Possible future ryona games? (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
Is it bad I want Kuma and SFs Sakura in it just so I can see the lovely Tekken engine display her beautifully while Kuma bites and hugs her


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Fortunately , Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded has survived being cancelled due to Crytek's Recent financial issues but it was moved to another internal team in crytek , it was just homefront that was completely moved away from crytek and based on Crytek statement it looks like they rely a lot on Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded so it is nowhere no be canceled

Meanwhile a new info has appeared for Guerilla games's new open world game , they listed a job for hiring an in-game creature animator with extensive experience animating animal movement and behavior with one of the requirements being a portfolio of realistic animations of creatures large and small (mammals, birds, reptiles, etc.) .

So Female Heroine+Creatures+Next Gen = high ryona potential


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
Wild was announced at Sony's Gamescom presentation as a PS4 exclusive. It's an open world survival game that takes place 10,000 years ago. The trailer shows at least one female character as well as animals, such as predatory fish, giant birds, and wolves. According to reports about the game you can choose to play as any creature, including humans, in the game. So it could be interesting for those who want to play the victim or victor if there are any possible ryona situations.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKVSbhReVEA
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Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Did you guys see the new trailer for "Until Dawn"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq2XEiN3WTw

It looks pretty nuts. It basically looks like a slasher movie where you get to determine how the story plays out. You can read about it on IGN or wherever, but it revolves around 8 friends that get stranded on some winter mountain and end up getting hunted by some crazed killer. The killer apparently wants to get revenge on them for something they did in the past, similar to "I Know What You Did Last Summer".

It seems as if you will be able to play as any of the 8 characters (though not sure exactly how that works) and depending on your choices, any or all of them can perish.

Always wondered why no one ever tried tackling this genre in videogame format. I may be forgetting some titles, but I think "Friday the 13th" for NES is the last slasher title I have played. Though admittedly, if I take off my rose tinted nostalgia goggles, that game was pretty terrible, lol.

Either way, this one looks pretty awesome. Fingers crossed it doesn't suck.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Games announced from Gamescom that feature playable females :

- A new Ninja Theory game called Hellblade was announced in Gamescom , the main playable character is a female who looks like a grown up "Kai" from the heavenly sword game but it was confirmed that she wasn't her by developers , it is currently only stated for PS4 but I am sure more platforms will come later

Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyaYDROciCw&list=UUKy1dAqELo0zrOtPkf0eTMw

- A new game from DONTNOD ("Remember me" developers) and published by Square Enix called "Life is Strange" and it is an episodic narrative driven adventure game with action and supernatural events , The main playable character is a girl called Max which has the ability to rewind time and there is a possibilty that we can control her friend Chloe

GamePlay Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eiU0tmVIyY&list=UUKy1dAqELo0zrOtPkf0eTMw


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
Alone in the Dark: Illumination was announced a couple months ago and they've finally released a gameplay trailer.
The game is a third person shooter with 4 player co-op in mind. Players fight against "Lovecraftian inspired" creatures. Assuming they stick to the design doc there should be at least two playable female characters. There's at least one in the gameplay trailer.
To be honest it looks like a budget title so I don't have high hopes for it, ryona or otherwise. Anyways that's just me making assumptions. It might actually surprise people and deliver some decent ryona.


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 20, 2010
Middle-earth: shadow of mordor got a free patch that lets players use the Lithariel model from the story, you can use it in the entire story and in the challenge mode too.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
There is a new standalone expansion for saints row iv thats provide new story , enemies and lets you play as keinze and this new expansion will be released at the end of january so i am wondering if it will provide any new ryona


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Confirmed and Possible Future Ryona Games (Updated List)

Hello All ,

I had an idea to make an updated version of the "Possible Future Ryona Games" and to list all the games in the first page so that it would be more organized and more accessible and i will link to the original messages from that thread or link to the separated threads for the confirmed games if they had one , i will post both the games that is 100% to have ryona and the games that possibly have ryona , If anyone wants to suggest a game that possibly has ryona then feel free to mention it either here or in the other thread

Confirmed Games :

Batman Arkham Knight
Dead Or Alive : Last Round
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Tekken 7
The Evil Within DLC
Rise of The Tomb Raider
Dragon Dogma Online

Possible Games :

The Order 1886
Guerilla Game's rumored next title
Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded
Life is Strange
The Witcher 3
Until Dawn
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Potential Patron
Dec 2, 2010
i can't wait for RE:R2 and DOA (i wish a nude patch lol)

and also i think mortal kombat x is possible for a nice ryona if there are some female character


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
Dragon's Dogma Online has been confirmed a couple days ago, and Famitsu scans have hit the web.
One page confirms that grabs are back.
Said page can be seen here:

Dragon's Dogma Online will be out for the PS3, PS4, and PC sometime this year. (This is Japan's release ETA. There is no Western release data as of yet)
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Potential Patron
Aug 15, 2013
We finally get a release date for Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain. It is September 1st. Does anyone remember the Haven Troopers/Frogs from MGS IV? I hope they have something similar planned for the upcoming game.


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 12, 2013
Alone in the Dark: Illumination was announced a couple months ago and they've finally released a gameplay trailer.
The game is a third person shooter with 4 player co-op in mind. Players fight against "Lovecraftian inspired" creatures. Assuming they stick to the design doc there should be at least two playable female characters. There's at least one in the gameplay trailer.
To be honest it looks like a budget title so I don't have high hopes for it, ryona or otherwise. Anyways that's just me making assumptions. It might actually surprise people and deliver some decent ryona.

Sweet! I enjoyed the one they released a few years back. You're right, budget title, but it was fun for what it was and the lore was interesting.

Looking forward to this, ryona or no ryona.

Deleted member 31

I think the next ryona game for me will be Tomb Raider. I love me some Lara Croft. Though I'm not gonna get my hopes up too much. The studio is trying its best not to oversexualize her and they also caught a lot of flack last time out for how much punishment Lara took.

We'll see though, fingers crossed.

Edit: and Harley Quinn could be the surprise ryona of the year if she has a decent campaign and interesting baddies to face.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
Today's E3 presentations have passed and there's a couple of things to mention, though most of it likely won't be a surprise to people. Obviously not a complete list. Just the stuff that caught my eye.

Tomb Raider: There was a stage demo of Lara scaling an icy cliff followed by a gameplay montage trailer. Nothing really new to show, if you're interested in ryona that is. Just some new areas shown as well as reaffirming what already exists, such as the bear and wolves.
-Stage Gameplay

Horizon: Guerrila's new game involving robotic dinosaurs in a post-apocalyptic world and a female lead. This title was actually leaked awhile back. It seems it hasn't changed much from those rumors.

X-COM 2: This game was announced a while ago but we're getting some gameplay this week. Some of the enemies are capable of grabs and special finisher/KO animations like they were in the first game. You can also apparently change your squad members' gender on the fly, so you can run into combat with a squad full of females quite easily.
-Stage Demo (at 11:03 a berserker alien quickly incapacitates a female squad member by knocking her into an armored truck)

Gears of War 4: Not too much is known about this. Though the gameplay footage shown features a male and female soldier exploring the ruins of some town before being set upon by creatures, apparently called "Pouncers". One of them manages to jump on the female soldier but she is quickly saved by the player. Whether you can sit there and watch, or if she'll just kick out automatically, is still not known. The player character also gets jumped but the trailer cuts out before anything too interesting happens. I wouldn't be surprised if you get to choose which one of the two you play as.
-Gameplay (most of the video is them exploring the town, they are attacked by the creatures at 5:12, and the female soldier is pounced on at 5:45)

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: A full on remake of Final Fantasy 7. This could hopefully provide some new situations to put character favorites Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie through.
-Teaser Trailer
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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Today's E3 presentations have passed and there's a couple of things to mention, though most of it likely won't be a surprise to people. Obviously not a complete list. Just the stuff that caught my eye.

Tomb Raider: There was a stage demo of Lara scaling an icy cliff followed by a gameplay montage trailer. Nothing really new to show, if you're interested in ryona that is. Just some new areas shown as well as reaffirming what already exists, such as the bear and wolves.
-Stage Gameplay

Horizon: Guerrila's new game involving robotic dinosaurs in a post-apocalyptic world and a female lead. This title was actually leaked awhile back. It seems it hasn't changed much from those rumors.

X-COM 2: This game was announced a while ago but we're getting some gameplay this week. Some of the enemies are capable of grabs and special finisher/KO animations like they were in the first game. You can also apparently change your squad members' gender on the fly, so you can run into combat with a squad full of females quite easily.
-Stage Demo (at 11:03 a berserker alien quickly incapacitates a female squad member by knocking her into an armored truck)

Gears of War 4: Not too much is known about this. Though the gameplay footage shown features a male and female soldier exploring the ruins of some town before being set upon by creatures, apparently called "Pouncers". One of them manages to jump on the female soldier but she is quickly saved by the player. Whether you can sit there and watch, or if she'll just kick out automatically, is still not known. The player character also gets jumped but the trailer cuts out before anything too interesting happens. I wouldn't be surprised if you get to choose which one of the two you play as.
-Gameplay (most of the video is them exploring the town, they are attacked by the creatures at 5:12, and the female soldier is pounced on at 5:45)

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: A full on remake of Final Fantasy 7. This could hopefully provide some new situations to put character favorites Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie through.
-Teaser Trailer

A few ryona notes :

- Sadly , This tomb raider looked exactly like the first tomb raider so i expect minimum ryona like the first game , it was shown in the trailer that lara can swim so if we were in the original tomb raider universe then i could expect some tentacled creatures

- In the first CGI trailer for XCOM2 there was a snake creature that wraps around a character so i think it would be an attack in the game

- In FFVII , I hope they retain the hungry monster that swallows your character whole

Off-ryona , this E3 is a fan service and heaven for any japanese games fan including me , who could imagine announcing shemune 3 , FFVII Full Remake and The last guardian at the same time , If Capcom announces new Dino Crisis or RE2 Remake in the next couple of days then say R.I.P for the internet service from explosions and overload

Also it seems there is a lot of AAA games these days feature a playable female so it is great that developers begins transition to that direction and even traditional AAA series are featuring females now (call of duty , battlefield , assassin's creed , Halo , Forza and even FIFA :D lol )

And about horizon , this game looks pretty amazing and i predict it would be a system seller

- - - Updated - - -

Another game announced that feature female character and may have ryona:

- Encore : an Xbox exclusive from past developers of metroid and megaman

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