Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (5 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
quiet_resolve quiet_resolve If it's 7Knights, it's been done before (should be in my 7K playlist, which is from the lose pose from arena); therefore, just wanted ryona but stun came extra in some of them (but technically, you're right and some of them do have stun). The others I did forget the 'Low HP' stance which in turn is similar to the stun state, which I might have to go back and redo.


Ungh, the YT channels that had ryona videos from games that I owned, I didn't do... but now that certain channels are gone, and I gotta do those videos...
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Casual Client
Mar 16, 2019
Wasted turns with healing and such and still barely managed to pull it off with a balance of taking out the enemy team to prevent interruptions. But now it's there without being darkened out.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Oh, there is a stun in Ragnarok Odyssey Ace (PS3), kinda forgot how many voices are there for the game (maybe 8, but all US), but I'll try to mix up the costume model though (probably do 2 videos of each voice 1) with just voice and low hp ryona and 2) with stun low hp because the bosses has KD and does the ryona attack very few -not sure if there is a different stun animation for each of the 8 weapons, but I'll find out-. Should be completing this over the weekend.

Final Blade (Mobile) - I got Manorah, Krystal, Lunar, and Farsha (up to date with the females, but not their awakenings).
Chain Strike (Mobile) - Creating a montage stun video of all 8 directions (N NE E SE S SW W NW) if I'm lucky
Ar nosurge (PS3) - Done, this game sux (kinda where my YT avatar is from which is one of the bosses named Nelo)
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Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
Stun from The Vagrant. The game itself is not bad and pretty cheap.
Wanted to make a normal ryona video on it but I keep on putting it off lol.
Don't remember what other contents it has though.



Also was wondering if anyone seen the stun in God Eater 3?
There's a voice preview for it but didn't see it yet in game.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
HaquaFan HaquaFan , nice one. I follow this guy named VOLTREX on YT since he plays random games on Steam that may have potential ryona content, he did play that game, but I just skipped around in that video if it was ryona content worthy. He's been kinda playing RPGs lately tho (like the ones you can make with RPG maker, but with the ryona content like from here: English Version: Download English adult / hentai doujinshi & games at DLsite Adult Doujin.

And so I miscounted the number of voices of Ragnarok Odyssey Ace (PS3)... it's not 8, it's 20. Unfortunately the first stun video doesn't come till late April. If you forgot, here: YouTube Release Video List is my scheduling list. I'm ahead by a month but mobile content is somewhat starting to die.
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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
HaquaFan HaquaFan , nice one. I follow this guy named VOLTREX on YT since he plays random games on Steam that may have potential ryona content, he did play that game, but I just skipped around in that video if it was ryona content worthy. He's been kinda playing RPGs lately tho (like the ones you can make with RPG maker, but with the ryona content like from here: English Version: Download English adult / hentai doujinshi & games at DLsite Adult Doujin.

And so I miscounted the number of voices of Ragnarok Odyssey Ace (PS3)... it's not 8, it's 20. Unfortunately the first stun video doesn't come till late April. If you forgot, here: YouTube Release Video List is my scheduling list. I'm ahead by a month but mobile content is somewhat starting to die.
Please do more videos on Raid! Thought it could be great


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Nothing too big but I did make these

(thread has three there)

Also I did a better version of this one

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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
quiet_resolve quiet_resolve , I haven't been getting much females from the game (mostly guys), but if you kinda look at the characters, they seem to share the same wire frames and stuns are very similar, not to mention the modeling too.

Ryonaneer Ryonaneer , nice... it's been so long since I played that game. I do have all the Alchemy games on the PS2, but I'm still on my PS3 atm (might take a while for me to finish, my previous PS3 had the saves of the games I played with but lost them all due to the fact it overheated, so I have to beat all those games again).


Anyone know if 'White Knight Chronicles' (PS3) or 'White Knight Chronicles II' (PS3) has a stun that's different from the animation of 'sleep' (heck does it even have stun)?

I just hit 1800 videos (currently scheduling the month of June atm).


Finally got this character from SAO: Memory Defrag, I suck at this game so bad. I can't play it properly and I'm just going through the game with sheer brute force. I'm currently missing 3 female characters atm.


  • IMG_6150.PNG
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
That purple haired girl is the villiain in the latest season isn't she?

Regarding White Knight Chronicles, well the first one does have stuns, but it's called KO

So I guess the second may have them?


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
That purple haired girl is the villiain in the latest season isn't she?

Regarding White Knight Chronicles, well the first one does have stuns, but it's called KO

So I guess the second may have them?

Hmm, that says WKC 2, so it's the second game. I guess I'll have to find out, thanks for digging up that for me.
- Yeah, the girl's name is 'Administrator'. Seems they are coming out with another SAO game that basically follows 'Alicization'

My PS3 will be discontinuing a bit until I get to certain areas on certain video games. Now should I jump to my Saturn or do my PS2(PSX) collection.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Gonna check out if I can find something on WKC2.

Say, if you revisit PS3 can you do Angewomon in Digimon All Star Rumble someday? It's a fighting game so it shouldn't be so much of a grind effort.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Ah I see... I never played WKC 2 yet, probably play the 1st one until I get to a certain point (you know that 'ryona' spot) and stop.

I need a day rest to recover from this Easter weekend, messed up my sleeping schedule again. -_-

Revue Starlight (Mobile) came out.
Overhit (Mobile) is taking pre-registration.
Final Blade (Mobile) releasing a crap ton of female chars soon -_-


Bah, Revue Starlight has no Low HP or Stun or any different status ailment stance, and only has 1 hit voice and 1 death voice -_-
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Casual Client
Mar 16, 2019
I made a GGX2 Dizzy video the day the Collab started and ninja'd you on the Dizzy dizzy.

I saw that Achates was not in the files. There is a YT video of the stun but Baal is in the way so I guess that's why. Can get some redone to take out things like barriers and such. Here are several.



Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ooooh cool! I was JUST thinking about Achates earlier!

These are great! thanks as always! I will gif these soon and add them to the twitter and mega files.

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