
Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
I'm also hoping that will be available for Revelations 2. They had all kinds of fun stuff to download for the first revelations, and events like extra XP for certain enemies killed and also discounts on weapons and parts.

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I don't know what you guys have as far as system, but I have xbox360 and the game hasn't been posted yet...any idea of why?

Store update times might be different across consoles.

To answer Boundy's Revenant question from before, it plays out much like other raid deaths. If you run out of health while grabbed no death scene occurs and the character simply falls over dead.
Still messing with Raid Mode and it seems that enemies are being carried over from previous games, along with some enemies that haven't been covered in previews. At this point I've encountered the Scagdead from Revelations 1, who still has his chainsaw insta kill grab. Revelations 1's version of the hunter. The Napad from RE6. The executioner from RE5. And an enemy that looks like a heavily bloated tumor with a large spiked arm sitting atop two human legs. It doesn't have any grabs as far as I know and just slowly swings its arm at you if you get too close. If you're far away it detaches and throws its arm at you like a missile, which explodes on contact.
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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Store update times might be different across consoles.

To answer Boundy's Revenant question from before, it plays out much like other raid deaths. If you run out of health while grabbed no death scene occurs and the character simply falls over dead.
Still messing with Raid Mode and it seems that enemies are being carried over from previous games, along with some enemies that haven't been covered in previews. At this point I've encountered the Scagdead from Revelations 1, who still has his chainsaw insta kill grab. Revelations 1's version of the hunter. The Napad from RE6. The executioner from RE5. And an enemy that looks like a heavily bloated tumor with a large spiked arm sitting atop two human legs. It doesn't have any grabs as far as I know and just slowly swings its arm at you if you get too close. If you're far away it detaches and throws its arm at you like a missile, which explodes on contact.

So all of them still have their QTE/grabs attacks but instead of the death animation we get a simple falling over , right ? so for example the Revenant still have the bearhug attack but with no death animation following it ?

Sorry for asking a lot Cnby :) but as you can see the game hasn't been unlocked for PC yet


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
So all of them still have their QTE/grabs attacks but instead of the death animation we get a simple falling over , right ? so for example the Revenant still have the bearhug attack but with no death animation following it ?

Correct. Enemies can still grab you but regardless of health no death animations occur.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
I beat the first ep today n' played some Raid mode. It's more fun with co-op. Not as good ryona as like RE5 or 6 tho...
I really like Moira! Ummm, kinda wish there was more ryona for her, though. Dunno, there's 3 eps left so we'll see huh?


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
I want to point out that there is a DLC alternative costumes pack for characters and surprisingly Claire's alternative costume is her hottest costume ever for her :D even beating her RE2 Costume , it is way similar or should i say identical in style (Reused asset) to Sherry's short shorts alternative costume in RE6 (the one in my signature) but with a cowboy half-shirt and jeans booty shorts O_O , fortunately you can use the alternative costumes in the campaign

Here is a photos and a video for claire's costume

rerev2 2015-02-25 19-33-28-33.jpg rerev2 2015-02-25 19-33-19-92.jpg

Edit : And Here is Moira alternative costume

rerev2 2015-02-25 19-34-09-10.jpg rerev2 2015-02-25 19-34-05-63.jpg

Both of them in action


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Take this with a grain of salt , According to some people at Neogaf who surfed through resident evil revelations files , they have found out some future familiar characters in raid mode and some future extra costumes , i will post them as a spoiler for now

RE2 Claire
S.T.A.R.S Barry
RE6 Chris
RE6 Leon
An extra costume for Moira

Here is some photos for RE2 claire after model swapping


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Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Disappointment in Regards to Raid Mode Death Animations

Correct. Enemies can still grab you but regardless of health no death animations occur.
That is actually a big bummer. So the only way we can see full death animations is in the story mode of the game? That would mean the death animation from the Glasp only can applied to Barry. How disappointing. Would've liked to see that done on Claire. I guess it is possible to do it with model swapping in the PC version.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 1, 2010
Episode 2 still doesn't seem to be out yet but IGN has released a review for it. Included in the review are two death scenes. One by the afflicted that has no doubt been seen by everyone already, and a new death scene by the VulcanBlubber.
The VulcanBlubber scene can be viewed at 1:15

Just finished episode 2. Pretty light on the death scenes. I'll just cover what's new in Claire's chapter.
Mutant Pedro - Essentially the chainsaw enemy of the episode. He wields a large drill.
Death Scene: If you're at a distance he might charge straight at you with the drill. If you get caught by it he jams the drill into your character's chest, letting it run for a couple seconds, and then tossing the character aside.

Vulcan Blubber - A very large, chubby humanoid armed with what is essentially a cannon capable of launching fireballs at you.
Death Scene: Covered in the IGN video. Basically stomps on your character and sets them ablaze with its barrel/cannon.

Orthos - Dog creatures. Appeared in Raid, but make their first appearance in the campaign in this episode.
Death Scene: If grabbed while low on health it will quickly bite out your characters throat and then jump off them. It's pretty quick.

And for those interested the Glasp and Slinger are also introduced in this episode, but as of right now only in Barry's chapter.
Also, the teaser for the next episode shows the same Moira tentacle scene shown in the story trailer a couple posts above. So the enemy/boss it belongs to (my money's on Monster Neil) should be shown next week.

Messed a bit with Raid Mode. The Glasp and Vulcan Blubber appear in Episode 2's included Raid Mission. Just like before the death animations are nonexistent, with grabs cutting out abruptly to throw your character aside.
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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
So we can sadly assume that "SPOILERS"
Due to the 6 month gap between the two campaigns then Claire's campaign enemies are human-like ones that has boring uninteresting attacks and death animations while barry's campaign has the creatures with great ryona potential , Based on what we saw then I think Mutated Neil is our only interesting ryona thing that may happen in Claire's Campaign OR Capcom may Surprise us and make both the Glasp and Revenant be fully mutated by the Time Claire's Chapter 3 or 4 happens

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Also I encountered Rasklapanje in one Raid mode (The one with the queen zenobia big hall) but I didn't try to die to him so I will try to see if it has any special grabs or not


Potential Patron
Dec 3, 2010
So we can sadly assume that "SPOILERS"
Due to the 6 month gap between the two campaigns then Claire's campaign enemies are human-like ones that has boring uninteresting attacks and death animations while barry's campaign has the creatures with great ryona potential , Based on what we saw then I think Mutated Neil is our only interesting ryona thing that may happen in Claire's Campaign OR Capcom may Surprise us and make both the Glasp and Revenant be fully mutated by the Time Claire's Chapter 3 or 4 happens

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Also I encountered Rasklapanje in one Raid mode (The one with the queen zenobia big hall) but I didn't try to die to him so I will try to see if it has any special grabs or not

Oh I played that level with the Rasklapanje sadly, the animation that would have been a grab in RE6 just turns into a hit, he has a new move where his arm extends and slaps the player, but other than that, nothing new.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Terribly disappointing, basically drains any desire to play Raid mode now, lol.

Oh well, like Boundy said, I am hoping this garbage doesn't infest Merc mode in any future releases.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Oh I played that level with the Rasklapanje sadly, the animation that would have been a grab in RE6 just turns into a hit, he has a new move where his arm extends and slaps the player, but other than that, nothing new.

Yea , I found out that the Rasklapanje only has three attacks and all of them are simple hit animations , his attacks are A kick , A Slap and when he is splitted in half then his upper half will have simple hit animation while the lower half may explode against you

Crapcom really went low-budget in this game even for animations and compared to the rich animation of RE6 then this game looks like a cheap indie game , I saw a few non-ryona people gets disappointment about the absence of death animation in raid mode so hopefully Crapcom may erase the microtransactions it in the future games
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Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Damn, the crazy kill animation from the Rasklapanje was amazing, too. When it did it's "facehugger" thing, the character would make a unique gagging sound. The only other time you heard that sound was against the Lepotitsa, but for that monster it was during a normal grab that the sound would play. Anyone know if you fight the Lepotitsa at all during Raid mode?

For the whole microtransaction thing, even if they were too greedy to get rid of it, couldn't they just let the death animation play anyway and just have your character respawn at set respawn areas? Kind of stupid for them to take out death animations just for that.

Even for non-ryona people, the unique death animations are one of the staples of the RE franchise. Hunters wouldn't be hunters if they couldn't fly across the screen and decapitate your character. The chainsaw enemies wouldn't be nearly as intimidating if they didn't cut your character's head off in a single shot, though RE 5+6 already managed to screw that animation up, lol.

Oh well, I will say that the amount of content you get for such a small price makes REV2 worth it. Just a disappointing surprise regarding Raid mode.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
The Rasklapanje RE6 Death Animation is the most humiliation that any RE Lady can get , it makes them pregnant and they gave birth but both are in a nice way like they are soft raped :D I wished it was carried to Raid mode here , the sad thing is that not only Capcom erased Death Animations but also they erased the grabs from RE6 monsters like Napad

The game non-ryona wise deserves the 25$ paid for it , The story is better than RE5 and RE6 Combined with likable returning characters and Raid mode is evolved from REV1 in a good way and IF I don't care for ryona then I will be pleased if a game like this gets released between the mainline ones at this price


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah, agreed on the Rasklapanje death. It was a great one. It's funny, I always wanted an RE game that utilized enemies and stages from past RE games for Merc mode. Now they finally give me something like that and they take away the most important thing, ryona wise. Sadly, I am not as surprised as I should be. Kind of used to Capcom making asinine decisions in recent years.

I will agree that the story mode is more enjoyable than RE 5+6. I hate forced Co-op, but at least in this game you aren't paired with another gun-toting partner. So that still places the killing squarely on your shoulders, which is what I prefer.

About the story mode, unless we get a Claire/Natalia episode, I am not sure we are going to see Claire run up against Glasps. Not sure how they would work that out without Natalia's vision. I guess maybe they can give you an infrared scope like in RE4 so you can see them, but I kind of doubt it.

But yeah, definitely hoping Claire runs up against the more mutated enemies at some point. Not only is it making the ryona options less for her campaign, but it also makes her chapters a lot more boring with the constant swarms of regular enemies. Especially for this latest episode, I thought Barry's chapter was vastly superior to Claire's.

Guess we will find out soon how all this plays out.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 26, 2009
I love this game in terms of value. Raid mode has kept me coming back for more and more. I did buy both Claire's and Moria's extra outfits because, wow. Anita Sarkeesian would have a field day with Capcom's choice of wardrobe for the two of them.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Yeah, agreed on the Rasklapanje death. It was a great one. It's funny, I always wanted an RE game that utilized enemies and stages from past RE games for Merc mode. Now they finally give me something like that and they take away the most important thing, ryona wise. Sadly, I am not as surprised as I should be. Kind of used to Capcom making asinine decisions in recent years.

I will agree that the story mode is more enjoyable than RE 5+6. I hate forced Co-op, but at least in this game you aren't paired with another gun-toting partner. So that still places the killing squarely on your shoulders, which is what I prefer.

About the story mode, unless we get a Claire/Natalia episode, I am not sure we are going to see Claire run up against Glasps. Not sure how they would work that out without Natalia's vision. I guess maybe they can give you an infrared scope like in RE4 so you can see them, but I kind of doubt it.

But yeah, definitely hoping Claire runs up against the more mutated enemies at some point. Not only is it making the ryona options less for her campaign, but it also makes her chapters a lot more boring with the constant swarms of regular enemies. Especially for this latest episode, I thought Barry's chapter was vastly superior to Claire's.

Guess we will find out soon how all this plays out.

At least there is a very high chance that we will get a mutated Neil Boss fight who is a small version of uroborus which means infinite tentacles :D , if Capcom saved this boss fight for barry campaign then i don't know what to say to this game ryona wise as it will be the worst game ever ryona wise which will be a shame because Claire gets an alternative extremely hot outfit in it and it is rumored that we will get her RE2 outfit when we finish her campaign

unless all the affected normal enemies in claires campaign became creatures like the ones we see in barry's campaign by the end of Claire's campaign then i doubt we will see her fight those creatures amd I fear that it will be like Leon's campaign that was full of Zombies but no J'avo at all even in china parts but Maybe we will get a Claire/Barry Co-Op at the end of the game as IMO I guess that Natalia and Moira may went missing at the end of the game but thats my opinion

I love this game in terms of value. Raid mode has kept me coming back for more and more. I did buy both Claire's and Moria's extra outfits because, wow. Anita Sarkeesian would have a field day with Capcom's choice of wardrobe for the two of them.

I'm really surprised about the outfit they gave to Claire but I liked it :D just hope there is a valuable ryona in the game that can take advatnage from it


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
I love this game in terms of value. Raid mode has kept me coming back for more and more. I did buy both Claire's and Moria's extra outfits because, wow. Anita Sarkeesian would have a field day with Capcom's choice of wardrobe for the two of them.

On one hand, I hate "sexy" outfits being delegated to DLC, over-priced or otherwise. I don't mind their inclusion but they are better served as unlockable content and themed more on the games plot/location/themes. Like Revelations 1's Pirate/Sailor outfits for Jill and Chris, or Dino Crisis' cave girl outfit for Regina.
Personally I don't like the generic "sexy cowgirl" or "urban ninja" outfits... they just feel a bit out of place and even lazy. A prisoner's outfit, or a police outfit, or something along those lines would likely fit better, and would have been more fun.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
IGN had posted their usual review video for episode 3 and it is confirmed that we will face mutated neil and his tentacles at claire's campaign for sure

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 3 Review - IGN

And by the way , i read in forums that the monster that barry faces in that video is available in raid mode in one of the throwpacks maps so can anyone confirm its existence because it looks like it had a cool grab attack that i hope it isn't a death animation

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