Randomguy's videos (16 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
she and X? Anyway don't worry about the xainghua I redid them so they have a wider screen and some new moves(I did the same with cass in the same game but will only release it with demand) so just wait for me to upload the new version


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
how do you have time to make all the vids? :D do you possess some time manipulation skills or what :)
anyways, just wanted to tell that they are great!


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
I added 1 new video set of Pan from DBZ infinite world, a new video of Anko from Naruto Revolution 2 and a redo/fix of Xianghua from soul calibur 4. I have an updated Cassandra made Eileen(virtua fighter) Videl(DB2 remake) as well as future vids of her in other games and some with short hair too. If you want any of the remakes let me know(oh also working on a remake of Seung mina and Talim

how I get so much done with time is simple. I do a lot of recordings in a day I have nothing to do or do it in segments. I edit them and upload them at my leisure


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 7, 2010
Excuse me Randomguy, I tried to download the Anko video, but I was told that it had been deleted. I don't suppose you know why that happened? I suspect it's not something that you did yourself.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
yes you can have a vampire and a werewolf attack people for example buuuut i learned my computer can't run sims 2(damn video card)


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 25, 2010
you can light people on fire with an oven, if they don't learn to cook and you build the house with no doors!


i did that for a while on Sims 2 lolololololol


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
some updates
new video Penelo from FF12 MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

I got DW7 so i may do somethings with that in the future, i recorded asuka t6 in her p3 outfit will upload that in the future, also I will be uploading soon a pack of the 4 new ssf4a characters. it will be one video for each character i have already done and i plan on getting the new outfit pack in the future and doing sakura's new outfit along with makoto's


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
3 new updates and a question

I have added two new sets, SSF4 Sakura in her VERY pretty pink dress set(my favorite part is how her head band is on her hair and the bit of pink lipstick she has on in this outfit)
Yuri Sakazaki from King Of Fighters 2006 set a.ka. Maximum Impact 2 in her normal p1 outfit(FYI may do her alt sometime)
Sakura from Naruto Revolution 2

I have recorded(mainly for myself atm) the four added ssf4 characters doing their ultras to all the previously recorded sets. Would you guys like me to upload them? Another thing I wanna know if people want is an Ayane from DOA4 set I made for myself. I am asking since while I do like her she has been done to a lot (not to death like Lili has to the point where I am actually tired of her being ryonaed....then again I am the guy who makes a set for all of SF's Sakura's outfits. Though to be fair there isn't much of her not counting what I made ok now I am ranting :P) sorry for slow updates, I have been working more to pay off some college debts and been busy with general life crap. I'll try to update least twice a month if I can


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
3 new updates and a question
Yuri Sakazaki from King Of Fighters 2006 set a.ka. Maximum Impact 2 in her normal p1 outfit(FYI may do her alt sometime)
Awesome, great to see more Yuri ryona. She's the hottest kof girl.

I have recorded(mainly for myself atm) the four added ssf4 characters doing their ultras to all the previously recorded sets. Would you guys like me to upload them? Another thing I wanna know if people want is an Ayane from DOA4 set I made for myself. I am asking since while I do like her she has been done to a lot (not to death like Lili has to the point where I am actually tired of her being ryonaed....then again I am the guy who makes a set for all of SF's Sakura's outfits. Though to be fair there isn't much of her not counting what I made ok now I am ranting :P) sorry for slow updates, I have been working more to pay off some college debts and been busy with general life crap. I'll try to update least twice a month if I can
1) If the those ultras are good, yes.
2) Sure, there's no enough Ayane no matter who says else.

No worries about updates, take your time and have a nice summer :)


BTW: Has anyone tried this Yuri mod for SF4 PC or does anyone know where to get one?
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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
Nice cosplay image Yuri is one of my favorites(from the characters I pick for videos you probably can guess I like tomboy/spunky/sassy types USUALLY but not always with sort hair :P and Yuri is all that cept short hair..well now she does but I liked her braid) Not sure where to find that but if I get the pc of super and that mod is on it, I will do SSF4 Yuri :)


FYI SF IV AE is coming out soon on Steam

onlinehero, the creator of the mod is Jeff Plamondon | 3D Artist

It seems he doesnt have the zip on his site though

I can send it to you on your email or message (not sure if this website's messaging supports attachment)
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