Re: Gollums random mods (updated 04/03/13)
I second T0mcat's comment that toggling .swf-mods through DialogueActions would be highly desirable, but I understand completely that it may take waaay too much effort to implement. I have a few items on the wish list for future releases of DiaActs that I think/hope will be easier to implement:
*Switching backgrounds: This is already doable from options menu and via keyboard command. If it's possible to treat them as settable variables with the value being the name of a .png file in the loader folder, that would be great.
*Fade-in/fade-out: You know how the screen turns white before he cums? I was thinking an effect like that could be used through DiaActs. Then, together with the ability to switch backgrounds, it would be easy to have different scenes in a dialogue. Ideally, the effect would include the models and mask them out too. Fading to/from either black or white would be ideal, and also provide a way to end dialogues.
*Make him/her invisible: Much like HIDE_PENIS, but HIDE_HIM or HIDE_HER instead. This would allow either of the two characters to enter and leave a scene.
*Fully settable char codes for him and her: I've mentioned being able to change his clothing as can already be done with her, but being able to set hair, hair color - every parameter there is - would be great. For him, setting penis parameters could make his cock grow gradually, for instance. When combined with the above effects, this would also let charcters leave a scene and let new characters enter. This may require being able to clear spit/cum/mascara etc. also (don't know if these are reset automatically when character is changed) to allow for different characters.
*Flip horizontally: Invert perspective back and forth to switch places between him/her, as is possible today through options menu. Together with him/her invisible, fading, background changes etc. this would for instance enable two standing characters with different outfits to have a conversation (one on the right side of the room, the other on the left) etc.
I have no idea how difficult these are to implement, but I'm hoping a lot easier than toggling .swf mods :/ I'm planning a multi-character, multi-scene dialogue for my next project so I'd pretty much need all of these functions to make it work. No pressure! :D Anyway, if you can give any indication on how likely any of these are to happen within the next 6 months, that would be great, so I can adjust my plans accordingly.
An idea: I don't know shit about the kind of programming you do gollum, but would it be simpler to implement a change of background/character through a custom .sdt gallery instead of actual bg-files and setting various parameters etc? In that case, a multi-scene, multi-character dialogue could simply be uploaded with a custom gallery with all the bg's and char configurations needed, and all DiaActs would have to be able to do is select a specific one of them (as well as hide him/her and fade in/out). Don't know if it helps, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
EDIT: Btw, did you ever work out that open/close mouth issue? There's CLENCH_TEETH even now, but it closes her mouth for a set time and there's no way to open it before, plus it makes her tap her hands and prevents her from speaking. A gently closed mouth permitting speach without opening as soon as a cock approaches would be ideal to toggle between.