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The ruthless villain knows as well as any superheroine peril fan, that costumed vigilantes are easier to defeat than little old ladies with umbrellas. Oddly enough, these make-believe crime fighters don't seem to realize that they actually have a death wish. What else could inspire a sensible young woman to dress in sexually provocative attire and seek the attention of murderous criminals? Wouldn't it be far more prudent to let the cops deal with such bastards? On a subconscious level, these pretentious defenders of life and liberty really wish to be taken by force, and no one entices them more than a sadistic Machiavellian, who knows how to goad a pitiful masochist with slow, relentless, agonizing torture.
In fact, Teenbat practically surrenders to the monster, the moment she foolishly decides to enter all alone into his lair. Judging from the smug look on the villain's face, he probably knew that Teenbat wouldn't take his gun, even though he offered it to her graciously. Virtually assured of victory, the cunning predator directs his assault on the most vulnerable area of his unsuspecting prey, namely, Teenbat's cunt!
The scoundrel may dress like a gentleman, but the brutal manner in which he overpowers and slays the wannabe heroine betrays his animal nature. Yet, can any civilized man resist a voluptuous young female, who practically throws her naked body at his feet? If an icon of virtue cannot have what she earnestly desires, is not death the only merciful end to her unbearable torment? Therefore, who else but a bloodthirsty infidel can truly set her free?
Mp4 (720p, 3.5 Mbps) 11:03, 287 Mb
The only novelty this short drama has to offer is another bleach blond with mediocre acting skills. I have no special interest in tall, slender models with ivory skin. Nevertheless, I find D'arcy sexually attractive. At first, she didn't seem very pretty, but removing the mask was a noticeable improvement. Moreover, I've noticed that D'arcy's long, slender legs are actually well muscled. D'arcy's small breasts aren't particularly impressive, but I prefer them to the fake ones on Danielle Maye, aka Darkwing. In fact, as far as I can recall, D'arcy may be the first Bluestone model that I have ever seen, who doesn't have breast implants.
Of course, I expected yet another overconfident superheroine to practically deliver herself to the villain on a silver platter. However, Bluestone usually adds much needed variation to this overdone routine with a few plot twists and some cliff hangers. Unfortunately, the villain in this video turned out to be just as bone-headed and predictable as the superheroine.
Why should any sensible criminal risk getting beaten up, thrown in jail, or even killed, when it's so much easier to simply shoot someone who is completely unarmed? Why am I not the least bit surprised to find out that the villain hunts superheroines for sport? Do all villains 'get their rocks off' by torturing helpless females?
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