Requiem Memento Mori (2 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 11, 2010
It has been a while since my last post, but I am bringing some news.

I think I discovered a new game, well it is probably not that new, but noone posted it in the forum, so it is NEW for the forum:have a nice day:

Requiem Memento Mori is a MMO, which is free to play(f2p). It looks nice, the characters are sexy and its pretty ... bloody. In my oppinion, is this the first online game, that contains so much gore. It also contains ryona elements.

Whats so different compared to other MMOs ?

Monsters can be slaughtered in parts here, the effects are very bloody. Also players can be slaughtered, but from what I have seen only in PVP.

The game content:

You can chose between 4 or 5 races between male or female characters. Each class has 2 job variations. Depending on the job you choose, you have certain skills. Like in most MMOs, there are classes that do physical damage and classes that do magical damage or healer.Once your character reachs lvl 50, there is another choice between 2 additional jobs, that contain another skills. Of course the level 50 job contains stronger skills.
In this game, skills mean not much. Your whole performance depends on your equipment.

How to get good equip ?

That is simple. In this game monsters drop for example accessories (rings, earings, etc) that boost your damage. These items can be reinforced. Each reinforcement level brings small boost and the cap for reinforcing level of the items is level 30. That means you can reinforce each part of your equip to +30 which will make lvl 20 character doing the same damage like lvl 65 char(kinda imbalanced, but thats how it is). You need certain materials for reinforcing, but at low level they are not hard to get. Ofcourse +30 is the maximum reinforcement level, but most of the parts cannot be reinforced at max level, because there is also a breaking factor that increases with each reinforcement level.

The story:

There is no story. You start as level 1 char, go to quest npc, start a quest, kill some monsters, get reward, start next quests....... at some level there are no quests, enjoy the grinding...

The game:

It has cool grafic and good design. The gameplay is also simple. In most of the cases you dont need to press more than 1-3 buttons, well maybe bit more if you want to give yourself some buffs. Lag and gamecrashes are nothing uncommon here, but in most of the playing time the game runs good. At some point of the game, or at some level, there is the point where leveling is really slow and annoying. Thats probably the moment when players start paying for certain services, like premium account (50% more experience points and better drops). There are also several items, like costumes (some of which are sexy, some are just funny) or different mounts with 1 month lifetime available in the Item Mallshop only. For these are required mall points, which cost real money.

You can watch videos in you tube about the game and if you are interested, check itout, it is free.

How to get started:

Just enter the name of the game in google, go to the homepage, create an account, download the client and play. Enjoy! :have a nice day:


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 26, 2010
players don't fall intocparts XD
some monsters do
and some monsters not.

i loved to make a mine trap and let the enemy flow 3 foots or higher XD
there are nice sounds. item mal outfits like police girl for a little elf like race. (looks more like a sailor schoolgirl sui o.o)

atm i like the little elf race at most and the dark elf like race. later u can transform uself into a demon after some quests.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 22, 2010
So what's different about it compared to other generic Korean-style free MMOs? For example, is every quest nothing more than "kill X mobs", "kill mobs until you get Y mob furs or whatever", "go here and kill this ambush", etc? Is the entire world open to everyone at once, or are there instanced areas?
Is it solo PvE friendly? Or is PvP required for certain aspects of the game? Or can you just be ganked anywhere?
Is the game actually playable without paying money?


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 26, 2010
no trows -.-
just bloody slizing some enemys into pieces
nice mosnter desing. not that fluffy monsters on start XD

but not much charakter induvidualization -.-

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