I already downloaded the entire series and posted it on this board about a year or two ago.
Nothing interesting in the show and wasnt worth keeping, so i deleted all my files.
I forgot the title... But I always thought this was one of these "made for zako fans" movies, the scenes I seen from it suggested so. This was a real movie?
You mean the martial arts? I am sure you can find them in most old Chinese or Hong Kong movies. Or the whole bladed fan thing?
Honestly the action was filmed in a very confusing way and the zakos had not really sexy enough outfits. They were also pretty easily defeated with just one punch after trading blows with the guy for ages. But the sound effects were the most annoying, those "shnikt" sounds whenever they strike with the fans...
Stripper terrorist girl emerging from a giant cake and then throwing gas grenades and shooting machine guns, from Irresistible Force.
Sadly she pretty much disappears from the movie right after.
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