Different forms? Like one being, for example, 2048x1024 and the other 1024x2048? That shouldn't be a problem.I even painted it blood red, had no effect ingame... Its the last thing that needs fixing before I can upload full nude mod ;)
Btw the NMs are different forms (like Mileena/Jade) might be a cause?
I did, before the latest changes, and it was working.Yes that's what I meant.
Did you try to import a NM yourself?
v1.2 in the first post. Jade's NormHQA is tested and working.Hopefully you can find the problem soon, or worst case, provide two injectors. ;)
One step at a time :3
View attachment 13030
This was injected manually. Now I have to code it.
PS: Does anyone have any idea how transparency works in this game? Modifying the diffuse's alpha appears to have no effect.
- - - Updated - - -
File injector v1 done! Check the first post.
View attachment 13032
I haven't tried to figure it out yet. I knew about Nightwolf and that transparency needs to be enabled somehow but I don't know how.Thanks for the awesome tool RogueDemon! BTW, have you gotten any further in how transparencies work? I am interested in finding out too. One thing that is very unique is that Nightwolf's default P2 oufit has transparencies. It is actually done by black in the alpha channel of the diff. This doesn't work on any other character though. It makes me believe there is another bit outside the texture that turns on/off trans for certain textures. Just a guess though and no idea where that bit would lie. I tried comparing some files but couldn't find anything.
Just to be clear, you can put any texture in the diff for Nightwolf's P2 and get a transparency for black in the alpha and then use the same texture for any other character and get nothing so this rules out anything in the actual texture determining the trasparency setting, except that it needs black.
Aparently you can, if you take any chracter .xxx file copyed and a renamed with a diferent letter you can press start on the character select scrren and the costome menu will appear.This is kind of off topic, but does anyone know if it's possible to add outfits to fighters that don't have a second costume, like Rain or Freddy, I want to make UMK3 Rain, but I don't want to replace his primary outfit.
With this tool UE Viewer | Gildor's HomepageSo, how do you actually open those texture2d files?
Apparently, my reading skills aren't as good as I thought they are, and after 25 minutes of trying to figure it our I might as well ask for help here.
I don't know but I had planned to look into it today.So Ive noticed a few posts around about swapping meshes using a hex editor and umodel. Ive edited Sonyas second outfit so her tanktop is deep charcoal in color instead of white so it matches the rest of her outfit, now im wanting to swap the secondary outift's capped/sunglassed head for her original outfits head mesh thats plain with just a ponytail. Anyone know how i would go about doing this?
Apparently I'm a total Idiot. What am I doing wrong?