Thanks! I'm not sure about the list of changes - I'm doing this for fun, and creating lists as extra effort for every release is not really my idea of it. I'll think about it and do it if I feel like it I guess, sorry.
The way I edit cards usually is this (in order of priority):
1. A new expansion comes out, I edit all the minions depicting female characters.
2. I edit all the spells depicting female characters, depending on whether I find art that fits the spell's name.
3. I find art online that I recognize will fit a previously unedited card / have an idea for art on an unedited card I see in the game.
As you may guess, only the third of those aspects affects old cards - and since seeing wild cards played in game is rarer, that decreases the chance of me having an idea for new art to use. This does not mean, however, that I'm actively deciding against modding wild cards. However, if I find new art that fits both a standard card and a wild card, odds are I will use it for the newer one.