
Avid Affiliate
Oct 2, 2013
On Code Red's profile on DeviantArt, they said that the next pictures will be posted this weekend. So yes. We will be getting an early Christmas present from Code Red. Much appreciated, my friend =D

Code Red

Master of this Domain
Mar 29, 2014
Hey everyone. Just posted the pictures for the fifth chapter of my Ryona Rumble story. I am glad you are all enjoying it so far. Indeed, I had a lot of fun making them, with plenty more to come. Consider this my Christmas gift to the entire Ryona Community. Happy Holidays everyone. Chapter 6 pics will be uploaded in 2016.


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Oct 2, 2013
Damn Code Red. Words cannot describe the long and hard work you have done with this story of yours. I can't imagine how much time and effort you put into making the images all for one chapter. 72 pictures for one chapter? Unbelievable man. I just gotta know how many you're planning for the next chapter. Hell, the entire story.


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Sep 6, 2012
Unbelievable man. I just gotta know how many you're planning for the next chapter. Hell, the entire story.
I know, right? I'm definetely looking forward to the next set of pics for the chapter when Beth Phoenix makes her arrival. You know something? I won't be surprised if Code Red has over 100 visuals for the next chapter. Wouldn't that be something?


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Oct 2, 2013
I won't be surprised if Code Red has over 100 visuals for the next chapter. Wouldn't that be something?
100 pics for one chapter? Holy shit man. That would be something. Lol. It's possible though. Last time I checked, the one where Beth Phoenix made her appearance was somewhat of a long chapter.


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Sep 6, 2012
Not only that man, but it's also one of my favorite chapters, for obvious reasons *coughsakurahagiwaragetsbeatupcough*. Sure each chapter Sakura gets treated like a rag doll, which we all like, but there are some chapters where she takes more bumps than others. I believe the next chapte Code Red is posting is a perfect example of that.


Avid Affiliate
Apr 13, 2014
A job well done so far on the first five chapters. I absolutely love the pictures for the chapter. Not many ryona fictions have pictures in them for us to see the beatdown. Here you are bringing something new to the table. I really appreciate what you're doing so far. Keep up the good work my friend. Hope this doesn't get in the way of your own personal life. Can't wait to see the next chapter and the whole picture story when this is all over.

Code Red

Master of this Domain
Mar 29, 2014
Hello Ryona Rumble fans! Great news! I have just posted the sixth chapter pics for the story on this site and on DeviantArt. I'm proud to say that I am highly satisfied with the images I got for this particular chapter. And to answer your question, yes. This chapter has a total of a hundred and twenty pics. I'm sure you'll all love them. I had a lot of fun making them, as well as destroying the characters in the story. Stay tuned in a couple weeks to see the pics for Chapter 7.

Feedback is always appreciative.


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Apr 13, 2014
This chapter has a total of a hundred and twenty pics. I'm sure you'll all love them.
Got that right. I did love the pictures you made for this chapter. I didn't realize how long this chapter was until I read it again with the images you put in. That's quite a display of effort and dedication you've shown here. Awesome work with what you've done. Great job with the eliminations and the destructive fest on Tina and Sakura.


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Oct 2, 2013
Great job with the eliminations and the destructive fest on Tina and Sakura
Dude that was the best part of this whole chapter. Pure and utter humiliation. The three backbreakers in a row on Sakura was by far the best part of the chapter. I like how you used different angles on the backbreakers so we could see how painful it looked for poor little Sakura. It's like each backbreaker gets harder and harder each time.


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Sep 6, 2012
I agree CaptainDandruff. I enjoy seeing the look on Sakura's face when her back is driven on to Beth Phoenix's knee. One is bad enough, but taking three backbreakers in a row is brutal. Not to mention a side slam and a scoop slam right after. A bunch of moves done to Sakura in this chapter and we get to see visuals on it. Her back has got to be broken after those moves in that amount of time. Seeing all of these pictures posted, I can only imagine the torture, pain and humilation Sakura had to go through in that match.


Avid Affiliate
Apr 13, 2014
A bunch of moves done to Sakura in this chapter and we get to see visuals on it. Her back has got to be broken after those moves in that amount of time. Seeing all of these pictures posted, I can only imagine the torture, pain and humilation Sakura had to go through in that match.
That's the best part of this story. Witnessing all of the wrestlers delivering their moves to Sakura and watching her suffer really makes this Ryona story in a class of its own, perhaps the best all time.
(Again, that's just my opinion.)

Code Red

Master of this Domain
Mar 29, 2014
Hello everyone. The pictures for Chapter 7 have already been uploaded. And thank you to those who have given me great feedback, comments and critique for my story. I'm always looking for ways I can get better. Even the smallest criticism makes a big difference. Once again, thank you for all of your support. Next set of pics for Chapter 8 will be up in a couple of weeks.


Avid Affiliate
Sep 6, 2012
Fantastic job with that last chapter Code Red. Great work in making Angelina. I bet not many who she is. And I must say that you did a marvelous job in showing Beth Phoenix dominate Tina Armstrong and Sakura Hagiwara. That groin kick to Tina was like... WOO! And all of those moves done to Sakura in this chapter, oh man that was so cool. I'm always looking forward to the next time you post more images.


Avid Affiliate
Apr 13, 2014
And all of those moves done to Sakura in this chapter, oh man that was so cool.
Dude, that was the best part man. Especially at the end where beth dropped Sakura into a gutbuster. The last set of pictures of Sakura clutching her stomach and crying in pain was the perfect cherry on top for this chapter. It's like she's completely helpless and yet beth is not showing any signs of mercy or stopping.


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Sep 6, 2012
We're only on chapter seven so far O0o.o0O ; So far, we've seen Sakura getting her ass handed to her for six/seven chapters straight. And there's plenty more to come. A lot more moves, pain and humiliation in store for little miss Sakura. We all love seeing her get destroyed. She's one of my favorite ryona victims. A huge thanks and well done to Code Red for putting time and effort into this project.

Code Red

Master of this Domain
Mar 29, 2014
Hello everyone. I have already posted the pics for Chapter 8. Once again, thank you for all of your feedback. Any kind of review is beneficial to me, whether it's good or bad. As long as I get better, that's all that matters to me. Chapter 9 pics will be posted in two weeks. Hope you enjoy them.


Avid Affiliate
Oct 2, 2013
Like always, you have done an awesome job with these pictures of yours. Nice effort in the makings of White Lotus. She looks so young an so innocent, you never expect her to have superpowers or pretty much own the competition the moment she stepped foot into the ring.


Avid Affiliate
Apr 13, 2014
Agreed. I also loved the images you put up for the eighth chapter. It's a shame that there weren't that many for this one. Then again, there wasn't that much action and along the lines of introducing a new character, as well as showcasing what she can do. And you did a marvelous job with her.

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