Punishment series challenge (5 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
The blonde Bushin ninja walked down the street casually, heading to the corner store to grab a movie rental and a couple sodas. Her red gi seemed to stand out as a beacon in the bright noon sun.

Poison had seen her coming, and hidden in a nearby alley. It wasn't an alley so much as it was a small unused space between buildings, just a little wider than a large person. It hid her easily as Maki walked past.

As Maki passed her, Poison took out a pair of handcuffs and slipped one of the shackles around her fist. Coming out from behind Maki, she pounced, attacking with a hard straight punch to the back of Maki's head, smashing the shackle into her skull. She never saw it coming.

"UNGH!" she cried out as she fell to the ground, smacking her beautiful face off the pavement and landing face down, unmoving except for the rise and fall of her body as she breathed. Poison had knocked her out in one punch. A patch of hair began to turn red, a cut having been opened on the back of her head.

Poison smiled and rolled Maki onto her back. Her eyes were open, lips parted. She blinked slowly. Poison hadn't completely KO'd her, but she was definitely out.

"Oh, darling, you look like you got hurt." Poison said as she kneeled down, talking to Maki. "Are you hurt?"

Maki nodded slowly.

"Well," Poison said. "Not yet you're not..."

She raised her cuffed fist and then hammered a punch into Maki's face, cutting her forehead with the shackle and banging the back of her head off the concrete sidewalk. Maki's skull bounced once like a basketball and then she lay unconscious on the cement.

Poison chuckled to herself. "Well, that was certainly easy. I imagine the things I do to you next will want to be seen by a lot of people," she said, as she pulled out her phone and began taking pictures before she scooped up the unconscious ninja and took her away.


Content Creator
Sep 10, 2015
Sure thing!


Felicia, bruised and battered, could only writhe against the wall and mewl as the pistol barrel wedged up under her jaw.

"What life are you on at this point?" the red-hooded girl asked her with a psychotic smirk. "Seventh? Eighth?"

The pistol worked it's way up her chin, eventually forcing itself into her mouth.

"Well, by my count... you've got at least one left in the tank."

The pistol pulled away, a thin trail of saliva briefly keeping it connected to her before even that broke. The cat-woman almost got to breathe a sigh of relief before it came back to smack her across the face, causing her to slide down the wall she was pressed against in a murky daze.

She vaguely felt a pressure form on her throat, and as she fully came to the first thing her vision focused on was a leash. A leash starting at the new collar around her neck, and ending wrapped around the fist of the maniac in front of her.

"The client who asked for you specifically wanted ya delivered in one piece. Congrats."

B.B. Hood yanked on the leash, forcing Felicia forward and down onto all fours.

"Granted, I can do a lot to you and still technically not break that promise."

Hood pressed a small button on her end of the leash, and the collar around Felicia's neck began to constrict. Gasping for air, but too afraid of possible repercussions to attempt freeing herself, the Darkstalker could only turn her watery emerald eyes up to her captor in a breathless plea for mercy.

"The drop off point is about three miles thattaway." Hood continued, ignoring the appeal entirely while hooking her thumb down a nearby road. "Ya better get moving if you want to make it. Let's go for walkies."

Felicia began to weakly crawl, and B.B. Hood -- beaming as she held her new pet's leash -- skipped along closely behind her. Who said that herding cats was hard?


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Yes, yes it is! Feel free to post up any short story you like :B

That might be a problem I really can't write short stories, I can write long stories but I really don't like writing short stories because I feel like they are only half done, also could I use any characters, cannon and non cannon fight characters?


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
You can use any characters you like, but if you do longer ones, then they could probably be their own thread and have their own place to shine. This is mainly a thread for if you just have a quick and short idea to slap down somewhere.


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
You can use any characters you like, but if you do longer ones, then they could probably be their own thread and have their own place to shine. This is mainly a thread for if you just have a quick and short idea to slap down somewhere.

Ah ok then, all in all the short stories in this thread are really well done.


Content Creator
Sep 10, 2015
"Too slow, Frankenstein!"

Flipping clear over her opponent's shoulder rush and kicking off his back, Juri Han was having a blast toying with this musclebound meathead. She knew from the dossier Bison forced her to skim on the trip over that this guy was named Bryan Fury, and that the ugly hunk of metal which just careened off with the dickish dictator himself was something called a "Jack". She trusted that little old Bison could handle the tin can by himself. If he got his ticket punched right now, then Juri wouldn't get to take that Pandora thing they were here for and shove it so far up his-

Juri was late to react against Bryan's backhand; meaning that it only missed by one county mile instead of two.

Fury was not always so... well, furious. He once had a fairly mundane life, until a devastating event and a few rounds of less-than-ethical scientific experimentation turned him into an artificial, superhuman psychopath. In many ways he was a mirror to Juri herself. And yet, in a few key areas, they were different as night and day.

One of the more obvious ones was on full display here, much to Juri's amusement. Her male counterpart, in typical male fashion, went for power and toughness at the expense of damn near everything else. But being able to hit like a truck means little if you also move like one, and Juri had been hard at work whittling him down as his mighty blows mightily whiffed over and over. Sure, it would take a lot to really hurt the putz, but it was only a matter of time until damage built up enough and she got more out of him than that stupid little chuckle.

Ducking below the fist, Juri shot a straight kick right into his jaw. Satisfied with how her opponent's head whipped upwards as he staggered, she started to draw back her foot for another go only to find it already trapped.

Too late had she remembered a very important detail of her mission. True, they were here for the box, but that was far from the only item of value. Pieces of the meteorite it rode down in had broken off and dispersed upon atmospheric entry; dubbed "Power Gems", they had strange properties which could enhance a fighter under the right circumstances. Some could improve strength, some could grant more stamina, some could even help channel energy.

Bryan Fury looked down on Juri Han -- holding her in place via his grip on her extended ankle -- and did that annoying chuckle again. Oh, and he also happened to be glowing like the heart of an emerald sun. Juri Han, with her last strike, had finally "popped" a massive cache of speed Power Gems hidden in his ammo pouches.

The following movement was too quick for Juri to follow, but she certainly felt it as Bryan's free hand came up to uppercut her right in the crotch. The tank-puncturing force of his blow all but disintegrated Han's pelvis inside her, to say nothing about less hardy features of note in the surrounding area.

Bryan let go and allowed Juri to drop, only to catch her head on the way down and slam it into one of his knees. Either by plan or just dumb luck the brunt of the blow landed on Han's left orbital, annihilating the prosthetic eye which supplied Juri with her powers and the socket that contained it in equal measure.

Juri was allowed to recoil back and, now physically unable to support her own weight even if she wasn't concussed, crumpled into a sloppy sitting kneel.

Juri's one good eye stared up at her "opponent" with glassy terror, as what was left of her mind after the trauma and shrapnel alit with fury and horror. This can't happen. Not while Bison still lived. She had so much left to do. No, dammit! No!

Chuckling yet again, Bryan brought a boot up to Juri's chest and slowly pushed her down to the ground. Han herself, despite the fires raging inside, could only weakly paw at his leg as she was forced onto her back.

There was another important difference between the two. Bryan, in typical male fashion, did not give a single damn about foreplay. As Juri's dominator mounted her she knew that there would be no games, no taunts, no second chances. He was simply going to pound her, as hard and as long as he could, until he was satisfied and she was nothing.

The first few punches went low, destroying her collarbone and causing her to choke on pooling viscera. The next round, landing on her temple, finally broke something important inside and what was left of her vision went out. Clearly in her final spasms, she was now gone to the world, but even then she was still conscious. And for an agonizingly timeless span she had nothing but darkness, the crunches of her own face caving in, and that infuriating chuckle for company.

Goddamn... gems... she managed to think to herself just before everything wound to a halt.

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Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Nicely done Sickerton the action while short was fairly paced and well thought out.

Also you gave the reader a peek into how Juri's sadistic mind works as well as what motivated her to take on such a freak show.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
This is about an OC belonging to wilhitewarrior wilhitewarrior who he loves to see get crushed, maimed and killed... so let's say hello (and goodbye) to Krysten Rowan as illustrated by the fantastically talented @Idoro then!


Krysten slowly walked down the hall, gun drawn. Her eyes darted around constantly as she was on alert for Shara, the head operator of the syndicate they'd been looking to take down for months. Krysten had taken out some high ranking officials with her deadly aim, causing considerable damage to their ranks. Only one remained...

Krysten's eyes missed a small corridor in the wall, ensconced in darkness in which Shara hid, lying in wait. Shara waited for Krysten to pass. Ever closer, Krysten quietly stepped. As Krysten slowly walked past, Shara slipped on a set of brass knuckles. She had enough of Krysten's interference, and she was going to put an end to it... any way she needed to.

Emerging from her shadowed shroud, Shara got up behind Krysten and grabbed her by her long, golden blonde hair. Before Krysten knew what was going on, Shara spun, smashing Krysten's face off the marble wall. Krysten cried out in pain, dropping her pistol. She tried to make a grab for it, but Shara took a step and booted it away, sending it skittering down the hallway. Krysten's eyes met Shara's, but only for a moment, as Shara's metal-encircled fist met Krysten's jaw.

Krysten groaned in pain and collapsed to the floor. She couldn't react fast enough as Shara pounced on her, pinning her to the floor with a kneeling straddle. Shara grabbed Krysten by the hair and raised her fist, then started raining down blows. Punch after punch met Krysten's face, striking with a thud. The metal bar across Shara's fist did a number on her as the beautiful operative was pummeled mercilessly. Cuts appeared on her face and blood splattered as Shara hammered her over and over with her weapon. The back of Krysten's head banged off the floor a couple of times as well, bouncing like a basketball.

Shara stopped hitting the agent, letting her settle to the floor. Krysten's eyes were glassy looking. Her face was smeared in blood.

Shara smiled gleefully. She picked up Krysten and brought her to her feet. Now upright, Krysten's trailing blood obeyed gravity, dripping down her face and onto her bright white leotard. Shara took her by the shoulders and angled her around, making sure to spread the dripping blood across her chest and neck as well.

Then with completely no warning, Shara pounded an uppercut into Krysten's face, breaking her nose. Her head whipped back and then forward again, another outlet of blood opened. Krysten was only on her feet because Shara held her. Shara was thoroughly enjoy destroying the agent which had been a thorn in her side for a long time, and which had just done considerable damage to her conglomerate of criminals.

Shara drove a knee into Krysten's crotch and then held her close, causing her to howl in pain. Krysten tried to pitch forward but only ended up in Shara's arms as Shara scooped her high into the air, then slammed her down with a spine-cracking backbreaker over her knee.

Krysten tried to scream, but only choked as she now began to bleed internally. Shara raised her fist and hammered Krysten in the stomach with her knuckle duster. Krysten jackknifed and coughed, blood now leaking from her mouth. Shara raised her fist and plowed into Krysten's musculature again... and again... and again. Krysten began to wheeze and cough up blood, injury piling up.

Shara stood, bringing the beaten spy with her. Then she slung an arm between Krysten's legs and hoisted her up, inverting her. Catching her around the waist with her arms, she dropped to her knees, crushing Krysten with a tombstone piledriver. Her skull struck the smooth marble floor and she fell onto her back, arms and legs slightly spread as she stared blankly at the ceiling, lips slightly parted as she breathed heavily. Her hair began to stain crimson in a large spot, growing larger by the second, as an unseen gash had opened on her head and began tainting her sunlight coloured hair a deep scarlet.

Shara took Krysten under her arms and pulled her up again. Krysten couldn't stand, so Shara allowed her to lean on herself as she got behind Krysten. Wrapping an arm around her neck, she began to choke the beautiful blonde. Krysten could only weakly flail as her best attempt to escape the chokehold. Shara strangled the badly bleeding woman as she sapped her strength. Krysten was fading, her eyes getting heavy, until Shara jerked her body to the right sharply. There was a loud crunch as something popped and broke in Krysten's neck. Her eyes opened wide suddenly and her body stiffened hard for one second, before she went slack.

Shara was overjoyed. She twisted round the other way, drawing more crunching sounds from Krysten's neck. She hooked Krysten into a Dragon sleeper, and then reared back, breaking her neck with a wet pop and crunch.

Krysten was still alive, but paralyzed now from the legs down. Shara roughly threw her to the floor, face first. Krysten hit the floor, unable to shield any of the impact as her head bounced off the tile again.

Shara mounted her again, stepping over her and drawing her up into a camel clutch. Krysten couldn't move, couldn't fight back, her legs had gone numb...

"Time for you to say goodbye. Permanently. I win, bitch."

Shara reared back ferociously as she clasped her hands under Krysten's chin, pulling her back and issuing more crunching and popping sounds from her neck. Krysten's gorgeous body was racked out backwards sharply with Shara still pouring on the pressure.

Shara gave one more sharp yank backward, and Krysten's spine finally gave out as it shattered under a multitude of crunches and cracks, discs and vertebrate in her neck and spine being obliterated as they smashed into each other like tectonic plates meeting on a fault line.

Shara held the broken and destroyed Krysten in her bent-backwards prison for a while, making sure she was finally finished. As she released the blonde to get up, Shara gave her one more vicious face-slam into the tile floor, to cement her fate.

Krysten would not be ending the crime syndicate today... or any other day.
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Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Thanks! I'm glad it lived up to your standards. I always get a little anxious using other people's characters. It's one thing to write dreck and crap with my characters but it's something else using ones that aren't mine. Glad you liked it. :D


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
"Hi!" said the bubbly mage. "I'm Ollia! These here are Tara, Sephoira and Rathana! The two big redheads are the brawn behind my brains. They're my posse!"

"Your... your what?" the cleric of Sol asked. "Posse...?"

"Yeah, totally! They're like my big minions. I tell them "Hey, go smash that bad guy over there!" and they go do it! It's great. And they're good at smashing!" The larger barbarian redhead, Rathana, simply rolled her eyes behind Ollia's back as she did frequently when Ollia went off on her self-important diatribes... which was also often.

"I see... I am Madelyn!" the cleric of Sol introduced herself to the other adventurers. "These are my friends, Alchana, Linara, and Tylissa."

The two groups all shook hands with each other, and then Tylissa pulled back the hood of her cloak, revealing her high elven heritage. She didn't look pleased to be meeting more round-ears, but she would be pleasant to them for Linara's sake. "Hello. It's a pleasure to-"

She barely got the words out before her world was rocked suddenly, and she found herself on her back, propped up on an elbow. Rathana had flown into a rage at the sight of Tylissa and straight-kicked her in the face, blindsiding her.

"I'll fucking kill you, Meret!" she screamed. Memories of the major battle flooded her mind unabated. The elven arcaneblade who wielded spell and steel with equal skill. The sword stroke that cleaved into her face, burying itself so deeply the blade pressed against her skull, probably scarring the bone underneath as well. The incredibly hideous... gash wasn't even the word, the hideous gouge taken out of her face... the uncertainty of whether she would regain sight in her nearly destroyed eye and be forced off the battlefield dishonourably.... had only that sword been enchanted at the time, it would have traveled through Rathana's skull and ended her life then and there that day. Only the Fates knew why it had not been.

All of these flooded Rathana's mind anew as she laid eyes on the diminutive elven sorceress. She raised a boiot and stomped down hard on Tylissa's chest, cracking her sternum. Tylissa wheezed in pain from the blow... then another stome, and another. Rathana pummeled Tylissa with ferocity, cracking and breaking ribs. Rathana then knelt over Tylissa and began to fire punches into her face, colliding with her jaw like a warhammer strike. Her fist went up and came down on Tylissa's face four times before finally, the rest of Rathana's party grabbed her by the arms. It took all three of them to peel Rathana off of the elven woman.

Rathana screamed death threats as the three dragged her away. "I'll kill you, you bitch! You haven't seen the last of me, Meret!"

The other three mouthed apologies to Madelyn's group as they dragged her off. The whole attack had taken less than five seconds from start to finish, but Rathana needed less time than that to finish an opponent and the only reason she hadn't was because she'd been grabbed at a fortuitous time.

"What the hell was that all about??" Linara asked. "She's freakin' crazy! Just out of the blue!"

"Yeah." Alchana agreed. "Tylissa's done a lot of stupid crap to get herself in trouble before, but even she didn't have that coming. I wonder who Meret was? We clearly introduced ourselves."

Tylissa groaned in pain as she shivered in agony. "wha... huh... didn't.. do anything... this time..." she painfully murmured.

"We know, we saw. It all happened before anyone could even react, and they got there first and dragged her off. She seemed almost uncontrollable. Here, hold still while I mend you..." Madelyn placed her hand on Tylissa's sternum and began the healing process, a scene that had played out a multitude of times in the past.


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
You last short story in this thread is nice nothing like seeing a knife ears bitch getting a beat down but I have no frame of reference as to who the characters are or where they are from, would you mind giving a little background info?


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
For the characters Madelyn, Linara, Alchana and Tylissa, you can check out the Blades of Kriegmar thread in the Roleplaying section. It's maintained and run by Idoro and has been ongoing for years now. Tylissa is currently suffering from a mild case of termination of the life (she's dead) but perhaps one day she can rejoin the games....

Here is how she currently looks. She does not look like this in BoK as canonically she died before the changes were made. Standing a towering 5'0 tall and weighing in at 97 pounds is the high elven sorceress from Guildmar, Tylissa Audrin. She packs a lot of magic power intoi that tiny frame of hers... not to mention sass as well!

Credit goes to @Idoro again for his fantastic skill at bringing these characters from being an idea to being something you can visualize. He really is fantastic at capturing the idea and making it something you can see.


As for Ollia, Tara, Sephoira and Rathana, there's not much reference for them. They are a party from a Fantasy Craft game we're playing right now on Roll20.

This fetching lady however, is Rathana Fireheart. She is 6'3, 190 pounds of muscle and brawn, and will decapitate you with her bare hands for so much as annoying her mildly. Simply put, she doesn't take your shit. If you manage to actually befriend her, she might just show a surprisingly soft touch to her.

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Potential Patron
Jan 8, 2016
No suggestions? Well, I'll give it a shot. Sorry ahead of time :/

Madoka (Metal Slug)


Getting lost was nothing new to Madoka. In fact, she and her sister had spent years of military service getting lost. What was different this time was that the Rebel Army had collapsed, with the Ptolemaic Army rising from the ashes. While getting past the inexperienced, slow-witted Rebels had been easy, the Ptolemaics were experts in guerrilla warfare, and flushing Madoka out of the jungle and subduing her was a trivial matter.

The first thing she noticed when she woke up was a mass of guerrillas staring at her, their goggles failing to conceal their gazes upon her ample chest, easily visible even under her blouse, and taut legs. As she became more alert, she realized that she was dangling from her wrists above a river. Even from her position, she could see the piranhas swimming through the clear water.

A robed Ptolemaic pressed a remote, slowly lowering Madoka to her doom. Her struggles and pleads for mercy fell upon death ears, and no sooner did her feet touch the water than the piranhas began tearing off her flesh. She kicked her legs desperately, until the fish devoured her muscles and such movement became impossible. Her massive breasts were ripped apart as the water moved up her body, and she was soon submerged completely, struggling even as the dual-impact of blood loss and drowning overcame her. The enemy soldiers remained for an hour after she stopped moving, soon hoisting up her skeletal remains as a warning to anybody that would challenge the Ptolemaic Army.

- - -

Alright, suggestions:

Shih-na (Ace Attorney)


Ada Wong
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