
Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Has anybody here tried to mod this game for ryona purposes? Personally I hated the fact that they removed fatigue from the game, because it meant that I couldn't use my Oblivion hand-to-hand combat script.
I was thinking whether it would be possible to achieve same by using some console commands, like maximising enemy's combat skills and giving hand-to-hand combat related perks. Couldn't get any of the torrents work however, so now I won't know. Heh heh.

Black Lion

Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
I can't remember where, but I recall seeing a few videos of mods for Fallout 3 or New Vegas on nicovideo. Maybe there's a clue in them?


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
[ リョナ ] Fallout: New Vegas - Sexy Sleepwear Game Over Ryona Video

While there is no Fallout: New Vegas focused thread, I figured it should be OK to post this here even if it isn't related to Fallout 3 specifically. Better than making a new thread towards the game itself and with Fallout 4 coming out soon, I'm sure the mods can change the thread title to "Fallout Series" for a more general purpose thread towards the Fallout games. Besides, the game series isn't talked about much on here in its own thread, so it should be fine if it's all merged into one.

Some people might know me for my Resident Evil 6 videos. Decided to make something towards Fallout: New Vegas since I do enjoy the ryona in that game as well. It's not really touched upon as often as other gaming titles, so maybe this will spark some more interest back towards ryona in the Fallout series; especially with Fallout 4 on its way out.

[ リョナ ] Fallout: New Vegas - Sexy Sleepwear Game Over Ryona Video

Over 50 deaths as she gets gunned down, shot with lasers, and blown up while wearing the sexy sleepwear. This is based on the PlayStation 3 version of the game, so no PC modding for skimpier/revealing clothing and no modding for breast physics/jiggling either. You will also have to excuse the phone quality and audio as I don't have a capture device. I think it still looks OK given how I cropped the video footage, but brightness and contrast does show it's share of problems in the video. I hope some of you guys enjoy the video.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Fallout 4 Plans for Ryona Content?

With Fallout 4 releasing very soon, November 10th, is anyone here willing to or has plans to do some ryona content on it? I don't have an Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or a very strong gaming PC to do stuff with it myself. Nobody seems interested in this series given how barren this topic is about the series. And with Ryonani migrating sites soon as well, I doubt anyone will see this post and notify in this thread if they want to make stuff for Fallout 4. In about two weeks, this, post will be gone anyway, but still... Thought to bring it up regardless. I guess I'll just end up checking YouTube every now and then to see what people do with it. I am hoping Fallout 4 has some nice possibilities.
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 13, 2009
I intend to get Fallout4 and will be using a female character. I have created some ryona content with Skyrim (didn't release any, my bad) but I think I may be able to do some things with Fraps. Also Tomb Raider is out soonnnnn


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 24, 2009
This is the creation engine, so if you're familiar with Skyrim this new game won't be much different. I usually mode skimpy armors for raiders and turn them all female, its very easy to replace things with the toolset. However the new toolset won't be available until early 2016.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Surprised Expectations and Replies

Oh. I honestly did not expect anyone else to actually reply back in this thread. Huh... To my expectations, it's been kind of a theme that whenever I post in a topic (or about anything), nobody really ever follows up on what I said and thus either the topic fades away from existence or someone posts something non-related to what I posted about.

I'll look forward to your work, Snowballs, in the future on the new migrated site. As per usual, I'm sure there will be more tools and possibilities to mess around with on the PC version than the console versions. I am not familiar with Skyrim whatsoever, though, as I have never played it nor any of the Elder Scrolls titles. Still, I found enjoyment out of Fallout: New Vegas even if it borrowed much of the same stuff from Fallout 3. If things aren't that different from Skyrim (sans the graphical fidelity from Fallout: New Vegas to Fallout 4), then I'm sure I'll still like what is possible in Fallout 4.

One thing I kind of hope for is the enemies to keep attacking after you have entered the game over state rather than stopping and just walking away. I doubt that will happen, though...


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
What is your PC spec carl ? I didn't see the game requirements but i saw a lot of people saying the graphics looks old gen so i would assume it won't be too demanding


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
My PC Specs

What is your PC spec carl ? I didn't see the game requirements but i saw a lot of people saying the graphics looks old gen so i would assume it won't be too demanding

This is my PC Specs: Here

None of which can be modified. It's just an office computer not made for gaming whatsoever. It can barely run Half-Life 2 on the lowest settings at 15-20 FPS without it stuttering/freezing every now and then. And this is the minimum requirements to run Fallout 4:

Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
Intel Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz/AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.0 GHz or equivalent.
30 GB free HDD space.
NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or equivalent.

Needless to say, it definitely won't be running Fallout 4 at all.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Fallout 4 Ryona Animated Gifs

Here are some animated gifs of some Fallout 4 ryona on the female protagonist and one female Raider:

Fallout 4 Female Protagonist Dying on Fire
Fallout 4 Female Protagonist Running and Dying from Explosion
Fallout 4 Female Protagonist Dying with Left Leg Blown Off
Fallout 4 Female Protagonist Dying with Right Leg Blown Off on Car
Fallout 4 Female Protagonist Dying with Both Arms Blown Off
Fallout 4 Female Protagonist Dying from a Heavy Explosion with Right Leg Blown Off
Fallout 4 Female Protagonist Headshot on Female Raider

Sadly, none of these are with the female protagonist in skimpy clothing or anything revealing, but it does show a promising potential for what this game can do for ryona. I'll try to share more in this thread if I find any.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Fallout 4 Ryona Video 3 by btoymary

btoymary uploaded a third video towards Fallout 4 ryona content. This one contains the female protagonist failing against a variety of enemies while in different outfits like dresses or armor or her underwear with a few panty shots here and there. There are a few unique third person animations as well. For the majority of the video, she tends to stay one piece as she gets owned. You can watch it here:

Fallout 4 Ryona 3 - by 'btoymary" -

Waiting for someone to do nude mod ryona with the female protagonist, though. Hopefully with nice big tits with some bounce and her getting owned nicely.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Decided to give Fallout 4 ryona another try since there are now some nice costume mods available. I made a heroine called Nuka Girl, who is working for Minutemen and government, and is on a noble quest to free wastelands of raiders and bringing justice. Too bad for brave Nuka Girl, the raider leader chicks she was supposed to take down were too much for her to handle, and she ended up getting her own ass handed to her :D




















I used console commands to pause game and move camera freely, bit like in DOA replay player, only just grabs in this game are nowhere near as good :P


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Good set of pictures. Interesting looking costume. For me, pictures #3 #6 #14 #15 #17 #18 and #19 are pictures that stand out to me. Thank you for posting these.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Thanks! I hope Bethesda or modders will add more finishers later (as the game is still young). If there would have been at least 10 melee finishers, and some of them wrestling moves, I would have had really fun time :P


Avid Affiliate
May 18, 2013
That's a nice gallery with some good shots. Nice angles and outfits/aesthetics are key in FO4, cuz the animations and "feeling of impact" are somewhat lacking if you don't capture the fleeting good moments.
There's still some fun to be had in the ragdolls and gore, but I feel like with btoymary's 7 (and counting?) videos, most of the ryona potential in the game has already been explored. You only need to see so many ragdolls and gameover sounds before it becomes monotonous.

I recently got dismemberment working with a customized nude body, and found a mod that slightly improves breast physics over the "alpha" from official CBBE, but I don't really have any ideas for what could make an interesting video that hasn't already been done.

My idea for now is just to do all the monster's finishing moves on nude player from variety of angles, but that's about it.

It might take several years (and might never happen), but I'm also hoping for more killmove animations and possibly more intense facial expressions during combat (cuz pain/surprise reactions are 75% of ryona enjoyment for me). Skyrim has some great facial animations used in various sexlab mods, and hopefully the same will eventually happen with FO4.

I never explored unarmed combat in New Vegas, but from my understanding that game had quite a few unique melee moves tied to various weapons/skill tree/quest unlocks. I'd hope those could eventually be ported to 4 via mods, but I think the skeletons/animation system might be too different.

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