1000 episodes? Looks like I am not the only one to fantasize about making a 1000 episode program... sorry, just digressing, but if I really won that huge lottery prize, I would be investing it in a 1000 episode Agent Aika Hentai. But how long would it take to have 1000 episodes at the rate of 1 per week? A scary 19+ years. My target viewers will transition from horny teens to desperate middle aged men by the time the series is over. (And in my dreams, if I were to make a million bucks profit per episode, I'd transition to a billionaire by the conclusion of my 1000 episode hentai, on the broken cartoon backs of this porn!)
Going back to this history drama thing: running it over the course of an entire generation, even if it didn't start as a history drama, it would be drama making history by the end!