Possible future ryona games? (3 Viewers)


Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
No death animations on Daymare 1994 demo...
Only one enemy type, that grabs the player, and then fade to black screen :(


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Damn, that blows. I guess this demo is representative of what the final product will by, right? It's not likely that this is something that would differ in the final product since it probably comes out sometime soon? Or is the full release still a long way off?

Once again, even from a non-ryona perspective, doesn't the lack of death animations make the game a lot less intense?

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Yeah I don't know, I'd chime in but I can't think of many upcoming games that would have good ryona content. For the sake of putting something in this thread I'll just dump some mild hope/conjecture below.

I guess there's Street Fighter 6 to look forward to now, but nothing much has really been shown so far. It's not even confirmed whether Chun Li is in the game or not, let alone anyone visually appealing. And then there's Resident Evil, but the only confirmed upcoming RE thing is that PvP game. Or was that already released? I don't even know.

There's a new WWE game coming, not sure what that's going to be like but it's the first WWE game under a new developer so it'll probably be different from previous ones, at least. And speaking of wrestling games I'm still waiting for an official release date for the AEW game which will have mixed matches, something wrestling games haven't had for a long time now.

What else... oh yeah Telltale is back, probably the last company in existence to still have games with QTEs, so there's that. I couldn't tell you if The Wolf Among Us 2 would have ryona content though.

The Suicide Squad game by Rocksteady seems promising, and it's implied that Wonder Woman will be an enemy (unless their version of the "Justice League" is just a bunch of B-listers). And speaking of Wonder Woman there's also a WW game that got announced by the developers of Shadow of War/Mordor (which actually had some pretty nice ryona) but who knows how much they'll allow Wonder Woman to suffer?

I suppose that's all I can mention. Discuss?


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 20, 2010
the daymare demo only has 1 death animation in-game, but the data files have 2 more, a throatlift-style death that doesnt look finished, and a mocapped death that looks like a more complete version of the one thats in-game, its got more follow through. So they could be working on more.


Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
the daymare demo only has 1 death animation in-game, but the data files have 2 more, a throatlift-style death that doesnt look finished, and a mocapped death that looks like a more complete version of the one thats in-game, its got more follow through. So they could be working on more.
How did you know that ? You've manage to get into the game files?
So, the game has no release date yet, so we might see better elaborate deaths on the finished game, hopefully


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 20, 2010
the game is built on unreal engine 4, the tools needed to view the games files are readily available on the internet


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah I don't know, I'd chime in but I can't think of many upcoming games that would have good ryona content. For the sake of putting something in this thread I'll just dump some mild hope/conjecture below.

I guess there's Street Fighter 6 to look forward to now, but nothing much has really been shown so far. It's not even confirmed whether Chun Li is in the game or not, let alone anyone visually appealing. And then there's Resident Evil, but the only confirmed upcoming RE thing is that PvP game. Or was that already released? I don't even know.

There's a new WWE game coming, not sure what that's going to be like but it's the first WWE game under a new developer so it'll probably be different from previous ones, at least. And speaking of wrestling games I'm still waiting for an official release date for the AEW game which will have mixed matches, something wrestling games haven't had for a long time now.

What else... oh yeah Telltale is back, probably the last company in existence to still have games with QTEs, so there's that. I couldn't tell you if The Wolf Among Us 2 would have ryona content though.

The Suicide Squad game by Rocksteady seems promising, and it's implied that Wonder Woman will be an enemy (unless their version of the "Justice League" is just a bunch of B-listers). And speaking of Wonder Woman there's also a WW game that got announced by the developers of Shadow of War/Mordor (which actually had some pretty nice ryona) but who knows how much they'll allow Wonder Woman to suffer?

I suppose that's all I can mention. Discuss?
I love bullshitting about games like this even if I tend to just rant about how certain games' ryona end up disappointing me, lol.

The thing that usually bothers me with Street Fighter and other 2d fighting games is that the KO poses never seem to align with my (very specific) tastes. I believe that the last KO pose in a SF game that fit my tastes was Chun Li's back in Third Strike. That was over 20 years ago....lol. SF5 did add some stage finishing animations when you defeat an opponent near the side of certain arenas. Those were pretty cool, I guess. I would like to see more unique finishing poses if a fighter gets finished by a Super Move, though. That could add a lot of potential ryona content.

Yeah, WWE 2k22 should have some decent ryona content. As shitty and glitchy as these WWE games tend to be they are filled with tons of well animated moves. The character creation options are pretty vast as well so you can create your ideal wrestler. I guess we will see what kind of new bugs they introduce to the series with 2k22.

Regarding Telltale, I am happy they are back. They did a great job on some of their earlier works. I am assuming that Bigby will be the only playable character in TWAU Season 2, but maybe we will get lucky and Snow (or maybe even Faith) will be playable? Could also be some female enemies for Bigby to brawl with, but who knows?

Just hoping for some skins for Harley in that Suicide Squad game because I can't stand that goddamn buzzcut shit she has going on in her default appearance. That shit is repulsive to me, lol. WW could be promising as well. Let's just hope that enemies can actually do things to the main characters, though. A lot of these games seem to treat their enemies as an afterthought and you are just left with one single generic death animation.

As for other games, just going to skim through this list and mention anything that catches my eye: 2022 Video Game Release Schedule

Horizon Forbidden West: Don't have a PS5 and my PS4 is a broken piece of shit so I am still unsure if there is anything decent in this game, ryona-wise. I know there are female baddies and Aloy can execute them at least. Unsure if they can do anything to her.

Elden Ring: Anyone familiar with the Souls series should probably know what to expect. Looks like a lot of reused animations, unfortunately. New enemies could have some new grabs, though.

Forspoken: This game looks pretty crappy and I am not a huge fan of the main character's design. But who knows? Brand new series with a female lead using next gen tech. Could be complete shit, but I guess we will find out in a few months.

Saints Row: Well...not sure what to think of this game. Disregarding the weird, corny vibe the game has going on, there should be some decent customization options for the main character. Could be tons of takedowns you can do on female peds/enemies. The series has been lacking any decent ryona for the main character for a long time now, though. I guess we will see how this one turns out.

Starfield: Similar to other Bethesda games, I am assuming the best ryona will come when you are able to fully mod everything to your liking. Right now, we just don't know enough about how the game will look or play, though.

A Plague Tale Requiem: Didn't the first game have some decent death animations for the main character? Maybe this sequel will be a huge improvement?

Bayonetta 3: I don't think I have ever seen anything in the other Bayo games that interested me ryona-wise, but maybe this one will be different?

God of War Ragnarok: If there are female enemies in the game there is a good chance they are going to be destroyed in some sort of brutal fashion, lol.

Gotham Knights: Playable Batgirl with customizable outfits. Also female enemies to perform takedowns on. Once again, not sure if enemies will be able to do anything interesting to Batgirl or if we will also be stuck with that terrible Arkham death filter that appears right after you die.

Hogwarts Legacy: Female witches dueling to the death...possibly? Once again, as with most of these games we don't actually know enough of how the game will look or play to get an idea of how the ryona will actually be.

Marvel's Midnight Suns: Marvel strategy game made by the Xcom devs. Xcom had some amazing vocal ryona sounds, but some pretty bad animations/graphics. So who knows how this will turn out.

River City Girls: Sprite-based Beat 'em up. Not really a fan of the whole anime look, but others might be interested. Female main characters and lots of female enemies.

Other random games:

Netherrealm's next game has to be revealed at some point soon, no? It's been almost 3 years now since MK11. They have never taken this much time between games. Not sure what the hell is going on over there.

This year's Call of Duty is Modern Warfare 2, a sequel to the 2019 game made by those same devs. Not really a fan of shooting type ryona, but I have to say that MW2019 has the best death animations/ragdolls and facial expressions I have ever seen in a game. Maybe The Last of Us 2 is comparable, but that's about it. It's so weird because CoD games were terrible in that regard prior to the 2019 game. Even Cold War is a huge step down. Vanguard is better than CW, but still not on MW2019's level. Just need to hope for some decent looking characters...

The next Assassins Creed game could be great. After using customization mods and free camera tools for Valhalla, I was very surprised at how good some of the ryona is in that game. Tons of well animated death animations. Just need to mod the main character so she doesn't look like shit, lol. So who knows what the future holds for that series, but I am looking forward to it. Then again, it's Ubisoft so they will somehow take a huge step backwards in their next game.

Anyway, that's all for now. Sorry for the wall of text.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 11, 2009
Gotham Knights: Playable Batgirl with customizable outfits. Also female enemies to perform takedowns on. Once again, not sure if enemies will be able to do anything interesting to Batgirl or if we will also be stuck with that terrible Arkham death filter that appears right after you die.
i imagine it's just going to be more of the same batman stuff, which has always disappointed me. always a shame to look back at a game like spikeout and realize all the options in that game vs....batman, and the legions of games that have copied it since it came out.

i've been super bummed out about this fetish for a long time now lol.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
i imagine it's just going to be more of the same batman stuff, which has always disappointed me. always a shame to look back at a game like spikeout and realize all the options in that game vs....batman, and the legions of games that have copied it since it came out.

i've been super bummed out about this fetish for a long time now lol.
Yeah, very frustrating stuff. I remember playing that one Spikeout game on Xbox ages ago. Somehow that game has better KO poses and outfits than a modern day Batman game with a huge budget.

Disregarding the shitty death screen and slo-mo, but why are the ragdolls so bad in the Arkham games? Shit seems to have the quality of ragdolls from 20 years ago, lol.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Yeah, very frustrating stuff. I remember playing that one Spikeout game on Xbox ages ago. Somehow that game has better KO poses and outfits than a modern day Batman game with a huge budget.

Disregarding the shitty death screen and slo-mo, but why are the ragdolls so bad in the Arkham games? Shit seems to have the quality of ragdolls from 20 years ago, lol.
This is a bit off-topic but since I'm the one with the Arkham City PFP I might as well say something.

For years I've been using the debug console in Arkham City to turn enemies into various female characters and it's really been almost a different game entirely. Like for my PFP that's a riddler informant enemy modded into Harley using the basic Catwoman ragdoll physics. After Batman beats her down she just ends up splayed on the ground like that.

But yeah, without mods the game has hardly any decent ryona. And Arkham Knight seems to have it even worse (although I haven't tried modding that one yet)


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
This is a bit off-topic but since I'm the one with the Arkham City PFP I might as well say something.

For years I've been using the debug console in Arkham City to turn enemies into various female characters and it's really been almost a different game entirely. Like for my PFP that's a riddler informant enemy modded into Harley using the basic Catwoman ragdoll physics. After Batman beats her down she just ends up splayed on the ground like that.

But yeah, without mods the game has hardly any decent ryona. And Arkham Knight seems to have it even worse (although I haven't tried modding that one yet)
At least if you are performing the ryona on NPCs then you can do a bunch of different moves to them as Batman and you don't have to worry about that crappy death filter come up to obscure everything.

Normally, I am not a huge zako fan since I generally prefer the ryona victim to be someone special rather than some nameless baddie, but if you can mod in a character like Harley then it does make things a bit more interesting.

Man, if not for mods a lot of these games would be nearly worthless nowadays, lol.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Man, if not for mods a lot of these games would be nearly worthless nowadays, lol.
Oh yeah definitely. You can't trust developers not to screw up ryona content anymore. You have to mod it yourself.

At least when looking at upcoming games, if it's a sequel to a game that's already moddable, there's a good chance it can be modded. Lately that's been mattering to me quite a bit.

However, I also believe that the best content is stuff you don't need to mod. That's the rare bird these days.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Oh yeah definitely. You can't trust developers not to screw up ryona content anymore. You have to mod it yourself.

At least when looking at upcoming games, if it's a sequel to a game that's already moddable, there's a good chance it can be modded. Lately that's been mattering to me quite a bit.

However, I also believe that the best content is stuff you don't need to mod. That's the rare bird these days.
Yeah, that's becoming a bit difficult to find nowadays with all these freaking on-screen effects that appear when you take damage/die. Zako stuff is a bit better since you don't have to deal with those shitty effects and you can manipulate the camera however you want. With main characters, you are at the mercy of the devs.

These free cams have been a godsend, though. Wouldn't have gotten much from the RE Remakes if not for those. They are helping with Valhalla as well.

On a positive note, the actual potential for ryona is really high nowadays because of the absurd graphics and animations that are possible with the current day hardware. Things like facial expressions weren't really much of a thing back in the day, but now it's something that I actively look for in today's games. Which is a blessing and a curse because now when games don't have that I notice it right away.


Swell Supporter
Aug 16, 2018
Oh yeah definitely. You can't trust developers not to screw up ryona content anymore. You have to mod it yourself.

At least when looking at upcoming games, if it's a sequel to a game that's already moddable, there's a good chance it can be modded. Lately that's been mattering to me quite a bit.

However, I also believe that the best content is stuff you don't need to mod. That's the rare bird these days.
True... I'm still dreaming with a day someone will make a mod or hack to play with Juli Kidman on the main game in the evil within 1 and 2. I wonder why there's never been any significant mod on that game, must be hard to work on the engine


Club Regular
May 8, 2022
Little preview of a indie rail shooter in development:

You can shoot a harmless girl with a detailed animation for her death (with life/time loss as punishment I guess?)


Potential Patron
May 12, 2020
I love bullshitting about games like this even if I tend to just rant about how certain games' ryona end up disappointing me, lol.

The thing that usually bothers me with Street Fighter and other 2d fighting games is that the KO poses never seem to align with my (very specific) tastes. I believe that the last KO pose in a SF game that fit my tastes was Chun Li's back in Third Strike. That was over 20 years ago....lol. SF5 did add some stage finishing animations when you defeat an opponent near the side of certain arenas. Those were pretty cool, I guess. I would like to see more unique finishing poses if a fighter gets finished by a Super Move, though. That could add a lot of potential ryona content.

Yeah, WWE 2k22 should have some decent ryona content. As shitty and glitchy as these WWE games tend to be they are filled with tons of well animated moves. The character creation options are pretty vast as well so you can create your ideal wrestler. I guess we will see what kind of new bugs they introduce to the series with 2k22.

Regarding Telltale, I am happy they are back. They did a great job on some of their earlier works. I am assuming that Bigby will be the only playable character in TWAU Season 2, but maybe we will get lucky and Snow (or maybe even Faith) will be playable? Could also be some female enemies for Bigby to brawl with, but who knows?

Just hoping for some skins for Harley in that Suicide Squad game because I can't stand that goddamn buzzcut shit she has going on in her default appearance. That shit is repulsive to me, lol. WW could be promising as well. Let's just hope that enemies can actually do things to the main characters, though. A lot of these games seem to treat their enemies as an afterthought and you are just left with one single generic death animation.

As for other games, just going to skim through this list and mention anything that catches my eye: 2022 Video Game Release Schedule

Horizon Forbidden West: Don't have a PS5 and my PS4 is a broken piece of shit so I am still unsure if there is anything decent in this game, ryona-wise. I know there are female baddies and Aloy can execute them at least. Unsure if they can do anything to her.

Elden Ring: Anyone familiar with the Souls series should probably know what to expect. Looks like a lot of reused animations, unfortunately. New enemies could have some new grabs, though.

Forspoken: This game looks pretty crappy and I am not a huge fan of the main character's design. But who knows? Brand new series with a female lead using next gen tech. Could be complete shit, but I guess we will find out in a few months.

Saints Row: Well...not sure what to think of this game. Disregarding the weird, corny vibe the game has going on, there should be some decent customization options for the main character. Could be tons of takedowns you can do on female peds/enemies. The series has been lacking any decent ryona for the main character for a long time now, though. I guess we will see how this one turns out.

Starfield: Similar to other Bethesda games, I am assuming the best ryona will come when you are able to fully mod everything to your liking. Right now, we just don't know enough about how the game will look or play, though.

A Plague Tale Requiem: Didn't the first game have some decent death animations for the main character? Maybe this sequel will be a huge improvement?

Bayonetta 3: I don't think I have ever seen anything in the other Bayo games that interested me ryona-wise, but maybe this one will be different?

God of War Ragnarok: If there are female enemies in the game there is a good chance they are going to be destroyed in some sort of brutal fashion, lol.

Gotham Knights: Playable Batgirl with customizable outfits. Also female enemies to perform takedowns on. Once again, not sure if enemies will be able to do anything interesting to Batgirl or if we will also be stuck with that terrible Arkham death filter that appears right after you die.

Hogwarts Legacy: Female witches dueling to the death...possibly? Once again, as with most of these games we don't actually know enough of how the game will look or play to get an idea of how the ryona will actually be.

Marvel's Midnight Suns: Marvel strategy game made by the Xcom devs. Xcom had some amazing vocal ryona sounds, but some pretty bad animations/graphics. So who knows how this will turn out.

River City Girls: Sprite-based Beat 'em up. Not really a fan of the whole anime look, but others might be interested. Female main characters and lots of female enemies.

Other random games:

Netherrealm's next game has to be revealed at some point soon, no? It's been almost 3 years now since MK11. They have never taken this much time between games. Not sure what the hell is going on over there.

This year's Call of Duty is Modern Warfare 2, a sequel to the 2019 game made by those same devs. Not really a fan of shooting type ryona, but I have to say that MW2019 has the best death animations/ragdolls and facial expressions I have ever seen in a game. Maybe The Last of Us 2 is comparable, but that's about it. It's so weird because CoD games were terrible in that regard prior to the 2019 game. Even Cold War is a huge step down. Vanguard is better than CW, but still not on MW2019's level. Just need to hope for some decent looking characters...

The next Assassins Creed game could be great. After using customization mods and free camera tools for Valhalla, I was very surprised at how good some of the ryona is in that game. Tons of well animated death animations. Just need to mod the main character so she doesn't look like shit, lol. So who knows what the future holds for that series, but I am looking forward to it. Then again, it's Ubisoft so they will somehow take a huge step backwards in their next game.

Anyway, that's all for now. Sorry for the wall of text.
By the way, how small can you get girls in WWE 2K22?


Potential Patron
May 12, 2020
How small can you get in Street Fighter 6 character creation?, or should I be asking this in the Street Fighter thread (where is that thread)?


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
It was announced that there is a Female Playable Character in Alan Wake 2 , and From the Look of it the game looks richer in attack and Grab animation compared to previous Remedy games which featured None from what I remember , Also The Monsters looks Ryona Potential , From this Video Here there is an attack by a monster that grabs Saga by the throat and throws her


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