Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (15 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Ah, it's May already... -_-

Tales of Wind (Mobile) came out... already got stunned :o
Dynasty Legends (Mobile) has stun...


Took a small vacation, so I'm back in action again. I've been working on some games on my PS4 then jumping into my PS2 (US or JPN) undecided. PS3 is on the backburner and it's in my room while I get to certain situations in the game.
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Hummm PS3 reminds me that I still can't find a good look at Kat's stun from PS All-Stars and ugh you still can't play the game on PS4.
What sortsa stuff you making with PS3 and PS2?

Keep up the good work~!


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
PS3 (not full list)
- Drakengard 3 with the DLC of the other #'s even if it is a duplicate wireframe of Zero
- Mugen Souls & Z, the rest of the chars JPN & US voices
- Various Neptunia
- White Knight Chronicle 1 & 2
- Akiba Strip (us & jpn voices)
- ... and others

- depends on region i choose


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Any plans to do more stuns in Ragnarok Odyssey?

The counterparts voice stuns start May 18th.


- Went through a few KOR mobile mmorpg games (remember I'm on the US iTunes store), most of them sucked except for one.
- Hmm I have this game on the PS3 called "Tears to Tiara 2" (strategy type game). I'm sure there is ryona related content...


I think I'll start with my JPN PS2 first.

Re-uploads would be
- Summon Knight: Ex-Thesis
- Summon Knight: Grand Thesis
- Tenshi No Present: Marl Kingdom Story
- Simple 2000 Vol 91: The All*Star Battle
- etc
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Avid Affiliate
Nov 13, 2018
For anyone who plays epic seven, I recently managed to datamine all the korean and english voices. Some of the girls have such nice death sounds
unit list: E7 Skill Data (it's the 4th tab under unreleased character watch

some of my favourites are KR lidica, mercedes, mascot hazel, ravi, achates and EN clarissa, mistychain, mascot hazel, rose and rin


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
R Ryonanon , nice. I know that rr lg on YT would love to have the English voices.


Ungh, still missing a few girls from Revue Starlight -_-


PS2 JPN games done so far:
- The All Star 格闘祭 (stun videos are coming first 5/13: Riho, Reiko, Makoto, Fuyue, Mayuki, Aya, Princess Shaval, and Ginnie... ryona videos coming later, 6/5)
- Black Cat (Eve, re-upload)
- サモンナイトエクステーゼ 夜明けの翼 (Ainna, re-upload)
- 大正もののけ異聞録 (Shiki, Suzune, re-upload, Fuzuha later)
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014

Wowowow what a great find! Thanks a lot, I will look into those for sure! I been playing it a lot lately and now I don't need to grind for the friendship levels.


Vivacious Visitor
May 5, 2019
Hello, I'm new here but I've been following this thread for quite a while. I'm a big fan of everyone here's work.

Zaysha, although I didn't see her on the spreadsheet, I was curious if you plan on doing Etna in Trinity Universe?


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Welcome welcome, tutturu~

BTW Ryonanon, is there a way to tell which files belong to which characters in the voice files you posted? :oops:

Ohhh Renyonar Renyonar it looks like they posted it!


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Some of you were curious what I own, I need to update this list when I have a chance (last updated 2017, I must've added 50+ games, and this is the reason why I am swamped atm... was hoping some people would lighten the burden from me from the YT channels but very, very few are doing "rare" games), the "the ??? column is which games I've done already":
- Video Game List

I just realized that I lent my friend my 2nd and ONLY PS2 controller and the AI in "The All*Star Fighting Festival" sucks a-- (even on the highest difficult the enemy runs away like every 10 sec, what a dumb AI).

Btw, is Freedom Planet 2 coming out? I still have ryona videos from the demo. (Nvm, Q1/Q2 2019)
- Here's the demo: Freedom Planet 2 - Coming Soon!

Game finished
- エレメンタル ジェレイド 纏え翠風の剣 (Elemental Gelade) -PS2- ... no stuns sadly
- (NEXT) 舞ー乙HiME 乙女舞闘史 (Mai Z Hime Maiden Dance History) -PS2-... ryona first (5/26), stun 2nd (6/23)


Stun found in this game (only female char in the game, this guy does rare games, I try to find a place where I can download it -mostly on sketchy sites-):
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Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ohhh yea Freedom Planet 2 is a thing that is happening..!
You made ryona of the demo? Is there any new stuff compared to the first one so far?
Ohh thanks for the filename list that helps a lot!


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
They are older, game looks pretty... I kinda don't want to release them yet due to the game not being out, and I also want the searchings for 'Freedom Planet 2' to saturate so the nitpickers don't find my channel. I usually also try to put the music on lowest setting to avoid music copyright infringements which will guarantee a strike to your channel.




- Yay, I acquired a 2nd PS2 controller...
- The upcoming Kings Raid female (archer) looks pretty cute...


  • KR_Yuria.jpg
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Elemental Gelade, eh?

That was a fun manga, the story was a bit cliché but it was fun and the artwork was gorgeous. One of my favorites out there


Avid Affiliate
Nov 13, 2018
something to note as well for e7, for some reason some units have more death sounds/hurt sounds than what can be previewed in the game. Angelica only cycles through 3 hurt sounds and 2 death sounds in game, but has 4 hurt sounds and 3 death sounds when datamined. Same thing with mistychain.
Not sure why they took out the additional hurt/death sounds


Vivacious Visitor
May 5, 2019
To add on to that, some of the e7 sounds cut out early in-game, but play for their full length in the files.

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