Yes, it has been linked here a lot of times. Sadly navigating it and downloading the images is really cumbersome as he stores the photos on some other paid server or something...
An extremely useful blog - each entry examines a horror film, noting all the girls that feature in it, whether or not they have sex or get nude, whether they die (and the method of their demise) and whether they are good or bad (if relevant).
Zakos where? They are a bit too long to watch through.
Thanks!Yeh, that's why I just used YouTube's scroll preview function. No idea when the movie's about, but found the zako scene in 2 minute (which is all o care about)
Starts 1:35:50
Who knew even silent films had henchwomen? This is from the film Les Vampires - despite the name, this is a gang of criminals, not vampires. Go to around halfway in this episode to see Irma, one of the villains, in a sexy skin-tight ninja suit, infiltrate another villain's room to steal a map, but then gets grabbed and thrown on the villain's back, dragged into the room and chlorophormed. Then he replaces her with a hypnotized maid whom he keeps in a chest, and Irma is thrown out of the window to his henchmen who take her away. In the end, she gets hypnotized to shoot her own boss.
And yet when I posted about this MV on here ages ago, not a single person cared. (zero likes, zero comments)
Fyi, that's also my twitter