empire had more resources than them, they could easily attack and defend at the same time, and furthermore, Imperial soldiers were better at defending themselves than her girls. The rebels would doom themselves if they fought that kind of war of attrition.

“So you have to go,” Farina said, “how about we order all the girls to swarm the place and defeat them with number?”

“I’m pretty sure that they already had plans prepared for that situation,” the Agent shrugged. “If you do so, this time the number of casualties won't stop at thirty nine.”

“What are you suggesting then?” Farina frowned. “You go there alone and fight a one-versus-three battle?”

“Of course not, I will track them,” the Agent chuckled, standing up. “Predators spent most of their day sleeping to balance out their energy that is spent hunting. They need a safe hideout where they can rest, not too far away from that waterfall. After all, they need to go back and forth between the two places to prepare for the fight.”

“I have one week to find my cute little kitten," he said while going toward the door, "and slit her throat while she’s sleeping."
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The ZIL Organization

Club Regular
Jul 25, 2017
Chapter 3 - 2

“Come here, the fire will keep you warm!” Maki said.

Sarina nodded and scurried to her. The demure recruit sat down next to Maki, quivering because of the cold of the night. Maki had already knew how ridiculous the so called “limited-protection battle suits” were, but the outfit Sarina was wearing should take the prize. That piece of trash barely covered the front of Sarina’s crotch and she could easily expose her vagina whenever she moved.


Can I ask you where you got that picture? The actress, the name of the film, or studio, or any further information? I really love this costume. It is definitely superior to any other Zako costume I have seen so far, except for the Pricom series.​


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018

Can I ask you where you got that picture? The actress, the name of the film, or studio, or any further information? I really love this costume. It is definitely superior to any other Zako costume I have seen so far, except for the Pricom series.​
Well, from Google :grin:
I just searched for "Gantz cosplay" and that is one of the pictures I got. I don't remember exactly where though.
I don't think that she is an actress, but just a cosplayer. The costume is from a manga named Gantz.

The ZIL Organization

Club Regular
Jul 25, 2017
Wow... am pretty sure when I read Gantz, I never saw such a person. (I never finished the manga or even know if it was ever finished, got bored after a while.)

But heh, now I know that Gantz cosplay can net some really sexy pictures. This costume beats even Agent Aika's infinite pantyshots.


Master of this Domain
Dec 3, 2010
It's the outer part of the suit. I don't know why, but there are whole albums of just that outer part(https://exhentai.org/g/1169550/a023389a20/) and the model someone made in HS allows for you to use just that outer part.
Was there like a famous panel where someone was just wearing it? Cause it's too common to just be a coincidence.


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
She is cosplaying Kei Kishimoto, and that suit does appear in the manga.
(not in the actual story though, but Kei, as well as other female characters, is heavily sexualized in the covers)

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 3 - 4


Rika was standing outside the gate, waiting for the guest of the Major. She should be here soon.

“So, who is coming exactly?” A soldier standing near the guardhouse asked.

“I don’t know the details,” Rika replied. “The Major only told me that she was her friend.”

“Weird,” the other girl said, “even if she is the Major’s friend, we shouldn’t let a civilian enter a military base.”

“Well, order is order.” Rika shrugged.

That was a pretty mundane conversation. The guard probably started talking to her only because she was bored and wanted to kill time. But Rika enjoyed it greatly. It was so different from when she was with her old unit, since most of the people there were either very scary or cold and indifferent toward her. Now she felt like she was treated like a proper soldier of the Empire. She was also equipped with a standard battle suit and a weapon of her own. Still a sword though.

“Is that her?” The guard said. Rika looked at where she was pointing, and saw a car coming down the road toward them. It stopped in front of the gate and the door opened. A young woman with a familiar face emerged, her long blond hair was braided into a long tail down to his lower back.

“Miss Futaba!” Rika called her, recognizing the journalist who had visited and interviewed her a week ago.

“Oh, if it isn’t Rika,” the girl smiled. “What a coincidence! So this base is your new post?”

“Yes,” Rika nodded, “I have just been here for a week. So, Miss Futaba is friends with the Major?”

“Yup, Ringo and I have been friends since we were classmates at elementary school,” the journalist replied cheerfully. “By the way, no ‘Miss Futaba’. Just call me Touko.”

“Okay, Touko,” Rika said, “the Major ordered me to greet you and guide you to her room.”

“Let’s go then~” Touko waved at the driver, gesturing her to leave, then followed Rika to go inside. The guard frowned, probably still unhappy with a civilian entering the base, but she didn’t say anything.

“I am sorry if I sound intrusive,” Rika said as they walked through the camp, “but I am quite curious, what are you going to do here?”

“So you don’t think that this is purely a reunion between old friends?” Touko laughed. “Well, yes, you are right. I have another purpose. I want to write an article about the soldiers at the front line, so I asked Ringo to allow me to interview her girls.”

Front line? The word gave Rika chills. But it was correct if she thought about it. With the annihilation of the 762nd Battalion, District 7 fell into the hands of the rebels and as the result, the neighboring District 4, where she was right now, was practically the front line.

“Sorry, did I remind you of those terrible things?” Touko asked. She must have recalled that Rika used to be a soldier of the obliterated battalion.

“Don’t worry,” Rika shook her head, “I’m fine.”

That night was terrible indeed. She was raped, while her friend Hikari gravely injured and the rest of her squad brutally murdered. Unlike Rika, who was able to return to duty quickly, Hikari was still hospitalized. But on the other hand, they survived. Furthermore, being the survivors of the first attack, they were sent to the Capital City and avoided the cruel fate that befell her former battalion a few weeks later. Rika heard that it was a massacre, as the rebels spared no one. Who didn’t get killed in combat would be soon executed after the battle. Rika couldn’t help but quivering when she thought about it. She could have been a corpse by now. But instead, she was alive, and assigned to a new place where people were much nicer to her. So, am I lucky, or unlucky? Rika pondered.

They had arrived at the commander’s room. Taking a deep breath, Rika knocked the door.


Rika heard a commanding voice from behind the door. She went inside and found the the highest-rank officer of the 721st Battalion sitting behind her desk, gazing at her indifferently. When Rika was with her old unit, she had never talked directly to even a lieutenant, let alone a major. She found herself overwhelmed by the commander’s presence whenever she was in her vicinity.


Rika saluted. “Ma’am, I have brought your guest here.”

“Thank you! You are dismissed.”

Rika saluted again and turned around, eager to flee from the unbearable pressure of the room. Touko flashed her a farewell smile just before she left. Rika closed the door and sighed deeply in relief.

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The neutral and stoic expression disappeared from Ringo’s face as soon as Rika left the room. She quickly moved from her desk, a smile spread across her face, and crushed Touko in a tight hug.

“Okay, okay, you are hurting me!” Touko laughed. She swore that she could hear her own bones rattling.

“How long has it been? Four years?” Ringo let go of her, looking her over top to bottom. “You have not changed at all.”

“Neither have you. For a moment I thought that you had become a total different person. But no, still the same old Ringo.” Touko giggled. “Did you see that Rika girl? She nearly fainted when you looked at her. I wonder what she will think if she sees the you right now.”

“Ha ha ha,” Ringo laughed, gesturing to an empty chair while returning to her own seat behind the desk. “Sit, sit!” She continued talking after both of them had sit down. “So you have become a journalist, huh? But what kind of connection do you have that can make the Viceroy herself send me a message to tell me to help you with your job?”

“This connection,” Touko flashed a grin of pure mischief, showing her friend the badge carrying the sigil of the Secret Eyes. She gazed at Ringo with amusement as the latter’s jaw dropped open.

“You are kidding, right?”


“How … how is that possible?” Ringo asked, barely making sense of what she had just been told. “Does … does your old man know?”

“Of course not,” Touko chuckled, “he thinks that I am a journalist.”

“Unbelievable,” Ringo said, her head seemed to be still spinning. “So, what exactly is ‘your job’ here? Ah! That, right?”

“Yes, that,” Touko agreed. “Have you watched that video?”

"Yes,” Ringo replied, clearly disturbed, “and now I have chills whenever I go to the toilet.”

“That’s it, the reason why I am here.” Touko said. “I am tasked to find and punish whoever is responsible for the murder of Major Mobami and Captain Takano. Both the Lady-killer and the ones behind him.”

“Lady-killer?” Ringo raised her eyebrow.

“Oh, one of my girls has encountered the murderer and since then she has called him by that name.” Touko explained. “So we've decided to make Lady-killer our official nickname of that assassin.”

“I see,” Ringo nodded.

“What is your situation?” Touko asked. “After all, you are now right next to the enemy.”

“Well, everyone is uneasy, and I have ordered all of my subordinates to tighten our security. There has been no attack against us so far, and I haven’t attempted to send troops into their territory either." Ringo said grimly. "Colonel Kaga of the Capital City’s regiment did send a scouting party to infiltrate their lines though. It ended up very badly. There was only one survivor. She returned a few days ago, naked, exhausted, injured and scared. She claimed that a mysterious beastwoman saved her life. Poor girl! She must have been terrified to the point of being delusional. I sent her back to the Capital City after she was nursed back to health.”

‘That soldier must be the one Hyo mentioned.’ The voice of Touko's companion raised in her head. “Agreed.” She replied.

“So, what will you do?” Ringo asked. “And how can I help you?”

“For now, I only need a room.” Touko smiled. “I will stay in your base for a few days.”

Yes, just a few days. Everything would be decided in the next few days.


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 3 - 5

Today was the day. Only twelve hours left until the promised battle between me and the beautiful and deadly beastwomen. At midnight we were going to have a fight to the death at the waterfall, or at least, that was what they expected. But I had prepared an unpleasant surprise to a certain little cute catgirl.

I had spent the whole week watching the area around the waterfall, from far away enough to avoid being noticed, but near enough to see anyone getting in and getting out. The girls came at night, prowling around to familiarize themselves with the terrain, and setting their traps as well as disabling mine. In order to not make them suspicious, I did the same things during daytime. For days we had been making and breaking traps, as if we were indeed preparing for a final epic confrontation. It was not going to happen though. The catgirls had done their best to hide their tracks, but finally I had found out their hideout.

I was staring at the entrance of a cave as the sun was high above my head. They must be sleeping now. Predators like them needed a lot of time to rest when they were not hunting, which was especially true when they were going to have an important battle tonight.

I entered the cave, activating my infrared vision. If this cave was big with a network of narrow tunnels and the girls were hiding deep inside, even my implanted optics wouldn’t be able to help me find them. Fortunately, that was not the case. I quickly saw three red glowing shapes not too far from the entrance, all lying on the floor.

Things could get difficult if there was one girl awake guarding her slumbering friends, but it appeared that the catgirls were quite confident that no one could discover this place. I crept through a passageway, my heels crunching against the gravels on the floor of the dark cavern. As I got closer to the sleeping catgirls, I slowed down my speed so that I could move without making a sound. I didn’t want to wake up the girls, at least not before my knife made ruins of their nubile bodies.

I found myself in a chamber, in the middle of which the catgirls were lying in fetal positions. My prizes were right in front of me. I could quickly sneak up to those completely defenseless girls and butcher them before they could realize what was going on. But …

Something was wrong! I didn’t know what it was exactly and I couldn’t understand why, but I had a feeling that something was off. My doubt grew as I moved closer and closer to the girls, and finally I realized what was amiss.

They have neither cat ears nor tails?

Their lying postures made it impossible to notice such things unless I was in their proximity. Who were they? What was going on? Confused, I turned on my flashlight and check their faces. None of them looked like the catgirl I met.


One girl looked familiar. Where and when did I see her? Right! I once saw this girl in the rebel camps, didn’t I? Then I recalled that when Cecilia summarized the aftermath of the catgirls’ attacks, she said that there were five girls missing. So, the three sleeping beauties here were the rebels captured by the enemy?

This is a trap!

Sudden realization hit me like a punch in the gut. But it was too late. I heard the sound of explosions going off echoed through the cavern, leaving my ears ringing, and rocks from the ceiling of the chamber were crashing and crumbling down around me.

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Cecilia looked at the calendar on the wall. Today was Lute’s birthday. Cecilia wondered what her sister looked like now, after all the last time she saw her she was only twelve and a half, and today she had reached the age of sixteen. How tall was she? What kind of girl had she grown up to be?

‘If you think so much about your family, why don’t you check on them? If you can’t go yourself, just ask the others for help. We have sympathizers in the cities, you know?’ That was what Louise had always been telling her, but Cecilia had brushed that idea off. She couldn’t allow herself to use the Resistance’s resources for her own personal problem. Not only she could endanger their collaborators, she could also put the Resistance’s future plans in jeopardy. The Agent was going to strike at the heart of the enemy and the supporters in the cities were essential to such operations.

There was a knock at the door, and in came a short haired girl with drowsy eyes.


“Oh, you are alone?” Farina was surprised. “Where is Louise?”

“In her room, sleeping,” Cecilia replied. “She stayed up the whole night, so I told her to rest. It’s daytime now, there’s nothing to worry about.”

“I see,” Farina said, letting out a big yawn. Obviously she didn’t get much sleep last night either.

Even though the catgirls declared that they would not attack for a week, Cecilia was not stupid enough to trust their words. She ordered her girls to be always on high alert during the night. Six nights had passed without any incident though.

“It seems that they do keep their words,” Cecilia shrugged.

“Yeah,” Farina nodded. “But you made a right decision. We can’t trust them, and we can’t let a massacre like the last one happen again.”

“Today is the last day.” Cecilia said grimly. “He was supposed to meet them tonight.”

“Has he found their hideout?” Farina asked.

“Yes, he said so when he contacted me this morning,” Cecilia replied, looking at the clock on the table. “He must be attacking them at the moment.”

“Great!” Farina spread a big smile across her face. “Nothing better than slitting the enemies’ throats when they least expect. Too bad I can’t be there. I’d love to see the expression in their faces at the last moment of their lives. Oh well, that can’t be helped! Ah, when he contacts again, tell him to drag their corpses here, okay?”

“I will,” Cecilia sighed. She understood the reasons why Farina hated the Empire so much, but she couldn’t get used to the other girl’s blood thirst.

“Okay, I will go to sleep,” Farina yawned again, “I am so tired …”

But before she could reach the door, the window in Cecilia’s office erupted inward, a shower of glass splinters falling all over the floor. They turned to the shattered window, and saw two beastly figures.

“You want to see our faces?”

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Cecilia had never seen them before, but she immediately realized who they were. They were catgirls. The one who just had talked was a short haired girl who had her body partly covered by fur. She was very tall, towering over her companion, her face looking prideful and majestic. The other girl, on the other hand, appeared to be demure and timid. She was not wearing anything on her upper body at all, exposing a pair of small breasts.

Unbelievably fast but gracefully, the half naked catgirl moved to next to Cecilia, grabbing her arm before she could reach the pistol in her holster, while wrapping the other hand around her neck. Cecilia could feel sharp claws touching her skin. “Don’t move,” she said softly.

At the same time, the furry short haired girl closed in Farina like a storm. She stabbed her claws in the young rebel’s crotch then ripped upwards to her navel. Farina screamed and clutched at her wound, cupping a handful of her intestines protruding from the huge bloody gash in her belly.

“Nothing better than tearing the enemies’ cunts apart when they least expect,” the catgirl sneered at Farina, who was grasping and groaning, her face contorted by pain.

Cecilia gaped at the sudden turn of events. Before she could say anything, the door opened and a third catgirl appeared. Behind her, the guard who was usually standing in front of her room was lying in a pool of blood.


“The escape route is secured. If we leave now, we will be long gone before they realize what has happened.” The third girl said.

“We leave already? I want to kill more. One is not enough.” The short haired catgirl protested.

“We are not here to play.” The girl at the door frowned. “Do you want to make the boss angry?”

“Fine, fine,” the other catgirl conceded, swiping her claws across Farina’s neck. The young rebel’s head went flying up and her vicious killer casually caught it when it fell down. Then the catgirl walked to Cecilia and put the severed head on the desk in front of her.

“You are the boss here, right? We are going to take you to our boss.” She twisted a cruel smile, caressing Cecilia’s bare stomach with her blood stained fingers.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Oh no, not Farina! ...Is what I would say if I liked Farina, which I didn't. Surprised she even lasted this long with how incompetent she seemed. The important part is Cecilia still might be saved! :tongue::tongue::tongue:

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