Megadimension Neptunia VIIR mod (2 Viewers)


Casual Client
Jul 27, 2017
Modify the mdlx file by specifying the text file output by with the option -c of modify_mdlx.exe.

1) Select the mesh object you want to export and execute File-> Export-> Mesh for modify_mdlx (.cfg/.txt) from the menu.
2) Press the Export Mesh button with the output file name as MESH.txt, for example.
3) Then open a command prompt and change to the folder containing MESH.txt.
4) Enter the command as follows.
> modify_mdlx ORIGINAL.mdlx -c MESH.txt -o NEW.mdlx

If there are no problems, an mdlx file will be created that reflects the editing in blender.
Even if you see a lot of WARNINGs, you can usually ignore them.

If you want to modify the mdl file of Death end re;Quest 2, add the option --derq2 when executing modify_mdlx.exe.
> modify_mdlx --derp2 ORIGINAL.mdl -c MESH.txt -o NEW.mdl

The number of bones specified by the vertex weight is limited to 4 per vertex, and if it is exceeded, modify_mdlx.exe will end with an error.
I don't remember where to call it, but blender's weight paint mode has the ability to limit the number of bones per vertex.


Potential Patron
Oct 21, 2019
OH thanks Windbell o3o i had no clue what to do so this will be a be helpful xD Edit: well i tried it, but it doesnt save the Changes i do to the Clothing, i remove some of her Clothing but when i use Modify Mdlx it doesnt keep the changes, so what am i doing wrong. Here is a Picture of the Mdlx Character Model i want to edit. Her Name is Minessa and the Other Mdlx Model is Charlotta i want her Dress or Skirt Gone completely they are from Dragon Star VARNIR what i want changed is on the The Left side. the unchanged model is on the Right side. Maybe you can help me with it ,here is the Mdlx files that i want edited EDIT 2:I tried what you said i must do with another Mdlx model, it doesnt save the changes it justs makes a new mdlx without saving the changes, i dunno what to do now, how can save the changes Made to the file. can you try for me pls


Dragon Star VARNIR Mdlx Files .zip
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Casual Client
Jul 27, 2017
Below are the steps to remove the skirt from Minessa.

1) Change the three parts to remove the faces of the skirt.

2) Then the mesh object named 00372:15:0 will have no faces.

3) If there is no face, modify_mdlx will end with an error, so add a small face inside the body in an invisible place.
This time we will add a face near the bone BDB_CE_NA_SPINE_01_004.
Add a square face with Add->Plane, split it into two triangles with Face->Triangulate Faces, and remove one of them.
Then, in the weight paint mode, set the weight of the three vertices to 1.0 with BDB_CE_NA_SPINE_01_004.

4) Select the three modified parts and then export with File->Export->Mesh for modify_mdlx (.cfg/.txt).
If you open the exported file with notepad etc., there should be a lot of lines starting with "vertex".
If not, something is wrong when exporting.

5) If you execute the following command at the command prompt, you should have a skirtless mdlx model.
> modify_mdlx 00372.mdlx -c MESH.txt -o NEW.mdlx
I have attached the modified mdlx model and the MESH.txt used for the modification.

To port a costume to another model, you may need to combine or split parts, change the bone name to match the model you are porting to, or need weight paint.
Even if the destination has the same bone, it may not be used in motion.
In that case, it is necessary to devise such as substituting with another bone.
it is possible that the transplant will not be successful.


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Potential Patron
Oct 21, 2019
Now what do i have to do for this Mdlx Model i tried to do what you said but i dont really understand or i dont know how to apply it to this model, i want the Skirt Gone Completely of Charlotta here is the mdlx file and pictures of what i want done and i dunno how to remove the Skirt completely of Charlotta .can you maybe show me a Video of how to do it with this Character model and i want do try with other Mdlx models too . like this one 01056.mdlx (the 2nd Picture) of the 2nd picture i want the Bottom clothing Gone

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Vivacious Visitor
Oct 29, 2019
It might be a good idea to move talks about Death end re;Quest and Dragon Star Varnir to their own threads or create them if they do not exist yet.


Potential Patron
Oct 21, 2019
well i dont know if someone is gonna make a thread for Death End Re Quest 2 and Dragon Star Varnir either way i still need help on my previous post o 3o


Casual Client
Jul 27, 2017
I'm not sure what you're not doing.
Before working on another model, I think it's a good idea to make sure that you can change Minessa's model with the steps I posted.

Making a video is going to take a lot of time and I'm not familiar with it so I won't do it.

If you're talking about creating mods for Death end re;Quest and Dragon Star Varnir rather than how to edit the mdlx model, I think it's better to move the thread too.


Potential Patron
Oct 21, 2019
Okay no video then thats fine ,but can you do those models for me that i posted earlier ,cuz i dont understand how you did it with Minessa and dont know what i must do to save the Changes done to Charlotta and ill try what you did with Minessa and btw Png2tex doesnt work for me ,but the other programs in Tex Tool works okay


Casual Client
Jul 27, 2017
You need the mod, so you should understand how to do it and be able to do it yourself.

To save your changes in blender, you need to select the changed parts and then use the exporter as described in step 4.
After that, just open a command prompt and use modify_mdlx as in step 5.

If you can't convert a png file with png2tex, try converting it to the same format as the dds file created by converting the tex file with tex2dds, and then converting it with dds2tex.


Potential Patron
Oct 21, 2019
Oh i didnt know you Replied now how do i select the Changed parts cuz i dont see it after i removed it from the Character model im using the latest Blender version


Casual Client
Jul 27, 2017
If you delete all the polygons, the tool will end with an error, so add a small polygon in a place that does not look like step 3.
Then you can click on a small polygon to select an object.
You can also select an object by clicking on the name with the orange triangle icon in the list on the right.


Potential Patron
Oct 21, 2019
Okay ive done this. When i try to save its looks like This (2nd picture) can you help me windbell i want Charlotta to look like in the 1st picture but when i Export The Textures its looks now like 2nd Uploaded picture,so you help with with it or do it for me


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Casual Client
Jul 27, 2017
The shape of the chest is wonderful.

For each unerased part of the skirt, add a small polygon in an invisible place.
It's the same as the previous model.

Alternatively, you can divide the part you want to keep into several parts and port them to the parts you want to completely erase.
An empty part will result in an error, so avoid it in some way.


Potential Patron
Oct 21, 2019
Okay so how do i add a Polygon to the Unerased part of the Skirt and what do you mean Invisible Place and also What do i do after Adding a Polygon to The Skirt,do i remove it now or what


Casual Client
Jul 27, 2017
How to add polygons is also mentioned in my previous post.
If you learn the basics of using Blender, you'll know how to do it.

In this case, the invisible place is inside the body.
It can be anywhere you can't see the extra polygons there.
I'm going to add it near one of the spine bones in these cases.

The reason for adding one polygon is to avoid the situation where there are no faces.
After erasing all unnecessary faces from the skirt and adding faces (polygons) to avoid errors,
all you have to do is export those parts and modify the model.


Potential Patron
Oct 21, 2019
Now how do i get to the Spine bones for Charlotta that you showed in step 3 Picture ,how do i get to BDB_CE_NA_SPINE_01_004 or something similiar for Charlotta or that view you showed in Step 3 Picture or inside the Body of Charlotta
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Casual Client
Jul 27, 2017
Bone names can be different for each game or model, so you need to determine what bones are from the connections between the bones and where they are.
If you select a bone while following the hierarchy of the tree display in pause mode, the selected bone will be highlighted, so it will be easier to find the desired bone.


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Potential Patron
Oct 21, 2019
Okay so i got to pose mode but now i dunno what to do now and your not telling me how to get there ,can you tell me pls or can you make this Mdlx Character model look like the picture im posting

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Casual Client
Jul 27, 2017
I'm not good at English, so I didn't understand what you meant.
Does that mean you don't know how to move faces or vertices to the desired location?
In that case, you can select the faces and vertices you want to move in edit mode, press the G key on the keyboard, and then operate the mouse to move them to any location.

If you want to learn how to use Blender, I think there is a better place than here.

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