Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (14 Viewers)


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ohhh cool! How are you doing the stuns? I really like the one for Rin, haven't seen that yet!

I found one for a character I also hadn't seen. You can use it on your channel if ya want!


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I pulled these people (Purrgis, Zerato, and Ravi) in the 30 try 10x summon... I was like... aww yeah, now I'm spending my gems to get more arena tickets...

(4 more characters waiting to upload now... Yufine, Karin, Surin, and Armin)
- My other accounts I just kept reseting (if you go to settings after your luck sucked after 1-10, you can 'reset' and it will initialize your account on that particular server then you gotta go through all the damned tutorial but try your free luck on the 30 10x summon again... you're only guaranteed one 5* (and you can have as many 4*'s tho... artifacts just suck (purple haired girl will always show up when you get a 5* char, pink haired for the 5* artifact -_- )


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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012

There are many variations, Forest Golem, Snow Golem, Dark Golem. The forest one seems to be the easier to access and to fight . Sorry for the lack of details- But there should be a Golem Hunt available in the menu that takes you to a boss called Obsidian Rubeta which is the Forest Golem. Is seen at the very end of the video


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
HaquaFan HaquaFan , I haven't played this game in ages... all I remember the videos were released before AWvsSAO came out here in North America. When I saw those videos, I was like man it's the same as SAO:LS and didn't bother doing them, only was interested in the ryona voices of the new characters.

Epic 7 Seven: Uploaded maybe 20+ characters now, trying to find characters that I can't OHKO is kinda difficult now. Ah those Golem hunts... been farming them to get better (Health and Attack weapons atm). But if you managed to get one of your characters stunned, they will be dimmed.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
oooooo wow thanks! Looks like you found a bunch! I found a couple you haven't yet. But I dunno these characters names. xD
One is a nun lady and one is a blonde girl with a wood shield and a mace. Though I don't think the footage would match the rest of yours 'cuz I think I have the music muted but just let me know if you want them. Thanks a lot, it's cool to see these!


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
In the lobby, go to the upper right screen where you see 4 blue boxes then go to journal. Here you will see all the characters listed in the game. Some aren't out yet, like dragon girl Luna.

I'm slowly trying to get them all. Some will be difficult (especially some of the 3*'s).
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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
So happy I got Luna's stun from the KOR server (had to use Maya for the stun).

Might start move to another game. I'm sure this is old news, but KOR releases Seven Knights II -not liking the art though and it's free adventure-, Blade & Soul for the mobile. I'll probably move back to Knights Chronicles to get the rest of the characters I haven't done yet.

Most of the JPN games are coming Q1/Q2 here in NA. Like Death & Re:Birth, that dragon game, I might pick up Crystar (only found one ryona video of it), but there is really nothing much stun/dizzy wise.

This channel is old (don't think there's stun though):
- 4 ddollars
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ohhh wowww yea that's a real good one! lucky!
Thanks a lot for yoru work on this. Even if you quit now, you got so much! And you got every one I wanted except for like one, plus this one with Luna that is great!

If I had to pick my favs from this game...I would probably say Luna, Maya, Kiris, Rin, and Yufine. There are some others with great expressions tho too. All around I'd say this is one of the best games I've seen for dizzy ryona! It has detailed animation, good character designs, and even good expressions. Thanks a lot for making time to make these!

oh yea I forgot, I have some stuff to share but forgot to upload it and its late. I'll do that next time. ^^''
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
You only missed a witch lady wit a pumpkin, you got everyone else or almost everyone else. Great job!

Still, will let you know if there is anyone else so if you're interested in the future to cover them. Good luck!

Any plans to keep doing Tree of Savior? At least with your current character?


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Ryonaneer Ryonaneer T Thief , I'm not dropping the game still going to search for them in arena. I don't think the girl with the pumpkin has been released yet on any of the servers (there's also other characters I haven't seen yet mainly 5*'s, though certain char's alts (like Maya, Karin, Silk, Tenebria, etc) started to pop up but they are on the high end of the arena).

T Thief , I was messing around in ToS since it's free on Steam, not sure what the highest level there is but it's 300+. Is there something you find interesting there?


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ohhhh, I think the main girl I haven't seen a good clip of yet is Lorina maybe?? She might be hard to find tho...

But yeaaa cool I will definitely enjoy more of those form that game~! ^u^
BTW what is this ToS? Tree of Savior? What it is? It's a free to download game?


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Ryonaneer Ryonaneer , ToS is free to play MMORPG (12GB download) from Steam. Closers is also on there too.

T Thief , hmm what enemy would do that...

Epic7Seven, found Challenger Dominiel and Helga. I think the black haired girl in the intro tutorial is an advanced form of Destina.
ShinNaZuki, uploading like 17 videos here mostly ryona though (I already did the low hp/stun/sleep animation in "Action Figure".
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
I think in Epic Seven you can also find in the arena the Scythe using white haired lady from the beginning of the game.

I dunno about Tree of Savior enemies, yet. I've seen an Ogre like boss do it, but he was quickly killed.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I've been looking at the rankings in arena, and I do see characters that I need to do, but the Global servers reset arena and I got shot back to the bottom, so I have to work my way up again.

I am almost done Shin Na Zuki.
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ahh cool, I will look forward to more of those from ep7, I appreciate it a lot. I'm gonna try to gif 'em.

I have some recorded stuff from a while back I'mma try to put together.
Here is some of it.


Some artwork and video footage of Robin from an indie game Iconoclasts.
BE CAREFUL cuz the video footage is from like very end of the game! In case you don't wanna be spoiled.
Just some cute sprite animations I liked of a very cute character. Sad she never talks in the game. It is cute to think of her as mute buuut I just think it's onme of those dumb oldie things or something. I will headcanon she is a mute. -^^- So cute when she's all tuckered out at the end, that animation was never in the whole rest of the game, lol. I guess she's just too tough to get tired until she beats um...whatever that is at the end. x'D

There's also no ryona sound but my sound didn't record right anyway, so I just muted it.

Ah! Also, quick recording of timeout animations from Soul Calibur 6.

Not a big deal 'cuz it's old aniamtions n' they don't even have real lose poses or anything like the old days. Kinda lame. I do like the way characters look and the cute underwear designs, though.

Oh oh!
I found a buncha old gifs and stuff from before that got rescued from when I lost all my stuff before...Just all kindsa things I liked.


Next I wanna keep recording the Kings Raid ones, get those up and make GIFs of them, or at least ones I like. And also make gifs of he epic 7.
Got a bit of spare time these days until December so I'll see what I do then. Even if it's just for me to reference later, I like having this stuff in gifs.

I also downloaded Tree of Life, any advice on where to find the kind of enemy who causes stun?
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Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
I also downloaded Tree of Life, any advice on where to find the kind of enemy who causes stun?
Never heard of the game XD. Also not sure why some videos can preview on mega and some can't.

I made a status collection video on SAO LS for Rain on my test channel.
Not sure if there are more status to record but don't feel like progressing lol.
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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
HaquaFan HaquaFan , ooo, I like your new test channel. I'm still wondering why my YT site still hasn't gone down yet, am I just too soft or the games that I play aren't really well known? You have God Kiana... lucky. I'm on the Global one and it's still behind from getting God Kiana. But I'm sure you got every status effect from Lost Song.

I have another batch of videos coming soon...

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