Yeah, I prefer the putties from the Japanese super Sentai series since the suits are extremely tight and much shinier instead of the American version power rangers.
The machinemen are a certain zako from Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan series the zakos are one of my favorite I was also thinking of buying one of the suits online but I'm always hesitant in doing so.

I believe you can watch it on YouTube I always just scan the through the show until I come across the zako fights.
Kyoryo Sentai Zyuranger have the original putties which are the zako that have the gray tight and shiny suits.
Gosei Sentai Dairanger have the zakos with the tight black tuxedo suits called cotpotros I love those zakos they get hit in the balls several times throughout the series.
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger have the zakos with gray spandex there called orgettes I really like these zako since the spandex is super tight and shiny like the super Sentai putties the American version uses these zako too.
Gekisou Sentai Carranger have the zakos called Wumpers I love these zako for their colorful spandex they come in pink, green, blue and white they always act so silly in the series which makes them so loveable.
There are obviously many more and I believe you can watch them all on YouTube which I love cause I always just go to the zako fights. If you have anymore questions about these zakos just let me know.