Re: Gollums random mods (updated 24/01/13)
booster said:
ah i see. but seems like i am too stupid to get it to work with patched SDT v1.20b either. i start it, import the dialogue.swf, import a dialogue with [HAND_ON] and [HANDJOB_ON] in the intro lines, but she just says her line, without moving her hands, or changing anything.
things to check:
1 is the handjob button (scene tab) existant? (no: rename faceless sdt to SDT.swf)
2 does the handjob button work? (yes: load the char and try the button again) (no: are her hands behind her back?)
2.1 yes, still doesn't work: try another trigger. if that does work, upload folder that doesn't work.
2.2 no, arms are behind her back: put arms in different position, try again.
2.3 no, arms are not behind back, button doesn't work: something is botched, download the faceless sdt.swf again