Code Red

Master of this Domain
Mar 29, 2014
Entry #5

All it took was the sound of the drums beating and the electric guitar strumming for the audience to know who's about to come out. After several measures of rock and roll music, the fourth entrant of the Ryona Rumble walked onto the stage. She had a pink electric guitar strapped around her neck. After she gave the crowd the "rock and roll" hand sign, the young woman played her instrument like she's a superstar; which may be the case.

This eighteen year old girl looked like she was a trouble maker in school. Her bright crimson red hair was pulled up into twin ponytails. Her long red bangs came down in the front, partly obscuring her dark eyebrows. She had a black choker around her neck, with a heart-shaped locket hanging from it. The hem of her dress shirt was rolled up and the front is tied into a knot, exposing her cleavage. Her sleeves were also rolled up past her elbows, with black elbow pads fingerless gloves for emphasis of her tough, brawling style. She wore a pleated light brown and orange tartan skirt, with intersecting grids of white, black and red lines running along it. A large red leather belt with metal studs and grommets wrapped around her slender waist. Finally, she wore a pair of white, high-heeled boots that she uses to kick the asses of other bitches.

"What the hell! Oh my!"

"It's Candy Cane, the lead singer of the all-girl punk rock band known as "The Killer Bambies!" Her trouble-making and rowdy tactics in school have resulted in her being viewed as bad apple! But will her crazy personality and ruthless style be enough to win her the Rumble matchup?"

"It could very well play to her advantage, Al! Candy Cane is known for cheating and fighting dirty! Her signature weapon is that electric guitar she carries around all the time! A lot of wrestlers she defeated suffered head traumas and bruised ribs after taking a shot from that guitar! I expect at least one of the three lovely ladies in the ring right now to be added to Candy Cane's hit list!"

The Canadian skipped down the ramp and rolled into the ring. The first woman to greet her was Tina Armstrong. The blonde gave the crimson haired teenager a toe kick to the ribs.

That attack forced her to drop her guitar.

Tina then followed up with more elbow shots to the newest entrant's face.

The American wrestler continued with the elbow strikes until she had Candy Cane backed in a corner.

But Candy Cane blocked her opponent's next strike and countered with a knee to Tina's gut.

She then turned the tables and threw the blonde into the very same corner she was just at. It was now the fifth entrant's turn to have fun. She began with a couple of knife edge chops to Tina Armstrong's chest. Every time Candy Cane's hand slapped the woman's chest, the crowd responded with a deafening "WOO!" After that, the schoolgirl dropout alternated right and left hooks to Tina's face, plus uppercuts to her gut.

The American had to do something, or else she would be eliminated by this brash young woman. She managed to block Candy Cane's left hook and tossed her back into the corner. But when Tina went for another right hand to the face, the Canadian timed the attack perfectly and caught the blonde's forearm. Again, Candy Cane continued with the knife edge chops to the sternum.

Each successful strike had Tina reeling.

The schoolgirl dropout stopped her attack when she had her opponent on the opposite corner.

"Off you... GO!" She grunted, Irish Whipping the #4 entrant into the turnbuckle behind her.

Tina's back bounced off the padded corner, which made had hobble forward.

But Candy Cane bent forward and scooped the blonde off the ground.

She lifted the opponent up high in the air.

Gravity grabbed a hold of poor Tina, causing the American to drop on her back.

Tina arched her spine upon impact.

As the blonde grimaced in agony, Candy Cane signaled to the crowd. While most of the audience cheered for the newest entrant, some did jeer for the Canadian because of her badass reputation in the Rumble Roses.

"Oh my! Look at the elevation of that back body drop!"

"How do you like that, Al? One moment Tina was in control of this match! The next thing you know, she's on her back after that hard fall!"

Unfortunately, Candy Cane celebration was short lived. The moment she turned around, Gia Primo was back on her feet.

All it took was one kick to the midsection, and the short haired woman was in control.

She backed Candy Cane into the ropes before throwing her to the other side of the ring.

Gia recalled how high Tina went when the Canadian beautifully executed the back body drop. So, she wondered if she could do any better. Primo bent forward and waited for the fifth entrant to approach her.

Instead, Gia felt a finger tapping her shoulder. When she looked up, Candy Cane unleashed a vicious right hook across her opponent's temple.

The impact made groggy Primo face the other direction.

This is exactly what the Canadian wanted. After kneeing her opponent's spine, Candy Cane hopped on her Gia's shoulders with her shins trapping her head.

The crimson haired woman somersaulted and performed a beautiful reverse huricanrana, making Primo fall on her skull.

"What quickness! What agility! Whatacrobatics! Candy Cane's been impressive ever since she entered the ring! That move knocked Gia Primo out!"

"Well, she's fresh! And that's why you want to pick that high number to enter the Ryona Rumble! Let these other competitors eliminate themselves or ware themselves down! Coming in fresh is critical in this kind of match!"

After stomping on Gia's back a few more times, Candy Cane ceased her assault on the third entrant.

The high school dropout then turned to her next victim, Sakura Hagiwara.

It was obvious that this seventeen year old girl was in a bad way, especially after being on the receiving end of some massive punishment. She's been slammed on the mat countless of times and attacked in ways she had never experience before. And yet somehow, the former idol has made it back to her hands and knees.

But from the Canadian's eyes, it won't be for long.

Seeing the Japanese girl struggle to get back to her feet made the schoolgirl drop out smirk with malicious intent. As Candy Cane approached Hagiwara, she thought of ways to inflict more pain on the defenseless teen. When the crimson haired young woman reached the center of the ring, her foot inadvertently kicked something she had dropped on the ground not too long ago.

She bent over and picked up her pin guitar.

Candy Cane starred at her signature weapon, widening her grin at the endless possibilities she could do with it.


"Yes, the 'damn' guitar, Al! Some wrestlers use steel chairs, others use Kendo sticks and a few use baseball bats and sledgehammers! But she uses an electric guitar! Candy Cane's got that smug grin on her face! And that means bad news for her opponent!"

"In this case, that would be Sakura! Give me a break! This woman can't defend herself! Candy Cane can do whatever she wants with that guitar of hers, and there's nothing anyone can do about it!"

"It's all legal in the Ryona Rumble match! As legal as a wristlock! Haha! I love it! Let me tell you something, folks! If you have not seen Candy Cane in action with her signature weapon, feast your eyes on this!"

It took a while for Sakura Hagiwara to return to her feet.

On the other hand, she had no idea that the #5 entrant was standing behind her with her instrument pulled back. Candy Cane stalked her opponent, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. That is, until the young Japanese woman turned around.

The Canadian brought her weapon up and took aim at Sakura's head.

All of the sudden, she brought her guitar down.


"OH!" The crowd chanted the moment Candy Cane's guitar slammed against Hagiwara's skull.

The teenage idol collapsed on the canvas and clenched her head.

It was one of the hardest shots she has ever took. Sakura's been hit with a Kendo stick and a steel chair before. But this was an electric guitar. The impact force was much greater than most other weapons. It had the angular velocity of a baseball bat, yet the impulse power of a chair. The young woman rolled on the mat as if she's suffering from a massive headache.

Too bad for Sakura, Candy Cane wasn't done yet.

With the teenage girl lying on her stomach, the crimson haired woman continued with the assault.

Again, Candy Cane brought her guitar down on Sakura's lower back.

The impact made the young woman arch her back, almost into the letter C.


Again, the Canadian attacked the spine of poor Sakura, and again the defenseless teen flopped around the ring, doing whatever she can to endure the pain.


"A thunderous shot with the guitar! Sakura's back could be shattered right now!"

"You put an electric guitar in Candy Cane's hands, the results is always the same!"

Candy Cane rose her guitar toward the roof and unleashed a vicious battle cry, showing her dominance and ruthless aggression to the crowd. While about a quarter of the crowd cheered for their favorite wrestler from Rumble Roses, everyone else jeered and booed the crimson haired woman. Apparently, not everyone was pleased with the guitar shots Sakura took, courtesy of Candy Cane's weapon.

Meanwhile, the former idol rolled her aching body toward the nearest corner. Her quick fidgeting symbolized how much pain she was in. Taking five shots to the back definitely hurts like hell. White hot tears of agony streamed down her cheek. She had no idea professional wrestling could be this painful. While Sakura wanted to win this match and become the strongest in the world, but even she was more concerned about her body and how long it would last.

With her weapon still in hand, the Canadian made her way towards Tina Armstrong, who was resting near the ropes.

This was perfect chance to knock the American out for good. Candy Cane raised her weapon high before bringing it down, targeting Tina's skull. The twenty-four year old girl saw her opponent coming from the corner of her eye with her weapon pulled back.

She let instincts take over, causing her to fall on the mat.

It turned out to be the perfect counter. By the time Candy Cane could react, it was too late. When she brought her guitar down, the instrument's body bounced off the ropes and smacked across the Canadian's skull.

The eighteen year old drop out wobbled on her two feet before falling on her back. At the same time, Candy Cane dropped her weapon and momentarily lost consciousness.

"YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The audience screamed their lungs out.

All of the competitors were down on the mat, recovering or knocked from the last attack.

But there was another reason why almost everyone was on their feet. That's because there's a timer on the screen of the titantron, counting down the seconds for the next competitor to come out. So far, the first five entrants not only had different skills and abilities, but they're also crowd favorites too. As the clock ticked, the audience couldn't help but wonder who the next competitor to enter the ring.

"This was what the Ryona Rumble is all about: a bunch of strong, powerful women beating the crap out of each other until they can barely stand. This is what the crowd came to see, and they're loving it. What a match! The crowd is on their feet!"

"Indeed, partner! Entry #6 is on her way! Who will be next to enter the Ryona Rumble?"









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Avid Affiliate
Apr 13, 2014
Sorry it took me so long to review this chappy. Got all my studying done so I could read this. When I saw that Candy Cane was the next entrant, I was literally marking out. I have the Rumble Roses video game and Candy Cane is one of my favorite characters to use. She sure is ruthless in the game, and especially in this chapter. The way you described her aggressive fighting style with her badass personality was flawless.

Nice work with the move choices Candy Cane used on Gia, Sakura and Tina. I'm glad that each girl that an opportunity to get punished by Candy Cane. I was honestly hoping for at least someone to be eliminated. Oh well. I guess that means you have plans for women who remain right? Now I'm very anxious to know who's coming out as the number six entry. Could it be someone super strong like Galatea from Justice League? Maybe another jobber like Summer Rae from WWE?

Code Red

Master of this Domain
Mar 29, 2014
Entry #6


Apparently, the crowd's reaction summed it all up what everyone was feeling. The opening started with the strings that sang like something from an opera. The drums kicked in a few seconds later, followed by a few measures from the electric guitar. But just the sound of the entrance music gave the four competitors in the ring a chill down their spine. There's only one woman whose powerful entrance reflected her dominant personality.

And there she was, standing in the middle of the stage.


This woman was in really good shape, even for a thirty-three year old. Her black wrestling attire had a golden firebird embedded across the chest and also on her left thigh. She also wore a black headband with a golden streak running across the middle, making it look like she's wearing a crown. With her strong arms held up high, it's as if this dominating female was queen of the world, or of the ring in this case.


"Oh my!"

"It's gone from bad to worse!"

"Probably the most dominating Diva in all of sports entertainment! Entering at #6, the Glamazon, Beth Phoenix! A three-time WWE Women's Champion, a former Divas Champion! She was voted Diva of the Year in 2008 and 2011! And if that's not enough, she became the second female to enter the Royal Rumble back in 2010! Needless to say that she is, undoubtedly, one of the greatest Divas in the WWE!"

"This would be my pick to win the Ryona Rumble, Al! It doesn't matter if she's the sixth entrant, the twentieth entrant or even the first entrant! Beth Phoenix is one of the strongest competitors that ever stepped in the ring! There are not many woman that can bench press a WWE Diva ten times in a row and still have enough strength to Glam Slam their face on the canvas!"

"And look at the eyes of Candy Cane, and Gia Primo! They're frightened! They're terrified! And they should be! Because here comes the Glamazon!"

Beth Phoenix marched down the ramp, walked up the steel steps and stood on the apron. She stared down all four competitors who remained in the matchup. As the Glamazon slowly entered the squared circle, she scanned the ring to see which opponent she will take out first. Being the overconfident and cocky Diva she was, Beth Phoenix believed she could eliminate everyone in the ring.


Gia Primo started off by running toward the Glamazon and gave her a couple of right forearms to her face.


But the blonde took the blows easily, smiling at her opponent as if her attacks didn't have any effect on her.


The short haired woman took a step back, wondering what else she could do to Beth Phoenix.


But the blonde flexed her muscles; a message to Gia to bring it on.


Primo then responded with a slap to the Glamazon's cheek.



"OOH!" The crowd reacted.


"Well, that was disrespectful!"

"Oh man, I think that just made Beth Phoenix mad... if she wasn't mad before!"


The commentator was right. The blonde grabbed Gia by the arm and Irish Whipped her to the other side of the ring.



The short haired wrestler bounced off the ropes and sprinted toward Beth Phoenix.


But the Glamazon bent forward and was ready to eliminate the third entrant.


When Gia Primo was close enough, Beth Phoenix grabbed her opponent and lifted up and over the ropes.



Gia flipped in the air once before landing on her back on the unforgiving floor.



"Amazing! What power! What strength; as expected from the former Divas Champion!"

"That was a hard landing, partner! I'll be shocked if Gia's back isn't broken!"

"Nevertheless, there goes the second competitor of the Ryona Rumble!"

Beth Phoenix smirked at the injured wrestler writhing in pain on the ground.


The blonde turned around to resume the match, just in time to see Candy Cane approaching with her electric guitar in her hands.



The Canadian unleashed a vicious swing toward her opponent's head.


However, the Glamazon ducked underneath the weapon to avoid getting hit.


A hard punch to the teenager's skull forced the schoolgirl to drop her instrument.




Next, the Glamazon lifted Candy Cane up high with a gorilla press.



She walked around the ring once to show the crowd her superior strength. As for the Canadian, she's hoping that Beth Phoenix would put her down sooner or later. She was already getting dizzy at that current height.


A few seconds later, Candy Cane's wish came true... just not the way she wanted it.

The former WWE Diva walked toward the edge of the ring.


She then tossed the schoolgirl dropout over the ropes.



Instead of landing on the floor, Candy Cane landed stomach first across her the semiconscious Gia Primo's belly.




The impact knocked the wind out of both women.


Back in the ring, Beth Phoenix performed her trademark pose. The audience stood up and cheered for the powerful wrestler standing in the middle of the ring.


"Unbelievable! What an impressive display by the Glamazon! She not only eliminated two opponents at once, but the way she did it was amazing!"

"A back body drop to Gia, and a gorilla press drop on Candy Cane! I told you this was my pick to be the winner of the Ryona Rumble, Al!"

"Definitely a good call! That's two competitors down already! But Sakura Hagiwara and Tina Armstrong appeared to be exhausted! Let's see if the powerful Beth Phoenix can make short work of the other two women in the ring!"

Since Tina was the closest to her, the Glamazon went after her first.


Beth Phoenix got the twenty-four year old wrestler back to her feet.



She then shoved her into a nearby corner.



She then rapidly stomped on Tina's aching belly. The defenseless blonde could only endure so much. After the fifth stomp, Tina lost her footing and fell on her bottom. But that still didn't stop the former WWE Diva. She kept on stamping Armstrong's tummy until she got bored.

When Beth Phoenix was through, she helped the winded Tina back to a standing position and turned her around so she's facing the turnbuckle.


The Glamazon pulled her hand all the way back before slapping Tina's plump ass.


This not only made the blonde's face turn red with embarrassment, but it also made the crowd reacted with awe in unison.


Unfortunately, Beth Phoenix wanted to humiliate Tina more instead of eliminating her.


"OOH!" The audience chanted when the Glamazon spanked her opponent's butt for the second time.


Shortly after, Beth Phoenix slapped her opponent's butt again.


Tina fought hard to prevent the tears from falling.


With her temporarily distracted, the Glamazon grabbed a fistful of her opponent's hair.


With a good grip on her hair, Beth Phoenix yanked Tina Armstrong down to the mat.


Armstrong landed hard on the back of her head.


Beth Phoenix followed up with a vicious elbow to the gut, making poor Tina flip on her stomach and kicking her legs about. Saliva dripped out of the blonde's mouth and onto the canvas.

But it got worse when the former three time Women's Champion dropped to her knees and continued to spank Tina's ass, making sure that each butt cheek got the same treatment.


All Armstrong could do is wait until this embarrassing punishment was over. And that'll happen only when the Glamazon said so. After what appeared to be the twentieth slap, Beth Phoenix finished the assault by kick to Tina's rear end.


"Oh, come on!"


"This is humiliating! The Glamazon is making Tina Armstrong's life miserable!"

"She's having fun at Tina's expense! I don't know about you, Al! But I paid good money to something like this!"

"Nonetheless, Beth Phoenix, the #6 entry, is in control of this matchup! Then again, we expect nothing less! After all, she isn't called the Glamazon for nothing!"

"And it looks like Sakura Hagiwara's about to find out why!"

Just like the commentator said, Beth Phoenix changed targets and went after the teenage idol.



She spotted Sakura using the ropes to get back to her feet. It was gratifying to see this young woman struggle. Then again, what'll make it even better is hearing her scream in pain and crying for mercy. The Glamazon approached the seventeen year old, grabbed her by the hair and helped her to a standing position.


But when she went for a punch to the head, Sakura found some life and successfully blocked the attack.


The teenage idol connected with a right fist to her opponent's gut.



Hagiwara countered by throwing more forearm and elbow shots to the cranium of Beth Phoenix.



The former WWE Diva couldn't get things going, especially with this feisty young wrestler attacking her with quick strikes.



The crowd got on their feet to support the teenage idol.



Her attacks had the Glamazon in a daze.



Sakura then bounced off the ropes to gain some speed.



Again, she went for another tilt-a-whirl headscissors take down.



Around and around she went, making the audience cheer wildly. Unfortunately, all of the momentum came to a halt when Beth Phoenix caught the slender female by the torso.


With her opponent trapped around her arms, the blonde dropped Sakura's back on top of her knee.



"GUH..." The former leader of Sweet Diva grunted.

"Oh no! What a backbreaker, by the Glamazon! You can hear and feel the impact from here!"

"It looks like Beth Phoenix isn't done yet, folks! CHECK IT OUT!"

By using raw power, the former WWE Diva deadlifted her body off of her leg.


But Sakura was only given a small reprieve.


Once again, Beth Phoenix smashed her opponent with another backbreaker.


The way Hagiwara gagged upon impact made it sound like it hurts a lot. Her eyes were as wide as saucers. Her mouth was opened, yet only muffled groans of agony escaped her lips. When she thought it was over, Beth Phoenix lifted the teenager up again.



She made her way toward the center of the ring and completed the combination with a third backbreaker.



"Three backbreakers? Oh my God!"

"That's power right there, ladies and gentlemen! This is Beth Phoenix at her very best... WHAT THE..."

Just when the seventeen year old wrestler thought it couldn't get any worse, it did.


The blonde casually lifted the poor girl up again, ready to do some more damage to Hagiwara's spine.


Most of the audience thought that the Glamazon was going to go for another backbreaker.


A fourth devastating move like that would surely result in a serious back injury. Sakura, and even her fans, feared what Beth Phoenix has in store.


Suddenly, the #6 entrant fell down to the mat in a sitting position, slamming the Japanese teenager into the mat, spine first.



Sakura groaned in agony and massaged her injured back.


"A sidewalk slam! The power of the Glamazon on display before our very eyes! Sakura's spine bounced off the canvas! Beth Phoenix smiling at the expense of her opponents!"

"You said it before, Al! Beth Phoenix has some experiences competing in matches similar to this! In 2010, she not only became the second female in WWE history to enter the Royal Rumble, but she also managed to eliminate The Great Khali, one of the largest athletes in all of sports entertainment!"

The #1 entrant somehow got back to a seated position. On the other hand, she was too hurt to fight back.


Sakura had one hand out in front of Beth Phoenix, silently telling her opponent that she couldn't take anymore. But the Glamazon smirked when she saw the broken girl begging for mercy. It brought her joy and satisfaction, knowing that she is in control of her fate. And what's worse, there's nothing Hagiwara could do to stop her.


Beth Phoenix grabbed Sakura's luscious black hair and gave it a good yank to bring the battered teenager back to her feet.


She then reached between her opponent's legs with one arm and reached around her back from the same side with her other arm.



The Glamazon lifted the seventeen year old up and turned her upside down so that she was held up by the blonde's arm cradling her back.



The former WWE Divas Champion then threw the former idol down to the ground so that she landed on her back.



"AAHHHH!" The poor girl screamed when Beth Phoenix slammed her on the unforgiving mat.

"A big scoop slam from the Glamazon, wearing Sakura Hagiwara down!"

"I don't think Sakura can take any more punishment! Beth Phoenix used three backbreakers, a sidewalk slam and a scoop slam on the #1 entrant! Sakura's back has got to be stiff right now! It's a miracle if any part of her spine isn't broken!"


The Glamazon felt that she has had enough fun torturing the young competitor. She spent several moments relishing this moment. Seeing her opponent grimacing in pain was one of her favorite parts of wrestling. As Sakura used what little strength she had left to roll her battered body into a corner, Beth Phoenix made her way to the other side of the ring, where an exhausted Tina Armstrong was waiting for her.




The wrestler from Dead or Alive suddenly pounced off the corner.



Tina Armstrong met her opponent with a high-impact clothesline.



She caught the Glamazon off-guard, causing her to fall on her back.


Tina followed up with more vicious stomps all over the former WWE Diva's body and head.


But these weren't average stomps. Each attack was payback for embarrassing her in front of the crowd of fifty thousand.


After stomping on the sixth entrant for several moments, Tina Armstrong dragged her opponent near a corner to do some more damage.


The fourth entrant of the Ryona Rumble the climbed the turnbuckle and signaled the crowd to give her more energy.


In response, the audience stood on their feet cheered on their favorite wrestler. Once she had the people in the palm of her hand, Tina sprang off the top rope and executed in backflip in midair.



But before she could land the moonsault, Beth Phoenix's consciousness came back to her. The Glamazon brought her knees to her chest to counter her opponent's aerial attack. Tina couldn't brace herself for the landing. The crowd gasped when Tina's belly slammed hard into Beth Phoenix's legs.


The poor woman coughed for air and rolled into another corner to catch her breath.



The Glamazon returned to her feet and targeted the Dead or Alive wrestler with anger in her eyes. She viciously stomped on Tina's belly about six times.



Next, the sixth entrant pressed her boot into her opponent's throat.

"Look at Beth Phoenix choking the life out of Tina Armstrong! She's much more focused on hurting her opponent than eliminating her, Ray!"


"It all started with that very careless mistake by Tina Armstrong! Instead of finishing the Glamazon off and eliminating a legitimate threat, she went for a high-risk maneuver and it cost her! Now, all of the momentum has shifted to the side of the former WWE Diva!"

"I tell you, partner! Beth Phoenix has been dominating the match ever since she stepped in the ring! She eliminated two entrant already, and now she's making mincemeat out of the other two remaining in the match! Sakura Hagiwara's unconscious on the other side of the ring, while Tina Armstrong helpless in the other corner!"

"The Glamazon was one of the most powerful Divas in the WWE! And now, here she is in control of the Ryona Rumble matchup? Who can possibly take out the unstoppable Beth Phoenix?"

The sixth entrant noticed that the crowd was back on their feet and facing the titantron. The Glamazon looked toward the stage and saw the clock was counting down for the next competitor to make her appearance. But the Glamazon couldn't help but grin. Beth Phoenix wasn't just excited about who's coming down the ramp next. She knew that there's not a wrestler in the back that can possibly bring her down. She was ready to take on whoever's about to make their entrance.









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Avid Affiliate
Apr 13, 2014
The moment I saw Beth Phoenix was the next entrant, I was like "HELL YA!" I loved seeing Beth Phoenix dominate the WWE for a long time. Sure she was one of the hottest Divas in the WWE, if not the hottest. But she sure knew how to wrestle. And damn did she brought the pain to the other WWE divas, especially to Kelly Kelly, Eve and AJ Lee. I really can't wait to see her in action. With her abilities, I wonder how long she'll last.

So far, so good on the match up. I had a feeling Gia was gonna go first, but I never expected to see Candy Cane get eliminated as well. Very creative elimination though, using Candy Cane's body to do more damage to her and Gia. On to Tina, that slapping the ass part was not only funny, but definitely something she would do in the ring. Hoping to see some fight in Tina at least to build the climax. Then we have Sakura. Man, you must really like making this girl suffer. I admire Sakura's heart and fight in the ring, but this is crazy. Three backbreakers, a sidewalk slam AND a scoop slam? How is her back not broken? Either way, I love seeing Sakura in pain. Keep up the good work.

Code Red

Master of this Domain
Mar 29, 2014
Entry #7

A twenty-five year old brown haired woman danced on stage to one of Shakira's big hit songs. The way she shook her sexy hips to the belly dancing music had almost all of the males drooling. She's dressed like she's ready to wrestle. This young woman had a red laced, sports bra and matching red bikini bottom. Black boots and kneepads were the only things covering this gorgeous competitor's sexy legs.

But that still didn't make her less attracting.

"The Latin Sensation, Angelina entering at a #7! From Ring Divas, she has competed against some of best wrestlers in the country!"

"I'm sorry, Al! Were you saying something? Hehe! I was busy watching this lovely woman dance! Man, look at her shake those hips!"

"You sure are easily distracted, huh partner?"

"Maybe I could ask Angelina to give me a lap dance before she enters the ring?"

"Now's not the time, buddy!"

As the music continued to play, the Latin Sensation danced down the ramp, impressing the male fans standing in the front row.

She pranced around the ring as well, shaking her perfectly shaped hips with each beat of the drums and powerful sounds of the trumpets. And to her delight, more than half of the audience were already on their feet, moving their bodies to the music.

Meanwhile, the former WWE Diva stood at the center of the ring and watched the newest entrant partying with the crowd. From the look on her face, she was very annoyed how this newbie was taking her sweet time to enter the ring. There's a match going on right now, yet this twenty-five year old woman was still dancing like there's no tomorrow.

It drove her even more crazy when the Ring Divas made her way toward the commentator's area and winked at the two men sitting behind the table.


"Will you cut it out, Ray?"

"What? This is the Ryona Rumble! I'm enjoying myself! Take a chill pill, partner! Let loose and have a little fun while you're at it!"

"I don't know about you, but I rather see some action than a dance show! This is just a waste of time!"

"Meh, says you!"

Angelina's entrance music slowly faded out when the sexy diva finished her dance routine in front of the commentators. With her eyes still on the two handsome men sitting behind the table, she hopped on the ring apron and stepped in between the ropes.

It was time to show the entire world what the Latin Sensation is capable of. She may have a gorgeous body, but that doesn't mean that this vicious vixen has some fight in her.

But she never got a chance to prove it.

The moment she entered the ring, Beth Phoenix was there to greet her a devastating clothesline.

Angelina flipped over the top rope and crashed on the floor.

Meanwhile, the referees outside the ring checked on the Ring Diva competitor to see is she was alright. Although, they did have to remind her that she was already eliminated.

"I can't believe it! Angelina's been eliminated? How's that possible? It's a fluke, Al! Outrageous!"

"Say what you want, Ray! But the bottom line is this! Angelina's gone! Instead of four competitors in the ring, we are right back to three! Beth Phoenix, Tina Armstrong and Sakura Hagiwara!"

"Poor Angelina! Maybe I should go over there and give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation!"

"If it makes you feel any better, the Latin Sensation did set the record for the Shortest Time Spent in the Ryona Rumble! One second, partner! Angelina was eliminated ONE second after entering the ring!"

The crowd thought it was funny how someone can be knocked out of the match so quickly. While a few were disappointed that the Latin Sensation had an early exit, the rest didn't care.

After all, this was a wrestling match, not a dance show. So if anyone was to blame for making a fool out of herself, it would be Angelina.

After laughing at the Ring Divas model, the Glamazon refocused her attention back to the competitors remaining in the ring. She found Tina Armstrong crawling toward one of the corners and Sakura Hagiwara using the ropes to return to a standing position. With both women struggling to get back to their feet, it's easy pickings for the former WWE Diva.

Beth Phoenix decided to go after the #1 entrant first, since she closer and almost out of it.

She grabbed a fistful of Sakura's black hair and dragged her toward the center of the ring.

The Glamazon draped her opponent's left arm over her shoulder, ready deliver a vertical suplex to the seventeen year old girl.

But when she lifted Hagiwara off of the ground, the Japanese wrestler countered by rotating her own body in midair, landing on her feet in the process.

When the blonde turned around, Sakura leaped and delivered a powerful dropkick to the face.

Both women fell on the canvas at the same time.

The attack almost knocked Beth Phoenix unconscious. She rubbed her jaw, checking to see if she had lost any teeth.

As for Sakura, the dropkick probably did more damage to her than her opponent. She landed on her stomach, which intensified the pain in her ribs.

However, she found some life.

If she doesn't cash in now, it will all be for not.

The Japanese idol bounced off the ropes and picked up speed to execute another attack.

But when she approached the Glamazon, her opponent was back on her feet and ready for her.

With her left hand on Sakura's sternum and her right hand on the teenager's thigh, Beth Phoenix lifted the young woman off of her feet with her arms.

The crowd went nuts as the former WWE Diva walked around the ring, holding Sakura Hagiwara up in a gorilla press.

"Oh my God! Look at the strength of the Glamazon!"

"She's one of the most powerful women in women's wrestling history, Ray! Could this be it for the #1 entrant?"

Beth Phoenix thought about throwing the seventeen year old girl out of the ring, but then she came up with another idea. The blonde haired Diva really wanted to show the entire audience, as well as the millions of viewers watching at home exactly how strong she really was.

The Glamazon made her way back to the center of the ring so everyone could see her. Next, the #6 entrant flexed and extended her elbows, using her deltoid muscles and triceps to lift the teenager's body like she was a barbell.

The terrified girl felt her heart slow down every time Beth Phoenix brought her down, then accelerating when she brought her up.

"1... 2... 3..."

The people in the arena counted every time the Glamazon successfully lifted Sakura's body up and down.

"8... 9... 10!"

On the tenth press, the blonde fully extended her arms toward the ceiling. She held the seventeen year old girl up there for a few more seconds.

Suddenly, Beth Phoenix released the #1 entrant.

The poor Japanese girl fell hard on her midsection.

She clinched her injured ribs and grimaced in agony.

As the young woman rolled to a corner, the Glamazon celebrated with her signature arm raise.

"Did you hear the impact when Sakura's body hit the floor?"

"I sure did, partner! Instead of eliminating her fourth straight opponent, the former WWE Diva showed off her power by treating Hagiwara as a barbell! Beth Phoenix has been dominating ever since she's entered the match at #6!"

"Meanwhile, Tina and Sakura are exhausted! One's struggling to make it back to her feet, the other's in the on her stomach, probably unconscious!"

Beth Phoenix approached the other blonde and got her to her feet.

She then threw her into the turnbuckle.

Still out of breath, Tina Armstrong's once again vulnerable for another one of the Glamazon's onslaughts.

The former WWE Diva hooked Tina's arms and legs behind the first and second ropes, hanging her opponent in the corner.

In this position, Tina Armstrong is wide open for an attack.

Beth Phoenix went back on the assault with a frying pan chop to the twenty-four year old woman's exposed chest.

"WOO!" The audience reacted when the impact produced a thunderous sound.

Again the Glamazon delivered a flurry of forearm slaps to her opponent's chest.

And again, the crowd would get excited with each strike.

Just when the fourth entrant could catch a break, Beth Phoenix delivered another chop.

After about the seventh chop, there was a red hand print on Tina's sternum. Tears were starting to form in the humiliated woman's eye. Her chest stung like an intense sunburn. Needless to say that she was thankful that Beth Phoenix decided to stop.

But she wasn't done there.

The former WWE Diva walked back to the opposite corner before facing her opponent once again.

She knew the perfect way to finish the assault. One of her previous coworkers was known for this move, so why not try it?

Beth Phoenix picked up speed and rant toward the helpless DOA wrestler hung in the turnbuckle.

When the Glamazon was close enough, she connected with a low kick to Tina's womanhood.

"OOH!" Everyone in the audience gasped when Beth Phoenix struck her opponent's pussy.

The agony was intense. Tina collapsed on the ring, completely covered in sweat.

Only muffled moans escaped her lips. She had a hand on her swollen womanhood, unable to move from her current spot.

Meanwhile, the Glamazon wasn't finished with her opponent yet. With both hands on the top rope for leverage, Beth Phoenix placed her left foot on the back of the neck.

"MMMHHMMM!" groaned the fourth entrant as the Glamazon continued to apply pressure on her. She kicked her legs about, doing everything she can to ignore the pain.

"Look at this! Beth Phoenix mercilessly stepping on Tina Armstrong!"

"With that much weight on the back of your head, it's like your face is being squeezed in a vice!"

After having her fun with the other blonde, the Glamazon made her way toward the teenager lying on her stomach in the middle of the ring.

She brought the dazed Hagiwara to a standing position.

The look on the poor seventeen year old girl's face told Beth Phoenix, as well as the audience and viewers watching at home, that she was out of it. She could barely stand on her own power.

Now would be the perfect time to eliminate her.

The Glamazon picked up Sakura Hagiwara on her shoulders.

She then ran toward one of the ropes.

The plan was to toss the nearly lifeless teenager over the top rope and have her crash on the hard ring floor. But once she reached the end of the ring, the former idol regained her consciousness. To prevent herself from going over the top, Sakura used both hands to rope.

This prevented Beth Phoenix to reach the edge of the squared circle. The blonde couldn't eliminate the leader of Sweet Diva, even if she tried.

Oh well. She can make do with what she have.

Beth Phoenix backed up a couple steps so that Sakura's legs were on her shoulders. She then extended her arms and pushed the teenager's thighs upward.

While it wasn't enough to flip Hagiwara out of the ring, she did managed to keep the Japanese wrestler up high for a little bit.

But when gravity finally brought her down, The Glamazon unleashed hard and devastating kick straight up the midsection.

The teenage girl clutched her belly and flopped around the ring.

"Oh man! What a shot! Again, Beth Phoenix targeting the injured ribs of Sakura Hagiwara!"

"The good news is that Sakura was able to avoid elimination! That bad news is now she has to suffer another vicious beat down from Beth Phoenix!"

Again, the Glamazon picked up the teenage idol on her shoulders and carried her toward the center of the ring.

She gazed at the titantron for a few moments. Numbers appeared on the screen, indicating that the next entrant was about to come out.

It still didn't matter, since she's able to take out every competitor so far.

As the timer counted down, Beth Phoenix dropped down to her knees, forcing her opponent's stomach to impact her shoulder.

The Gutbuster Drop left Sakura on her sides, clinching her injured ribs.

Exhausted and breathing heavily, all she could do is wait and hope that the next entrant of the Ryona Rumble can take Beth Phoenix's attention away from her.









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Avid Affiliate
Sep 6, 2012
I've seen matches from RingDivas. And as a matter of fact, I remember seeing Angelina get destroyed in a handicap match. She sure was sexy in those submission holds, double team attacks and low blow shots.


Avid Affiliate
Apr 13, 2014
To be honest, I can't say that I've heard of this chick. But according to your description, she's more of a dancing jobber than an actual wrestler. Still I thought it was funny how she was making the commentators go head over heels for her. But when she entered the ring, I never expected her to be eliminated so quickly. Talk about unexpected. Reminds me of a more recent royal rumble when santino marella got eliminated in one second I believe. I couldn't stop laughing after I saw that. While not as funny, still fun to read.

Damn, boy! Sakura Hagiwara's sure getting a pounding in this matchup. The way you had Beth Pheonix treat her like a human barbell was definitely something she could do with her skill level. Even at this day and age with the current WWE roster. Plus that gutbuster at the end of the chapter was so powerful, I felt it in my ribs too. Speaking of which, Tina also hasn't gotten anything going either. I was hoping for some resistance rather than a full out domination. But you sure know how to make matches entertaining. What's next?

Code Red

Master of this Domain
Mar 29, 2014
Entry #8

Once when Berlin's love song echoed throughout the arena, only a handful of people were cheering. Standing at the center of the stage was a young woman with long, black hair that reached her upper back. She wore a sexy, silver leotard with a large hole in the middle to shoe the crowd her stomach. This girl also wore long, white boots that reach past her thighs. When she made her entrance, she wore a long, silver cape.


On the other hand, her most prominent feature was the beautiful flower that hung gracefully on the left side of her hair.


"Well lookie here! This young lady could be real dark horse in this match! Entering at #8, it's the White Lotus!"

"No argument there, Al! And for those of you who don't know anything about this girl, allow me to give you a little background information on this young, but promising competitor! White Lotus grew up learning all kinds of martial arts! Day and night, she practices and sharpens her fighting skills to become a force to be reckon with! One day, on a trip to China, she stumbled across a white, magical flower that granted her special powers! Now has enhanced strength, the power of flight and superhuman reflexes to evade enemy attacks!"

"Talk about having a huge advantage, Ray! Don't let this girl's size fool you! A single punch can break boulders, or in this case, bones. White Lotus has her sights set on upsetting everyone in the Ryona Rumble!"

"Including Beth Phoenix, who has done nothing but dominate this competition! You can see the look in her eyes that she has no idea who this girl is! But the Glamazon better not let her guard down! Otherwise, she'll be the next one eliminated!"

She took off her cape before making her way down the ramp.


White Lotus slowly entered the ring and stepped toward the center of the ring.


Once there, she and the former WWE Diva engaged in a fierce stare down.


Standing at 5'7'', Beth Phoenix obviously has the advantage in height. But regardless of the difference in size, the black haired girl refused to back down. It doesn't matter how strong the so called 'Glamazon' was. She knew that her punches packed more power than hers.

"You think you're better than me? Huh?" Beth Phoenix shouted toward the young girl.


However, White Lotus remained silent and smiled at her opponent.


Realizing that words and trash talking wasn't working, the blonde tried shoving the young woman, hoping that would be enough to get her off balance.


But White Lotus never budged from her spot.


In fact, Beth Phoenix was the one being pushed back.


She grabbed the ropes so that she wouldn't fall.


But what made the her mad was that this black haired girl was still smiling.

"Well, that went well!"

"The Glamazon can taunt all she likes! But White Lotus isn't going to back down! She's going to go eye-to-eye... or at least as close as you can get to eye-to-eye with Beth Phoenix!"

"On a side note, this could be the best thing that's ever happened to the other two competitors in the ring! Over the past few minutes, Sakura Hagiwara and Tina Armstrong have been abused and destroyed by the Glamazon! Now that White Lotus is in the ring, Beth Phoenix can focus her attention on someone else besides them!"

Once again, the former WWE Diva was back on the attack.


She bounced off the ropes and went for a powerful punch to the face of White Lotus.



The black haired girl took the attack like it was nothing.


As expected, she did not feel a single thing.


On the other hand, it's a different story for Beth Phoenix. The Glamazon shook her attack hand and hissed in pain. It's like she punched a brick wall.


Now it was White Lotus's turn to show her strength.

She placed her five finger tips on the blonde's sternum.


All it took was small push, but she already had Beth Phoenix stumbling.



The former WWE Diva couldn't stop herself. She fell through the top and middle ropes and rolled on the floor until her body collided against the barrier.



Everyone in the arena saw what happened and they were on their feet, cheering once again for the newest entrant.

"That's power! That's strength, ladies and gentlemen! White Lotus effortlessly pushed the almighty Glamazon out of the ring like she was as light as a feather!"

"What are you celebrating about, Al? Beth Phoenix fell through the ropes! You know what that means, right?"

"Indeed! Beth Phoenix is not eliminated, folks! The Glamazon went through the top and middle ropes, instead of going over the top rope! While her feet did touch the ground, Beth Phoenix is still in this matchup!"

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Because how in the world are you going to eliminate someone who can not only punch through rocks, but her body is as hard as a rock?"

It took a while for the Glamazon to get back to her feet. Apparently, the girl standing in the middle of the ring was nowhere near human.


In other words, desperate times calls for desperate measures.


Beth Phoenix removed the fabric from the bottom of the ring and grabbed a steel chair from underneath.


Most of the crowd responded with boos, jeers thumbs down as the Glamazon brought the weapon into the ring.
Of course, White Lotus doesn't seem to mind.
Beth Phoenix reentered the squared circle and picked up steel chair.


Once again, the grin remained on White Lotus's face.


The Glamazon took it as an insult to her ability. Figured that it's about to wipe that smirk off the girl's mouth for good, the blonde raised her weapon above her head and took aim at the girl's small head.



With all of her strength, the Glamazon threw her arms down, which brought the thirty inch steel chair on eighth entrant's skull.



The seat of the chair collided against the girl's head, causing it to deform. That kind of shot would've knocked someone unconscious, possibly concussing them. On the other hand, White Lotus stood her ground, taking the chair attack with ease. Not a single drop of blood was drawn from that attack.


Needless to say that Beth Phoenix's chair shot had no effect on this superhuman being.


The blonde went for second chair shot, hoping that this one will do more damage than the last.


Just in case that wasn't enough to prove her point, White Lotus pulled a fist back and unleashed a vicious punch, taking aim at the steel chair the Glamazon was holding.


The fist and the chair collided with one another.


Not only she knock the weapon out of Beth Phoenix's hand, but she sent the chair from the center of the arena, all the way toward far end of the audience. Some of the people had to duck out of the way so they wouldn't get hit by the flying object.



"Calm down, Al! It's a good thing no one was hurt! Otherwise, the whole company would be sued!"

But a lawsuit is the least of Beth Phoenix's concern. Before she knew it, White Lotus has already picked her up in a gorilla press.



To show the crowd and the world her strength, the black haired girl held the blonde up for almost half a minute. Now, the Glamazon knew what it felt like when she did this to her opponents. She wanted to get down, but was completely powerless at this point.


White Lotus lightly pressed upward.


Even though it was supposed to be a gentle push, the young woman sent Beth Phoenix at least ten feet in the air. In order to protect herself, the Glamazon flipped on her side in midair, just before she hit the ground.


The good news was that she didn't land on her stomach or spine, let alone suffer any serious injury. On the other hand, a ten foot fall does cause a lot of pain.


Beth Phoenix rolled underneath the ropes and fell out of the ring, too hurt to fight.



"I can't believe it! That Gorilla Press Drop is one for the record books! That was about a ten foot drop! Even the almighty Beth Phoenix couldn't lift her opponents that high!"

"Again, the Glamazon is not eliminated! She went underneath the bottom rope, so she's still in this matchup, Ray!"

"Even so, this is a smart move by the #6 entrant! She wants to be as far away from White Lotus as possible! Now it's Tina Armstrong's and Sakura Hagiwara's turn to feel the wrath of this powerful young woman!"

Since the Ryona Rumble match was still underway, White Lotus refocused her attention on the teenage idol, who was using the ropes to get back to a standing position.


The black haired girl assisted the Japanese wrestler back to her feet.


When Sakura saw the eighth entrant right in her face, she created some space between herself and her opponent.


Hagiwara jumped and landed a dropkick on the White Lotus's face.


While she did managed to get the girl to step back, the kick was less effective than Beth Phoenix's chair shot.

Again, Sakura landed on her injured midsection.


Apparently, her stomach was still suffering the effects of the previous throws and shots her previous opponents had given her.


Unfortunately, White Lotus wasn't about to show the poor teenager any mercy.


Once she helped the Japanese wrestler back to her feet, the black haired girl Irish Whipped the former idol towards one of the corners.


The added strength sent Hagiwara out of control toward the turnbuckle. She crashed sternum first into the padded corner and fell on her back.



Even though there was protection on that turnbuckle, the impact damaged the girl's midsection even more. Sakura Hagiwara clenched into a ball and flopped all over the ring, showing everyone how much pain she was in. Tears formed in her eyes and were about to fall off at any second.

"Guh... Ugh..." groaned the Japanese teenage idol. The pain grew more excruciating every time she breathed.


"Ouch! That's gotta hurt!"

"Poor Sakura's ribs must be on fire right now, especially after that impact!"

"Uh-oh! It looks like it's Tina's turn to be punished!"



Unlike Beth Phoenix and Sakura Hagiwara, Tina Armstrong has experience in fighting opponents who were bigger and stronger than her. If anything, she wasn't the least bit afraid of this tiny girl with super strength. The blonde winded up her arms and charged toward White Lotus.


With one of her extremities, the Dead or Alive wrestler unleashed her strongest clothesline on her opponent.



Too bad for Tina, White Lotus was much stronger compared to the other fighters she faced. The moment her forearm collided against the girl's head, it did more pain to blonde than the #8 entrant. Armstrong shook her arm, hoping that would shake off the agony.


But with her temporary distracted, White Lotus seized the opportunity to do some more damage to her opponent.


The black haired young woman bounced off the ropes and went for a clothesline of her own.


Once when her forearm made contact with Tina's sternum, the blonde tumbled in midair a couple of times.



Tina fell flat on her face.


With all three of her opponents on the ground, White Lotus flew around the arena, showing the audience her superior abilities. Just seeing this young lady fly had everyone on their feet. They were so entranced, they had no idea the titantron was on the countdown again.

"Well, for those of you who have no idea who White Lotus is, I hope you're impressed!"


"I sure am, partner! Entrant #9 is about to make her way toward the ring! Let's hope she could at least provide a challenge to White Lotus!"









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Avid Affiliate
Sep 6, 2012
Is it just me, or does this story get better with each new entrant? I've read a lot of RPs where White Lotus got thrashed. You sure did a good job in this one. Can't wait for the next update.


Avid Affiliate
Apr 13, 2014
I really like this chapter. I've read some RPs on this site about White Lotus. Not only she's such a beauty, but also the kind of girl I like to beat up on. While having superpowers does seem to be pretty cheap, at least White Lotus has a weakness that could put her in a vulnerable state. I can only imagine what you will be doing to her once that flower on her head goes bye-bye. I can't wait for that to happen.

It looks like that karma has finally slapped Beth Phoenix in the ass. I laughed my ass off watching her struggle against this girl about half her age. I love how she just took a cheap chair shot to the face and was able to rub it off saying, What the fuck was that all about? Okay, maybe she's not much of a talker, but it sure is hell funny to think about it. And on the side note, I like how you still got Tina and Sakura involved in the match in some way.

Code Red

Master of this Domain
Mar 29, 2014
Entry #9

White Lotus was a little surprised when the rocking sounds of the electric guitar sung across the arena. For fans of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, only one specific female whose tenacity and ferocity could only be matched by the entrance music. And for the wrestling fans in general, they were also aware of not only what the next competitor has accomplished throughout her career, but also of her skills and various moves.

Moments later, a forty year old woman with long, black hair with reddish highlights all over stood on the center of the staged with her hands on her hips.


She then took off her red t-shirt to display her revealing, sexy wrestling attire.


She wore a silver bra with red streaks along the edges, held together by a white emblem in the shape of a spider. The competitor's tights also had the same matching color as her top. She had a red kneepad on her left leg, but a leg brace on her right. Finally, her black boots had the designs of a bunch of spider webs.



"One of the most dominant competitors in all of women's wrestling! Here comes Tara!"

"This feisty female ruled the Knockouts Division in TNA! A five time TNA Knockouts Champion, a former TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champion! She's rough! She's tough! And she's got her sights set White Lotus!"

"Even so, Tara's only human, Al! Unlike White Lotus who has superhuman powers, the former TNA Knockout pales in comparison to this young woman!"

"I wouldn't count Tara out just yet, Ray! Tara has defeated Awesome Kong back in 2011, and her strength almost matches White Lotus's! I can't wait to see what she has in store for us!"

Tara slowly entered the ring while keeping her eyes on the black haired girl.


A couple of minutes ago, she did witness White Lotus not only punched a steel chair to the crowd, but she also took out three of the best fighters in the world. Without a doubt, approaching the young woman with extreme caution was crucial.


One mistake and not only she could be eliminate, but also suffer some serious injuries along the way.

So to be on the safe side, Tara made her way towards the wrestler in the corner and went right to work on Sakura Hagiwara, stomping her injured ribs.



This tactic of hers earned the former TNA Knockout a flurry of boos.

"Hold on! Wait a minute! What's going on here? Tara's going after the #1 entrant instead of White Lotus? What's the point? Sakura's helpless! She can't defend herself!"

"That doesn't matter, Ray! Don't forget that this is the Ryona Rumble! It's every woman for herself! And if you ask me, this is a smart move by Tara! Why waste your energy on someone like White Lotus when you can go after the weakened Sakura Hagiwara?"

Meanwhile, White Lotus stood in the opposite corner, looking mightily confused.


While it is not against the rules to attack an opponent who's almost helpless, it's still unethical. But then again, this is a battle royale, meaning the match will continue until one competitor was left. So, essentially, there's nothing wrong with brutally assaulting the former teenage idol with powerful stomps to the midsection.

But she wasn't finished with her yet. Tara brought the poor Japanese teen to a standing position and dragged her to a nearby corner.


She banged her the turnbuckle a few times.



Afterwards, she delivered punch after punch to the exposed head.



All the while, Sakura's arms laid helplessly on the top ropes, unable to protect the girl's skull.


The moment she thought of defending herself, another shot to the head would sent her back to La-La Land.


Next, the five time TNA Knockouts Champion placed her opponent's head in between her legs and lifted her up on her shoulders.


It appeared as if Tara was going for a powerbomb, which would've been a devastating blow to her head and torso at the same time. But instead of slamming Hagiwara hard on the mat, the TNA Knockout focused back on the turnbuckle. She threw the teenage idol into the corner.


Sakura's head snapped back when her body collided against the padding.


She fell flat on her face and passed out.



"My God, folks! Sakura Hagiwara's is flat on her stomach, nearly lifeless!"

"And it looks like she's going after Tina Armstrong now!"

Tara went right to work on the blonde haired wrestler. She sat on top of Tina and started choking her. Once again, White Lotus stood in her corner, waiting for the newest entrant to face her. But Tara kept her focus on the blonde.


The twenty-four year old woman kicked and fought for air. But apparently, her body was too weak to put up a fight. Before Tina was about to go to sleep, Tara released the hold and unleashed a few vicious hooks to her beautiful face.


Tara then helped the weakened Tina Armstrong back up to a vertical base.

A few forearm shots knocked the blonde on the ropes.


The former TNA Knockout then Irish Whipped her opponent to the other side of the ring.


Tina bounced off the cables and sprinted toward the dark haired female.


Suddenly, Tara unleashed a powerful superkick to her opponent's jaw.



Tina Armstrong fell hard on the mat.


Her arms and legs spread out like an eagle.


The five time Knockouts Champion raised her arms in victory.

To end the onslaught in style, Tara returned to the seventeen year old girl and helped her to her feet.


Next, she lifted Sakura Hagiwara up on her shoulders in a fireman's carry.


She walked toward the center of the ring and faced the camera with an arrogant chuckle on her face.


Suddenly, Tara spun her opponent around and changed positions.


She then finished her signature technique, the Spider's Web.



"Wow! The power of the Tara on display ladies and gentlemen!"

"Oh boy! How much punishment can Sakura take?"

Tara made it back to a standing position and faced White Lotus once again.


The eighth entrant took that stare as a challenge. She walked toward the forty year old wrestler and the two female locked in a staring contest. Tara mouthed off all kinds of insults toward her young opponent, trying to get inside her head.


But all of the trash talking in the world couldn't break through the disciplined White Lotus.

In order to prove her point, Tara executed a standing backflip.


Her body landed against Sakura's exposed belly.


The standing moonsault further damaged the #1 entrant's midsection.


"Oh my! An impressive run here by the former TNA Knockouts Champion!"

"Man, Sakura's ribs must be on fire right now! I don't think she can breathe normally without feeling some kind of pain in her body!"


But the time for games was over. It was time for Tara to do some damage to White Lotus. Even though this petite girl had super strength and other fascinating powers, that still wasn't enough to scare her.


Sure White Lotus has lifted Beth Phoenix almost ten feet in the air, took a chair shot directly to the head and punched that steel weapon into the crowd. That still didn't impress her.

To even the odds, Tara found a weapon that was left in the ring, thanks to the fifth entrant of the Ryona Rumble.


The former TNA Knockout picked up the guitar by the neck, figuring that this would be the perfect weapon to do some real damage.


Tara pulled her arms back and took aim at White Lotus's head.


As for the #8 entrant, she had her hands on her hips, unafraid of the oncoming cheap shot.


Suddenly, the five time TNA Knockouts Champion unleashed a powerful swing to the body of White Lotus.



Tara nailed the young woman's skull with Candy Cane's signature weapon. Since the moment arm on the guitar was longer than the steel chair, the torque on the electric guitar was greater. Scientifically, the damage to White Lotus's head would be even greater than from Beth Phoenix's chair shot a couple of minutes ago. Everyone in the arena expected the black haired girl to collapse on the mat.

Too bad that wasn't the case.

Not only White Lotus took the full blunt of the attack, but she left a depression on the electric guitar's body.


The instrument's fretboard had also broke off, leaving the strings of guitar the only attachments to the weapon. White Lotus walked toward the former TNA Knockout. Her eyes told her opponent she's not showing her any mercy.


Tara clasped her hands together and pleaded for forgiveness, but to no avail.


Suddenly, the young woman detected someone running towards her blindside. The eighth entrant used her power of flight to avoid the oncoming attack.


Too bad for Tara, she had no time react. She didn't see Tina Armstrong closing the distance, nor delivering a running dropkick to her.


Tara fell on her back and was knocked in a dazed.


The force of the kick sent the retired Knockout stumbling into the corner.


"Whoa! Good grief! What a dropkick! Tara didn't even see her coming!"

"I don't think that was Tina's intention, Ray! I believe she was trying to attack White Lotus while she wasn't looking! But superhuman reflexes is one of her powers! I guess Tina Armstrong wasn't aware of that!"

White Lotus landed gracefully back in the ring behind the blonde haired woman.


The Dead or Alive wrestler quickly turned around and bravely charged toward her opponent, even though she was no match for her.


Tina delivered a set of hard punches and kicks to White Lotus's head and side.


Once again, the young woman took each attack. She smiled at the blonde for the wrestler's valiant efforts.


A few seconds later, White Lotus lifted Tina Armstrong up in a gorilla press, showing the entire audience her superior strength.


She then drops the twenty-four year old down on her back.


The pain to her spine was immense. To Tina, it felt like she hand handed on hard steel, rather than the actual mat.


The poor woman had her back arched into the letter C and groaned in pain.


"Look at the strength! And there goes Tina Armstrong! Al, you gotta be impressed with what you're seeing right now! White Lotus has put on a clinic ever since she entered the ring!"

"And I am very impressed! This girl is definitely special! Just look at the carnage inside and outside the ring! Bodies are scattered all over, thanks to this young woman who has truly made a name for herself on this grand stage!"

The black haired girl decided that enough was enough for now. She saw the numbers on the titantron counting down once again. In a few seconds, the next entrant of the Ryona Rumble will make her entrance.


Everyone in the arena was on their feet, cheering their lungs out. Perhaps the next competitor would provide White Lotus a challenge. Either that or maybe another woman in over her head in this matchup. As the clock ticked down, the suspense in the arena has risen.


"We will be about a third of the way there! Entry #10 is about to enter the match!"









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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 26, 2009
I for one would love to see you write a Sakura centric series after you're finished with the rumble.


Avid Affiliate
Sep 6, 2012
I for one would love to see you write a Sakura centric series after you're finished with the rumble.

I agree with you 100%! You're not the only one here who wants to see Sakura get her ass kicked again! You should consider it, Code Red. Other than that, great chapter.

Code Red

Master of this Domain
Mar 29, 2014
Entry #10

The audience members that were fans of villains and heels went nuts once they heard the entrance music. Moments later, one of the craziest entrants hopped up and down the center of the stage, posing for her adoring fans. Most of the crowd booed and jeered this insane and deranged chick. But for the others, they were howling like wolves and whistling to the competitor for attention.


She wore a blue and red modified cardigan with a diamond pattern at the bottom held together by a few brown straps. This woman in her early twenties wore a black mask and a necklace with a joker card as a pendant. She also has brown straps wrapped around her right arm and gloves that went up to a little under her elbow. The deranged lady has blue briefs and blue and red leggings with a diamond-shaped pattern on them. She wore shin-high black boots that matched the color of her mask. Her hair was in pigtails and was two toned in red and black, with a slight greenish hue on the right portion.


Not only was this chick crazy, but dangerous as well. She skipped down the ramp while carrying a giant mallet.


"Uh-oh! Look who it is, Al!"

"DC's Harley Quinn making her way to the ring as entrant #10! This crazy psychopath has committed all kinds of heinous crimes, from robbery to kidnapping! You can also murder to the list too! But to be honest Ray, I thought that Harley was locked up in Arkham Asylum!"

"Me too, partner! Ever since she became a villain, Harley's become Joker's partner in crime, aiding him in countless criminal activity. And throughout the years, that sick clown has abused this young woman, turning her into an aggressive killing machine! While I am excited that she's in the Ryona Rumble, I have this feeling that our lives are in danger simply because she's here!"

Harley Quinn entered the ring and sprinted toward White Lotus with her signature hammer raised behind her head.


Just like the previous two weapons shots, the black haired girl stood her ground and waited patiently for the female clown to attack.


But the tenth entrant wasn't like the previous two competitors who used a foreign object to attack this superhuman being.

Apparently, no one told White Lotus that one of her powers was peak human strength. When Harley bashed her hammer on the young woman's skull, the blow made the black haired girl woozy.


The hammer shot made White Lotus collapse on all fours and crawled to the closest turnbuckle, trying to recover from her head injury.


"Teehee! Mr. J's going to so proud of me when I win!" The psychopath squealed. Of course, her celebration got mixed reactions from the crowd. More than half of the audience jeered for Harley, while the guys who idolized her went crazy.

Soon, the female jester realized that White Lotus was back on one knee.


Even though the hammer shot incapacitated the black haired heroine, it still wasn't enough to knock her out completely. According to Harley, she has to do more than play Whack-A-Lotus with this young lady.


With that, the tenth entrant took out her pop gun out of her pocket and pointed at White Lotus's head.




The thunderous sound of the firearm going off scared almost the entire audience. Many believed her gun was a prop while the noise and residue were all special effects. But only a few were able to distinguish that Harley Quinn's weapon was, in fact, real. The loud sound provided by the gunshot scared every children that was in the arena. But what frightened them even more was that this evil clown had killed one of their favorite superhero...

"Uh-oh!" gulped Harley when the bullet didn't blow up White Lotus's head.


As a matter of fact, the bullet bounced off the girl's forehead, fell on the mat and rolled off the ring. The villainess grew even more scared when the eight entrant stood on her two feet and glowered at the woman's eyes.


Again, the tenth entrant tried to counter with another gunshot to the head.


Unfortunately, White Lotus has had enough fun and games. With lightning fast reflexes, the young woman grabbed the villainess's wrist and gave it a light squeeze.


Because she had superhuman strength, a small compression was about the same as having her carpel getting run over by a truck. Even though it was loud in the arena, almost everyone heard the sound of Harley's wrist snapping.

"YEEOOOWWWW!" cried the tenth entrant of the Ryona Rumble.


The pain was so immense, it forced Harley Quinn to drop her gun.


Now it was time to teach this bitch a lesson.

With a firm grip on Harley's broken wrist, White Lotus pulled her free arm back and clenched a fist. The delicate flower on her head started to glow in bright, white light.


At the same time, the black haired girl's fist also glowed with the same color as the flower.


As the seconds passed, more and more energy gathered in the fist of White Lotus.


It was clear to the audience that this special flower was the source of the girl's power.

All of the sudden, White Lotus threw her arm forward and connected with a powerful punch to Harley's midsection, breaking more than half of her ribs.


"GUH... UGH!"

The punch made the clown gasp for air, not to mention cough up a lot of blood. But the attack did more than leave Harley Quinn breathless. Thanks to White Lotus's superhuman strength, the punch sent the villainess flying out of the ring and toward the gigantic titantron.



The crowd reacted with awe, marveled at the young girl's strength. It wasn't long before Harley crashed into the titantron's left frame, creating a small dent. Moments later, she fell down and landed hard on the stage.


Medical personnel quickly moved in to assess the nearly lifeless clown.



"She calls that the White Execution! Did you see Harley Quinn flying from the ring all the way to the stage? That's is one of the most painful way of getting eliminated!"

"Man! Look at poor Harley cringing in agony! She took a powerful punch to the gut! If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say she had at least half a dozen ribs fractured. Her lungs or any one of her vital organs could've been punctured!"

"Listen, Al! Harley Quinn may be a psychopath and one nasty lady! But in all honesty, I hope she's okay after... OH NO!"

While White Lotus was busy checking on the Harley, she failed to notice Beth Phoenix was back in the ring, sneaking behind her.


By the time she realized someone was on her blindside, the Glamazon quickly made her move.



She did a backhand swipe toward the girl's head.


White Lotus chose not to react, knowing very well that a mere human couldn't hurt her. As predicted, the attack didn't do any damage to the eighth entrant.


But hurting the black haired girl was not Beth Phoenix's plan.

The Glamazon showed White Lotus a closed fist. When the former WWE Diva opened her hand, the eighth entrant's eyes shot wide open.


A terrified gasp escaped her lips when she saw a white flower in the palm of Beth Phoenix's hands.


She tried to retrieve her source of power, but the Glamazon crushed the flower with one mighty squeeze.


She dropped the broken petals down on the mat.


The blonde laughed maniacally as she watched the young girl frantically try to pick them up and put them together.



"This is not good, Ray? Do you realize what Beth Phoenix has just done?"

"I sure did, partner! That was White Lotus's power source! Without it, she's now on the same level as your average woman! This is not good!"

"Well, there goes my pick of who's winning the Ryona Rumble!"

All of the sudden, the ninth entrant appeared out of nowhere and gave the powerless girl a brutal soccer kick to the gut.



As White Lotus rolled on the ground coughing for air, the former WWE Diva and TNA Knockout went on the attack by viciously stomping all over the girl's body.


Without her flower giving her strength, she had trouble enduring the barrage of kicks and stomps. Each one was more powerful than the last.

Next, both wrestlers brought the bruised young girl to her feet. They then lifted White Lotus off the ground and into a fireman's carry.


Tara and Beth Phoenix stood back-to-back with their opponent across their shoulders.


When one of them gave the signal, both competitors fell backwards down on the mat.


Beth Phoenix and Tara dropped White Lotus face first into the canvas in a double flapjack type of move.


"What teamwork, from two of the strongest female athletes in the world!"

"You just saw White Lotus's head bouncing off the ring! I bet she has broken her nose for the first time in her life!"

The commentators were correct. The impact of the double flapjack caused the poor girl to bust her nose. Not only it was slightly out of place, but blood started to drip out.


Some of the kids shielded their eyes, seeing someone so young taking that kind of punishment. However, no mercy was shown from the two female wrestlers.


After helping the eighth entrant to her feet, Tara and Beth Phoenix lifted the black haired girl up in a double gorilla press.


The two stepped toward the edge of the ring and threw White Lotus over the top rope.


Not only she landed hard on the arena floor, but her face slammed hard against the canvas, further damaging her nose.


"Oh man! Poor White Lotus! She had a great start to the Rumble matchup! But it's not how you start, Al! It's how you finished!"


"But still, you got to admire the impressive run White Lotus has put on here tonight! With her gone, now Tara and Beth Phoenix are staring each other down!"

The intensity increased when both women got up close in each other's faces. The former WWE Diva began to trash talk the older competitor. She did everything and anything she could to intimidate the forty year old wrestler. On the other hand, Tara responded with an arrogant smirk of her own. No matter what kind of insults the Beth Phoenix threw at her, the five time TNA Knockouts Champion took it like the tough chick she was.


Suddenly, Tara turned the other way to attack the fourth entrant who was resting near one of the corners.


She ruthlessly stomped Tina Armstrong's midsection.


The blonde tried to fight back. But before she could, another stomp forced her back on the defensive. Each time Tara's foot plowed into Tina's stomach, more air is kicked out. The #4 entrant prayed that someone would intervene soon.


The good news was that she got her wish. Beth Phoenix wrapped her arms around Tara's waist and threw her aside.

However, instead of going after the fresher competitor, the Glamazon picked up where Tara last left off. She assaulted Tina Armstrong with punches to her skull and more kicks to the midsection.


Again, the fourth entrant try to endure the beat down, but she was too weak to fight back. It wasn't long before Tina fell on her butt and sat in the corner.


Thankfully, Tara came from behind and pushed Beth Phoenix aside.


With the former WWE Diva out of the way, the forty year old wrestler continued the attack on poor Tina Armstrong. She pressed her thigh against the blonde's throat and applied pressure.


Tina kicked her legs about, trying to do whatever she can to get some air.


It got worse when Beth Phoenix entered the scene.


She too placed her large foot on Armstrong's neck and pushed as hard as she could, just like Tara. The two wrestlers glowered at each other as they try to suffocate their opponent.


"Now, how do you like that? This free-for-all has turned into a 2-on-1 assault! What is going on?"

"Haha! I like this strategy, partner! Using teamwork to take out the competition is terrific!"

"Still, Beth Phoenix and Tara will have to face each other sooner or later!"

When Tina Armstrong was almost out of air, the two wrestler released the blonde's throat. They both grabbed a fistful of the fourth entrant's hair and pulled her to her feet.


Tara and Beth Phoenix demanded each other to let go, but neither one would listen. They both then started tugging on the twenty-four year old woman's hair.


Tina shrieked in pain as both sides of her head was being pulled from one side to the other.


Suddenly, Beth Phoenix won the tug-of-war by yanking hard enough to get Tara to release her grip.


With one hand still on Tina's head, the Glamazon unleashed a vicious right uppercut to her opponent's face.


This caused the dazed blonde to stumble toward Tara's direction.


In response, Tara unleashed her own right forearm to Tina's head with equal power.


The fourth entrant stumbled back toward Beth Phoenix, who greeted her with a hard slap to the cheek.




Again, the former TNA Knockout countered with another five fingers to the face of Tina Armstrong.




The game of ping-pong ended when both Tara and Beth Phoenix unleashed a powerful punch to the fourth entrant's temple, knocking her to the ground.

Next, the female wrestlers stood on both sides of the semiconscious Tina Armstrong. After giving each other a quick nod, the two of them hooked their arms under the legs and arms of Tina's side to elevate the blonde off the mat.



From that position, Beth Phoenix and Tara then forced their opponent upwards, throwing them up while releasing the hold to allow Armstrong to fall and slam into the mat back-first.



"Look at the elevation of that Sky Lift Slam! That's the power of one of the strongest Divas and Knockouts combined!"

"Meanwhile, those unique double-team maneuvers we just witness could spell elimination for Tina!"

Again, the commentators were right. Tina Armstrong had took so much punishment, they could easily eliminate her and she wouldn't put much of a fight.


Tara and Beth Phoenix helped the blonde to a standing position and tossed her over the top rope.


Tina Armstrong's body bounced off of the apron and crashed on the arena floor.


She kept rolling until her body collided against the ring barrier.


"Wow! I don't believe it! That's two eliminations already by this unstoppable team of Tara and Beth Phoenix! First White Lotus, and now Tina Armstrong!"

"And to make matters worse, it looks like Sakura Hagiwara is about to be the next one on the list!"

After exchanging high fives, the two female wrestlers made their way toward the injured Japanese teenager. The former idol was on her hands and knees, trying to crawl away from her assailants.


However, a vicious stomp to the back from Beth Phoenix stopped the #1 entrant in her tracks.


Tara also joined in the attacks and kicked the poor teenager in the ribs and spine.


Both wrestlers showed no mercy on Sakura Hagiwara.


Each attack made the leader of Sweet Diva squeal.


Moments later, both wrestlers got bored and decided to try something else. Beth Phoenix whispered into Tara's ear what she planned to do with this young woman. Judging from the look on the forty year old Knockout's face, she loved every word of it. When she snickered, nodded and high fived her partner, the crowd jeered and gave the two of them the thumbs down sign. Tara took a few steps back so the Glamazon can do some damage to the Japanese girl.

Beth Phoenix brought Sakura Hagiwara to her feet and turned her around so she's facing her. The thirty-three year old reached between their Japanese girl's strong legs with one arm and reaches around their back of her neck with the other.


Beth Phoenix picked her opponent up off the ground and held her upside down, right in front of Tara.


The sixth entrant then threw Sakura down hard on the canvas, making her land with a loud 'thud.'


"ITAI!" Hagiwara groaned after Beth Phoenix connected with her Scoop Slam.


Now it was Tara's turn. After getting the injured Sakura to a standing position, she then lifted the poor girl on top of her shoulders.


She exchanged nods with the Glamazon before finishing the throw.

The ninth entrant then picked up momentum by running around the ring.


Once when she had enough speed, Tara fell forward and slammed her opponent back first on the unforgiving canvas.



"GUH... ITAI!" Sakura grunted when Tara beautifully executed a Running Powerslam.


"Oh my! Did you see that? A scoop slam by the Glamazon! And a Running Powerslam by Tara!"

"And it doesn't look like these two are finished tormenting Sakura just yet!"

To continue their fun, Beth Phoenix went back on the attack.


She had a little trouble lifting Sakura Hagiwara off of the ground because she was almost out of the fight. But eventually, she got the Japanese teen back to her feet.


Beth Phoenix gave a brief glance toward Tara.


Next, she draped her right arm over her shoulders.


Beth Phoenix effortless lifted her off the canvas.


The Glamazon walked around the ring to show the crowd, as well as the ninth entrant, her dominating strength.




She also displayed her arrogance too by squatting place while holding the #1 entrant up.



Fifteen seconds later, Beth Phoenix fell backwards to complete the delayed Vertical Suplex with her own theatrics.


Sakura's body slammed hard on the mat upon impact, causing her to massage her aching back.



To her surprise, a few members of the audience cheered at such a remarkable display.


But Tara gladly accepted the challenge. She too got the teenage idol to a standing position.


Just like Beth Phoenix, she draped Sakura's arm over the back of her neck and picked her up in a vertical suplex hold.



And similar to the sixth entrant, the five time TNA Knockouts Champ held the teenage girl up in that position for a long time.


Beth Phoenix was able to last fifteen seconds. So, Tara challenged herself to do better. And she did. The forty year old wrestler managed to hold Sakura Hagiwara in that delayed vertical suplex for twenty seconds.


Tara spent the last ten seconds getting the crowd pumped up before dropping the Japanese idol hard on the mat with her own rendition of a delayed vertical suplex.



Sakura laid on her back, as still as a rock.


"What the hell are those two doing? Come on, we got a Ryona Rumble matchup going on! Yet, Beth Phoenix and Tara rather spend their time punishing Sakura Hagiwara!"

"You should feel honored, Al! We got two of the greatest wrestlers the world's has ever seen putting on a clinic! All these moves they're showing the crowd, it's like they're competing against each other!"

"Yeah, at poor Sakura's expense!"

But who said they were done?


Beth Phoenix grabbed the young woman by the neck with both hands.


As she chocked the life out of her opponent, the Glamazon used her strength and raw power to lift the Japanese idol up off the ground.


Sakura's mouth hung open and her eyes remained shut tight.


But the former WWE Diva didn't care.


From there, Beth Phoenix threw the seventeen year old on the ground.



Her body bounced off the canvas after taking the devastating Standing Chokebomb.


But anything the Glamazon could do, Tara could do better. She too wrapped her hands around the throat of Sakura Hagiwara.


Tara then effortlessly lifted her off the ground.


While her strength paled in compassion, she was still pretty strong for a woman her size.


The audience jeered, not liking the way these two wrestlers had been treating the poor girl like a beat up rag doll.

Finally, Tara dropped to a seated position.



And by doing so, she was able to add more impact to the Sitout Chokebomb.



"This is uncalled for, Ray! Sakura can't defend herself! Tara and Beth Phoenix could've eliminated her a long time ago! But instead, they're bent on destroying the #1 entrant!"


"Aw, cut the bull crap! Why are you blaming two of the greatest wrestlers for all of this? Sakura knew what she was getting herself into the moment she signed up for this match! How dare you insult these two lovely ladies, Al? You make me sick!"

Beth Phoenix and Tara then nodded toward each other, signalling that it's time for them to deliver their finishers.


The sixth entrant lifted her opponent back to her feet, with the intent to go for her finisher.


She turned her around and locked her arms behind her back.


The Glamazon then lifted the helpless girl high up in the air for her finishing move.



The look in Sakura's eyes was filled with terror and agony. The suspense of hanging up was killer her.


Suddenly, the Glamazon transitioned to a sitting position.



Beth Phoenix mercilessly slammed Hagiwara's head and body into the mat.


"A Glam Slam on the defenseless Sakura! Again, this assault has gone too far!"



"And you're an idiot who's laughing about it!"

"Excuse me, partner! I'm trying to enjoy the match!"

Beth Phoenix struck her signature pose, making the audience boo and hiss.


She then faced toward the ninth entrant and allowed her to take her turn to execute the Widow's Peak on poor little Sakura.


Tara brought the nearly lifeless girl back to her feet.


She then kicked Hagiwara in the stomach, forcing her to double over.



The forty year old woman placed the teenager's head in between her legs and wrapped her arms around Sakura's waist.


She then lifted her opponent into a position where the former idol and the Tara were back to back with the seventeen year old.




Sakura's neck was pulled across the head of the ninth entrant, and her legs hooked over the wrestler's waist.


From this position, Tara dropped to a seated position, driving the back of the opponent's neck into her shoulder.



Sakura fell on the mat and lay face down on the canvas.


The teenage idol laid completely motionles after taking that hellacious beating from Beth Phoenix and Tara.


The forty year old wrestler walked toward the edge of the ring and raised her arms in the air, showing the crowd her dominating abilities.


At first, the audience jeered for the former TNA Knockout. They wanted nothing more than to see one of these women get what's coming to them.

It turned out that they got their wish a lot sooner than they think.



Suddenly, Beth Phoenix came from behind, grabbed Tara's legs and tossed her over the top rope.



By the time she figured out she was being double-crossed, the ninth entrant had already hit the arena floor.



The TNA Knockout leered at the Glamazon for betraying her.


But Beth Phoenix wagged her finger at her former partner.


Regardless how angry Tara was, her mistake cost her. The TNA Knockout walked away from the ring, not seeing the titantron counting down to the next entrant.


"I don't believe it! Right after Tara hit the Widow's Peak, the Glamazon seized the opportunity to eliminate the five time Knockouts Champion!"

"I'm shocked, Al! We thought Sakura Hagiwara would be the next one to be eliminated! But in a sudden turn of events, Beth Phoenix backstabbed her partner and knocked her out of the Ryona Rumble!"

"Being preoccupied with the crowd cost her big time! With that, two competitors remain! The fresh and powerful Beth Phoenix, and Sakura Hagiwara, who's flat on her stomach and out like a light!"










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Avid Affiliate
Sep 6, 2012
Oh wow! Now this is what I call a chapter. Harley sure made an entrance (and an exit). I'm glad you used this chapter to grant kained's and my request to do some thrashing on Sakura Hagiwara. Boy, did you give her one good beating. Tara and Beth were competing against each other by doing all kinds of throws to Sakura. That's beautiful and devastating at the same time! I love it!


Potential Patron
May 10, 2013
Great chapter.
I loved to see White Lotus in action.
She lose, but, I am happy for see fighting.
Thanks for the oportunity


Avid Affiliate
Oct 2, 2013
I love this story. We're already of third of way there with the entrance and who knows what the next one is? Sad to see White Lotus go too. I like to see a little more thrashing of her, but what you did so far was magnificent.


Casual Client
Sep 4, 2013
Sakura is like a ragdoll in this chapter! I'm speechless (really!) poor Sakura.
It'll be nice if you make a fict about Sakura! Two thumbs up for you, mate! :D

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