She's feeling better and at home! I'll have more duties such as cooking and such, I'm sure, while she recovers in the coming weeks, but I'll make enough time to post on a semi-regular basis at the very least. Hopefully at least once a week in the actual roleplay (or maybe twice) and posting here as well to answer questions that you may have, as I'm sure there are still questions I've yet the answer.
Lots of spears and sabres if Dynasty Warriors is anything to go by :P
So I've never really done a freeform RP like this before (mostly my experience is tabletop stuff). How does it work exactly? Secret, it seems like you have an overarching plot in mind, or at least directions to steer the story right? And for conflicts, are they just resolved naturally through RP?
That sounds about right. The empire will use spears as well but not quite as much as Xir. The overarching plot will be trying to kill the queen, who is likely up to no good. However, I'm leaving it up to all of us to steer things how we want. For example, if you have your character charge into some battle head first because that's what they'd do, that could change the outcome of things than if we decide to go some secret path, for example. Conflicts will be resolved naturally or the people involved can predetermine the outcome if desired.
Hey FoW peeps. I wanna practice drawing, so for anyone interested, I'll try and do a character shot for ya. I'm still finding my style and y'know, getting good, so no promises on quality.
I'm thinking of drawing the empire soldiers once my mom gets completely back to normal to give me even more time to get back to normal. However, perhaps you can draw your interpretation of them based on the image I gave. The uniform you guys come up with can all be canon as they have a variety of uniforms based on the specific unit. Although I like realism so they wouldn't be running around nude, I will allow some units to be more skimpy if you guys insist, preferably with some excuse. Well, I do remember stories of some group of soldiers who did fight naked in ancients times, actually, but they were probably just very stupid. XD
Not for this roleplay, but I have a character named Alice (not very original, I'll admit) who I'd like to draw who I can use in ryona stuff a lot. She loves fighting and is quirky/fun loving. Kind of cocky too.