I would like to join you with this imperial character > . < I hope it goes well
Name: Lasombra Rosali
Class: Alchemist
Character: Rosali has a very nice personality is affable in reality, almost empathic understanding the bisgni the other, a bit like the girl next door.
Rather inteligente and dedication to the arts of war that most intellectuals, Rosali continues to develop and groped to improve the medical knowledge of the kingdom regardless of the cost, in fact, although he knows that his research are used for military outbursts trusts that more lives saved that those that are switched off.
He does not like to fight, and a very bad swordsman (at least for their positions and skill mean sword fighter) but its tentacles are strong and can enable it to win the fights, but hates to show his true face.
When hunger prevails in her and quite seductive, bold and aggressive only one thing matters feed and stop the pain, because he knows that most resist more severe and will have to consume more energy to return completely lucid.
And convinced that his studies and methods of the empress will lead to a better world then acts without hesitation and second thoughts about it, try a sick pleasure to wrap the victim in its tentacles, beat them to the ground and slowly see them pass out from lack of energy, then play with them as if they were her dolls.
History: Rosali born in the heart of the empire from a wealthy family as the 5th daughter.
His family always respected Empress and has supported his policy which influenced in the same way the same girl.
The Lasombra having been blessed with such a high number of daughters have quickly decided to leave some of them to the army in order to make known their allegiance.
Although this honor Rechel touch to the third daughter. Esmen fourth. and of course her.
Of course, passing a comfortable childhood and without dangers for the three sisters was very hard training as basic.
The three were quickly separated fortunately for Rosali passion for herbs and medicine made her a camp doctor far from the front lines where now her sisters resting among the piles of bodies of imperial soldiers.
it blows hard Rosali who decided not to contact the family ever again devoting himself only to his regiment her new family.
Learning from books and on the field Rosali learned well to provide first aid and even advanced care which allowed her to advance cariera and deal more capable and so soldiers leaving the simple soldiers to their fate.
Rosali taken various initiatives such as the Adestramento a unit of field medics to get around even a little losses, up to the creation of concoctions that stimulated healing over time and the ability to fight.
His iniative not therefore go unnoticed one of the bigwigs decided that a person of such talent should not take any risks on the battlefield so venen move towards the heart of the empire where he could develop new potions and train new doctors to work alongside the united elite .
Ironically Rosali was safe from the blades of enemies but not by the hand of death a serious illness strikes young alchemist who after several attempts at treatment without sucess in despair took a concoction combining the properties of Maea and other healing herbs.
Well stop the advance of the sickly, but considering that the effect had to be healed was a complete disaster.
Rosali also seemed not fully compatible with the power of the gods in fact developing a painful addiction, addiction to "consume" the vital energy of others.
Rosali start to make not just disappear men and women to feed so satisfying its new needs, but using their bodies to more and more daring experiments.
Over time, its activities were noted and the guard try to stop it with sucess unfortunately for her, but not before he broke several bones in girls and killing others.
A few weeks after his capture incappuciata a woman asked her to continue her research at the Imperial Palace as a new royal alchemist, in exchange for forgiveness but on condition that he worked on certain projects.
Rosali little vinegar because that contract, even provedeva the supply of fresh energy to feed his appetites.
So here they are there to work for the Empress in person
Powers donated by Maea . Maya has developed an unusual gift , the young alchemist can back out three to four tentacles of the 4-meter range .
Each of them to the suction cups and is also extremely flexible and prehensile some slimy thing I do not like to Rosali , but returning to the practical side .
The tentacles have the ability to absorb the energy of life of those touched by giving it the same Rosali that will be able to heal their own wounds . Rosali the body as that of a common human but the tentacles have a physical capacity tripled .
In fact they could easily raise the same Rosali . hitting hard objects or persons ghermirle wrapping and block shots .
Rosali also now has the ability to perceive the vital forces of the living creatures within 10 meters from her riconoscndo even those who are endowed with powers .
Rosali also with a lot of concentration can move your life energy or stored in an ally to reinvigorate it or cure it .
Penalties donated by Maea . Rosali is not fully compatible with these powers in fact, the young man quickly tired and needs constant nourishment for not trying hunger pains.
Inolte Despite the tentacles are very strong girl's body weakened if , in fact the weak point of the girl and her body that now depends on potions and tonics to keep it in force .
456 Artemis Reficul By Cicada Media D7Hef2D in Album: Artist: Cicada