
Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
Can someone kindly post a mirror to this? - View File

I always have trouble downloading anything from and cannot download this one. :(

What is it?

My thoughts on Big Trouble in Little Chinna,
I 'm usually prefer henchgirls and zako to live and to be left knocked out or tied up, but this was an interesting exampl. It was interesting to see 3 girls getting knocked out, and one girl getting thrown to her death. Mixed reactions from this, i liked it because it emphasized the danger of their job and that some casualties do occur. I imagine the girls discussing later how one of their members was unceremoniously killed.

City Hunter (1993) was a movie that really annoyed me.
The hero (Jackie Chan), a martial arts expert is ambushed by the wives and girlfriends of the criminals that he's sent to prison. The girls trick him at first with their beauty before revealing that they're there for revenge.
The girls strike a pose and say they are ready to fit hand-to-hand.......and the fight happens off screen. No, really, we hear some sound affects and see clothes being thrown around (Chan is a bit of a perv in this movie), but we never see what happens next.
The movie is all about slapstick and we often see the female lead getting beaten up. I dont think Jackie Chan would have been too violent, most likely having a goofy fight and subduing the girls in creative (and compromising) ways like he did in Fantasy Mission Force (again, he;s a perverted martial arts expert in this movie-the perfect combination)
CH 1.jpg CH 2.jpg

This was a perfect example of a missed opportunity. A case where the set up was perfect, but the director didn't have the b**ls to follow through with the scene.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
Apparently, Rayheng has decided to post Bandobure 2 somewhere else first: here!

I am downloading it right now!


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 12, 2013

Was starting to wonder if it was ever going to get uploaded. I'm still not thrilled about the outfits-- I've always found full-body suits kind of off-putting and unsexy-- but if the content is good I can forgive it!

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I like henchwomen in tight outfits, especially leggings, so I'm biased in that regard; but I also think that (for the most part) it was filmed better than the last 4 female combatants movies, and those were all improvements themselves. As a fan of henchwomen being KO'd or killed, and the action continuing around them, Bandobure 2 delivered.

However, I downloaded it from Rayheng, even though I own it I want to watch it on VLC player, instead of WMP, which you have to watch these videos on. Let me tell you though, the video quality is definitely compromised due to the removal of the DRM. It's too bad because I'm so used to the great quality of the original. I know Bandobure and Bolero 2 had the same issues when the DRM was removed, but this one really got affected badly, IMO. But at least now I can watch on VLC player instead of crappy WMP. But I still miss the better quality video, so I might just stick to the original...
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Vivacious Visitor
Mar 12, 2013
Action was pretty good in this one. I thought the girls did a good job of selling it without going over-the-top about it. The special effects were more effective as well-- liked the little sparking animations after they get hit with the lasers or electricity from the yellow dude.

Honestly, I still just found the outfit dragged it down for me. The bodysuit with all the flailing limbs and weird "Weee!"ing noises just made them seem like a bunch of hyperactive avant garde interpretative dancers to me rather than sexy henchwomen. Everyone has their own tastes of course, but bodysuits just aren't to mine. xD

I still think Bolero was the best of these style of films-- loved the leotards, the action was good and though they over-sold at parts overall the girls were entertaining to watch. This film's action with the original bolero outfits? Bam. I'd be sold.

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I agree with you on the "Weee!"ing noises, I wish they would stop doing that. It carried over from the last series of Female Combatant movies, the ones where they're in full body suits and full head mask.

The even older movies don't have the henchwomen making that noise, it's just a normal sound a girl would make if she were a ninja or fighter, and that's a lot better. Sometimes those "Weee!"ing noises make me cringe...

Not sure what you mean by flailing limbs, but I wish the girls were wearing better material in their uniforms, and had the hat's were matching red, with the belts. Still, I'd like to see them do at least one more with similar costume/uniform, so that we can see they're beautiful butts.

But the action was better, and yes they don't over-do it when they're defeated, which is great. Also, it was filmed so that we can see the defeated henchwomen while the action continued around them. I wish that, since they had at last 10 girls on set, that they would have more henchwomen going down per scene, with the action continuing. It seems they showed no more than 4-5 defeated girls at a time another fight was going on. My personal favorite scene from the movie is the last fight against the red ranger guy, who takes out 3 henchwomen, then 2 more, and then 4 more show up, meanwhile, we can see the KO'd zako in the background, having fallen on top of these large boxes. We see them laying there for the rest of the movie!

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The first Bolero is really good, I liked a lot of scenes from that one. Which reminds me, Bandobure 2 didn't have a body pile scene, which would have been nice.
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Vivacious Visitor
Mar 12, 2013
Haha, yeah, the wee'ing has me stifling giggles while I'm trying to find the action sexy!

I'm not all up on the history of Japanese minions, but I do remember the putties from Power Rangers making ridiculous noises; I'm guessing it's probably just one of those things J-minions do that leaves those of us who didn't grow up on those shows scratching our heads but is part of the appeal for everyone else.

The flailing limbs when they're charging the heroes and such are what I'm referring to. Waving their arms around, haha, I'm exaggerating a bit probably but I stand by my comparison. ;)

And yeah, I know what you mean. One of the things they seem to do in all of these films are the scenes where you see all 3 rangers fighting at once, but they don't really focus on any one of them-- in effect, you get 3 self-contained fights at once. Those are great scenes and everytime one comes up I find myself paying attention to one specific girl, waiting to see when she goes down. Bolero had one in the forest and again, I thought it was well put together.

I should probably give the second half of Bolero 2 a try-- the one with the red leotards & hand axes, but I wasn't really thrilled with that one. The girls weren't particularly attractive and the cuts were awkward.


Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
Most Wanted

Female drug kingpin has a group of female bodyguards.
MV5BNjMyMTQ0ODk1N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjgzNzM4NA@@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg MV5BMTc0OTI1OTI2MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjM4OTg5Ng@@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg

Blink and you'll miss their demise.

Shame really, considering that all the bodyguards were all played by professional stuntwomen, I was hoping for a bit more

I've found thart searching through IMDB is a good way to find a lot of henchwomen and bad girls scenes. I brows stuntwomen and look up the movies tv shows and web series' they've appeared in.

Not sure if this one has already been posted, i did a quick search of the forum and didn't see it.
Y; the last man. Would have loved if this short pilot had been picked up, a world full of tough girls chasing after the last man alive.
1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
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Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
A new Female Combatants movie came out. "Death March Part 1" They went back to the original Bolero outfit for this one. This one looks good, yet again. :) - Japanese Superheroine Sex Movie

View attachment 52076View attachment 52077View attachment 52078View attachment 52079

Well that one sneaked up on us! Such a shame it's on GIGA-Web, I can't access GIGA from my country (South Korea). I usually buy these movies to support the producers, but in this case, since buying is out of the question, could one of you please share?

Or, could someone upload more photos, so I can have an idea of what's happening
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Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I couldn't hold off, and bought it. I couldn't even make it past the first few fight scenes when I first watched it, it's that good.

This one is a big improvement over Bandobure 2. I was one who liked the outfits in Bandobure 2, but I like the return to the first Bolero outfit as well, especially since I feel that each Female Combatants movie has been an improvement on the last since Bolero (which was an improvement in itself). The GIGA/ZEN guys have really made some great fight scenes over the last few movies, but with Death March Part 1 the action is fierce, the zako are the bad guys again, not brainwashed (I think), and some of them actually put up a fight. But I love the casualness of just taking out henchbabes left and right. What's great is you can see the henchwomen going down after being defeated, while the action continues around them, sometimes for a long time. They've been getting better at that since Bolero 2 and Bandobure 2, both were great, and again, improved on the one before. Death March Part 1 is even better, and it happens more often. Attention to continuity was definitely unmistakable. As someone who is very much into that aspect of Zako's, I am very pleased with this new movie. I'm glad the Zen/GIGA producers have made such a good product.

Something I didn't even notice right away, is that the "wheeeee!" noises are gone!!!!!!! It's just normal fighting sounds. I probably didn't notice because I'm wasn't cringing at those sounds they used to always make. It makes the action seem that more intense. I love it.

Get this movie guys, support these guys so they can keep improving and make better movies. I can only imagine where this series will be a year from now (The first Bolero came out about a year ago)

Minion - I feel your pain. Maybe rayheng will get this one up.

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Well that one sneaked up on us! Such a shame it's on GIGA-Web, I can't access GIGA from my country (South Korea). I usually buy these movies to support the producers, but in this case, since buying is out of the question, could one of you please share?

Or, could someone upload more photos, so I can have an idea of what's happening

Here's more of the preview pics
dm1.jpg dm2.jpg dm3.jpg dm4.jpg
dm5.jpg dm6.jpg dm7.jpg dm8.jpg
dm9.jpg dm10.jpg dm11.jpg dm12.jpg
dm13.jpg dm14.jpg dm15.jpg dm16.jpg


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 12, 2013
A new Female Combatants movie came out. "Death March Part 1" They went back to the original Bolero outfit for this one. This one looks good, yet again. :) - Japanese Superheroine Sex Movie

View attachment 52076View attachment 52077View attachment 52078View attachment 52079

Now THIS has my attention! Giga works fast, I'd just said I'd like to see the action from their newer ones with the costumes from the original Bolero.

January 10th release though? Jeez, how much patience do they expect me to have here?


Just looked at their site, January 24th it seems part 2 comes out. for the stills.
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Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I believe those dates are for DVD releases. DM1 is available now to download. DM2 will probably be available weeks before that release date, so any day now, really.

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This film's action with the original bolero outfits? Bam. I'd be sold.

Bam. 4 days later.

I like that they returned to the first Bolero costume, and Part 2 looks like a return to the first Bandbure outfit, though with red boots instead of black. I wonder if they'll return to the other outfits from Bandobure 2 or Bolero 2, or keep making new oufits (as long as it's not a costume that cover the whole head and face. If they make another Bandobure 2 outfit, I only hope we can see a little more skin, I liked having the girls in body suits, so we can see their butts, but maybe they could be designed so that we could see their chest, shoulder or arms.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
I must say that Bandobure 2 seemed awesome, but when after a long wait I finally acquired a copy, I was truly disappointed. Dull and repetitive fights during which it was often unclear whether the Zako were knocked out or slain... awful sound effects... and what about the sparkles over the fallen twitching girls? Unwatchable! The worst of the series, in my opinon!

Personally, I don't care much about outfits or editing of the scenes. What I like to find in Zako movies is realism and believability! I like to feel pity or anger for the fallen. But that's me, right?

The true nature of Zako is being expendable! From what I can see of the 2 Death Match movies (the official sample video and the photos in this blog being my main sources) the concept is developed to unparalleled heights: either good and evil protagonists repeatedly use them up as human shields, and whilst heroes mercilessly cut their way through scores od helpless Zako, evil bosses slaughter hordes of disposable pawns testing battle monsters or laser cannons, or repay them for failed missions... with excruciating deaths... of course!
You can't get any more Zako than this!
Heaps of massacred girls litter battlefields and even the classic "silence the sentry" concept is occasionally delivered!

The one thing that puzzles me is that I count at least 4 different oufits: with the orange bandana, shocker with painted face, shocker with white scarf and belt, with integral mask. Are those different classes of troopers or every boss gets to pick a specific uniform for his personal Zako army?
I'm afraid that since nobody truly understands Japanese here, I'll never know!

I hope Rayheng or some other good soul posts a free version of this movie, because I can't really afford to pay 37 Euro for part one of a video right now! I truly want to support GIGA... but their prices are really excessive for my pocket!
ZEN's Bandobure 2 was at least sold at half that sum... though it was a total waste of money, in my opinion!
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Potential Patron
Dec 16, 2012
Finally a reply that exactly captures the amazing scope of this new zako movie!! Can't wait for part two. Sorry money's tight right now. I support Giga mainly because they are the ONLY producer that covers this genre the way it should be covered. I hope they keep releasing these types of movies. First and only post......that's how impressed I was with this movie. Cheers.


Casual Client
Sep 16, 2013
Regarding Female combatants- deatch march part 1, I hope that if they are going to make part 2 then they will wear shiny spandex bodysuit like bandobure 2 because personally I have a thing for spandex pants

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I hope one day we can see zakos wear outfits like in this video. That would be like merging spandex bodysuit zakos and leotard zakos together lol

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