Possible future ryona games? (1 Viewer)


Deleted member 31

Also Super Street Fighter IV is looking pretty solid for ryona. Could've used better costumes though for some of the characters.


Potential Patron
Apr 13, 2010
How about the Hokuto Ken Musou game from Koei? I've heard it's more gorey than the Dynasty/Samurai Warriors and Warriors Orochi. Also, Mamiya's supposed to be one of the playable characters in the game.


Potential Patron
Dec 31, 2009
Gears of war 3 is gonna have female character aswell.

And the game is promised to be even more violent than 1+2 with new executions and realistic damage effects.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
I've never played Gears of War, but I was under the assumption it was a first person shooter.


Potential Patron
Dec 1, 2009
Alpha Protocol seems pretty much ryona promising, at the present. I mean there's this chick that plays one of the main characters, she might just be an (un)important NPC though -- there's zounds of people you can dispose off (some of them must be fammes), and the game looks absolutely story-wise lame, so there ought to be some boobs and ass included.


Potential Patron
Dec 31, 2009
I've never played Gears of War, but I was under the assumption it was a first person shooter.

Nope. It's a 3rd person shooter. Meaning your character is visible at all times.
Allso it's quite violent. As in chainsaw your oponent in half, or curb stomp them, or blow them to pieces with a shotgun violent.


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
Fans of Blank Blood, Foxtail, Fromage, Vorpal Rabbit will like to know there are new games in development in the series. However due to the success of these games, it seems the creators will be charging a fee to download these new games. According to a discussion on another forum, it's going to be a 3-game bundle.

Here is a blog with some images.

Blank Blood
Vorpal Rabbit


I'm hopeful that Diablo III, whenever it comes out, will have some good ryona...each character can be either male or female, which is great. It'd be sick if some of the bigger bosses had special attacks like picking up your character off the ground and going to town.


Potential Patron
Dec 31, 2009
Yeah, like i said earlyer in this thread. Mortal kombat 9 is gonna be a good furture ryona game.

Its finaly been revealed



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Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
They just keep finding ways to have the girls wear less and less. Can't argue with that. Looks like everything I'd expect from MK as far as ryona potential.


Potential Patron
Apr 21, 2010
New Square Enix game

wats up guys! :have a nice day:

I found this new square enix game that will be coming out later this year for japan, and sometime next year internationaly. Its called the 3rd birthday and i believe it was shown at E3. This game seems to have lots of Ryona potential. The girl is hot, and the wikipedia article says you can choose to wear less or wear more. but dont quote me on that cause i know wikipedia isnt the most reliable source. but anyway here's a video, and the wikipedia article if you guys are interested. Peace

Gameplay Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awWqoZmCZIo&feature=related

Wikipedia Article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_3rd_Birthday


Potential Patron
Apr 21, 2010
Newer Console Games

Hey guys. i posted the New Square Enix Game earlier and i thought id start a thread about the newer games coming out. sort of, to keep you guys posted on the newer games for the Wii, Xbox360 , and PS3 and others too. Ill keep looking for the newer games and ill update as I find them. Anyone who wants to help out and search for newer upcoming games feel free to participate as well!


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
Parasite Eve 3, I figured this'd get mentioned here sooner or later.
I'm looking forward to the game, even though I lack a PSP at the moment.
I wouldn't count on anything really noteworthy ryona wise, Parasite Eve 1 had almost none, and 2 just a few scattered animations.
Course clothing damage has been confirmed, so if you like that then it'll be right up your alley.


Potential Patron
Apr 21, 2010
ya i looked up the parasite eve games earlier and there isnt anything impressing. this new one seems to have potential tho. we'll just have to wait it out and see i guess


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
While they don't have much in the way of ryona; they are very fun games in their own right.
I'd recommend picking up the first two games and giving them a shot. They are easily some of Square's better games on the PS1.
This reminds me I need to go back and finish Parasite Eve 2.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
If we are talking ryona potential games, then you gotta keep your eye on fighting games.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, which is coming out in, October I believe; features the older designs of characters like Sakura, and Hinata, along with the busty Tsunade. The game features cinematic special moves, and some in the first game were really cool to see.
It's slated for release on both the PS3 and Xbox 360.

I hear Capcom is talking about getting Resident Evil 6 out ASAP. Although that wouldn't likely be released till late next year at best, it still might be worth keeping an eye on.
Of course there's also the new Mortal Kombat game, if you're into the guro it'll provide. I know I'm looking forward to that one.

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