Fall of an Empire - A zako story (20 Viewers)


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Oh no, not Farina! ...Is what I would say if I liked Farina, which I didn't. Surprised she even lasted this long with how incompetent she seemed. The important part is Cecilia still might be saved! :tongue::tongue::tongue:
I intended for Farina to be a idiotic character for comic relief, but then found out that I had written her to be more annoying than funny. So here came the best use for her :tongue:

Part 6 will be the last part of Chapter 3. Unlike the previous ones, this chapter is not self-contained and episodic, but more like a setup for Chapter 4 (and later chapters). Hence a lot of new characters were introduced & too few sexy deaths happened. But don't worry, most of them will get their dues sooner or later :grin:


Swell Supporter
Nov 13, 2015
Must agree, at this point I was wondering what made Farina better than any the supposed villains the Empire. She was such a sadistic idiotic character, she seemed to fit a villain sidekick archetype.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Must agree, at this point I was wondering what made Farina better than any the supposed villains the Empire. She was such a sadistic idiotic character, she seemed to fit a villain sidekick archetype.
Oh that's true too. She seemed more interested in the fighting and vengeance than the resistance's actual end goal of being free from the empire.


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 3 - 6 (last part)

We were standing in the commander’s room, of which the owner was nowhere to be found. The room was in ruin, its window shattered, glass shards and fragments everywhere, and the wall and the floor splattered by Farina’s blood. The ill-fated girl’s body had been carried away, but what still remained here allowed us to see a glimpse of the young rebel’s brutal demise.

“I’m glad that you have managed to get out of that place in one piece,” the voice of the Spokesman of the Resistance came out of the radio transceiver.

“I ran as fast as I could,” I said grimly. “It’s fortunate that I was able to escape before the entrance was sealed. It’s a shame about those three girls though.”

“They were still alive when you were there?” Louise asked. She appeared to be still shocked at what had happened when she was away.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “They were sleeping soundly. I suspect that the catgirls had drugged them, then put them there in order to fool me into thinking that they were them.”

“Poor girls!” Louise sighed. “But lucky for us, the enemy had made a mistake. If they placed those girls deeper in the cavern, you may not be able to get out.”

“Not really,” I shook my head. “If the girls had been hidden deep inside, I would haven’t been able to see them from the entrance with my infrared vision, and I might hesitate to enter. They need to plant a bait right in front of me in order to lure me to go into their trap.”

The catgirls' stratagem was very elaborate. They had no intention of fighting me at the waterfall in the first place, and they knew that I wasn’t going to do so either. Nevertheless, they put their effort in their “preparation” for the fight, so that I wouldn’t get suspicious. They gave me one week to consider their challenge, because they wanted me to have enough time to find their hideout, where they had placed three of their captives disguised as themselves.

“And while you were walking into their trap, they came here and kidnapped Cecilia,” Louise pondered. “But how did they know where she was?”

“They must have got such information by interrogating the captives,” I replied. “From the beginning their plan was to capture Cecilia. That catgirl lied through her teeth when she said that they wouldn’t attack us again for a week. She knew that we wouldn’t trust her, so she left us alone for six nights, only to come on the seventh day. During daytime. Even though up until now they was only active during nighttime. We have been tricked into thinking that we only need to be on guard at nights. Their beastly appearance gave us the presumption, and their behaviors reinforced our misunderstanding.”

“Cecilia’s precaution against night raids actually backfired. It made us more vulnerable during daytime.” Louise said grimly. After all, the only reason why she was not with Cecilia during the attack was because she didn’t have any sleep last night.

I had underestimated those catgirls. They pretended to be mere beasts, vicious but predictable, but they turned out to be capable of deception. Now I wondered whether they only had eyes of the beasts, or they actually had infrared vision like me. That night, the catgirl seemed to only notice me when I was halfway to her position, but it could be an act. She might already know I was coming, but pretended that her sight was inferior to me; and during the nights when I was watching them at the waterfall, it’s possible that they always knew that I was there.

“I have been bested by those catgirls,” I sighed deeply.

“Or by the one who is behind them,” the Spokesman said. “They are soldiers, they must have a commander who gives them orders.”

“In that case, I wish that I could meet that commander face to face.”

“And what will you do if you do meet her?” The Spokesman asked. “Kill her?”

I shrugged without answering the question. Sure, she was an enemy, so if we ever meet most likely I will kill her. But I hold no anger or hatred towards the woman who had taken Cecilia away, killed Farina and nearly succeeded in burying me alive. I was just … curious. Up until now, even though I had faced difficulties many times, this was the first time my mission ended up a total failure, therefore I couldn’t help but being intrigued by the one responsible for my defeat.

“Anyway, what should we do now?” I changed the topic. “Our force here is in complete disarray. The girls were confused and afraid. If we don’t do anything soon, what happened to the enemy a few weeks ago might happen to us.”

“Don’t worry, I will take care of that,” the Spokesman assured me. “As for you, I want you to chase after those catgirls and rescue Cecilia. They captured her instead of killing her right away so I believe that she is not in danger in the near future.”

“I will do that,” I agreed.

“You know where she is?” Louise asked.

“They should have known by now that I managed to escape from the cave.” I explained. “They might try to use her as a bait to lure me into another trap. In that case, they will deliberately leave some traces for me to follow.”

“So they set a trap and you walk right into it. Again?” Louise chuckled.

“Yes, but this time I know it is a trap beforehand,” I laughed, “and they know that I know.”

“I wil go with you then.” Louise offered. “Cecilia is my responsibility. I can’t just stay here and wait.”

I scanned the girl. I didn’t know much about Louise since she was not very talkative, totally opposite to Farina, but being very different to Farina was a huge plus in my book, and if Cecilia kept her as her bodyguard, she shouldn’t be too bad at fighting.

“No objection from me!” I said. “What do you think, Mr. Spokesman?”

“A good idea. It’s better to have someone else to watch your back, especially when you are fighting against cunning enemies like them.” He replied. “By the way, do you still have the Jammer? You should bring it with you. I believe that you will find it useful in this mission.”

Oh, that device? I used it during the raid against Mobami Kirara’s base. At that time I thought that it was merely something that could disrupt radio communication. But it turned out that the Operators of the Empire used telepathy to send messages, which meant that the Jammer could block telepathy as well. What the hell? Who created such a thing? When I had time I would ask the Spokesman more about it, but for now I should focus on my mission.

“I will.” I told him, then I turned to Louise. “Okay, let’s go!”

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Touko knocked the door, then immediately opened it and entered the room. She was already inside before Ringo could finish her “Enter!”

“Yo, Ringo~” Touko said, smiling.

“You seem to be in good mood,” said the commander of the 721st Battalion.

“I do,” she replied after sitting on the chair in front of Ringo’s desk. “Things were proceeding smoothly.”

Not everything went according to the plan though. She had just received reports confirming that the Lady-killer had managed to escape from the death trap in the cavern. Nevertheless, her kittens had successfully captured the rebel commander and they were bringing her to the designated location. Now it was time to move to the next stage of her plan, and that’s why she was here.

“I need your help!”

“No problem,” Ringo nodded. “What do you want?”

“A squad of troopers,” Touko replied, spreading a map on the desk. “I want them to go to this place. There is an abandoned house there, and a prisoner locked inside. I want them to guard the place for a few weeks.”

“That can be arranged,” Ringo said. “But what should I tell them?”

“There are three things,” Touko told her friend. “First, tell them this is a top secret mission. They are not allowed to disclose anything to anyone. Of course, don’t tell them about me or the Secret Eyes.”

“I see.” Ringo nodded again.

“Second, their job is to guard the place, no more, no less. Other than feeding the prisoner everyday, no further interaction is allowed.” Touko continued her explanation.

“Who is that prisoner exactly?” Ringo narrowed her eyebrows.

“A rebel, that’s all you need to know.” Touko grinned. It was not like she didn’t trust Ringo, but the less people knew the better.

“Fine by me,” Ringo chuckled. “What is the third?”

“Tell them that is a dangerous mission and they might get attacked by the assassin who had murdered dozens of troopers in District 7.” Touko smiled, leaning her back against the chair. “Let them know the risk.”

Touko had won the last engagement, but now a new battle was about to begin. She was looking forward to what the enemy had in their sleeves this time.


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
So that is the end of Chapter 3, what do you think of the turn of events? :grin:

As I have said in one of my previous posts, Chapter 3 is a setup for later chapters and I have introduced a lot of characters here.
What is your prediction of their fates? Who will die soon? Who will die later? And who might survive to the end of my story? :tongue:


Swell Supporter
May 19, 2015
So that is the end of Chapter 3, what do you think of the turn of events? :grin:

As I have said in one of my previous posts, Chapter 3 is a setup for later chapters and I have introduced a lot of characters here.
What is your prediction of their fates? Who will die soon? Who will die later? And who might survive to the end of my story?

I have a feeling that the lady killer will meet rika again


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Extra Info #3:
Incubation Technology

Incubation technology is the key factor that allows the Empire to field legions of female soldiers. The Empire has designed and manufactured a device called the incubator, an artificial womb capable of growing a fetus outside its mother’s body. Thanks to this technology, women are freed from their biological role, as now they can have babies without needing to be pregnant. It also means that even if a large number of young girls perishes, the Empire’s ability to repopulate will be unaffected.

Incubation technology was already researched and developed during the reign of the old Emperor, but its application was mainly for civil use. After the Empress ascended to the throne, she ordered that incubation centers would be built en masse throughout the Empire. In these centers, the scientists have conducted experiments in order to find the best genetics combination from their banks of collected sperms and ova. The selected combinations are called the Schematics, and they are applied to all babies born in the incubation centers. On average, these babies are stronger, smarter and more beautiful than the ones who are born normally.

Babies born in the incubation centers are all female. These girls are then raised by the state and trained to become soldiers of the Empire. Unless they can pay back the government the money invested in them, which most can’t, they are obligated to join the Imperial army when they reach the age of eighteen. Some of these girls, though, are adopted by civilian couples and raised in normal families, and they are free to pursue any career they want when they grow up. Thanks to the advantages of their genetics, they tend to be very successful.


“Eggborn” is a derogatory term used to call someone who was born by an incubator, originated from the egg shape of the device. A portion of the naturally born citizens of the Empire became wary of the ones who are “engineered” to be better than them, and as the result, see them with disdain and distrust. The incubator-born girls who don’t join the Imperial army but instead aim for higher positions in the society are even more hated and envied, especially by the upper class of the Empire, who considers them upstarts who don’t know their places.


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 4 - 1

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Tora pressed her body against Jaga and fiercely licked her small breasts. Her tongue grazed them ferociously, then her teeth bit down upon the tits. The demure catgirl cried as she chewed at her nipples.

“Stop, Tora! It hurts!”

Tora ignored to the other girl’s plea, instead she chewed more and more violently. At the same time, she wrapped her arms around the slim body, caressing the soft skin in Jaga’s back with her sharp claws. The long haired catgirl twitched and wiggled as she vigorously devoured her tits, moaning softly.

“You are enjoying it, aren’t you?” Tora sneered.

“No, I am not,” Jaga protest. “Please, let me go!”

“Never!” Tora laughed. “You are my prey. You will never get free from me!” Her hand slithered down Jaga’s butt and slowly approached her crotch. “Oh my! There is a river flowing down here! What a pervert!”

Tora peered in Jaga’s face with amusement. The expression she saw was conflicted, a mix of agony and pleasure. Jaga was staring back at her with eyes full of fear and hatred. Tora knew, this pathetic girl hated her, but she hated herself even more. She hated her inability to escape from Tora’s torment and she hated her own body, which actually enjoyed the torture. She stubbornly refused the fact that she was a filthy masochist.

“Oh, I love you so much! You are my perfect plaything!” Tora said, touching Jaga’s soaking-wet vagina. “It seems that you are ready for the final act!”

“No! Wait! No! Please!” Jaga whimpered, then she screamed as Tora rammed her fist into her pussy. She was so rough that she could tear the other girl’s vagina apart. In fact, she would have been able to do so if Jaga had been a normal girl. But she was a member of an experimental combat unit of the Empire, a genetically enhanced elite soldier. She was much tougher than her appearance suggested. But it also meant that Tora didn’t need to hold back at all. She kept pumping her fist, and Jaga’s body jerked with each thrust. Finally she came, her juice pouring out from her violated pussy.

“I knew that you enjoyed it,” Tora smirked, looking down at the the girl lying on the ground, gasping and panting. She looked delicious! Tora wanted to eat her, in both meanings of that word. She had eaten Jaga, and now she wanted to eat her for real.

One bite! Just one bite! Losing one tit won’t kill her, right? The desire overcame Tora. She bare her fangs, her tongue licking her lips, drool flowing out of her mouth.

“Stop! That’s enough!”

A voice echoed in her head. Tora turned around and saw the third member of her group, Hyo, standing at the entrance of the cave.


“Stop what?” She grinned. “We have already finished.”

“Don’t play dumb,” the other girl looked at her sternly. “I know what you are going to do.”

“And what are you going to do then?” Tora smirked. “Stop me? Or let me eat you in her place?”

"Chita told me that the boss was coming here.” Hyo said casually, paying no heed to her threat.

That single word brought chill to Tora’s spine, her hunger and lust vanishing immediately. She snorted and sat down on the floor.

Jaga stood up and walked towards the exit. I knew it, you are much more durable than what your appears. She passed Hyo and left the cave without saying a word, while the other girl didn’t bother to spare her a look either, but Tora knew that they must be having a conversation behind her back. Through telepathy.

They all had miniature telepathy devices implanted in their head. Unlike the ones equipped by the Operators, theirs only allowed them to send their thoughts to each other instead of anyone they wished. The range was also shorter, but there were workarounds. For example, when the three of them inflitrated the rebels’ territory, Chita, the last member of the squad, stayed behind, between them and the boss to work as a relay. They sent their report to Chita and then she sent it to the boss. By using a relay system like that, they could double or even tripple the communication range.

“What is her purpose? Meet us, or the prisoner?”

“The prisoner of course," Hyo replied. "The boss needs to question her.”

“What is she going to tell the soldiers guarding the house? Will she let them know who she is?”

“I doubt it,” Hyo shook her head. “But she is the boss. She will find a way to get in without being suspicious.”

The prisoner they were talking about was the rebel commander they captured when they attacked their base. They had brought her here and locked her in an abandoned house. They left before a squad of Imperial troopers arrived and took over, and now they were watching the house from afar.

“Will he come?” Tora asked. “The one you called the Lady-killer?”

“I think that he is already here,” Hyo chuckled. “I don’t know where, but I could sense his presence. He must be watching that house as well.”

They had deliberately left behind traces so he could follow them, so sooner or later he would found this place. The house was a trap. They would attack him when he tried to rescue the prisoner. Tora found all these scheming and plotting rubbish though. Why couldn’t they just fight each other head on to their hearts' content? They could have fought him at the waterfall, they could have fought him at that cavern, but the boss had her plan and she couldn’t disobey the boss.

But finally, he was coming. Her right eye was itching. She couldn’t wait for their confrontation. She wondered whether he could become a better plaything for her than Jaga.

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“Touko, why are you wearing a uniform?” Rika asked, her eyes wide open.

She was already confused after receiving an order that told her to transport supplies to a camp in the middle of nowhere with Touko, and now she saw the journalist walking toward her, looking like a commissioned officer.

“Don’t call me that, now I am Lieutenant Futuba,” Touko grinned. When they were close enough, she said softly. “Actually, there is a captured rebel at the camp we are going to, and Ringo had given me permission to interview her. This is a secret though, so I am disguising as an officer.”

Rika was even more puzzled. Why did they keep a prisoner there instead of a more secured place? And how could the Major do something totally against the regulation? She stared at Touko. There had been a lot of rumors circling around the base since she arrived here. The girls gossiped about how the Major let a civilian staying here and going wherever she wanted. They also talked about how the two of them were often alone in the commander’s room for hours. Everyone thought that there was no way that they were just friends. Rika didn’t believe those stories, but now she was on the verge of being convinced.

“Isn't that a crime?” She asked.

“Nope. It will only become a crime if I get caught,” Touko grinned again. She folded her hands in front of her chest, smiling. “Don’t tell anyone about this, okay?”

Rika decided to let it go. After all, whatever Touko was doing, it caused her no harm. She also liked the girl and didn't want her to run into trouble. Furthermore, the Major was behind this and she didn't want to piss her off at all.

“Okay,” she nodded.

“No no no! You can’t answer me like that!” Touko emoted. “I am a Lieutenant. Reply to me with ‘Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!’. Understand?”

“Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!” Rika shouted, playing along. This girl is really getting into her role! She thought.

“Now, get in the car!”

“Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!”

“Start the engine! And move out!”

“Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!”

They laughed cheerfully as Rika moved the vehicle out of the base. She estimated the drive would take about four hours.

“It seems that the Major just let you do whatever you want,” Rika said.

“Of course she does,” Touko giggled. “Ringo has been pampering me since we were kids. She also rushed to my aid whenever I was bullied.”

“You were bullied?”

“Yes, when I was small. A lot, actually.” Touko replied.

“Why? Why does someone want to bully you?” Rika was puzzled. She always thought that only weaklings like her got bullied. “You are so beautiful and intelligent.”

“Oh, silly Rika!” Touko chuckled dryly. “In this world there are people who will get angry with you if you are prettier and smarter than they are.”

Rika felt that the atmosphere suddenly changed. Perhaps she had said something she shouldn’t. Touko didn’t say anything, she just stared outside through the side window. Rika didn’t dare to open her mouth either, so they stayed silent like that during the rest of their journey.

After four hours of driving, they had reached their destination. A soldier approached them as they got out of their car.


“Lieutenant!” She saluted to Touko. “I have received a message from the Major regard your visit. I am Honoka, leader of this squad.”

Touko returned the salute. “Sergeant, take me to the prisoner!”

“Yes, ma’am,” she nodded. “This way, please!”

They followed Sergeant Honoka to a small house, which appeared to be where the captive was imprisoned. There were Imperial troopers camping outside, most of them from the Northern countries. Near the camp, there was a large earthen mound, which could serve as a natural watchtower. Rika could see two silhouettes on the mound. Those two guards could cover a large area around the camp and raise alarm if there was anyone getting close.

They stopped at the front of the house. The sergeant ordered the soldier standing guard to open the door.

“She is inside, ma'am.”

“Thank you, sergeant!” Touko nodded, then she told Rika. “You help the sergeant unload the supplies from the car.”

Touko went into the house alone, the door closed behind her.
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Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
I have always liked writing fiction but every time I started a series, sooner or later my motivation dwindled and I lost interest quickly. This time, however, seems to be different. I have written over 30,000 words, which is more than triple the length of anything I have started (and dropped) before, and I can still keep on without getting bored. Writing about zako and their suffering is great, isn't it? :tongue:

I estimate that this story will have about 30 chapters, so it's still a long way to go. I have set a goal for myself to write 3 parts per week, with a short break between chapters. It's not all rosy though, as some parts are difficult (and/or quite boring) to write. For example, I am not really satisfied with the latest part, 4-1. I find it quite unpolished.

Anyway, let's keep going! There are still many young pretty girls waiting for their humiliating and brutal death. We shouldn't keep the ladies waiting, shouldn't we? :grin:


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
I have always liked writing fiction but every time I started a series, sooner or later my motivation dwindled and I lost interest quickly. This time, however, seems to be different. I have written over 30,000 words, which is more than triple the length of anything I have started (and dropped) before, and I can still keep on without getting bored. Writing about zako and their suffering is great, isn't it? :tongue:

I estimate that this story will have about 30 chapters, so it's still a long way to go. I have set a goal for myself to write 3 parts per week, with a short break between chapters. It's not all rosy though, as some parts are difficult (and/or quite boring) to write. For example, I am not really satisfied with the latest part, 4-1. I find it quite unpolished.

Anyway, let's keep going! There are still many young pretty girls waiting for their humiliating and brutal death. We shouldn't keep the ladies waiting, shouldn't we? :grin:
About 30 you say? Quite a lot. Hope you don't lose interest, like Servi, me, and many others have done with story threads here. (Though I'm still a very active Deviantart writer. Not trying to shill, just trying to say I'm not totally lazy, haha) I know exactly how it goes since when you start you think you could go on for pages upon pages, but then you start to lose interest and want to try something new instead. Three per week though? If your going for 30 chapters you'll definitely want those between chapter breaks to be long enough to get yourself refreshed again or else I'm pretty sure you'll drive yourself crazy with these. Just fair warning to pace yourself, lest you'll regret it. Like, I'm not going to dictate how long your breaks should be, since that's entirely on what works for you. I'm just saying that you should absolutely not rush yourself in a project like this ever, since it only ever leads to stress and burnout. I know that from experience.


Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 4 - 2


“Are you sure that Cecilia is there?” Louise asked.

“The traces lead to that house,” the Agent shrugged. “So at least, it is where they want us to believe to be the place they are keeping her."

“Is there any way to check?” She asked impatiently.

“Other than going inside the house?” The Agent shook his head. “No.”

“But why is she imprisoned in such a place?” Louise was puzzled. “An abandoned house in a middle of nowhere, too close to our territory, and guarded by only a squad of troopers?”

“Because if they lock her up in a secured place, it is impossible to rescue her and we will just give up," the Agent chuckled. "No no no, they need to dangle a bait right in front of us. Those soldiers are also parts of the bait. The real threat is lurking somewhere else, waiting for us. I am sure that those catgirls will jump at me the moment I get near to the house."

“Can you find where they are hiding?”

“No, we are too far away to be able to see them with my vision from here, and I don't want to get close." The Agent explained. "But if I can't see them, then it is unlikely that they can see us. So we will stay here, hiding our presence until the moment we strike."

"So, what is your plan?" Louise asked.

"Did you see the military car passing just now?"

"Yes," she nodded. "What about it?"

“It is carrying a lot of stuff. Supplies, I guess.” The Agent replied. “Those soldiers are camping outside for an extended period of time, so they need someone else to bring them food, water and other necessities. I estimate the amount of supplies on that car is enough for one or two weeks. Then, another car must come."


“We will hijack the car," the Agent grinned. "We can kill the ones on the car, and you wear one of their combat suits, disguising as an Imperial soldier. Then you drive the car to the camp yourself. Can you do that?"

“Yes, I can,” Louise nodded. “But you are suggesting that we will wait for one or two weeks? What if they think that we won’t come so they move Cecilia away or just kill her?”

“We are out of luck then.” The Agent shrugged. Looking at her frowning face, he continued. "I know that you want to save Cecilia, but you need to be patient. Going in without a plan will just get both of us killed, and it won't help her at the slightest."

"I know," she sighed. Then she asked. "How about you? Do you want to save her?"

“Of course I do,” the Agent replied, puzzled. “My mission is rescuing her, isn't it?”

"That is not what I want to ask," Louise shook her head. "On a personal level, do you want to save her?"

"To be frank, I am simply doing my job," the man said.

"I see."

"Are you disappointed by my answer?"

"No, it's better this way. You are not emotionally attached, so you are able to make a logical decision."

Louise gazed at the man. A masked man in black suit. That was the only appearance of his that she knew since they first met nearly two months ago. Even when he was living in the camp, he showed his face to no one. Neither to Cecilia, nor Farina, nor her nor anyone else. He acted the same when they traveled together. He ate alone, and slept very little. Louise didn’t know much about men, but she doubt that was their typical behavior.

“How was your life before you got here?” She asked.

“Well, there is not much to talk about. I belong to an Agency in the other continent. I have been with them since I was small. I guess that I am an orphan. The Agency has trained me until I reached the age of eighteen. After that, they occasionally gave me missions, which I carried out. So yeah, that’s basically my entire life. Boring, right?”

“My life story may be even shorter than that,” she chuckled. "Do you have any friend?"

“I have no contact with the other agents, the Agency told me that there is no need for us to know each other. The staff are my trainers and supporters, but they are not my friends. The people I met during my previous missions were either allies or enemies, and they were not friends either. I have no friends, and I need no friends.”

Louise didn't say anything. Other than Cecilia, she didn’t have anyone else she could consider a friend. She could have a conversation with other people if needed, but she was not very fond of their company. In a way, she and the Agent were quite similar.

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It had been ten days since Rika’s trip with Touko. Today, she had to transport supplies to that makeshift camp again, but instead of Touko, she was accompanied by Hotaru, a new recruit who had just been assigned to her base three days ago.

“I’m sorry, but where are we going exactly?” The young girl asked, looking at the map.

“A camp where a captured rebel is being imprisoned,” Rika replied.

“Eh, why is a prisoner being kept there? That place is too close to the enemy territory.” Hotaru said, gazing at Rika with her puzzled eyes.

I have no idea! That was what Rika wanted to told the other girl, but she couldn’t. Hotaru was very eager to be in the army, and she looked at the the girls wearing standard battle suits like Rika with admiration. Rika didn’t want to disappoint the girl. Even though she herself was a recruit a few weeks ago, she was Hotaru’s senior now, so she should act like one.

“I am sorry but it is classified information so I can’t let you know,” Rika said.

“I understand,” Hotaru nodded, buying the bluff.

But Hotaru was right, the whole thing was so weird. Last week, when Touko got inside the house to interview the captive, Rika had a chat with Sergeant Honoka and it appeared that the sergeant didn’t know what was going on either.

Whatever, it has nothing to do with me anyway.

Yes, she only had to do what she was ordered, going there, delivering the supplies, and going back. There was no need to overthink about the situation.

“By the way, why did you join the Army?” Hotaru asked.

I got drafted. But Rika thought that answer was not very "senior-like", so she replied. “I wanted to fight for the glory of the Empire.”

“Me too,” the other girl said cheerfully. “I admire Princess Muiha a lot. My dream is to become a member of the Household Guard.”

“I see,” Rika nodded. The three beautiful daughters of the Empress had always been the symbols of the Empire, and among them, the Second Princess, Muiha, was the one being loved the most by the people. She was a great warrior, whose exploits at the front line were legendary, inspiring countless young girls to enlist, hoping that one day they would be allowed to serve her directly. Rika doubted that would happen though, since the members of the Household Guard were picked from the best of the best among the incubator-born girls. But once again, she didn’t want to discourage Hotaru.

“Just do your best,” she told the recruit, “then one day your dream will come true.”

“I will!” Hotaru replied, smiling innocently.

They kept chatting as they continued their journey. But when they were close to their destination, they found out that the road was blocked.

“It appears to be a rockfall,” Rika concluded after having a close look at the debris on the road.

“Fortunately they are not very big. We can move them away.” Hotaru said.

“Let’s do it then,” Rika agreed.

But as soon as they picked up the rocks, Rika heard a voice from behind her, a voice that she would never forget for the rest of her life.

“Hi, Rika! I’m glad to see you again!”


Swell Supporter
May 19, 2015
I'm sure he will kill one of them. Still hope Rika survive :frown:

hehe well I just think that if Rika is going to simply ask Hotaru to surrender which is entirely plausible, then there's no reason to kill either one as I think the agent knows that both Rika and Hotaru pose no threat to him
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Club Regular
Feb 19, 2018
Chapter 4 - 3


Why does this happen to me? Why?

Rika cried softly, trickling tears down her cheeks. She was kneeling on the ground, her hands behind her head, naked and terrified. Her large breasts bounced briefly each time little sobs hiccupped from her mouth.

“What a coincidence! I didn’t think that I would ever meet you again,” said the man who was towering over her. There was no mistake, that was the assassin who had slaughtered her former squad. But this time he was not alone. Beside him stood a long haired girl in black leather suit with an emotionless expression, who was coldly pointing her gun at Rika’s head.

“Where is your friend? Her name is … eh, Hikari, right?” The man asked.

“She is still in the hospital,” Rika replied, her voice no more than a whisper.

“Oh yes, I was quite rough with her the last time we met,” the man laughed. “Okay, enough for chit-chatting. Answer my questions! You are transporting supplies to a camp in the south, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” Rika nodded.

“Have you been there before?”

“Yes, I’ve been there once. Ten days ago,” Rika answered truthfully.

“I see,” the man nodded, then turned to the girl kneeling beside her. “How about you?”

Hotaru was no different from Rika. She had been stripped of her already revealing outfit, exposing a pair of small breasts on her slim and petite body. She didn’t answer the man’s question, her face bloodless and her eyes blank. It seemed that the young recruit was still shocked by the sudden turn of events.

“This will be her first time,” Rika replied on her place. “Actually, she has just got out of the boot camp three days ago.”

“So, no one there knows her?” The man asked, and Rika nodded. “I see. Now let’s talk about that camp then. What do you know about it?”

“There is a prisoner locked inside a house, and a squad of troopers camping outside to guard her. My job is only bringing supplies for those soldiers, so I don’t know anything more than that.”

“How about the prisoner?” The girl in leather clothes broke in. “Have you seen her? How is she? Was she ill treated?”

“No,” Rika shook her head. “I have never got inside the house so I don’t know. But the sergeant there told me that they were not allowed to interact with the prisoner in any way so I guess she isn’t tortured.”

“Tell me about the soldiers guarding the house?” The man demanded.

“It is an eight-girl squad, led by Sergeant Honoka and Corporal Sakura. The other six are from the Northern countries. There is a sniper team posted on the earthen mound near the camp, protecting it against attacks coming from any direction.”

“You are very useful, you know?” The man smirked. Both of them knew why she was so cooperating. She was doing her best in the hope that they would spare her life.

“So, what will we do with these two girls? Hang them or just shoot them in the head?” The girl asked the man. “I suggest shooting though. There is no need to make them suffer. There is a plasma gun here so we don’t have to worry about making noise.”


Hotaru screamed. The young recruit, who had been so eager to join the glorious Imperial army, finally had realized that the military life was not as bright and rosy as she had thought. Before she could take part in even one single battle or fire a shot at the enemy, she was captured, stripped naked and about to be be unceremoniously executed.

“I’m sorry but we don’t take prisoners,” the girl cast on them a look full of pity. “Maybe you don’t deserve to die, but if we let you go, you will come back as our enemies, fighting to kill us. So there is no other way.”

Rika sobbed with Hotaru, lamenting her fate. Why? Why? If she was meant to die, maybe it would have been better if she had just died that night. Why was she allowed to live, only to be killed off now?

The man reached down and touched her wet cheek with his fingers. “Hey, don’t be hasty! I haven’t decided to kill anyone yet.” Then he turned to his companion.

“First thing first, you need to change to that outfit.”

“Why?” The girl grimaced.

“Huh? Haven't I told you the plan?”

“Yes, but why that one? Why not the full battle suit?” She protested, staring at the “bikini armor” on the ground.

“Because she will wear her suit,” the man pointed at Rika, “and go with you.”


Both Rika and the girl mouthed at the same time, looking at the man in disbelief.

“I doubt that you can fool them if you go there alone. There are a lot of things that you don’t know so it’s hard for you to blend in.” The man shrugged. “But if there is someone they know going with you, they will be more likely to trust you. Furthermore, if you disguise as a recruit, even if you make a mistake, they will still think that it’s understandable.”

“Sound good, but you forget something,” the girl narrowed her eyebrows. “What if she turns on me when we are at the camp? I will be dead.”

“Of course we need to prevent that to happen,” the man said. He sat down in front of Rika and suddenly stuffed his hand into her crotch.

“What … What are you doing?” Rika panicked, her face flustered red. Then she realized that he had inserted something into her womanhood. “What … what is it? What have you put inside me?”

“Put on your suit!” The man commanded, ignoring her question. Rika did as she was ordered, trembling. She didn’t know exactly what had happened, but she had a feeling that it was something very bad to her.

“What did you do?” The girl asked, clearly puzzled.

“I have put a small bomb inside her,” the man replied after Rika had put on her combat suit. He tossed something at the girl, which she caught with both of her hands. “That is the detonator. If she turns on you, just push the button.”

His words sent a chill down Rika’s spine. “Is it really necessary?” She whimpered.

“Of course it is, I need to make sure that you won’t betray us.” The man said, caressing her face. “Don’t worry, if you behave, you will live.”

“How strong is the bomb?” The girl asked. “In case that I have to blow her up, how far away should I be from her?”

“It’s quite weak, so even if you stand right next to her, you will be fine,” the man assured his friend. “Other than being splattered with blood and flesh of course.”

Rika didn’t know what she should feel about having a bomb in her belly, and how the other two were casually talking about her gruesome death. But at least she might be able to survive.

“Okay ladies, we have wasted time enough. Let’s get going!” The man clapped his hands. The girl grabbed Hotaru’s suit and went into the forest. While they were waiting for her to change clothes, the man ordered Rika and Hotaru to clear the rocks on the road. When she came back, the car was ready to go.

“What will happen to Hotaru?” Rika asked the man.

“You should just worry about yourself!” He replied.

Rika looked at the frightened recruit. “Don’t worry! Everything will be all right!” She told her, then turned around and got in the car. Her new companion was already inside. She started the engine and the vehicle began to move, leaving the man and Hotaru behind. Rika wondered whether she would be able to see the young recruit again.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

3_sergeant.jpg 4_corporal.jpg

Honoka let out another deep sigh.

“What’s the matter?” Sakura asked, looking at her concernedly.

“What’s the matter?” Honoka frowned, repeating the question. “Is it obvious? We have been here for two weeks and who knows how long we are going to stay here?”

“Things are not that bad,” Sakura smiled. “Two weeks passed without any incident. He didn’t come, did he?”

“He hasn’t come.” Honoka corrected her friend.

“Why do you have to be so pessimistic?”

“Am I? I am specifically told that we will be attacked. By the murderer that has butchered countless of our comrades. Why do you think our squad is chosen? Just look at the members. Other than you and me, the rest are Northern girls. We are here because we are the most disposable. They expect that we will die here.” Honoka started sobbing as she said the last sentence.

“Everything will be all right,” Sakura said, sitting beside her and hugging her tightly. She was so close that Honoka could breathe in her sweet fragrance.

“I am scared,” Honoka whispered. She had always played the role of a tough leader in front of her troops, and Sakura was the only one allowed to see her more vulnerable side. She was glad that Sakura was with her, supporting her whenever she was in a difficult situation like this. She touched the other girl’s cheek, moving very close to her face.

“What are you doing?” Sakura asked with a hint of a smile.

“What do you need to ask what you have already known?” Honoka said, touching her lips with Sakura’s. But the corporal pushed her away.

“Not here, not now,” she said. “A supply transport is coming soon. What will happen if we are busy when it is here?”

“I don’t care. We might die today, you know?”

“Pull yourself together!” Sakura looked at her sternly. “You are the squad leader. Act like one! Wait for the supply transport to arrive, greet the drivers, order the girls to unload the goods, and then,” Sakura’s expression became softer, “we will have our alone time.”

“Okay, I got it!” Honoka nodded, smiling.

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