Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (17 Viewers)


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Hmm.... Ryonaneer, free downloads are limited to around 350 mbs, bigger files need accounts. Is it possible to upload several smaller files? Sorry for being so picky btw, 3GB is also kind of an issue due to size if you have a crappy pc and internet (hello...)


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Hm, well, it actually is a lot of smaller files, I dunno, I'd have to make sure none are over that size. Guess I should spend time looking at it?

I tried putting up one of the longer ones I made into a folder, does this work?

Zaysha Zaysha Thanks! Very cute stun! What version of the game do you run? Like region I mean. I was trying to find one you did a video of recently and I could not find the character, wonder if that's because she's not released in america yet?
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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
KR got a girl named Krishna, should have her stun up by tonight

Another great hero with great animation. King's raid is by far the mobile game I enjoyed the most (in terms of ryona of course, since mobile games have low gameplay value) possibly followed by seven knights. Their stun animations looks great in the hero viewer, and looks even better in a real battle. The stuns are just so authentic and attractive and you definitely know they had put efforts into that. If there's any possible improvements I'd say they should fix the animation viewer, makes it more stable or even allow to zoom in even more or rotate for more than one axis
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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I'm using ver.03.25.0041(1134) atm currently on the US server. I can zoom in but then i don't due to the fact I might make it switch to a different animation.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ahhh I was wondering why I could not see a few characters it's cuz they aren't in the shop for some reason but I found them. I should record stuff from this game sometime.

Added Mei.

Ummm also! Think I figured out how to do Kings Raid stuff?

When I do everything I wanna I might put it all in a folder on mega also.
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Ryonaneer Ryonaneer : Putting all the individual files in MEGA works wonders, especially with the small tumbnail that allows you to more or less tell what each vid is about. Seems the way to go.

For some reason the mediafire links take to the main page instead of a download...


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ohhh weird I think I figured out Mediafire.


I will try to upload them to mega when I'm done with them. Yea I guess it works well too, just a lot of them are small clips so it makes more sense for me to have a download.

Biggest bummer is I have no way to tell my old subscribers who might like this stuff that i am makin it. xD Oh well. I also need to spend less time on this stuff anyway so that is good.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Yeaaaa huh, I'm super duper excited for the game but there's not really any new ryona stuff from the looks of it. Maybe alt voices from the different languages, it looks like? That could be nice, especially with some characters having new English voices. Alsoooo there ARE a few more new ladies but they're just not really my thing aside from Daisy, who I know will just have stuff as Peach, but with her own voice. There is supposed to be new facial expressions too aaaand I do like those a lot in Smash Bros so maybe there will be a few surprises there?
The game looks very good of course! I'm very excited. I'm adding the KR ones I've done so far to Mega, been putting a couple new characters up on mediafire every day so I'm getting there. Renting Soulcalibur 6 and kinda disappointed how many characters are missing. There's also no game over screen like before, no lose poses aside from time over which is super short. Of course it does have some better graphics, some new voices and all the customization stuffs.

Trying to think of what games I'm excited for new ryona from...hard to think...
More Kings Raid or that other mobile game? Epic 7? x'D
Smash will prolly have SOME new stuff if I look for it...

How many more SKullgirls characters need to get added to mobile before it's a full roster? They said they wanna do new characters after that and there's a lotta cute designs already for that universe.

Indivisible, that should be a good one when it's done next year. Hoping it'll have some extra animations we haven't seen in the demo but we'll see. There's like two knockbacks, a knock down...and that's it, except Ajna has low hp animations, multiple it looks like for each different weapon, which is nice, but I didn't see those animations for other characters. It's gonna be a while but I'm super excited to see some indie characters in that game for ryona like Shantae and Red. ^u^ That artist seems to get into it a lot.

Hmmm well there's also DOA6 whenever that comes out, I like some of the new looks of it and they have more facial expression, wonder what else might be new?

I guess we're prolly gonna get new SFV season characters announced soon, huh? I bet they'll do another season for it. I don't play it anymore sadly but I do like the ryona from it. xD And it's fun to watch at EVO and stuff.

Oh and I want to try SNK Heroines somehow we'll see if I can rent it. There's so much right now and I wanna play Pokemon Let's Go before Smash if I can. I'm only super lucky to rent anything at all right now so...

Um, now I'm ranting but yea. Guess I usually look to RPGs and fighting games but a lot of those lately don't have the little ryona parts I like so yea.

Alsooooo I don't care if a buncha dumb men try to say she's "ugly" the new she-ra is cute and whoops her bff who totally doesn't crush on her have a big argument with her because of course they do and maybe i got distracted

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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Stun/Sleep/Paralyze is the same animation in Epic 7 Seven, a bit difficult to capture. Stage 2-1 has enemies that cause Sleep/Paralyze but it goes away once the turn ends -_- so if I can get a character to act before that happens the recording should be doable.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Humm can't seem to get them to do it to me...my character kill everything in that level too fast. xD
There's no defend command in this one, huh? Only the abilities at the bottom right?


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
I should try all those new mobile games but too lazy XD.
I went back to SAO vs Accel game again and noticed a skeleton stun my character.
Sadly they do a quick two hit combo which brings the char out of stun on 2nd hit.
Seems like low stun rate also.
stun SAO vs Accel.jpg


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
You mean Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee?

Is it just me or She-Ra's feline friend looks like from the Thundercats 2011? XD

Good job on King's Raid BTW.

Smash doesn't have much new, true, but still rather polished models make it worth a check when it comes out, even if only Daisy is all the new girl we have. And yeah, game is hype as hype.

Zaysha Zaysha : The elemental golem like boss has a counter with high stun chance that hits the whole party if you attack him three or four times.

HaquaFan HaquaFan : Animation seems to be the same as Lost Song. Still pretty nice though.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
HaquaFan HaquaFan , a JPN guy recorded the stuns, he did them in the desert, there's also paralysis from the scorpions in the nighttime desert. Yeah, they are pretty much the same as SAO: Lost Song.

Epic7Seven gave me two stunners (with 50% chance), going to doing arena... and yes my theory works stun them before a) their character hits the active point and b) any of your characters hit the active point before them.
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Do you have the link for the SAO vids?

amd yeah Stun essentially makes you lose a turn, when your character's turn comes the status goes away but the turn is lost.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Sure I'll see if I can find him again... hopefully his channel didn't go down.
- UPDATE: The channel went down (and so did a lot of channels... a good 20 wiped out)

Also, I stare at my screen so long at work, that I really can't go home and stare at the computer screen, but the good thing is that I have a few long weekends coming up.

Gotta have some fast (or slow) people on your team:

EDIT: 8 characters done from Epic 7 Seven... arena tickets are so slow in refreshing
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