Pim_gd's Mods - DialogueActions v4.08 (15 Jan 2017) (4 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2012
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v0.99, VAv1.03 (1 September 2013)

[VA_SET_VARIABLE_<variableName>_<value>] does not seem to work for the arithmetic.


initial_settings:{"var1":1, "var2":0}

pulled_up:"variable 1 is *var1* variable 2 is *var2*"

After being pulled down, when pulled up, var2 is still set to 0 and has not been changed to var1's value of 1.


Content Creator
Sep 15, 2012
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v0.99, VAv1.03 (1 September 2013)

Wow!!! Pim resuming work on DialogueActions is better news for me than the second coming of Kona.

1) Another vote for setting backgrounds through dialogue! In addition, I'd suggest some sort of black or white fade-out/fade-in so that the characters don't appear to instantly teleport to the new location. On that note:
2) Being able to fully [HIDE_HIM] and [HIDE_HER] (with corresponding SHOW triggers) would allow for characters to enter and leave scenes. Not 100% necessary if the fade-out also "outs" the characters (rather than leaving them in a black/white void), but even so it could be convenient to have only one character on screen (him or her) for a while in some scenarios.
3) The him-clothing is also seconded (thirded!), but I'd be so bold as to suggest dialogue (re)setting of ALL charData parameters. Imagine just conveniently slapping them inside a start-line: instantly configured set-up, every time. Imagine being able to change her throat resistance on the fly, change the shape of her body, or make her blush. It's all charData - and so is penis size AND custom backgrounds. Just making it ALL settable in the same manner seems like where we're gonna end up with all these requests anyway, so if there are coding economies of scale to be harnessed, why not enable it all at once?
4) You mentioned CHECKING for these variables as well in gollum's old thread - and NO, that's not something that has been available so far but something I've yearned for half a dozen times already. Imagine making her masturbate only when she's naked below the waste, or a politically incorrect racist slut who clenches teeth at the sight of certain skin colors (yes OF COURSE we want to be able to check for intervals, such as a shirt with at least a certain degree of red in it - not just a fixed color - we want EVERYTHING! :)). I'm just saying, the possibilities for AI behavior are almost limitless when you combine these things.
5) I like the new hand positions suggested by AarL if it isn't a ton of work to implement.
6) Is it possible to switch mouse control off via dialogue command? I would to just incapacitate the mouse in the start-line when writing automated intros to avoid random acts of deep throating.
7) On the very bottom of the list, because I don't even know if it's possible (and ModGuy said it was probably a bad idea), the ultimate thing would be to load an unload mods on the fly via dialogue. Imagine Dante's helpers coming and going or her slipping into more exotic clothing etc. Pretty sweet.


Another thing: How compatible would this be with other mods like sby's animtool? For example, would she finger her ass as readily in a doggy style position, even though you've configured it for the standard kneeling position? Is it possible to direct her hand to a point on her very ass, rather than a point in space? Further, would it (similar to item 7 on my list) be even theoretically possible to load new animtool positions via dialogue? Imagine that!


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v0.99, VAv1.03 (1 September 2013)

Votes will be added when I get home, bugs will be inspected when I get home as well.
ModGuy I didn't really take a look at penis scaling yet, other than that it looked rather big and mathematical.
1) My idea on this one: set background via variable (like clothes), but if line contains [CHANGE_BACKGROUND] or [FADE_BACKGROUND_<hex>], delay changing until trigger. Fading will probably be quite quickly (2 sec max).
2) Will test this at some point, but chances are I'll only turn them invisible (visible = false, or alpha = 0) because a lot of things might break if I remove her/him from stage.
3) Votes added when I get home
4) How do you want to check for color SHADES? Static values are easier though. I'll consider finding a way to not nuke variables, but chances are variables will have periods: think panties.name, panties.r, panties.g, panties.b, panties.a (do they have alpha?), r2, g2, b2, a2 (if secondary color available). And such.
5) Animations are really, really hard for me. Holding on to something is easier, provided I get some experience. Fingering is nigh impossible for me, but I imagine there's gonna be plenty of other requests in the meantime I can attend to.
6) (why?) Yes, but it's not possible to freeze the mouse, only the animation. So when it unfreezes, they go at it straight away (like what happens if you pull the menu up and down)
7) Glitchy, very glitchy. Maybe ModGuy will be able to implement this - not in the dialogue, though. If ModGuy implements a loader function for doing this, I'll be able to hook dialogue triggers and the like up to it.

DialogueActions is intended to be fully compatible with Animtools, but reality is that animation is hard for me and in the current state it's not compatible. For now, I'd recommend against using them together for the same goal - go with Animtools, not DialogueActions for animation. Loading Animtool positions is already implemented in AnimtoolsV5: [ANIMTOOLS_<positionfilename>], I believe.

AaRL, you said that you'd prefer working with the split dialogue lines? You could do that, sure, but does that mean you don't want to request the [CHANGE_CLOTHES] trigger (would work like [CHANGE_BACKGROUND] as described at 1))?

To do tonight:
- add votes
- fixing the bugs
- taking a look at penis mechanics
- try to find out how to reset hand rotation
- experiment with loading backgrounds from file
Priority will be to fix
Whatever doesn't work after been given some attention will be removed.

I just realized and [VA_SET_VARIABLE_<var>_<value>] is NOT broken, I think. It's just that sometimes, SDT is unwilling to play lines that don't have any content in them. "invalid" triggers are seen as content-less lines. Is anyone able to verify this, or is it broken when you stick it in a line with text as well? (I remember it working locally...)


Avid Affiliate
Feb 5, 2012
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v0.99, VAv1.03 (1 September 2013)

As promised, some more testing by me. Wrote me a little dialogue (see spoiler) to test as many of those commands as possible. Takes a while, though, as I'm very prone to typos and tend to get sucked in by details - like: do I have to use the name of a piece of clothing in small letters or with capitals or whatever..

//testing variables

dialogue_name:"DialogueActions Test"


start:"[RELEASE][AUTO_OFF][ARMS_LEGS][HIDE_PENIS][HIDE_BALLS][intro]" {"style":"Him"}
intro:"[RELEASE][AUTO_OFF][ARMS_LEGS][HIDE_PENIS][HIDE_BALLS][test]" {"style":"Him"}

test:"ok.. here we go. Let's test this swf and see if everything works as intended ББББББББББББББББББББББ [test01]" {"style":"Him"}

test01:"I'll be the one doing the talking, 'cause the young lady here won't be able to. Most of the time anyway..ББББББББББББББББББББББ[test02]" {"style":"Him"}

test02:"We'll start as soon as she has pulled my cock out of my pants.ББББББББББББББББББББББ [test03]" {"style":"Him"}

// first "test03" is the long version, to check her taking off her clothes, the second is a shortcut to the action. Use // to choose which one NOT to use

test03:"[ARMS_HIS_CROTCH]And here she goes..БББББББББББ[SHOW_PENIS][SHOW_BALLS][ARMS_LEGS][test04]" {"style":"Him"}
// test03:"[ARMS_HIS_CROTCH]And here she goes..БББББББББББ[SHOW_PENIS][SHOW_BALLS][ARMS_LEGS][test08]" {"style":"Him"}

test04:"So.. now we are ready to.. БББББББББББ wait.. She has such a nice body, let's show it to all of us.[clothes00]" {"style":"Him"}

clothes00:"I'll just remove her clothes by magic.. First goes her shirt.[clothes01]" {"style":"Him"}
clothes01:"Now her skirt. [clothes02]" {"style":"Him","set":{"tops":"none"}}
clothes02:"Next are her socks. [clothes03]" {"style":"Him","set":{"bottoms":"none"}}
clothes03:"Then her pantyhose. [clothes04]" {"style":"Him","set":{"legwearB":"none"}}
clothes04:"Off with that panty. [clothes05]" {"style":"Him","set":{"legwear":"none"}}
clothes05:"I remove her hairband now. [clothes06]" {"style":"Him","set":{"panties":"none"}}
clothes06:"Followed by her shoes. [clothes07]" {"style":"Him","set":{"headwear":"none"}}
clothes07:"And her gloves. [clothes08]" {"style":"Him","set":{"footwear":"none"}}
clothes08:"and.. done. Or shouldn't she.. hmm [test05]" {"style":"Him","set":{"armwear":"none"}}

test05:"[ARMS_BACK]Yes, just drop that bikini top. БББББББББББ [test06]" {"style":"Him"}

test06:"[ARMS_LEGS]Very nice..[bounce]" {"style":"Him","set":{"top":"None"}}

bounce:"Why don't you show how bouncy they are?[ARMS_BACK][bounce01]" {"style":"Him"}


clothes09:"But I like her better with some.. decoration. Like.. earrings [clothes10]" {"style":"Him"}
clothes10:"And her nipples need some piercing [clothes11]" {"style":"Him","set":{"earring":"ring"}}
clothes11:"A tongue piercing, too. [clothes12]" {"style":"Him","set":{"nipplePiercing":"largering"}}
clothes12:"And a ring for the belly.[clothes13]" {"style":"Him","set":{"tonguePiercing":"double"}}
clothes13:"Yes, that's really nice.[test07]" {"style":"Him","set":{"bellyPiercing":"ring"}}

test07:"And now, we can start the real test.[test08]" {"style":"Him"}

test08:"[HOLD]ББББББББББББББББББББББFirst, You will rub my dick.[RIGHT_ARM_HAND_JOB][AUTO_NORMAL][RELEASE][test09]" {"style":"Him","set":


test09:"Let's count down from *count* to 0 and then do something different.[action]" {"style":"Him"}

action:"*count* БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ [action_count]" {"style":"Him","check":{"count":">0"}}
action:"*count* БББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББББ [action_end]" {"style":"Him","check":{"count":0}}


hajoha:"[AUTO_OFF][HOLD]Done. Now do it faster.[AUTO_HARD][RELEASE][hajoha01]" {"style":"Him"}
hajoha01:"And again I count down from 10 to 0[action]" {"style":"Him","set":{"next":"hajoham"}}

hajoham:"[AUTO_OFF][HOLD]Alright, you may rub your pussy now, too.[ARMS_CROTCH][MASTURBATE_ON][RIGHT_ARM_HAND_JOB][AUTO_HARD][RELEASE][hajoham01]"

hajoham01:"And again I count down from 10 to 0[action]" {"style":"Him","set":{"next":"mofuse"}}

mofuse:"[MASTURBATE_OFF][AUTO_OFF][ARMS_LEGS][HOLD]Alright. Suck my cock now.[AUTO_SELF][RELEASE][mofuse01]" {"style":"Him"}
mofuse01:"And again I count down from 10 to 0[action]" {"style":"Him","set":{"next":"clothes14"}}

clothes14:"[AUTO_OFF]For the next part, she needs some special stuff. [clothes15]" {"style":"Him"}
clothes15:"Like.. cuffs. [clothes16]" {"style":"Him"}
clothes16:"[ARMS_BACK]And a collar. [clothes17]" {"style":"Him","set":{"cuffs":"leather"}}
clothes17:"Some anklecuffs. [clothes18]" {"style":"Him","set":{"collar":"leather"}}
clothes18:"And a gag. [clothes19]" {"style":"Him","set":{"ankleCuffs":"leather"}}
clothes18:"Not to forget a blindfold. [clothes20]" {"style":"Him","set":{"gag":"ring"}}
clothes20:"Time to go rough on her [mofuno]" {"style":"Him","set":{"eyewear":"blindfold"}}

mofuno:"Now I'll take over.[HOLD][AUTO_NORMAL][mofuno01]" {"style":"Him"}
mofuno01:"And again I count down from 10 to 0[action]" {"style":"Him","set":{"next":"mofuha"}}

mofuha:"[AUTO_OFF][RELEASE]Done. Now with more force.[HOLD][AUTO_HARD][mofuha01]" {"style":"Him"}
mofuha01:"And again I count down from 10 to 0[action]" {"style":"Him","set":{"next":"end"}}

end:"That's it for now, folks.." {"style":"Him"}

So, this is about as far as I've come today:

start - seems to be working (.. most of the time, at least)
hide penis - working
hide balls - working most of the time.. can't find out why it doesn't work ALL of the time
show penis - working
show balls - working

bounce tits - working

I checked for removing / adding clothes and stuff.
set:tops = none - working
set:bottoms = none - working
set:legwearB = none - !! not working !! I made her wear striped socks above her pantyhose, and they weren't removed
set:legwear = none - working
set:panties = none - working
set:headwear = none - working
set:armwear = none - working
set:footwear = none - working
set:armwear = none - working
set:earrings = ring - working
set:nipplePiercing = largering - !! not working !! Used the same spelling as used in the character code, didn't do anything
set:tonguePiercing = double - !! not working !! Used the same spelling as used in the character code, didn't do anything
set:bellyPiercing = ring - !! not working !! Used the same spelling as used in the character code, didn't do anything
set:cuffs = leather - working
set:collar = leather - working
set:gag = ring - working
set:ankleCuffs = leather - !! not working !! Used the same spelling as used in the character code, didn't do anything

ARMS_HIS_CROTCH - kinda working. In gollum's last working version, she used BOTH arms for that move to his crotch - now she only uses the right arm, left stays where it is

Forgot the character code I used...









Content Creator
Sep 15, 2012
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v0.99, VAv1.03 (1 September 2013)

You guys are fantastic (pim and t0m)!

1) Seems like a superb way to do it IMO.
2) Invisible is all I need. There is also Gollum's no genitals that truly hides the penis which is pretty useful (no slurps/gagging if the mouse strays in invisble mode).
4) Ugh... I'm not really sure about the details. Checking for something, even just presence or absence of certain clothing, is better than nothing. Checking for color/shade intervals was more of a joke since I felt I was already overburdening you with requests :P
5) This is probably more important to AarL than it is to me. However, one thing that would be quite nice also is an [ARMS_HIS_ARM] if she tries to resist him (I use ARMS_HIS_LEGS and TAP_HANDS to display this currently). Also him being able to use two hands on her head could be nice.
6) Why? Because dat mouse can cause random acts of cock sucking mid dialogue, among other things, crashing a carefully planned intro just because a cat jumped up on your sofa table. Even the moment you click to start the game she immediately goes to chug the cock triggering a resistance line (because of the central position of the start button), unless you have no_genitals loaded (in which case she unceremoniously crashes into his crotch instead until you can straighten her up). But I gather there's no way to tell SDT via dialogue to ignore cursor position? Is there a mod that switches it off permanently, leaving you with only an options menu?
7) Sounds promising - again, nothing I need to do creative stuff with dias.
On Animtools: FOR REAL?! I had no idea sby had implemented dia support in v5. With background changes/fading implemented, it will now be possible to make a fully automated porn movie! I really need to start playing around with Animtools :)

Thanks again for your efforts!


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v0.99, VAv1.03 (1 September 2013)

Votes added (I'm sure I missed some arm position requests but those are hard for me anyway - if I do get to them, chances are I'll do all of them in one go since it'd be copy-paste with different locations) and sorted the requests into categories that make sense to me.
Fixed the [HAND-] triggers in my local version, and I'm back!

Editing this post as I go.
Moving on to the breast triggers...
Fixed the breast triggers, but the hands are still bent. Shame.
I haxxed the hand bending. I'm not sure whether loading a different position with animtools will fix her hands - I hope so. I attached an event listener to the game's ingamemenu so that if you click the arms buttons, that arm should fix itself. I hope.
VariableArithmetic bug checked: I was stupid - the function was named "VA_SETVARIABLE_" - missing a single underscore. Haha. Expect upload soon.
Fixed ARMS_HIS_CROTCH to be both hands.
Fixed the clothing variables - Meet gollum's genius (we can tease him a bit, can we?)
switch(key.toLowerCase()) {
	case "legwearB":
		g.characterControl.legwearBControl.loadDataString(checkClothString(key, value, 8));
		clothDict["legwearB"] = g.characterControl.legwearBControl.getOptionalDataString("legwearB");
basically, you put "legwearB" in, it turns it into "legwearb", and then we're all wondering why "legwearb" != "legwearB".
Also explains why the xxxPiercings don't work - they are suffering from the same bug.


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v0.99, VAv1.03 (1 September 2013)

Pim_gd said:
6) (why?) Yes, but it's not possible to freeze the mouse, only the animation. So when it unfreezes, they go at it straight away (like what happens if you pull the menu up and down)
7) Glitchy, very glitchy. Maybe ModGuy will be able to implement this - not in the dialogue, though. If ModGuy implements a loader function for doing this, I'll be able to hook dialogue triggers and the like up to it.

Mouse detection works by using an event listener, hint hint.
I don't plan to implement anything so substantial in to the loader, mods cover most needs these days. I might add metadata for ID purposes but don't expect anything.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - VAv1.04, DialogueActions v0.99 (2 September 2013)

September 2, 2013
Introducing v1.04 of VariableArithmetic!
- fixed setvariable bug
Link in OP, and the archive download in the second post has been updated as well.

Uploaded v1.00Test24 of DialogueActions
- Fixed all bugs mentioned ([HAND-] triggers, [-BREAST] hand breaking, [LEFT_ARM_BREAST] and [ARMS_BREAST], variables for clothes)
- didn't clean up penis code because I ran out of time
- penis variables are {"set":{"penisvariable":value}} , if you want to test them.
- scale seems to be 0-100, based on ingame slider.
- problems with penisrangev3 (mod by sby), as penislength 12 is small in vanilla SDT... and almost spears her with penisrangev3.


Avid Affiliate
Dec 31, 2011
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v0.99, VAv1.03 (1 September 2013)

Pim_gd said:
new variables
penisSize - Write-only, sets his penis size to given value. Scale unknown (but seems 0 and higher)
penisLength - Write-only, sets his penis length to given value. Scale unknown (but seems 0 and higher)
penisWidth - Write-only, sets his penis width to given value. Scale unknown (but seems 0 and higher)
maxPenisLength - Write-only, about his penis
maxPenisWidth - Write-only, about his penis
minPenisLength - Write-only, about his penis
minPenisWidth - Write-only, about his penis
I saw some comments in the code about 0.5 and 1? These are gonna be one of these 3:
1: Scaled 0 to 1 (multiplicative percentage)
2: Scaled 0 to 100 (percentage)
3: Not scaled, in absolute pixels.
the part with the comments is the dictionary initiation. setCustomDict() (wrong nomenclature, since it only covers the penis) enables the user to preset penissize in the dialogue, independent of the charactercode

I believe (not sure, I should really have added documentation... sorry about that...) I made it so you feed it percentage points with a +/- qualifier. using no qualifier means absolute percentage.
also I have no idea why GROW_PENIS is commented out... it SHOULD work if the JSON stuff works

Pim_gd said:
intro - I have no idea what that is doing here. Seems to be related to unifying general and intro lines?
intro stopped working at some point, so I re-introduced it (I think)

Pim_gd said:
pleasure - if he recieves pleasure. This seems like it would trigger waaaaaaay too often.
I think it is bugged, though... it doesn't seem the requirement for triggering the line
drops. So it will work until the first ejaculation, then it will be broken. Seems broken in general. (in v1.00Test5)
ejaculate - If he ejaculates. Strangely enough, lower priority than general/intro/pleasure lines. Seems broken (in v1.00Test5)
yep, never got them working properly, so I put them on the backlog...


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - VAv1.04, DialogueActions v0.99 (2 September 2013)

Alright this is probably gonna be awesome!
Uploaded v1.00Test34 of DialogueActions!
- Testing for Background feature - use {"set":{"background":"filename.png"}}
-- Images are expected in Mods/<main.cData>/<background>
-- So if you run from $INIT$, put the images in your $INIT$ folder. Please make suggestions as to what I should do with this - keep it like this, implement some sort of Backgrounds sub folder...
- Implemented [GROW_PENIS] and [SHRINK_PENIS], but I didn't test them before uploading (I did now) and they're apparently 100% broken (they refer to a function that I didn't even put in yet - so that will crash 100%, my bad).
Link in OP.

I haven't programmed the delay triggers yet but it's getting late and I should really get some sleep.
If there aren't any bugs (other than GROW_PENIS/SHRINK_PENIS), I'll be able to clean up docs tomorrow and possibly release v1.00 for real.

gollum said:
Pim_gd said:
intro - I have no idea what that is doing here. Seems to be related to unifying general and intro lines?
intro stopped working at some point, so I re-introduced it (I think)
I'll be removing that then.

Removed [GRAB_BREAST] request as the request seems filled with the bug fixes.


Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2012
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - VAv1.04, DialogueActions v0.99 (2 September 2013)

From the looks of it, [VA_SET_VARIABLE_x_*y*] sets x's value to whatever y's value was at the moment SET_VARIABLE was used. However if y's value changes afterwards, x's value will not change with it. This is perfectly fine in and of itself. But what I would like to know is if it is possible to bound two variables together. For example, binding x's value to y's will keep x's value always the same as y's even if no dialogue trigger is called to update it. I hope I didn't do too poor of a job explaining it :/

Also, thank you very much for continuing the development on the dialogue actions and creating the arithmetic. New content is always refreshing.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - VAv1.04, DialogueActions v0.99 (2 September 2013)

tanksk1 said:
From the looks of it, [VA_SET_VARIABLE_x_*y*] sets x's value to whatever y's value was at the moment SET_VARIABLE was used. However if y's value changes afterwards, x's value will not change with it. This is perfectly fine in and of itself. But what I would like to know is if it is possible to bound two variables together. For example, binding x's value to y's will keep x's value always the same as y's even if no dialogue trigger is called to update it. I hope I didn't do too poor of a job explaining it :/

Why would you have a variable that always has the same value as another variable?


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 17, 2011
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - VAv1.04, DialogueActions v0.99 (2 September 2013)

As for my change clothes trigger, I would prefer it like the regular triggers that happen at specific points in a dialogue line. If that cant be done, at least there is a work around with a building dialogue to the trigger.

Hey, I have to ask.
Would you like the Tech Class Color Pim_gd? Even though you dont write dialogues, you put A LOT of effort in to making others VERY GOOD. This along with the Dia Q&A, the checker and these current projects... they all speak for themselves!


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - VAv1.04, DialogueActions v0.99 (2 September 2013)

For tonight:
- Alter background loading so it's less dependent on the Loader
- Look at him clothes
- Update documentation

And that would be v1.00.
I'll also be updating the DialogueChecker since it's a real release again.

AaRL said:
Hey, I have to ask.
Would you like the Tech Class Color Pim_gd? Even though you dont write dialogues, you put A LOT of effort in to making others VERY GOOD. This along with the Dia Q&A, the checker and these current projects... they all speak for themselves!

Been thinking about that. I'd be happy to accept a Tech Writer title, despite not having written a dialogue yet.

- Add [CHANGE_BACKGROUND], [FADE_BACKGROUND_<hex>] (For dialogue writers: fade background takes ~25-30 characters of dialoguetime.)
- Alter background loading so it's less dependent on the Loader

I'll be dropping looking at him clothes.
Documentation will be updated today and if I have time left over I'll be updating the checker.

- Deprecated [HAND_ON], [HAND_OFF], [HANDJOB_ON] and [HANDJOB_OFF]
- Added [RUB_HIS_CROTCH_ON] as trigger.
- Added [RUB_HIS_CROTCH_OFF] as trigger.
- Added [RIGHT_ARM_BREAST] as trigger.
- Added [LEFT_ARM_BREAST] as trigger.
- Added [ARMS_BREAST] as trigger.
- Added [AUTO_KEYS_ON] as trigger.
- Added [AUTO_KEYS_OFF] as trigger.
- Added [AUTO_KEYS] as trigger.
- Added [SHRINK_PENIS] as trigger.
- Added penisSize as variable - write-only, scale 0-100
- Added penisLength as variable - write-only, scale 0-100
- Added penisWidth as variable - write-only, scale 0-100
- Added maxPenisLength as variable - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
- Added maxPenisWidth as variable - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
- Added minPenisLength as variable - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
- Added minPenisWidth as variable - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
- Fixed clothes variables that had capitals in them.
- Added background as variable - write-only, filename referring to file in the same folder as dialogueactions
- Added [CHANGE_BACKGROUND] as trigger
- Added [FADE_BACKGROUND_<hex>] as trigger - hex is 6-character hexadecimal string (do not put # or 0x in front).
-- Example: [FADE_BACKGROUND_ffffff] - will fade to white before swapping backgrounds

Expect an update within 4 hours.


Content Creator
Sep 15, 2012
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - VAv1.04, DialogueActions v0.99 (2 September 2013)

Coolness! At present, does the fade also erase the models or do they remain in the void?


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.00, VAv1.04 (4 September 2013)

September 4, 2013
Introducing v1.00 of DialogueActions!
- Deprecated [HAND_ON], [HAND_OFF], [HANDJOB_ON] and [HANDJOB_OFF]
- Added [RUB_HIS_CROTCH_ON] as trigger.
- Added [RUB_HIS_CROTCH_OFF] as trigger.
- Added [RIGHT_ARM_BREAST] as trigger.
- Added [LEFT_ARM_BREAST] as trigger.
- Added [ARMS_BREAST] as trigger.
- Added [AUTO_KEYS_ON] as trigger.
- Added [AUTO_KEYS_OFF] as trigger.
- Added [AUTO_KEYS] as trigger.
- Added [SHRINK_PENIS] as trigger.
- Added penisSize as variable - write-only, scale 0-100
- Added penisLength as variable - write-only, scale 0-100
- Added penisWidth as variable - write-only, scale 0-100
- Added maxPenisLength as variable - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
- Added maxPenisWidth as variable - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
- Added minPenisLength as variable - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
- Added minPenisWidth as variable - write-only, scale unknown (0-100?)
- Fixed clothes variables that had capitals in them.
- Added background as variable - write-only, filename referring to file in the same folder as dialogueactions
- Added [CHANGE_BACKGROUND] as trigger
- Added [FADE_BACKGROUND_<hex>] as trigger - hex is 6-character hexadecimal string (do not put # or 0x in front).
-- Example: [FADE_BACKGROUND_ffffff] - will fade to white before swapping backgrounds
- Removed requests:
-- 3 votes (Bazinga, AaRL, Slingerbult) - Add a "background" variable to dynamically alter a background. Also comes with [CHANGE_BACKGROUND] and [FADE_BACKGROUND_<hex>] - Request completed
-- 1 vote (AaRL) - add "[SHRINK_PENIS]" as trigger - To reduce the size of the penis (Like hes not into her at the moment or she has to do "more" for him to get hard) - Request completed
Link in OP, and I updated the source (finally?) in the second post. I also removed the test build - Test builds may return with more complex updates.

Slingerbult said:
Coolness! At present, does the fade also erase the models or do they remain in the void?

They remain in the void, though you can't see them? Or you can? I don't know how to describe it. Just try it. Fading takes 30 dialogue characters, of which I'd say they are hard to see for 8-10 of those. It is a poor man's fade for now, if you can suggest a better pattern I might implement it (it will get added to the request list and treated as a request, though).

AaRL said:
As for my change clothes trigger, I would prefer it like the regular triggers that happen at specific points in a dialogue line. If that cant be done, at least there is a work around with a building dialogue to the trigger.

Have a look at v1.00 - try the [CHANGE_BACKGROUND] trigger. Is that how a [CHANGE_CLOTHES] trigger could work for you (and others?)

I'm afraid I'll have to leave working on the checker for tomorrow as it's quite late and I'm having trouble getting out of my bed in the morning. 5 hour nights are not doing me good. Last morning I got out of my front door and I had to sprint from there to the busstop just to catch the bus so I wouldn't be late.

Tomorrow, I'm planning to...
- Work on the checker to make it compatible with AnimtoolsV7, DialogueActionsv1.00
- Look at him clothes

Let me know about any bugs you find in v1.00 - I'll make those a priority (above the checker).


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 17, 2011
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.00, VAv1.04 (4 September 2013)


Good God, more toys to play with it! Why did you have to make this now when I really cant write dialogues at this moment lol!


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.00, VAv1.04 (4 September 2013)

Does it matter? The tools will be available and bugtested when you have time again.

Did some research on him clothes:
They're different per body type (g.him.currentBody) (either obj.him.bodies.HimMaleBody or obj.him.bodies.HimFemaleBody). Clothes will be himTop (male), himBottom (male), and himFootwear (male/female). Things will be developed as such that DialogueActions will check if you have the correct body type for setting a variable before actually going through with it.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 5, 2012
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.00, VAv1.04 (4 September 2013)

Ok, done testing some of the commands from DialogueActionsv1.00

Rub his crotch on / off - working, but the "off" command has to be in a different line, it seems. Edit: sometimes the rubbing hand gets stuck on his crotch, though, and doesn't follow an armposition command (like ARMS_LEG..)

Right Arm / Left Arm / Arms Breast - didn't manage to get these working. I'll keep on trying though.. Edit: maybe they just don't work with another command in the same line
Seems other commands in square brackets keep this commands from working. When using the {"next":"linename"} command they worked fine


penisSize - scale is 1-100 it seems, as using 0 produces weird graphic deformations of HER body, sometimes even places a half screen big white rectangle (I guess it is a rectangle..) diagonally on the screen AND distorting her body.

penisLength / Width - scale is 1-200 (!) - the Penis takes a while to "grow" or "shrink" from one setting to the next

Too bad that {"set":{"penisSize/Length/Width":+x}} isn't working. Would be great to slowly enlarge his cock when she wanks or blows him.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.00, VAv1.04 (4 September 2013)

Tomcat do you have a test dialogue for me that replicates the arm breasts issue and the rubbing issue?

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