it's from a old youtube Channel, forgot it's named, it tried to do more zakostuff (he didnt call it this way, I'm sure he's not aware of the terms) but it didnt go far, it tried to came back not so long ago (maybe a few months) on Patreon (they were a pots about it not so long ago), but dont know if it lead to something goodAgent of Scuba: Opération Fireball | MOTHERLESS.COM ™ anyone know the origin?
Hey thereYes, something like this happens pretty often.
Blonde zako in blue bikini took a bullet and fell behind her big friend.
View attachment 145114
Look at her head and remember its position
View attachment 145115
Later, when her big friend took a bullet as well and fell near her
View attachment 145116
Another example. Chinese movie. Villainess was killed and fell on the floor
View attachment 145117
But then she is lying on the other side
View attachment 145118
Another user posted it in this thread.Can u please tell me the Name or were u find the Video ?
Here it is in HD 1968-Objetivo.Bi-Ki-NiNot specialist but back to "golden" era films, here is kind what could be named "zako nurses" in this film ...
Objetivo BI KI NI ....