I'm not overly familiar with all characters, it's just that my own very specific reason for being here is liking pilot girls exploding into nothing and the voices happening before and during that. I mention this because I always look for more and most people don't think about it twice when seeing stuff like that, but may remember when mentioned. So if anyone knows stuff like that, please let me know.
That being said, over time I did pick up some of it. I'll happily help, I'm glad to just receive the voice files to begin with.
vo_21_p04 is Lunamaria Hawke
vo_21_p06 is Stella Loussier
vo_34_p05 is Sthesia Awar (vo_34_p05_g_end_02.wav was the actual exact voice line I was thinking of when I mentioned the sexy breathing, so thanks a lot just for this!)
These ones sound like multiple characters at once. Maybe stuff beginning with vo_80 are boss fights that may have multiple characters?
vo_80_p05 - ??? I may try to find this out when I have more time.
vo_80_p31 - I think this is all 4 Dark Sthesia girls? Not sure, but I confirmed one matching line with a youtube vid on this boss fight.
If you have more samples, I can look at them, too.