Metal Gear Solid series (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
Metal Gear Solid is a third-person stealth action game series developed by Konami, featuring special-forces style action of weapons and hand-to-hand combat.

Metal Gear Solid (1998, Sony Playstation)

Snake will meet a young woman named Meryl, a daughter of a Colonel who is still "green". At several points in the game you have the opportunity to attack her, eliciting cries, moans and last words if killed. There is also a female sniper boss, Sniper Wolf.

Types of ryona:
Firearms, claymore mines, remote explosives, missiles, grenades, punches, kicks, choking and neck-snapping.

Ryona locations:
-Before you fight Mantis, Meryl is disguised as an enemy soldier. You can perform any attack on her but if she detects you she will flee.
-Before you fight Mantis but after Meryl makes herself known to you. You have a small window to do anything to her in her normal attire.
-During the Mantis fight, he begins to control Meryl's mind. When she attacks, you're free to attack her.

There are other ryona points in the game that are part of cinemas or not directly acted by the player.

-During the fight with Mantis, while Meryl is being controlled and after you have stopped her once from attacking you, Mantis will force her to shoot herself in the head.
-As you approach the boss Sniper Wolf, Meryl is taken down by several bloody shots and used as bait to lure Snake out of cover. Violent near-death scene.
-(Male ryona) Defeating Sniper Wolf causes her to flee. Upon advancing, Snake is captured by henchmen. Sniper Wolf taunts Snake and scratches him, leaving her "mark" on him, saying he is all she will think about until she kills him.
-After the second fight, Snake goes to Sniper Wolf's mortally-wounded body. After some dialogue, he ends her with a mercy killing.
-During the torture sequence, you can choose to give up. This will result in Meryl dying at the end of the game. Where you would normally save her, she is discovered already dead. The torturer Ocelot is quoted at the time of your decision to give up, "I'll have my fun with her before I kill her."


Mantis forces Meryl to kill herself

Sniper Wolf repeatedly shoots Meryl (Skip to 5:00)

Metal Gear Solid 2, Sons of Liberty (2001, Sony Playstation 2)

Ryona characters include a Russian mercenary by the name of Olga Gurlukovich, a railgun-toting boss named Fortune and a young computer scientist named Emma Emmerich.

Types of ryona:
Much the same as above with weapons. A new item is introduced, coolant spray, which you can spray Emma with. Below are the most notable instances.

Ryona locations:
-The prologue (Snake) After defeating Olga, she is unconscious and can be picked up, dragged around and shot with more tranquilizer rounds that stick into her.
-Main mission (Raiden) boss fight with Fortune.
-(Raiden) You're involved with escorting Emma and have many opportunities to attack her or allow other enemies to shoot her. There's also an underwater section where you can allow her to drown.
-(Raiden) A freakishly fast knife-throwing boss, Vamp stabs Emma, mortally wounding her.
-(Raiden) Solidus Snake kills Olga in cinema by holding her neck with one of his mechanical arms and shoots her in the head with a P90, then throwing her lifeless body a long distance.
-(Raiden) Revolver Ocelot shoots Fortune in the chest, mortally wounding her but not killing her because she has supernatural powers. She ultimately dies after protecting the "Snake family" (Snake, Raiden, Solidus) from Ocelot who commands a Metal Gear RAY.


Solidus Snake kills Olga (skip to 1:45)

Raiden rear-choking Emma to death; More can be found on this channel

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2004, Sony Playstation 2)

It's the Cold War in the 1960s. (The original) Snake is sent deep into Soviet territory to rescue a weapon scientist developing an advanced nuclear deployment device for the communists against his will. During this mission, his mentor "Boss", defects and ruins the mission. This sets up Operation: Snake Eater, where Snake has to kill the leader of the rebel faction "Boss" defected to, as well as her and the nuclear tank weapon.

Joining him on this mission is a woman, codename: EVA. At the end of the game is where pretty much all ryona takes place. You get into an escort mission and she is completely exposed to all attacks from Snake (who you control) or enemy gunfire. The final battle is against Boss herself, which isn't the greatest visually but still qualifies as good voice ryona.

Types of ryona:
Generally the same as the previous two games. It's entirely male-on-female, otherwise obvious male ryona against Snake, which I won't detail unless requested. At one point EVA admits Volgin, the rebel leader, tortures her in private, but it's never shown. Though there was a scene in which she is shocked by being held by her breast.


Henchmen soldier finishes off EVA on the ground (others are on this YT channel <3)
"Boss" fought using CQC, harder to see but lots of moans
(Blood) EVA impaled by branch after crash
(Humor) EVA is tranquilized, then talks in her sleep

Metal Gear Solid 4, Guns of the Patriots (2007, Sony Playstation 3)
Snake meets and joins up with former ally Meryl during the first chapter of the game, in which you help her fight off a entire building squad of female soilders called FROGS. As they are normal enemies everything that you do in the game, including choking, searching on bodies, and overall blasting of your weapons are free to use against the girls. In addition, almost all of the bosses are female in this game in which once you defeat their "Beast" form they reveal their "Beauty" form, which is a skin tight outfit which they will only walk towards you, which allows you to do anything you want to them (as long as you can hit them and you don't directly touch them).

In addition you can play as female soldiers and Meryl herself in the online mode "Metal Gear Online".

Types of ryona:
Once again it's mostly the same as the previous three games, however the major difference comes from the online part of the game where it's both male-on-female and female-on-female. In addition to the weapons from the past games, you have a doll in which you can use to control enemies with with rag doll effects, a taser knife which can be used to tase enemies, along with holding women hostage as to MGS2 and up. There are also cut-scenes in which some female characters will start foaming from the mouths.

Ryona locations:
- During Chapter 1, you can fight with and knock out Meryl, as to the first game. You can also fight female soldiers in which once you kill them, they turn into the dust and if you touch them, they fade away.
- Cut-scenes in which women are shot up and mentally tortured in this chapter.
- During Chapter 2 and up, you'll fight a boss which reveals themselfs to be a beautiful female, in which you can also hurt mostly with bullets.
- An old lady gets impaled during Chapter 3, but I don't think your interested in that...
- In a return to the boss fight in the first game, at one point Meryl will also be mind controlled and could shoot herself in the head once again if you allow it to.
- Almost all of online mode, including a special fanmade game called "Prison" in which the 'guards' can torture the 'prisoners' if they misbehave.
- Including online mode, one special character can mentally disable and cause the opponent to scream and be uncontrollable.



Body searching a female soldier, patting her crotch, then shooting her.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Great page so far. :D I know very little about the MGS series so this is all news to me.


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
I still need to do MGS3. I can try to do MGS4 and the obscene amount of other titles, but I don't own them, so I'll probably not be able to cover them so well.


and on the fourth game for ps3 there is an army of killable women in act 5 that spawn unlimitedly


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
Blargh! Forgot about this :) Need to wipe MGS3 off the to-do list. I do think there's better ryona in the fourth, though is there any time you get to play as Meryl?


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
MGS3 is done, but I'm disappointed I couldn't find more videos of attacks on EVA. There are tons of weapons and general beatings to give her. Where would we be without FallenParty on Youtube? If anyone finds more, feel free to add!


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 29, 2009
In Metal Gear Online, you can play as Meryl in a DLC pack. It's super fun, and overall MGS4 is the best place for your ryona needs. You even have a camera so you can take pictures of what you did, plus you can knock out Meryl in MGS4 and do whatever you want with her (I know I shot her up lots and toke pictures from it).


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
MGS4 is the ONLY game I lust for and the PS3 mocks me over it. I just cannot justify the cost of the entire console for one game. :( Even if it looks so incredibly bad ass.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 29, 2009
Ha, it's truly a great way to end the series. Even if the cut-scenes are alittle long, I just enjoy it each time I play it. Heck, I can almost say that I did get my PS3 to play MGS4.


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
Hey, thanks for the addition :) Yeah, I've considered doing the same, but now the whole Sony hack-a-thon has definitely sent me running the other way. Too bad it wasn't released on PC, would be such a great game to mod with different models and costumes.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 29, 2009
A-Ahh, I don't think you have to worry about it that much. Really, if your focused on just playing on the PS3 you don't even have to set up anything on the PS3 I think. Besides, I think the hacking on the game consoles are over.

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