That day just started for me as any other day. I just downloaded the 5th part of rayheng0595's upload at Akiba-Online, I got my beer, my popcorn and I was ready for some weird japanese sh*t.
Well, I never imagined I will be so accurate.
I was really hyped up for this, because Female Combatants Battle (AZGB-06) and Female Combatant Bolero 2 (GOMK-60) was pretty cool. In the latest one I really loved the simple red leotard of the girls, there was a lot of good and clever fight scenes (of course mostly are quite hideous with bad acting, but that's the beauty of it) and such, but this... I'm going to bo honest with you guys, I wasn't able to finish it. The movie was like when you expect your grandma for thanksgiving, but rather she showing off the damn SWAT kicks your door in shouting "GETONDDAFKNGRUUNDGEDDOWN". I felt this movie was nothing about just guilt tripping the viewers. "Oh, you like watching poor grils knocked out cold? Well, there ya' go as*hole, here's an unbelievably skinny girl and a couple fatty ones too, now how's you gonna enjoy that?" What will be the next, one of the girls will be pregnant or having cancer? Or both? I bet my life there is some weird fetish in Japan for watching very skinny girls having porn or something, but this was waaay too disturbing for me. When that golden mantis b*tch boss started humiliating that girl, I just ragequitted on the spot and went on watching Mythbusters on Discovery Channel to gain some good karma. I don't know what were they thinking but if they keep this road, maybe they should release like a non-japanese version of their movies what are not THAT fucked up... or they could now just start release a good movie with more fights, spending money on some good editor and focusing on battles rather than making half the screentime about weird plastic boars raping the pink ranger.
It's not like I don't recommend buying this movie, downloading this and using the free download slots was a waste! I rarely delete anything from my computer, but I shift+deleted the whole folder so fast like a zako getting knocked off from one hit. 8.7 out of 10 - IGN