Punishment series challenge (6 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
This is the conclusion to a sadly unfinished RP (just as we got to the good stuff too! drat.)

Kira: http://i.imgur.com/eoXgC1b.png
Tensou: http://i.imgur.com/3mTA5cW.png

Kira stood over the dazed ninja. "Well? That all you got?" She was never going to admit that Tensou had been a much harder opponent than she'd expected, but even though it had taken more to bring her down than she'd expected, she finally had Tensou at her (lack of) mercy. And frankly, Tensou's resiliency had really pissed off Kira.

"You fucking cow," Kira yelled at her. "I've had enough of your God damn bullshit. You think you're tough? You think you're fuckin' tough? How fuckin' tough are you now, slut?" Kira reached down and pulled Tensou to her knees, holding her by her short blonde hair, angling her head up so their eyes were locked. "Fuck you and your pathetic attempt to take me on!" Kira raised her knee and plowed Tensou in the side of the head with it, stunning the blonde bombshell. Tensou groaned in pain as she limply fell to the dirt pit floor.

Kira pounced unmerficully, pulling Tensou's hair and arcing her back. Then she began to force-feed Tensou dirt!

"You're already a dirty bitch, just show us HOW dirty!" Kira yelled, the stream of verbal abuse almost as bad as the physical. Tensou pursed her lips tight, trying to keep the dirt out. But she opened her mouth in a scream when Kira drove her fingers into Tensou's neck and shoulder, jabbing them into a pressure point. As soon as Tensou opened her mouth, in went the dirt.

"GMMPHH!" Tensou tried to spit out the handful of dirt, but found herself unable to as Kira had taken up one of her legs and laid parallel with Tensou's body. Kira's hands clasped around Tensou's face and she pulled back hard, trapping the blonde ninja in an STF submission.

"HMMMMMMMMPPH!!!" Tensou screamed, muffled with the dirt-turning-mud in her mouth, and Kira's hands preventing the expulsion of it. One of Tensou's thick legs was caugfht fast in the hold, bent painfully inward as her back and neck was arched, chest thrust out for all the fans watching to get a great look at. And they didn't miss their chance, as camera flashes washed over the competitors.

Tensou tapped out a submission, but Kira didn't have to do anything. "I told you, you stupid broad, this match ends on a KO only. I don't have to take your shitty submission. Shove it up your ass!" she shouted as she torqued the hold tighter. She began to tense and loosen it, pumping the hold on Tensou who continued to scream through mud.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Kira let the hold go. Tensou spit out the mud, coughing and gagging. Kira stood, hunched over Tensou, and dragged her around the pit floor by her neck through the dirt, humiliating her more. Then she dropped to one knee on Tensou's back and took her hair, rubbing her face in the dirt.

Kira stayed mounted over Tensou as she rolled her onto her back. Taking a hold of her hair, she raised her fist and brought it down on Tensou's beautiful face. Then another punch, and another. Kira's assault was nothing short of criminal as she pummeled Tensou with right hands. Tensou's forehead was cut open from the punches as blood began to flow. Tensou's attempt at punching Kira had turned into pitiful flailing.

"Bitch, you're not going out that easy. You're gonna fucking pay for attacking me with those knives of yours. I warned you. I fucking warned you! You had your chance and you took a swing anyway. Now fuck you, cunt!"

Kira dragged Tensou up to her feet, turning her so they were face to face. Kira put her arm around Tensou's shoulders like she were hugging her, but it was only to keep her upright as she brought her right knee up viciously into Tensou's vagina, so hard she could swear she struck her pelvis.

"OH, GOD!" Tensou howled in pain as she was destroyed with the knee strike, nearly folding over Kira's body as she went limp. Kira held her up until she could stand on her own two feet again... then delivered a second cunt-crusher knee, drawing another pained squeal from Tensou as she buckled and collapsed to the floor, curled in a ball.

Kira looked down at Tensou. "Pathetic. Simply pathetic. Guess you're no good without your shitty blades. That's the difference between you and me, bitch. You need a weapon. I AM A WEAPON!" She reached down and grabbed Tensou's legs, rolling her to her back and pulling them up in the air. Tensou only had time to react with a horrified look on her face before Kira stomped down on Tensou's crotch again.

Tensou's cries of pain had seemingly crossed "human" a while ago as she cut loose with another scream of agony. Kira reached down and grabbed Tensou by the neck, pulling her up.

"No.... God, no... just... no more..."

Kira reached down and scooped Tensou up. It was harder to pick her up as Tensou was bigger and thicker than most girls Kira fought in the pit, and for a moment she was afraid she'd flub it and look like a goat in front of everyone. But she managed to turn Tensou upside down and lock her arms around her waist.

She turned a slow circle so everyone could get pictures, and then suddenly dropped to her knees, crushing Tensou with a tombstone piledriver, her favourite capper to a match. Tensou took the piledriver and lay flat on her back.

Kira sat on the floor and pulled Tensou into her lap, wrapping her in a rear naked choke. She cranked the hold tight, making sure Tensou was definitely unconscious and not just faking it to get out of a beating. She held Tensou's limp body for a while before she was satisfied and released her.

Kira prodded her with her boot, then stepped on Tensou's chest and raised her arms in victory.

"Fucking cunt," she said as she looked down at Tensou with disgust. Then she spit in Tensou's face, sneering at her before leaving her on the pit floor for the crowd to gawk at and take pictures of before the pit attendants came to remover her for the next fight.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 15, 2015
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Yuna (Final Fantasy X-2) Miu Furinji (History's Mightiest Disciple)

Yuna opened fire, wasting no time in attacking the woman that dared go after the treasure that Yuna had braved so many dangers to acquire. However, Miu was faster than the gunner could predict, moving in close and disarming her with rapid fist strikes. Yuna responded with a hard punch across Miu's face, but her martial strength was nothing compared to a trained fighter.

Miu dodged the second punch, grabbing Yuna's shoulders and turning her away long enough for Miu to drill her in the lower back with a quick punch, followed by a second. Each hit caused Yuna to gasp in pain, her breasts trying to bounce free of her white top from the blows. The brunette tried to turn around with a swinging arm, but Miu simply ducked and pulled Yuna's legs out from under her, causing her to fall onto her back.

Yuna grunted as she was laid out onto her back, but a scream was released as Miu swung a kick into the crotch of Yuna's hot pants. Yuna's hands cupped her sensitive place as she sat up instinctively, but this only caused her to position herself for a knee to the face, knocking her unconscious.

Miu noted that Yuna was a treasure hunter, and quickly brushed the sleeping woman's hands from her crotch. She began to pat Yuna's shorts, from hip to middle. Miu smirked as she unzipped the shorts, sliding in a hand to explore Yuna's panties. The brunette gunner had no reaction to this, even as she was rolled onto her side. The blonde victor groped Yuna's shapely rear for a few moments before concluding she had nothing to loot.

After a moment, Miu giggled and slid her hand into the back of Yuna's shorts, giving her panties a tug before stretching the fabric enough to wrap the underwear around Yuna's forehead. The unconscious woman was left alone, her head forced back and her butt forced up as she remained in her wedgied pose until she would either awaken on her own, or be discovered by someone else.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 15, 2015
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Nami (One Piece) Misty (Pokemon)

Nami looked down at her wrist, giving a slight tug on the leather strap tightly gripping her. Connected to it was a bound leather cord that extended across a small arena, attaching to the leather band around another redhead's wrist. Misty gulped as she adjusted the waist of her shorts. She had practically zero experience in a fist fight, and her opponent looked a couple years older than her... Meaning she was probably stronger.

The bell rang, and Nami immediately took a step forward, watching Misty back away, the cord being pulled taut. Nami smirked and yanked hard on the cord, but Misty reached behind her and gripped the fencing wall of the arena. The pirate yanked even hard, stretching Misty's arms as she refused to release her grip.

Nami gave one final strong tug, finally prying the gym leader from her position. However, Misty broke into a run, tackling Nami and taking her entirely by surprise. Now having the taller redhead on her back, Misty began slapping her across the face with both hands, lashing Nami's head left and right. Nami brought her arms up to block Misty's flailing. However, as Misty reeled back for another strike, Nami lashed out with a jab, snapping Misty's head back and drawing blood from her nose.

With a whimper, Misty held her face with both hands and fought back tears. Jerking and bucking, Nami eventually rolled the smaller girl off of her. Nami stood up and pulled on the cord until it forced Misty up to a seated position, then grabbing her shirt with both hands, Nami dragged the gym leader up before throwing her down to the mat face-first. Misty began to push herself up to her knees, but Nami promptly coiled the leather cord around her throat twice. The shorter redhead choked and clawed at the cord, but this caused the pirate to lift upwards on the cord, resulting in Misty's own weight tightening the unforgiving coils.

Eventually the struggles ceased, with Misty's eyes rolling back and her body going limp. Nami eased her grip on her, allowing for the coils to be removed as Misty crumpled to the arena floor. Placing her foot against Misty's head, Nami raised an arm in victory, ignoring the slight twitching from the unconscious girl beneath her.
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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 15, 2015
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Cammy White (Street Fighter) Tracer (Overwatch)
"Spiral Arrow!"

"Missed me, luv!"

"Grr... Cannon Spike!"

"Over here!"

Cammy was out of her element, having multiple singed spots all over her leotard from the energy pistols wielded by her orange-clad foe, Tracer. She was quite skilled at street fighting, but Tracer hardly fought directly. Every time Cammy would get close to landing a blow on the teleporting gunslinger, Tracer would suddenly vanish and appear a short distance away in a blue light. However, Cammy had spotted a specific weakness...

Tracer could only do this three times in rapid succession, and she was getting cocky. Cammy moved in with her fists raised, aiming heavy punches and wide-swinging kicks at her foe. Forcing Tracer backwards, Cammy continued to voice her frustrations loudly about Tracer's Blink ability, causing Tracer to rely on it more and more only to infuriate the blonde assassin.

This caused Tracer to be unable to realize she was overclocking herself, and with her back pressed against a brick wall, the British brunette taunted Cammy by blowing raspberries at her and giggling. At the last second, Tracer saw Cammy closing the distance fast. With another giggle, Tracer shrugged casually.

"Now I'm here, now I'm--" The force of an elbow strike to the belly cut off Tracer's words, her pistols soon after clattering to the pavement from her loosened grip.

"Still here? You overextended yourself, luv." Cammy replied in a mocking tone as she began to ram her fists into Tracer's stomach repeatedly, pressuring the smaller girl into the wall as surprised gasps and wheezes escaped her lungs. Cammy seized Tracer's jacket, turning her around and slamming her against the wall. Pulling her away, Cammy walked to a nearby window and shoved Trace's upper body through it, shattering the window and causing cuts to open all over her face and arms.

"How about one more?" The blonde requested as she pulled Tracer up and walked over towards another window, shattering it as well with Tracer's barely-conscious form. Leaving her bent over in the shattered window's frame, Cammy took a moment to collect herself. Tracer could feel the gloved fingers gripping her tights and jacket, and knew more pain was coming. She took a moment to pull a grenade from her harness, knowing she only had one shot.

Cammy pried Tracer loose, kneeing her in the lower gut and letting her collapse to her knees, whimpering in agony. The blonde woman took a handful of brown hair, forcing Tracer's head back to meet her gaze through her broken goggles.

"Any last words, little girl?"

"...As a matter of fact..." Tracer mumbled before quickly slapping Cammy's belly, attaching a small beeping disc to her body. Everything slowed down for the brunette, and she felt her body move in reverse as the rest of the world came to a halt. As she relived the beating from Cammy, she felt her wounds heal as though they never happened.

Tracer returned to normal, standing a short distance from Cammy as the disc suddenly exploded with pulse energy, shredding the belly material of the green one piece and throwing Cammy across the street in the process with a pained shriek. She soon landed in a heap, her chest heaving as the blonde passed out from the pain. The victorious gunslinger walked up on the unconscious woman, firmly stomping a foot between her breasts and smirking.

"Ever get that feeling of deja vu?"

Freeky Monkey

Potential Patron
Mar 16, 2016
Katara's capture

Katara hummed to herself while she walked to the lake to fetch water. She was alone. Lazy bums she thought fondly thinking of the other members of the Gaang still sleeping back at camp. Quietly she waterbended water into her jar when she heard something from the woods. Glancing about she raised water out of the pond. "Who's there? Aang? Sokka? Toph? is it one of you?" Before she got an answer Katara heard something behind her and and then three jolts of pain and suddenly her entire body went limp. Falling backwards Katara landed into the arms of Ty Lee, the sexy acrobat. "Well, well, well what do we have here." Azula walked out of the woods smiling triumphantly. Katara tried to scream but Ty Lee's hand covered her mouth stopping her. Azula stood close to Katara. "Nice tights." She said running a hand along Katara's smooth legs. "They really show of your legs." Katara tried to move but Ty Lee hit her preasure points. Rendering her totally limp unable to use her bending but still able to speak. "And I see you have... Grown since we last met." Azula said placing a hand on one of Katara's breasts, squeezing. Azula chuckled playing with Katara's rack. Katara fought back a moan. But failed as she let slight sigh though ashamed as she was. "Good. Now tell me where the avatar is. Ty Lee here will release her hand but if you scream I will kill you." Katara began sweating in fear. "Ty Lee." Azula said and the acrobat released her hand. Katara's head dropped and hung limply from her shoulders. Azula lifted her up by the chin staring into Katara's beautiful blue eyes. "Tell me." Katara stared back defiantly. "Never!" Instantly Azula slammed her fist into Katara's stomach. Katara gasped in pain and shock. Her body writhed slightly. "Tell me peasant!" Azula shouted but she didn't wait for an answer. Azula pounched Katara. Again, and again and again. Each time one of Katara's legs would twitch or jerk involuntarily. Azula did this for five more minutes. Katara had a trickle of blood coming from the corner of her mouth. Her breathing was heavy. "Vary well. I believe you. But it doesn't matter. we'll just follow your tracks back to your camp." Azula gave Katara one of her signature I win smiles. before turning to Ty Lee and nodding. The acrobat chopped at Katara's neck knocking her out completely. "Throw in in the back of our steed. When we return home she will be hung for her crimes against the fire nation." Ty Lee threw Katara's limp body on top of her giant lizard. "Shame really. Your really pretty, we could have bean friends." Then Azula and Ty Lee dashed into the woods leaving Katara alone and unconscious. The lizerd returned to Azula and Ty Lee's home base about thirty minutes away. Before dropping of Katara and Leaving again. A fire nation soldier read a letter from Azula that was latched to Katara's belt.

Do with her as you will. But she must stay unharmed and arrive at the capital within ten days.
where she will stand trail for her crimes - Princess Azula

The soldier looked the sexy waterbender up and down before throwing her over his shoulder. Slapping her ass and walking into his quarters whistling a happy tune. Two weeks latter Katara was hung by the neck to death. She never found out what happened to her friends. -- The End

Suggestions - Bo Katan [Star Wars the Clone Wars] Or Suki [Avatar the Last Airbender]


Potential Patron
Sep 17, 2012
Lulu's Wardrobe Malfunction


The island looked so beautiful from up here. Lulu could see the village down below. She could make out movement and even spot some of her friends by the colour of their hair or the way they waddle or scuttle about about. They all look like little bugs from up here. She's sure she can make out Wakka and the baby walking along the beach, taking in the sun. Lulu's rich purple lips lift into a happy little smile... The calm has been good to her but that hasn't changed how the black mage presents herself to the world. Even living on a hot tropical island hasn't lessened her liking for heavy black leather and thick furs - She has an image to maintain after all. Today especially though, shes feeling the heat.

The bright sun beats down on the black mage. It makes the layers of ghostly white foundation sheen a little too much on her normally sombre face. It makes her rigid corset and her heavy skirt feel hot and smothering. "Aero". She whispers wave of green sparkling energy rises and a breeze wisps around her, cool beads of glistening sweat against her neck and the generous swell of her cleavage. Her stockings feel a little chaffing at the make of her knee's where the nylon is damp against her skin, which finally prompts Lulu to rise to her feet. The buckles arches across the front of her legs rattled as she stretched lethargically; Time to head back.

It wasn't such a long way back and all downhill. Even in the heavy platforms she wore, the walk home was never a chore and she enjoyed time alone every now and then. And once she'd gotten past the cavern, there wasn't much danger from monster's either. Not that the local creatures were much of a threat to such a powerful black mage. Passing the cave sometimes let her practice her spells if anything was dumb enough to jump out her. Today was different though. There was no trouble on her way the mountain. And as she approached the cavern on the way back it seemed just as quiet. Spookily quiet in fact. Even the birds in the tree's didn't make a sound just then. Lulu's could hear the sound of her feet on the sandy path.. the odd branch snapping under her boots and something else.. "Help". Lulu pauses and looks around. It's not quite a voice... more an echo... "help". I comes again.. spilling weakly from the mouth of the dark cavern....

Lulu looks into the darkness. She's not sure if she's truly hearing that voice, so weak and afraid or if's in her own mind but theirs a cold breeze coming from the cavern which wasn't there earlier. As it waved through her raven hair and billowed the tail of her dress, it occurred to Lulu that she's never felt such an ominous wind coming from the place. Lulu could have went back and got help. But she didn't want to worry the villager's. Besides, she'd never been afraid of the darkness. So Lulu followed the echo into the cavern. Torches along the wall erupted into light and fire as she walked deeper into the cavern, weaving around jagged rocks and overgrown bushes. Lulu expected something to jump out at her. This place was never safe. There was always some monster hungry enough or frightened enough to attack people but not this time. She could feel eyes watching from the shadows, but nothing dared to move. There was something much worse than Lulu down there... Something even monsters knew to hide from.

Lulu casually lit each torch as she delved deeper and deeper into the mountain with a mere sideways glace. The pathways stop looking so familiar as she continued. Warm reds and ambers dance across her pale white skin as the pathway narrows. The voice is stronger here. "please... Please help Ple-RRRKKK!". Lulu gasps at the pained cry and moved quickly to help the woman. She could tell it was a woman's voice now, frightened and in pain. At the other side of the impasse, the path opened up into a wide chamber, illuminated by blue flaming torches. Lulu hadn't lit them... In fact she'd never say fire like that. fire that seemed to bring an icey chill to the air. Lulu wraped her fleece around her shoulders and moved to the centre of the room. "Who's there? I cannot help if you hide in the shadows".

"No one is hiding", came the female voice, calm and sullen
"We have no need to hide - only to dream", they said in unison."
"And something woke you... Is that why you called?". Lulu's muttered as she looks around the area. Blue light dances all around her. At times she thought she could make out shapes around her. At times there was nothing at all.
"For the dream to go on there must be slumber". They said.
"I know understand?". Lulu turned on the spot, but the voice seems to come from everywhere at once. "I heard a voice... asking for help"
"You heard an echo".
Lull springs back and looked down. She was sure the voice came from her feat but there was nothing there but shadow and sand.
"An echo of your fate". They called out loud and forceful.

Rock creaked, rumbled and crashed. Lulu turned to see the two boulders she just squeezed through closing behind her her. She was trapped, and that biting, spiteful cold grew more and more intense as the entire cavern filled with that cool blue light. Fire spreads around her feet in deliberate lines. She watched is shock and fear as the flames formed a pentagram around her feet. She was stood in the centre along with the source of that weak voice. Half naked, ice white skin on display, dead eyes and a blank, vacant face looks up at her and she noticed the trail of black inky blood running from the corner of gaping purple lips. "For the dream to live on, the living must be put to rest."

Lulu felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. "You don't to-"
"Test me". They chimed in and finished her sentence just as Lulu would have. "This as already happened and will happened again and again".
"Their dream.. our nightmare.. our eternity". The voice came from the blank, still lips of the one at her feet but when she looked down, there was nothing there. The Faith were there though, not the same that she encountered on the pilgrimage. There was something different about the shapes stood around the edge of pentagram. Face's hidden by hoods, bodies lost under the flowing robes. They seemed to hover in the air, but there eyes we're real. Bright blue embers burning in the shadow. "It is time", they chorused and Lulu hears buckles rattle and open.

One by down, Lulu's belts open and unfurled, revealing her long, porcelain white legs, covered in elegant sheer nylon and black lace. The belts slither and writhe like angry, venomous cobra's as Lulu's legs meet at the knees and both hands covered her lacy underwear. In that moment, the sorceress felt shy and girlish, which only seemed to amuse the malevolent spirits. The heavy leather whipped back toward her and bit painfully across her legs. Red welts rose across her her bare inner thighs as she shuddered and shrieked in pain. "ARRHHH!. Lulu tried to fight off her own dress. She grabbed for the belts but they whipped and smacked her hands then returned to her shaking, trembling legs. "ARRH ARRH ARRH ARHH NYYEEEE!".

Lulu fell when two metal buckles cracked into the back of her knees. She found herself kneeling as they watched on. Her mind was reeling, she was a strong mage, but she had never expected her own clothes to turn on. She'd never encountered the kind of power these twisted, hateful faith displayed. And her belts where still acting on their own. Some slithered free of the dress completely, some stayed and kept up the assault, flicking and lashing across her powerful thighs. She twisted and writhed in pain, which burned and stinged all the more in the frosty, cold air. Lulu kept trying to grab them but two belts snapped around her wrists and pulled her arms to the sides. She twisted and tugged but they held her firm, keeping her knelt before the spirits, her body forced into an arch. Her chest rose and fell in nervous breaths. She could feel more leather wrapping around her thighs and binding itself. She could feel the natural force, edging her thighs apart. "ughh nooo... what do you thinking your doing you creeps!?"

There was no answer from the ethereal figures. They watched in silence, they answered in silence. Lulu felt tension leaving her body, she could breath more easily than she had all day. It was a welcome feeling at first, until she realised that her corset was loosening. Each tie running up the centre of her back came loose. The ribbed fabric started to peel away from her hourglass figuire, even her plump, round breasts threatened to spill free. "oh Nooo you monsters no-OOPHHHH!".

In an instant all the strings contracted and the corset bite back into her body. It drove the air from her lungs and and parted her luscious purple lips. The involuntary shudder ran up through her body and her body and her pink tongue poked out of her mouth on a weak cough. "ughh". She groaned, fighting for breath... wha the meaning of... this?". The Faith smiled their unseen smiles as another invisible force pull tight on the back of her dress. The strings tailed away from their body, held suspended and stretching in the air. Lulu's corset creaked as it crushed into her sides until pressure built on her ribs and her breasts ballooned from the corsets generous neckline until she could feel her nipples, firm and rubbery from the cold, try to slip free.

Lulu's face contorted in pain. She could feel her bottom lip trembling as she clenched her teeth and tried to ignore the pressure, the pain building all over her torso.. She balled her fists and fought back the feeling of her eyes welling. "No.... No". She choked out on laboured whispers.. "I wont.. stand for.. this". She closed her eyes and focused her mind through the pain and embarrassment. Green energy pulsed from her grounded figuire and for just a moment. Lulu found her voice.. "Fir-rag-...."

"Silence!" The bellowed in unision. The air rushed around Lulu's blowing her hair back from her startled face and took the sound from her voice.. Silence.. A silence spell Lulu realised as her lips mouthed the last part of her spell but no sound would come... She was helpless now and she knew it. "oh no!". She mouthed, but no words came out. Panic rose from deep within her as the corset contracted again. She heard it... so did the faith.. The sound of ribs cracking as she shook and trembled and collapsed onto her back. "uuugHHHh ughhHHHh... Help... help... ple... ple... help!". She screamed in her mind... Silence but for the sound of footsteps closing in around her. Blue eyes stared down at her. Cold hands slide up her sides and rippled away her panties, revealing a soft, vulnerable slit. Lulu shook her head as tears started to stream down her milk white skin. Her eyes pleaded up with them, but she found no mercy. one of the figures knelt between her thighs.. Another ran it's cold touch along her sides.

"Only a powerful host would do". They explain as a belt was looped over her head and pulled snugly around her neck. Lulu could only shudder and thrash and plead silently as more ribs broke. The pain bit through her body viciously, it almost distracts from how the spirit in front of her lurches forward and suddenly his hands are pulling on the belt, closing off her air way completely. Or the feel of him... Inside her!. "Help..... Help... Help". The weak voice continues in her mind as her breasts slip free and bounce heavily with each thrust into her unprepared sex. The same voice plays on as her entire body aches and shivers and a deep chill takes her at her very core. She could feel herself going numb, even as a trickle of blood crept from the corner of those purple lips. She world starts to grow hazy distant as her flesh bulged around the melt and her mind started to swin in her own cries.. "Help... Help... help". Her voice... the voice that called from the cavern. The inside of the cavern, the pentagram, flickering away around her.. even the looming figuires of these faith, staring down. That all started to fade until all that was left was the feel of that chilling violation, making her contort and scream in silence.. in her own mind.. "please... Please help Ple-RRRKKK!". Pain snaps through her spine like an electric jolt as the pressure around her neck reached a limit. Vertebrae snapped and then there was nothing apart from nightmares of cruel, leecherous spirits and torments that never seemed to end...

Nightmares that would never end.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011

Sonya Blade stood, dazed and wobbly. It was a brutal fight, but the Black Dragon member had cheated. Of course. First a headbutt with the steel plate on his face, and then a violent kick to Sonya's crotch had doubled her over. A knee to the side of her head had put her down, and she got up, slowly. Her tight green spandex was wetted in spots with sweat, and scrapes and bruises were starting to form. She nearly stepped off the wide platform suspended over a pit of spikes. Looking down, it seemed a number had already seen the bottom of it.

Kano wasn't without his wounds either, but his simple white tunic (which was turning grey from the dirt) covered most of the scrapes and bruises on him.

"Roight, now... ya gave it a good go, and we beat the crap out o' each othah. But oi'm afraid that this little dance is done. Now frankly, it's quoite about toime ta get rid o' you. You see," he said, as he sidled up to Sonya, "You been a pain in moy ass quoite long enough. And I'm aimin' ta make sure that this is the last time."

Kano stepped to Sonya's side and threw one of her arms over his shoulder, as if he were helping her stand. He took a handful of her short-cropped blonde hair.

"Now, oi'm gonna need you to stand for this. This moight hurt, just a li-le bit."

With one movement, Kano unsheathed one of his dangerous knives, pivoted, and plunged it into Sonya's stomach, cutting into her muscles and piercing her insides. Sonya's eyes went wide and her mouth opened in pain, but no sound came out. She could feel the cold blade punching into something.

"That's roight, just let the knoife do its work." Blood oozed out of the wound, down her stomach.

Kano withdrew the knife quickly, then just as quickly rammed it into her chest. Sonya coughed up blood, then a mouthful poured out and down her chest, mixing with the blood now seeping out of her chest wound. Sonya's body shuddered, but Kano held her up.

"Oh, love, we ain't done yet. Third toime's the chahm."

Kano slid the knife out of her chest, then drove it into her throat.

Sonya made a choking gurgling sound, coughing and spraying blood. She was a mess at this point, and fading quickly.

Kano turned her face to look at him. "G'night, love..." and with that, he twisted the knife in her throat as if he were pulling on a lever. The blade made a 90 degree turn, cutting through her throat and neck. Blood cascaded down her body, making a pool of it at her feet.

Kano smiled, pleased that he had finally got the distraction of Sonya out of his way. Now he could go back to concentrating on selling weapons to the Outworlders and pitting everyone against each other that he could.

He shoved Sonya off the side of the platform. She fell down, down, down... and then she crash-landed on her back with a wet splat that Kano could hear from up where he was. Massive spikes impaled the Special Forces commander, driving through her stomach and chest, blossoming red where her body passed through them. She quickly bled out a large pool around her, but she luckily had no idea, having killed on impact.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
"Come on, Yukiko, come on!" Corey Sniper stood in her corner, holding the tag rope so tightly she felt like she might be able to rip it off. She stretched her little body as much as she could, extending an arm into the ring, looking for the hot tag. Yukiko had been on the receiving end of a beating for the last ten minutes, but she had turned the tables with a couple clotheslines, a dropkick and finally, a Shining Wizard. Now both her and Beauty Ichigaya were down, crawling to their partners to make a tag.

Ichigaya tagged out, bringing Chris Morgan back into the ring. Morgan lunged for Yukiko but Yukiko made a lunge of her own, finally tagging out to a fired up Sniper! Sniper got in the ring like a little ball of fire, pumped up and revving to go! Chris Morgan backed off from her, quite a sight to see the massive Morgan plead for leniency against the tiny Sniper.

The first thing Sniper did was strike a low pose, threatening Morgan with a Long Shot Superkick, named as such because despite her short stature, she was able to get some fairly impressive leap distance before throwing her kick. Her ability to strike from situations that seemed impossible had turned around more than one match for her.

Subtly, she shifted body weight forward...

and then aimed her superkick in the other direction, clocking Yukiko with it!

There was a SMACK as the kick hit her in the face, a THUMP as Yukiko crumpled to the mat, and then total and dead silence as the crowd froze, trying to process what had happened.

Even Chris Morgan had a look of total shock on her face.

And then one single "BOOOO" sounded... which was the pebble to the avalanche.

A cascade of booing rained down, but Sniper paid no attention. She pushed her tag partner under the ropes, then dragged her up to her feet. Slapping her on the arm, she declared it as a tag out. It was all legal, and the referee had no choice but to allow it.

Sniper pulled Yukiko back into the ring as she stumbled, dazed. The beating was bad enough, but then the kick to the face had completely rattled her...

Morgan had got over her shock and was now grinning like a six foot tall Cheshire cat.

Sniper made motion to Morgan with her arm, and Morgan nodded. Sniper held Yukiko up as Chris Morgan didn't just run against the ropes, she stampeded them. Coming back, she had nothing but destruction on her mind, and Sniper was about to hand it to her on a platter.

Morgan launched into her lariat finisher, the Poseidon Bomber, in which she collided with an opponent in much the same way a boulder meets a watermelon. At the same time, just as Morgan was to make contact, Sniper shoved Yukiko forward and then dodged to avoid the impact herself. Yukiko's forward momentum increased the impact as Morgan's lariat slammed into her with a meaty slap, spinning her once through the air and depositing her on the canvas like a hefty bag full of vegetable soup. Yukiko was laid out, arms and legs spread, head turned to the side.

Morgan eyed Sniper as she made the cover.

"ONE... TWO... THREE!"

Sniper stood over Yukiko, smirking as Morgan and Ichigaya celebrated their win, leaving up the ramp. The commentators were disgusted. They made their feelings well known as the show went off the air.

"My God, I... the... the Millennium Angels have completely imploded! What got into Corey Sniper's head?? Corey Sniper, you can go to hell!"


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
This story reminds me of the shenanigans of the early WWF back when I was a kid, nicely done Raden, is there going to be more to this story?


Vivacious Visitor
Apr 9, 2017
Assassin's Creed Syndicate ryona.

‘I could have won if there hadn’t been 3 of them,’ Evie Frye thought to herself as another punch slugged her right in the gut. “Oooof,” she said as all of the air was again expelled from her lungs. The two smaller men held her up as the big, bald one reared his fist back. As she saw the punch coming, she found herself wishing that she had spent more time learning combat with Jacob.

Individually she was better than any of them. Dressed in her scandalous (by Victorian England standards) underwear of a loose white halter top, tight black pants an boots, she had been dominating the men first one at a time and then two at a time. But she had been too busy dispatching the two smaller ones when the bigger one came and clubbed her from behind. It was a blow that probably would have knocked most women out. It didn’t finish her, but it did knock her for a loop and gave the other two thugs an opportunity to follow up. After that the three men launched a surprisingly coordinated attack on the young brunette. Leather bound fists pummeled into Evie’s side and head. Every time she took a swing at one of them, another would hit her from outside of her field of vision. Soon, they were battering her from one to another as momentum from one punch carried her into the swing of another punch. All she could do was suffer as she tried to grit her way through the pain.

Finally, the big one had caught her and held her in a front face lock. He punched her several times in her ribs before throwing her into the waiting arms of the other two and commanding, “Hold her up, lads.” Then he proceeded to brutalize poor Evie as the rowdy audience cheered the men on.

As the last punch came sailing into her face, time slowed. Her Eagle Vision kicked in, and she saw a way to counter. Without thinking, she moved, intending to throw the man holding her left into the path of the punch. But she didn’t count on the man on her left pulling her at the exact same time she tried to move. Evie gasped as she realized there was no way to stop what was coming. For the men and the audience, this whole moment took fractions of a second, but for Evie, it seemed to take far longer as her Assassin trained brain saw that the punch intended for her cheek was now headed straight for the center of her face. It smacked hard into her nose as her head flew back and blood followed in a wide arc. Her delicate features were horribly distorted as the punch broke her nose and snapped her head back, immediately knocking her out. She slumped in the grip of the men. The bigger guy celebrated his unfair victory as the two smaller men paraded her body around the makeshift ring. Finally they threw her body face down onto the floor and celebrated their victory over the smaller woman. They left the ring, leaving Evie’s lifeless body face down on the floor as blood pooled beneath her face.

Suggestions (if anyone cares)
Rey (Star Wars)
Black Canary
Cassie Cage
Last edited:


Potential Patron
Jul 15, 2016
Assassin's Creed Syndicate ryona.
View attachment 60927

‘I could have won if there hadn’t been 3 of them,’ Evie Frye thought to herself as another punch slugged her right in the gut. “Oooof,” she said as all of the air was again expelled from her lungs. The two smaller men held her up as the big, bald one reared his fist back. As she saw the punch coming, she found herself wishing that she had spent more time learning combat with Jacob.

Individually she was better than any of them. Dressed in her scandalous (by Victorian England standards) underwear of a loose white halter top, tight black pants an boots, she had been dominating the men first one at a time and then two at a time. But she had been too busy dispatching the two smaller ones when the bigger one came and clubbed her from behind. It was a blow that probably would have knocked most women out. It didn’t finish her, but it did knock her for a loop and gave the other two thugs an opportunity to follow up. After that the three men launched a surprisingly coordinated attack on the young brunette. Leather bound fists pummeled into Evie’s side and head. Every time she took a swing at one of them, another would hit her from outside of her field of vision. Soon, they were battering her from one to another as momentum from one punch carried her into the swing of another punch. All she could do was suffer as she tried to grit her way through the pain.

Finally, the big one had caught her and held her in a front face lock. He punched her several times in her ribs before throwing her into the waiting arms of the other two and commanding, “Hold her up, lads.” Then he proceeded to brutalize poor Evie as the rowdy audience cheered the men on.

As the last punch came sailing into her face, time slowed. Her Eagle Vision kicked in, and she saw a way to counter. Without thinking, she moved, intending to throw the man holding her left into the path of the punch. But she didn’t count on the man on her left pulling her at the exact same time she tried to move. Evie gasped as she realized there was no way to stop what was coming. For the men and the audience, this whole moment took fractions of a second, but for Evie, it seemed to take far longer as her Assassin trained brain saw that the punch intended for her cheek was now headed straight for the center of her face. It smacked hard into her nose as her head flew back and blood followed in a wide arc. Her delicate features were horribly distorted as the punch broke her nose and snapped her head back, immediately knocking her out. She slumped in the grip of the men. The bigger guy celebrated his unfair victory as the two smaller men paraded her body around the makeshift ring. Finally they threw her body face down onto the floor and celebrated their victory over the smaller woman. They left the ring, leaving Evie’s lifeless body face down on the floor as blood pooled beneath her face.

Suggestions (if anyone cares)
Rey (Star Wars)
Black Canary
Cassie Cage
Nice, very enjoyable read. If you are taking suggestions I vote for a story featuring Rey(Star Wars)


Vivacious Visitor
Apr 9, 2017
I'm glad you liked it. But the suggestions are for whomever wants to write the next post. Maybe you could write it!


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2015
Can't believe I'm just now discovering this thread. I should've posted my Aloy story on here. I'll have to think of other short stories. Rey seems like a great idea.

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