Possible future ryona games? (2 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009

Multiplatform game that's out for XBLA so far, with PS3 and PC releases planned but no set date.

I guess the main selling point of this game is the water physics engine but I've read overall the gameplay itself is somewhat mediocre. I can't seem to find any info about the character you play (who is a female, potential ryona) but you can see a big shot of her at the game's official website:


The story seems to revolve around the Earth during 2051 getting flooded (probably global warming or something) and there not being enough land to produce food on for the whole population. There are two groups now: the side that wants to kill off most everybody to keep the population at a sustainable level and the other side that wants to make technological advances so that everyone can live. The protagonist of the game's main weapon is some kind of sonic shockwave gun which you use to set off explosions and launch baddies into the air. The bad guys all seem to be these "Malthusians", that want to kill everybody, which are just some terrorist looking bad guys.

Anybody who got this on XBLA want to share their thoughts about this game?


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Black Lion

Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
I was wondering about this game too. I played the demo, but it wasn't long enough for any ryona to happen. And I'm not about to spend 15 dollars on a game I know little about, especially during times like this.


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
Definite candidate for good ryona, there are a lot of environmental hazards, it looks. Thing is, I hate water/flooded areas in games because it's easy to get lost and it's just a mess. I think I would be frustrated with this. It does look really pretty, though.

Wikipedia offers this, about the character: Kate Wilson, the protagonist, is a systems engineer who becomes a reluctant hero when the Malthusians attack and take over the Queen.


Potential Patron
Feb 5, 2011
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I just saw a mention of Deus Ex: Human Revolution that seems to indicate that you can kill "friendlies". Does anyone know anything about this, and more important, c an we get screen-shots?


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Just writing myself a list here:

- Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (2012)
- Street Fighter X Tekken (Spring 2012)
- Soul Calbur 5 (Spring 2012)
- Dead or Alive 5 (2012)
- King of Fighters 13 (2012)
- Bloody Roar 5 (possibly 2012)
- Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (Summer 2012)
- Lollipop Chainsaw (2012)
- Mortal Kombat 10 (2013)

Rare! Wake up and start working on that Killer Instinct 3 already!


Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
In reponse to onlinehero's interesting list!

(Tekken Tag)- I've literally only ever bought Tekken for fun and Ryona rather then competition. They always have plenty to do, but to me it just feels like they haven't changed it much since Tekken 3. It's just my personal opinion naturally, but it just feels sluggish to me this game. Gutted that Kuma's famous bearhug also has been reduce to one squeeze making it too quick. I'll get it but I'm not looking that forward to it at all.

(SF x T) - I'm very keen on Street Fighter X Tekken more as a game since I always love to team up. Dead Or Alive 4 from my experience has been the only game I played online with a friend as a tag partner and I loved it despite him letting me down on numerous occasions. Seeing a two vs two player game will be fantastic for me as I can get my useless buddy back and have some good laughs. I seriously doubt there will be any bearhugs in it though or waist constriction which is a downer for me, but I love that Hugo has been included. I think Zang and Hugo will be my main team here, with Juri thrown in now and then when she is announced. (I've seen a roster list which seems very legit given all its predictions have been right over the last three months, so I think I know the whole roster)

(SoulCalibur 5) - SoulCalibur I hope will be a goody. I enjoyed the last one, but I don't know, for some reason it just felt like it was getting stale. Its redeeming feature for me was the Create a Character which I thought was fantastic since the characters fit in well with the main cast rather then looking graphically inferior like in most games. Astaroth's bearhug is one of my fav bearhugs in all games too despite how short it is once equipped to a custom character. Whilst gameplay wise I might not be looking forwards to it as much these days, I will certainly enjoy the Ryona and hope some of the new characters have some interesting moves. The initial concept of this game being so many years later too has me quite intrigued.

(Dead Or Alive 5) - Dead Or alive 5? Yes please. Very much looking forward to this. I was actually really good at this game with a killer Leon. Bass was a fav of mine too for his wrestling moves, though I wasn't quite as good with him. Kasumi best watch out for his bearhug, hopefully there will be more bikini' outfits in this one, though it might be taking a more serious turn this time... hope not! I love how brutal this game is without actual bloodshed, always made it a fav.

(KOF Big Number! ) - King of Fighters I've never touched to be honest. And I dare to call myself a fan of fighting games... I know nothing :(

(Bloody Roar) - Wow! It's been a while since Bloody Roar has entered the scene. I used to play them and quite like em. Ryona wise they were pretty good too despite not having anything for my tastes. Hope Stun makes a return! :D

(Final Showdown) - Virtua Fighter has always been a childhood fav of mine, though I think 5 might be a little too late in the running's as it's a pretty old game now. Still, I'll no doubt get it and try and master Taka-Arashi! Look out Aoi, he's comin' for you! I always loved how technical the game used to be, but it looks a little more juggle like now which is a shame for peeps like me. Absolutely loved how much you could customize the characters though, you practically make them your own. I'll be getting this for certain!

(Lolipop Chainsaw) - I might let someone take the bullet first on this one, I only know what I've seen on this site when it comes to Lolipop Chainsaw.

(Mortal Kombat 10) - I was impressed with how fun Mortal Kombat 9 is, I hope they step up even more when it comes to 10 rather then just rinse and repeating the last game. I've always found Mortal Kombat's are always fun, but this one was fun and a pretty good game with a decent storyline which is a first in a fighting game. They need Goro to do a bearhug though! Can't let those four arms go to waste again!

And I do agree with you... where is Rare with a new Killer Instinct! With fighting games on the come back, is this not the perfect time to make a new one?!
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Ryonani Teamster
Jun 10, 2010
I don't know if I can add anything to thedude255's comments, but I would like to see at least one of these storied franchises consider some kind of stylistic overhaul. As great as the Tekken, DOA and Soul Calibur models are I am growing weary of them. Especially the DOA girls. If you go back to the first game, the animation and style is still so similar. Technically, everything is better but the feel just hasn't changed. Then again, I guess if you were going to dramatically change your 3D franchise you'd just start a new franchise.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
Here's a list I've been putting together over the year. Since my favorite topic is vore this list is composed mostly of games that will likely contain some. Though there are other games in the list that will probably touch on the other interests here.

- Resident Evil: Revelations (2012)
This one's pretty self explanatory. Resident Evil games already tend to have some pretty good ryona. The underwater environments could introduce some interesting creatures, and with them some interesting ryona possibilities. I can only hope they reintroduce the Gamma Hunter or some variant.

- Amy (Autumn/Winter 2011)
A PSN horror game were you play a female character in an environment filled with mutated humans. There isn't much information to go on when reading up on this game. There are maybe one picture of an enemy so the size of the bestiary is still up in the air.

- Neverdead (Winter 2011/2012)
This is similar to Knights Contract wherein you play an immortal character with a mortal female companion. The only way to get a game over is either if your head gets eaten or your female companion kicks the bucket. There are some interesting monsters but I have yet to see any grab moves or the like.

- Eternal Light (TBD)
There's a thread for this game here. Unfortunately It looks like this game will never come out since they have yet to find a publisher. It's a shame considering the huge ryona potential this game carries. Three scantily clad females running around in a world infested by disgusting looking creatures. I recently found a design doc for an early version of the game that outlined some of the creatures and scenarios in it. You can find that doc HERE.

- Obscure 3 (TBD)
The Obscure series typically follows a small group of college students. You can usually control a pair of female characters and place them in some interesting situations. Obscure 2 probably had my favorite vore scene in a game in recent history. There are also some good decapitation and facehugger style moments throughout. Hydravision announced last year that Obscure 3 was in the works and I'm hoping it continues the trend of vore and ryona.

- Tomb Raider (2012)
Another self-explanatory one. If you've seen the E3 demonstration for the game you'll know they're taking this game in a violent direction. QTE's lead to violent deaths that should tickle everyone's fancy.

- Anarchy Reigns (2012)
Described as something like a Power Stone style game, Anarchy Reigns has some pretty sexy female characters to choose and use. There are environmental hazards in the game's stages, among them being a large kraken and what appear to be man-eating plants. There are also the grabs and kill moves that each character can use. This should make for some interesting ryona possibilities.

- Dragon's Dogma (2012)
I'm probably looking forward to this game the most out of those in the list. Basically you control a fully customizable character and fight mythological beasts. You can recruit other NPCs to fight alongside you. So you could potentially have a group consisting of nothing but females. Vore has pretty much been confirmed and it looks like most enemies have a grab move. In one trailer a cyclops creature is munching on the head of a player character. In another a hydra gulps down a bunch of NPCs and attempts to eat the player's character. I'm sure there will be many more instance of vore and ryona with the other creatures in the game, like the dragons.

- Dragon's Crown (2012)
From the creators of Odin Sphere and Muramasa: The Demon Blade this game features the rather infamous sorceress and amazon. Odin Sphere and Muramasa had their own interesting ryona situations and I don't think Dragon's Crown will be any different. In fact in the trailer you can see the elf character in the grasp of a large harpy creature. Hopefully the other creatures will have grabs to.

These are all the games I'm looking forward to as of right now. Sorry if the list is convoluted I'm in a bit of a rush.

Deleted member 31

Upcoming 2012 Ryona videogames

Hey what's up guys. What games coming out this year do you think will be good for Ryona?
Off the top of my head, I know of

Soul Calibur 5: Hopefully it has some new animations and moves for all the characters as well as sexy moves for the new ones

Tomb Raider: Gonna probably be gruesome ryona, very resident evil-esque. The whole game sounds pretty brutal

Dead Or Alive 5: Same as SC5, hopefully some new animations and moves for all the characters

Any others you can think of?

Black Lion

Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
Maybe Ninja Gaiden. I don't know if there are any females that are playable in it though. Perhaps Skullgirls too?


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 13, 2009
I'm really looking forward to the Tomb Raider game. Hopefully some more animations for Re5, DoA5, and SCV, otherwise they might just get the ame old. Maybe Bioshock Infinite with Elizabeth. There's a female character in NeverDead which the main character has to interact and protect. Perhaps some cut scenes in Mass Effect 3, it's difficult to get an decent ryona in the previous games.

I'm hoping Street Fighter x Tekken has some material. At the moment, it looks like they all share the KO'd animation similar to Ryu's in SFIV; however, we have a great cast of female characters in this one. Lollipop Chainsaw might have potential. There's also the Persona fighting game as well.


Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
Mass Effect 3:- I'm very much looking forward to this, even if there isn't much in the way of Ryona. Though the game more or less looks the same as the last one, minus some added finisher to the combat with a glowy sword instead of Shepard's fist and a groovy change in sound effects for the guns, I have really been enjoying the story since I've been with it since ME 1. I think there will be a tad more ryona in this one but nothing to scream about. I saw a clip where a big robot picks up an Asari girl in your group and basically breaks her, so it means there might be throws included in this one. Plus I hear there is multiplayer in this one... that is something worth screaming about.

Tomb Raider:- For me, given my specific ryona desires, I have ultimately always been let down by Tomb Raider games for ryona value. I thought Underworld would be different since there was a giant octopus in it, but alas even that didn't do a damn thing. This new one, I expect more of the same when it comes to ryona, I expect no snakes, tentacles, hugs or anything that will squish Lara, but as a game it doesn't look like it will be too bad. I'll be keeping an eye on it, but I have no hope for my fav style of ryona... I'm sure it will cover a lot of other peoples though.

Dragon Age 3: Bioware cost themselves my custom of Dragon Age with that last awful game. I actually felt as if someone robbed me when I played it, graphics were mediocre, combat was repetitive, the world consisted of a couple of reused caves, designs were awful, combat was also bland, the characters didn't interest me, story was aimless for the most part until the end I hear which I didn't get up to cause I stopped playing. There wasn't even any good Ryona I could find, in the last one I at least had tentacles from the brood mother that could squish the hero (lack of preferred ryona aside, DA Origins was a fantastic game). Either way, I won't be buying this game or any other Dragon Age ever again unless Bioware give me this game for free as an apology.

Street Figher X Tekken:- Ryona wise, unless Honda or Hakan are thrown in, it's not going to have any ryona value for me. It doesn't look like Kuma bearhugs anyone despite being a bear. (I know they don't in real life... but come on!!) but I do look forwards to it as a game since it’s a two player and has my fav characters Hugo and Zangief in, plus its coming out for the PC, so if there is any waist constriction in it, I can probably make new vids like my street fighter ones. Even with the gem system which I'm not keen on, it looks like a fun game, and I look forward to teaming up with friends for the first time on a street fighter game to fight others. I hope there is some waist constriction moves in... can't wait to get Julia (and Juri again since I think she is in the cast)! XD Very much looking forwards to this one!

SoulCalibur 5:- I stopped looking forwards to Soulcalibur games after being disappointed with 3. For me, gameplay wise, the SoulCalibur series was perfect for its first game, but has slowly got worse and worse with each title release. The balance of characters is astronomically off, with instant stunning hits you have no way of expecting, before getting tied into a devestating combo that anyone can easily revise. When I played 4, it felt like a cheap fighting game (despite being pretty good at it, though my character was astroth style that is also unbalanced but not as bad as some) and it felt very lacking in content. It was only the ryona value and the create a character modes that kept my interest in 4, and I expect 5 to be no different. I hope the offline modes are better this time around instead of some crappy tower mode. In the first game I loved the quest mode and the story behind each unique mission. Blah, I will get it, but purely for ryona over anything else.

DOA 5:- EEEEE! Now this is one I am looking forwards too. DOA isn't just a good ryona game in my eyes; it’s a very fun game! True, there are balance issues like with SC, but I don’t care because it is a fun game with a fun system and is pleasant on the eyes in more ways then one. I was very pleased that they included a bearhug in the last game, with Tengu and Bass performing the move respectfully (I always loved Dead Or alive regardless of not having one in previous games.) and a replay mode with complete control over the camera. (I had some laughs with friends over that as we tried to pause replays during the most sexual looking poses. Bayman's expression during all holds just looks so sinister.) My only fear is that they are trying to make it a little more serious I believe, so I'm not certain if we will have the girls with wobbly bouncy breasts running around in bikini's this time. Still, I eagerly wait for this game, and hope it doesn't take too long to be released.

These are just some of the games I decided to comment on that are coming out this year.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 11, 2010
Skyrim Mods

If you played Oblivion, you probably know what Iam takling about.
If not, there was a mod called Deadly Reflex. This mod contained very gory and bloody finishing moves for TES4.
Probably mods like this one will come for Skyrim. Maybe modded finishing moves, changed voices, animations and/or finishing moves from animals and other creatures.

Blade and Soul

Kung-fu online game with very detailed graphic and nice looking characters and environment. Based on Unreal 3 engine, the game looks gorgeos, it contains grabs and some kind of special moves which can be performed. Status: Closed Beta 2 in Korea.

Diablo 3

This one is supposed to be released ... really soon. I dont think, that I have to write summary about this game :)
Diablo 3 will contain blood, gore and ryona.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
Before I begin a mini-disclaimer. I fall into the hard/soft vore, and guro sides of the ryona spectrum if it wasn't obvious already. So when I think "Ryona" my thoughts go in those directions. This is also something of a running commentary on my general thoughts, so please excuse any rambling I may go out on.

Soulcalibur V.
While I'm getting SCV day one, it's not for ryona purposes. Heck, unless Lizardman (or Aeon as they are finally calling him) can out right eat my beloved created characters on screen, I won't likely notice any ryona content while playing.
I shared thedude255's concern about SCV lacking content until recently. The game looks crisp, and is improving almost every aspect I could hope for. While I feel there are some unnecessary influences from lesser fighting games (like Street Fighter) the improvements from everything to the CAC, to the story mode make it feel worth the $60 bucks I'll be spending.

Resident Evil Revelations.
OH. MY. GOODNESS. YES! Let's go down the list here: Jill is the main character? Check. There are a large variety of monsters? Check. Monsters actually attempt to devour people? Check. There are actual death animations? Check. (Though videos of such are few and far between) And then there's this tid-bit from the ESRB notice: "In one level, a human character is seen getting sliced by a chainsaw as she struggles in the air" sign me up for some Jill Sandwiches.

Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City.
OH. MY. GOODNESS. NO! Haven't we been trying to move AWAY from this sort of Resident Evil? Pure run-and-gun action, zero horror just doesn't make for a good game, let along make good ryona. Nothing about this game, from it's concept to it's gameplay, interests me. I'll be passing on this, especially because they are no doubt going to skip what could have been quality ryona.

Tomb Raider.
This is one I'm looking forward to, but also hesitant on. On one hand, the devs seem to be aiming for an M rating, and aren't afraid to beat the living hell out of Lara.
On the other hand, I don't like Lara's new design; the dull muted colors, the pants, and the small breasts (compared to every other appearance of hers.) I can respect devs for making realitstic and respectable female characters but Lara burned that bridge back in 1997. Further on that hand, I don't want to see another Uncharted ever again. If I see a single piece of cover and a group of guys with guns I'll lose all hope for Lara's latest outing.

Ninja Gaiden 3 and Dead or Alive 5.
Quite frankly there's only one character from Team Ninja I like: Ayane. That's it. I don't have the patience or skill required to play any of Team Ninja's games so I'll be passing on both of these unless DoA5 pulls out something to drastically change my mind.
As for NG3, well, I imagine anything worthwhile will be uploaded before long after it's release. NG2 had basic throws, pretty good some times, but most of the time just basic stuff.

I feel like I'm missing so many points and am simply rambling so I'll stop here.
If I happen to have slid too far off topic please, feel free to think of me as a fool and disregard my post.

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