Interactive Zako Story: Black Kingdom (4 Viewers)


Avid Affiliate
Oct 27, 2021
I already tried to write Zako story on this site, but I ended up with problem "A Broken World With No Values" in my head transformed into a really large and detailed plot. Too complex for Zako story.
So I want to try again. And create something more interactive. A simple plot with a lot of merciless female slaughter and open for almost non limit guro-death suggestions.

Setting of this story is fantasy world, there are three kingdoms. Black, White and Red. Main heroine is mysterious mercenary hired by Red and White kingdoms mistresses to rescue a political hostage from prison tower at the Black Kingdom. Heroine is crazy and merciless lesbian, who enjoys torture and kill other girls in very sexualised ways.

Story is all open for suggestions about deaths and torture of Zako girls. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1: Tower Gate

Beatrice approached the black marble tower. This was a place appointed by the contract. In this tower the Black Lady kept an important political prisoner.
In fact, Beatrice didn't care about politics. The only important thing for her was that she would be able to have a good time and that the White and Red Mistresses were willing to pay a good sum for it.
Brushing her snow-white hair from her face, the mercenary peered at what was happening at the gate to the tower.
She was a slender girl with small breasts and snow-white hair down to her neck. Dressed in a cute blue dress, she didn't look at all like a terrifying killer with hundreds of corpses to her credit.
Three girls were talking about something at the gates of the tower, and although each of them had an halberds with them, cheerful conversations were clearly much more interesting for them than guarding the tower gate.
"And this is the black guard?" thought Beatrice contemptuously.
"Looks like I need to teach these bitches a lesson on how to properly guard captives."
The Black Guardians were dressed in tiny tops that barely covered their beautiful curves and ultra-short wedge skirts. Also, their image was complemented by translucent black gloves and stockings, emphasizing how thick they are.

//The Black Guards
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//Picture not mine, I took it to demonstrate how approximately Zako girls looks

"These dolls are just made for me to play with them" - Beatrice licked her lips while looking at her future opponents.

In several jumps too high and far for human capabilities, the assassin was next to the black guards.
The girls yelped in surprise. Two of them took their halberds more comfortably, and the third, the shortest of them, with beautiful blue curls, hid behind the backs of her companions.
- What happened, ladies? Aren't you on a duty?
Beatrice smiled broadly, spreading her arms out to the sides.
- Who are you!? - shouted the eldest of the guards, pointing her halberd at Beatrice.
- Speak or, I swear on the name of the Lady, I will kill you right on the spot.
- Why you are so rude? - Beatrice eagerly looked at her interlocutor, whose black, long hair flowed like a river, and her large breasts were hardly held by the topic and were ready to jump out at any moment.
- Those who hear my name do not live for long time.
Beatrice chuckled sweetly, already running through her head many scenarios of what she could do with this impudent guardian.
- Enough for me!
The black-haired woman swung her halberd at Beatrice. To her great surprise, the mercenary reacted instantly, falling to the ground, thus ending up on the ground between the legs of the guard who attacked her.
- Lovely panties, lady~
The devil uttered playfully and with a deft movement of her hand tore off guard's panties.
- What!? How dare you!? - the face of the black guard turned red, her companions giggled looking at it.
- Shut up! - she shouted, turning to her partners, - otherwise I myself will do the same with you!
Deciding that she had enjoyed the moment enough, Beatrice slipped her free hand into her stocking and pulled out a knife, and then with all her strength she plunged it up to the hilt into the guard's cunt.
- Aaaaaaghhaa! - still red with embarrassment, the girl fell to her knees screaming in pain, everything between her legs was covered with blood.
The blue-haired cowardly guard squealed and ran away.
Beatrice got up from the ground and brushed the road dust off her dress looking into the eyes of her victim.
- The Black Lady have a perfect taste in clothes. It is very convenient to look under your skirt!
Laughing nastily, the mercenary looked at the blonde who was frozen in fear. While the first guard lay on the ground screaming and bleeding from her feminne places, and the youngest one ran away in horror, the blonde did not take a step. She froze, afraid to move, and did not even try to attack.
- And this is the elite royal guard? To be honest, it's even boring.
Beatrice irritatedly approached the girl and struck her on the arm, causing the halberd to fall to the ground with a clang.
The blonde finally came to her senses. She screamed in fear and moved to run. But Beatrice immediately stopped her, tightly clutching the chest of the black guard with her hands.
- O-oh! Let me go! You are d-hurting me!
The girl twitched and thrashed her hands, unsuccessfully trying to escape from Beatrice, who was holding her tightly, but all to no avail.
With a triumphant smile, Beatrice squeezed the girl's chest even tighter, forcing a scream out of her victim. Then, pulling the unfortunate woman on herself tearing off her top, Beatrice put the girl in front of herself on the knees.
- Do you want end up like her?
The assassin asked coldly, pointing to the black-haired guard rolling on the ground in agony.
- N-no! Not! Anything but this! Don't do this to me please! - cried the defeated guard. Her bare breasts moved up and down as if they were being shaken.
- Then...
Beatrice lifted her skirt, showing her opponent that she was completely without underwear.
- Lick me well. And maybe I'll spare you.
- I'll do everything! Just don't kill me!!
The girl crawled up to Beatrice on her knees and brought her face closer to the pussy of her torturer. She began to diligently do cunnilingus.
- Ahhh~ Yes~
Beatrice moaned and grabbed the blonde's hair with her hand, pulling her towards, so that both the girl's nose and mouth were pressed against Beatrice's cunt. Deprived of the ability to breathe. Guard girl moaned and twitched in fright, but Beatrice was only more aroused by this.
- Yes~ Yes~ Ahhhh~ I didn't let you go yet~
The body of the guard twitched even more, and the pitiful moans turned into quiet wheezes. After waiting for life to finally leave the blonde, Beatrice released her, and the lifeless body of the guard fell to the ground hitting it's chest.
- For the beginning it was very good. - Beatrice said thoughtfully, looking in the direction in which the third shy guard had fled. "Run while you can, I'll have some fun with you sooner or later~"
The assassin then approached the first guard, still alive and groaning. Girl kicked her in the chest, causing her to roll onto her back with a scream.
- I'm tired of listening to your cries! Can't you be quiet? So I'll teach you now!
Beatrice squatted down and placed her hand on the handle of the knife protruding from her enemy's vagina. She sharply and strongly pressed on the handle, driving the knife even deeper inside.
The screams of the guard became completely inarticulate. She lost her voice and began to wheeze.
Beatrice got to her feet and headed for the gate leading to the black tower, leaving her opponent to die painfully from loss of blood...

// This is the end of first part! Hope you enjoyed. I am open for suggestions about sexual girls deaths!


Potential Patron
Jan 4, 2019
Great story! I really like the way you write and I really loved the black haired girl's death, one of the most painful I can think of. As for suggestion I like the idea of the protagonist having 2 zako compete with each other in some sort of game with the loser getting punished. Other than that, can the protagonist use magic? Because that opens up tons of possibilities.


Avid Affiliate
Oct 27, 2021
Great story! I really like the way you write and I really loved the black haired girl's death, one of the most painful I can think of. As for suggestion I like the idea of the protagonist having 2 zako compete with each other in some sort of game with the loser getting punished. Other than that, can the protagonist use magic? Because that opens up tons of possibilities.
Yaaay! Thank you. Glad you enjoyed!
I really like this idea of yours, there can be many sort of things to do with it.
And yes, Beatrice can use some magic. It will happen in the future chapters. More then that, she are not a human ;>
So, yes. There is a lot of possibilities!
Then I'll have some more free time, I definitely continue the story.

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