Injustice: Gods Among Us (1 Viewer)


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
I made a short video of the grabs in demo. Each character has one throw, one ultra, and each map has one environmental hazard move. Some characters have additional moves like air grab.
Video recorder betrayed me, so some clips ended up having no sound :( Ryona also isn't suberb, but if still you want to download, here are the links:


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 10, 2010
Nicely edited, onlinehero! Good glimpse of what's to come from the full version. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Bane break some heroines.

Wonder Woman's move where she calls in her amazon buddies for a gang beatdown was cool looking and I thought the environmental stuff looked sharp as well. I doubt I'll be purchasing this one, but I thought the ryona looked okay from what you showed us. And I'm with randomguy on the faces: the NetherRealm crew really need to do an overhaul on how they render female faces...yikes...


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
I played the demo and thought it was ok. But for just playing there were not enough of my DC favorties for me to want to buy it full price. Too many Batman characters. The game needs more variety from its brands rather then have like one or two none batmans and the rest batman. For Ryona some of the moves are good but the only girls I would kinda want to Ryona is Harley ig I put her in the AC outfit and Catwoman if I could take her hood off since their faces are decent.


Ryonani Teamster
May 8, 2011
I played the demo and thought it was ok. But for just playing there were not enough of my DC favorties for me to want to buy it full price. Too many Batman characters. The game needs more variety from its brands rather then have like one or two none batmans and the rest batman. For Ryona some of the moves are good but the only girls I would kinda want to Ryona is Harley ig I put her in the AC outfit and Catwoman if I could take her hood off since their faces are decent.

I think this game is TOO much like MK9. I could take and pick this game apart, but I'm being objective here; it feels like a cash grab and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
Barbara Gordon to be precise. Should have been Cassandra Cain imo....also the game did not need another Batman character :/ annoying too Batgirl lost that poll. The one between Batgirl, Supergirl, and Power Girl. Good job NRS, ignoring your fans like a boss.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 15, 2011
I hope they do something interesting with her alt costume. Lord knows her default looks as bland as hell.

Watch now, as Ed Boon literally throws MK9 scorpion into Injustice and flavours him with some injustice styled moves.


Potential Patron
Feb 24, 2010
I'm also pretty peeved at the inclusion of Batgirl, especially the Barbra Gordon one. The DC universe is huge, filled with interesting powered and designed heroes. Lets throw in yet another Batman character. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy batman and all, but this game didn't need another person from that side of the fence. I was really hoping for Power Girl personally, I wanted to see what they'd do with her design. I can't imagine she'd be in the game now though, you have to five they intend to even the roster out with good/bad guy characters, I doubt they will add two females in the good category.

That gripe aside, I really love this game.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
I was more annoyed at the fact NRS did a poll of who people wanted and Supergirl and Power girl both beat Batgirl but they do Batgirl anyway. I like me some Babs but it annoys me.

Would have been more accepting for Cassandra Cain tbqh. IF you dunno whose he is, she was the most badass batgirl. She in a straight no gadget fight can easily beat Bruce.

BTW The one image of WonderWoman with her eyes rolled back, I love that one. Too bad her face is not prettier.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 15, 2009
man Wonder Woman's face in this game in fact every woman but Harley Hawlkgirl(cause of her mask) and Catwoman look manly has hell(manlier then RE6's Helena hell she looks like Sherry and Ada compared to them)
i think Netherrealm has never seen a real girl :(


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
to be fair, some women have that kind of face. The issue is they are not good at modeling. The anatomy of the characters is weird too. Like some have too small heads and such


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
Wondie's face looks better in that outfit. Catwoman's I adore. Her head is free and we can see her hair. She looks pretty damn good. If I get Injustice I know what I am going to do

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