Cash (2007) - Indian movie featuring some female zako
My first contribution to this topic. These zako may not be the best, but they aren't terrible either. Basically, two heroines have to fight against several female thugs dressed in black spandex catsuits. Unfortunately, as is so often the case with zako, their scenes are over quickly and there is not much focus on them before, during, or after the fight. On the other hand, the female baddies are pretty hot, they are hit pretty hard, and they are left lying scattered and unconscious on the road. So that's something.
The first baddie is actually thrown from a speeding car:
View attachment 4096
The others are beaten up by martial arts and fisticuffs:
View attachment 4097View attachment 4098View attachment 4099View attachment 4100
For some reason the film intersperses short animated clips along with the regular filming:
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The end result: the heroines do a high five and run off, leaving the baddies where they fell.
View attachment 4106
Clip on YouTube:
Just as a bonus...I'l have to do an entire post later on (or perhaps thread) dedicated to the zako from the "Female Combatants" series from Zen Pictures, but here's a little sample for now: