Phantasy Star Online 2 NGS - Lewd Mods (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Jan 31, 2018
Greetings, GaiaStellaria. Which MODs would you be interested in ? Some MODs to make them even bigger ? Some MODs to adjust their
color ? Some MODs to switch them with a cheaper accessory (if you don't have the needed money to buy one of those Enormous Breast
or if you play on PSO2NA) ? Please, try to give us more details and we'll see what we can do for you.
Hey! I'm interested in mods to make them even bigger, could you tell us more?


Potential Patron
Oct 24, 2018
I would also be interested in the breast pad mods (nude, size) if you would be willing to PM me. :)

EDIT KlebsTAQ - Private message has been sent.


Potential Patron
Oct 17, 2019
I'm looking for that male mod shown here as the old one I use glitches with using an [OU] over the nude male body (invisible male racial base and male racial inner made to be the penis obviously) and his bottom half just is invisible. This doesn't happen in any female nude mods to date.


Forums Moderator
Jun 19, 2014
This doesn't happen in any female nude MODs you own. :wink: But I can assure you that some of them have this problem too.
Anyway, about males, I can't help you for now because the only nude MODs I share at the moment have the same issue. But
once my Work In Progress MODs are finished we'll get rid of that (I'm sorry to be late but Covid19 slowed things down).


Forums Moderator
Jun 19, 2014
New PSO2 NA player here, was curious if there are some good nude male mods by chance?
There are a few nude male MODs indeed. I have personally "edited" some of them (and some of mine) to make them
compatible with PSO2NA if you are interested ! But those from my signature are still WIP as I have previously written.
Kleb, do you know any more mod makers beyond you, NozomiRem and Easily_Elated?
Well, yes, I'm in touch with several modders via Twitter (mainly JP ones). Is there something you would like to know ?


Potential Patron
Nov 19, 2020
I would be interested indeed Kleb, much appreciated!

EDIT KlebsTAQ - A private message has been sent to you.


Forums Moderator
Jun 19, 2014
It's not lewd, barely sexy, but damn I truly like my new outfit (there are no less than 6 MODs in this picture) ! :grin: That's precisely for this kind
of modding opportunities (and more porno ones of course) that I like Phantasy Star Online 2. I hope PSO2NGS will follow the same way.

(Click the picture to enlarge it at 1920x1080 for full details)


Potential Patron
Nov 19, 2020
Some pics of my main currently. Still new, so my glam game isn't strong just yet. XD
(Click for full resolution)


Potential Patron
Nov 4, 2020
Im curious what other modders have made, is all. See if I can apply to get access. I cant read JP so I cant tell who is a modder and who is just a R18+ Screenshot enthusiast.

EDIT KlebsTAQ - A private message has been sent to you.


Potential Patron
Jun 16, 2019
It's not lewd, barely sexy, but damn I truly like my new outfit (there are no less than 6 MODs in this picture) ! :grin: That's precisely for this kind
of modding opportunities (and more porno ones of course) that I like Phantasy Star Online 2. I hope PSO2NGS will follow the same way.

(Click the picture to enlarge it at 1920x1080 for full details)
That is very wonderful!!(there are no less than 6 mods in this picture) I'm very interested. Couldn't we have a wonderful male body distribution like in the picture?


Forums Moderator
Jun 19, 2014
May I know the author of the mod?
Sure. I will send you a Private Message to give you the author's name. But you should also be able to get this from the PSO2-Modding Discord.
That is very wonderful!!(there are no less than 6 mods in this picture) I'm very interested. Couldn't we have a wonderful male body distribution like in the picture?
Yes, 6 MODs indeed ! :smile: • Nox Cadina [Ba] into shirtless/barefoot version • Fine Vertical Eyes into no pupil version • Bell Collar into Dusk Scarf
(then colored in white) • Blood Pyrus into Rainbow Sword Camo • Bandage Body Paint into Arm Wrap Ribbons • Tattoo Body Paint into nipples
and hand/foot nails. Thanks for your concern ! And I will gladly share it with you once it's finished. But if you like white outfits and bare-chested
males then I can already give you my previous version (it's a MOD of the Mesh Shirt M [Ba] but I can transfert it on any other [Ba]) :

(Click the picture to enlarge it and get full details)


Potential Patron
Jun 16, 2019
Sure. I will send you a Private Message to give you the author's name. But you should also be able to get this from the PSO2-Modding Discord.

Yes, 6 MODs indeed ! :smile: • Nox Cadina [Ba] into shirtless/barefoot version • Fine Vertical Eyes into no pupil version • Bell Collar into Dusk Scarf
(then colored in white) • Blood Pyrus into Rainbow Sword Camo • Bandage Body Paint into Arm Wrap Ribbons • Tattoo Body Paint into nipples
and hand/foot nails. Thanks for your concern ! And I will gladly share it with you once it's finished. But if you like white outfits and bare-chested
males then I can already give you my previous version (it's a MOD of the Mesh Shirt M [Ba] but I can transfert it on any other [Ba]) :

(Click the picture to enlarge it and get full details)
Thanks for the explanation of the 6 mods: shirtless/barefoot, Nox Cadina [Ba]. Painting the nipples with body paint. Great idea and I'm learning. I am interested in male nudity, breasts, nipples, bare feet and shirtless[Ba] mods. Would you be willing to share them with me where possible?


Forums Moderator
Jun 19, 2014
Sure, no problem. ^_^ I'm glad you're interested in them and I'm glad you took time to write such a positive feedback. I'll send you a PM with
the finalized MODs soon (but you will have to wait a little longer for the unfinished ones). By the way, below are all my non lewd bare-chested
male characters (as usual you can click the pictures to enlarge them). Sometimes, it's just some lesser editions here and there. And sometimes,
far heavier modifications are involved. Anyway, I won't do anymore bare-chested things before I'm finished with this little thing !



Forums Moderator
Jun 19, 2014





(Feel free to click both pictures in order to enlarge them and enjoy the juicy details ! :tongue:)

Yes, I was finally able to finalize this project. ^_^ I cannot express how happy I am. The ultimate goal
was to created the most realistic and beautiful pussy/anus possible (only from my own point of view)
on a female character from PSO2 (more details on this post). And honestly, I don't think I will ever be
able to create better woman parts. All in all, this MOD is no big deal. But I really wanted to bring it to
a conclusion to thank all people who have supported me for months (the lewd armor being the icing
on the cake, I truly hope it will be fully appreciated too). You can download the ZIP containing all the
needed files below (password is KlebsTAQ). If you have any question or any issue, feel free to tell me.


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